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Why do Japanese people always take pictures of their food?
Food is so delicious that it must be remembered fondly before eaten.
It's part of their relgion.
My sister does that, but we're Viet. It might be an Asian thing.

I also know that there is a site dedicated to just displaying food pix.
Is that you, Ryuuji?
A couple of my friends do this, they are Indian.
Why do you ask so many stupid questions?
Why Japanese always censor face in photograph?
The Japanese practice Shinto.
It's shinto anon
He just wants to talk about something with someone. Take it easy and just treat it like a conversation.
Only foreigners because of their big semitic noses.
Why do you have such a small penis?
> treat it like a conversation.

*freezes up and slinks into the corner*
No, he doesn't. He just wants to ridicule people to make himself feel good. He reminds me of those douchebros you see on the street.
>implying anyone actually practices or believes that shit
hahahaha why don't you have a girlfriend anon

ahahahahah >:)
The Japanese are crazy superstitious. In nine out of ten of my accurate cartoons, they believe in blood types, horoscopes and clapping.
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Maybe you shouldn't be taking pictures of your food if you're so sensitive.
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because occidentals don't understand social relations why out alcohol and sports.
The thread has several posts and no insults. I think he's lonely. We're all lonely here.
Seriously? All the people I've ever seen doing that were murriclapians.
Food is delicious and is the foundation of culture and society.

I take pictures of my food, and I don't have a drop of Asian blood in me (aside from the probable Ghengis Khan). Food is art. Maybe if you ate something other than instant ramen you would be able to appreciate that.
It's so they can avoid talking to each other if only for a brief moment. I'm sure /jp/ can understand.
You're making it very difficult for me to take it easy, friend.
But I eat good food every day, sometimes I even take a picture of it.
>implying most of amurrika isn't asian

Fair enough, but they're not Japanese.
Wow OP you fucking asshole
That's funny in /v/, not here. Please stop.

i agree with this man
>implying they aren't 70 something percent japanese
>Asian food
>Good looking
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do you even understand how racist this is? so ignorant, this is why everyone hates amerifats.
Who do you think you're quoting?
Why do people always take pictures of asian people taking pictures?
They're meme arrows you idiot. When you want to say something without correct grammar, you put it after meme arrows.
Only asians take pictures of asian people taking pictures
Their lives are so empty that absorbing sustenance counts as an event.
get out crossboarder scum

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