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File: 1352847909627.png-(127 KB, 600x800, Meido.png)
127 KB
So what's the point of this janitor protest? Is it to show us what /jp/ would be like without them so we stop complaining?
File: 1352847948476.jpg-(77 KB, 1280x903, kaibatears.jpg)
77 KB
It is to show how good as HELL /jp/ was during the good old days
>>10049709 (OP)
>Now there is nothing on /jp/ that

 can be considered a shitpost!
I liked your old kaibarain.gif better d00d.
File: 1352848060938.gif-(492 KB, 460x345, kaibarain.gif)
492 KB
This one is not crying tho...

I wanted to show how my heart is crying inside
Learn to visual semantics.
Another shock therapy.

We've seen that before.

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