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It's been a while since the last one. What are you listening to /jp/?

Previous thread >>9905964

Try to give album title, circle, genre and a sample track If possible. Sound images are okay too.

Album: NoTRicky Sequel
Label: Fractaleline
Genre: Electro, House, Techno
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I'm not sure what genre this is, I assume power metal nor am I sure if S.S.H is considered doujin but I'm in need of face meltan music to get me hyped for... well, when I'm playing Meltan.


Not so much like the related pic. Decent album but too heavy for me.
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>>10020672 (OP)
Album: Somersault
Circle: TRäkker (Taishi ft Aoba Ringo)
Genre: -no clue-

Sample: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8OqEuEJv6Zs
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May I hear some sample please?
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Album: Poptrick
Circle: Poplica*
Genre: Pop, Electro

Xample: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dk3-10eSjq4
>>10020672 (OP)
Forgot sample.
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Album download: http://www.mediafire.com/?613d25cbx93p2ll
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At the very moment?
Album: Eternal Fantasia
Label: DiGiTAL WiNG
Genre: Pop, trancey-pop, dance music I guess

Not a great album, but it has some nice tracks. I'm a big fan of arranger アサヒ, their stuff stands out like crazy on DW/Halozy albums to me. Among my favorite tracks from events, the one arrange アサヒ usually contributes with is almost always in my top 5.
The アサヒ track from this album; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0I5PKc82os
The "Tomorrow Will be Special" arrange contributed by Linjin/Itori on this album is pretty amazing, I think. I still listen to it regularly.
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>>10020672 (OP)
good taste ITT
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One of my favorite circles/artists up to date.

Album: Blossom
Circle: Syrufit
Genre: Electro, House, Techno, Dnb

I think Syrufit is unarguably one of the very best Touhou arrange circles right now. Personally however, I prefer their C82 release, White Clear, over Blossom (even if they are both great albums).
God-tier taste, my friend.
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One of my recent favorites, that Spirit of Avarice arrange is just too good.
That's a nice album. Tho my favorite would be gratitude.

This year it has been really tough to get into the summer comiket Touhou arrangements, perhaps because of my depression. I've listened to all my favorite circles and some of the main stream stuff, but there's a lot piled up waiting to be listened to. Do you guys have any must listens from C82 that you could recommend? Hopefully that might make me feel a little more motivated.
I... I don't even remember one song from C82.
I was actually thinking more along the lines of full albums. I also realize it's been several months since C82 already, I guess doing nothing all day disturbs your idea of time.
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Album: 珍時怪異
Genre: IDM, Ambient
Sample: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TBbtEUPjkc

I really wish that producers would do more experimental stuff. If anyone happens to know of any 2hu IDM arrangements, feel free to recommend me some.
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most of the dnb was pretty bland imo. some good rock/pop/jazz, but few overall god-tier albums. most of this is electro because that's the way my preferences go.

[cubegrams] NOT 4 on the FLOOR
[10th Avenue Cafe] Gensokyo Sabou ~tea for two~
[EastNewSound] Limited Dimension
[EastNewSound] Blaze Out
[pastyle] Asphyxia Report
[Syrufit] White Clear
[ORANGE★JAM] love★montblanc
[Diverse System] AD:TRANCE2
[AlliumProjectとCompllege] Human Beings Were Led to This Light
[S.C.X.] 〆Deadline
[Rolling Contact] Progressive Starbow
[Forestpireo] Perfect Pretty Phantom
[TAMAONSEN] One's Own Way
[TeddyLoid] Electric Alice
[俺++(Includeore)] 宴 -BANQUET- Vol.2
>[10th Avenue Cafe] Gensokyo Sabou ~tea for two~
>[EastNewSound] Blaze Out
>[Syrufit] White Clear
>[TAMAONSEN] One's Own Way
>[Forestpireo] Perfect Pretty Phantom
I've listened to all of these already... but thanks for the rest.

>most of this is electro because that's the way my preferences go.
Can I recommend the C82 ZYTOKINE albums Gold and Silver in return? Gold in particular is a great album. If you like White Clear and Blaze Out you might like them.
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UTY/UOM Records - ほっちぽっち4beat

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yep I listened to them. both solid albums. there were a bunch more I was close to including, but I didn't think anyone would want me to list half of the comiket releases.
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how about some underrated stuff?

Album: Yohi Musubi
Circle: Riverside
Genre: Pop, Rock, Electro, etc

Sample: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_8IfYzKAvc
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this is one of my favorite albums of all time
oh heres a sample

I need to listen to more Riverside albums
Blackflash Audibility was great too.

I see. It would have been ok with me, though. But then again that might make it hard to choose where to start. Well, at least this got me to start unpacking some of the more recent stuff I downloaded. Thanks again.
Just wanna say thanks to those who share.
These threads are why I love you, /jp/...
Blossom and Love=All (and everything else by them) is absolutely god tier
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I'm listening right now

Anyway, I just realize that none of it's member ever featured in any doujin circle besides Riverside.
what sites do you guys use to find your music?
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I agree. Those are my two favorite Syrufit albums out of all. avidya, 2chain, and white clear aren't far behind.

is that really how 11s say it? i would think ぐーごる or something.
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You guess
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Album: Little Planet
Circle: FELT
Genre: Pop

I'd think グーグル
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Album: Human Beings Were Lead to This Light
Artist: Taishi
Genre: Electro, Dance, Dbs

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one of the few rare albums that I like everything about it
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holy shit this is made of god.
mouse on the keys - Sezession
It's nice.
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Forgot album art.
Where is EastNewSound or IOSYS listener?
EastNewSound isn't too bad sometimes, but them and IOSYS aren't very well-liked around here.
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since when? I know some turgboners get their dicks in a bunch because IOSYS is regarded as secondary shit, but it seems like there are plenty of people who fancy both circles.
>turgboners get their dicks in a bunch because IOSYS is regarded as secondary shit
Exactly the kind of person you were replying to. But I agree that both circles are great.
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Well right now I am listening to Twinhooker & Paulie Walnuts (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WB2azQfPlI4) but that's Jungle and no one here likes that. The last /jp/ related thing I heard was:

[Pastyle] Asphyxia Report
>Drum & Bass


Great Touhou D&B arrange album from what is quickly becoming the leading name in Touhou D&B arrangements, I think they've outdone Sound.AVE and IZMIZM now. I alwyas used to complain that Doujin D&B has this particularly usage of synths which make it all sound similar and different from non-Doujin D&B, but LAZ and crew have started moving away from that which sounds good to me. There's even a track on here which would sit quite well with anything released from Critical Music and reminds me of Alex Reece - Pulp Fiction, which shows that LAZ is managing to sound old school but still as modern as D&B gets. Impressive stuff as was Unconscious Step, Glorious Behaviour, Dimension of Bottom and Chiasma.
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4 Is my favorite out of the Super Shot albums, my heart wasn't ready for it.

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You have my attention


Maybe next time
>You have my attention

w...what do you want from me?
2 kinda 80's pop sounding songs i like from c82:
[Halozy] Cinematic Disc #03 - ウインド・ロウ
[love solfege] 蓋然性進化論Ⅰ #02 - ラプラスの戯曲
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OP here, I love me some EastNewSound. That was my thread opener for the last thread if you look at the OP. I prefer their non-touhou albums, but I enjoy most of their stuff. Uncanny Instinct has been one of my top
played albums since it came out.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9F_oZPEiq7A& (favorite track)
latest album of this circle
some of their earlier works:
they use mainly vocaloid
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Here is the 2012 Mouse on the Keys album if anyone wants it


V0, only 4 tracks.

I can also upload An Anxious Object which is one of his earlier albums but I'm sure that one could be found much easier.

You can never go wrong with a little hyadain.
OP again, I've been making this thread off an on for a close to 6month, I know a lot of you dislike "General Threads" but it seems like everyone is enjoying this, sans the asshole last thread raging about giving sources. Anyways, I'm going to keep the Doujin Music Threads going since it's more appropriate here than /mu/ and i love being able to take it easy, expand my library and help other /jp/ers do the same.

Thanks for making these threads awesome, guys.
Do you listen to western music?
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Okay I decided to upload some more albums

Toe - The Future Is Now (2012 EP), post rock/instrumental rock

Pia no Jac - This Way Up, amazing piano playing

Mouse on the Keys - An Anxious Object, jazz

Ryuichi Sakamoto - Out of Noise, classical/electronic

té - 音の中の「痙攣的」な美は,観念を超え肉体に訪れる野生の戦慄。, post rock, instrumental
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As sweet as Felt can get.

Are those 2hu? I'll check them in any case though.
No, just various japanese artists
I just realize, I don't like ENS, lel
I admit, they're very good, but unfortunately not my cup of tea.
Some, there is some good UK hardcore and a lot of great other Western electronic music.DJ Ravine and DJ Cotts have some great mixes and they are Australian. Growing up, my friends mostly listened to rap so I'm familiar with the classics and some street stuff. I don't know what is popular here besides what I hear on the radio or pandora randomly while driving.

Really, I'll listen to anything, I just prefer electronic and happen to like j-core's style, it's more... melodic or something. If I had to limit it to a few I would say House, Electro, DnB, Trance, Hardcore, Break Beat and Dub on special occasions.
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The Best
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Album: 地 -KUNI-
Genre: Mixed, from funk to rock

Sample: Flying Bucket Adventure
I was lurking the last thread with that guy in it, amazing how someone can be so stupid. Keep it up with the threads.
What music genres has Touhou not been performed in?
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Circle: Halozy
Genre: -again, no idea-

Zample: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTFGpuacgZo
I'd like to see 2hu acapella
Western rock? I have been desperately looking for a touhou arrange that sounds like this
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Album: Skyrise
Circle: Levo Lution
Genre: Melodic Trance

Sample: http://levolution.info/skyrise/
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Blue Flame
Amalgam Digital

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Album: Revolutionary Vol. 1
Artist: Immortal Technique
Genre: Hip Hop
Cool, but not enough.
I like this one. Haven't listened to it in a while.
Good album, but not /jp/ related...
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Kuniaki Takenaga - Alice in Steamland
i'm quite impressed, solid industrial sound. my favorite from last M3


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Album: Me and my Monkey on the Moon
Artist: Kojima Mayumi
Genre: Jazzy pop

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Not all too sure what to think of it yet.
Kojima Mayumi is so fucking great.
Someone posted this on another thread a month or so ago.. What's it even called? Google is pulling up nill...
I only know him as the guy that did the dream battle BGM for Touho Osana Reimu
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Words can't describe
Ovum, it's some instrumental post-rocky stuff.

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German neo-Detroit Techno
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Words can't describe.
Why are people posting random music in a doujin music thread?
The only non-Japanese things? The two rap posts were obviously the same guy looking for a reaction, and the German electronica shit seems like some guy missing the point. Not that big a deal, just scroll past them.
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Nice reaction image, bro.
I'm not your "bro" you fugging nerd
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Cubegrams - SUPER AURA
Psytrance, electronic, progressive.
Sampler: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fe5aofFSJ8o
Album : http://www.mediafire.com/?x63q3gq8xo96t40
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I really like this one

Sample: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MjcxeH9U4s

Album: http://www.mediafire.com/?1rd8go89tio5pa5
The last time I listened to Als Record, it didn't live up to my expectation. But, this one sounds promising.
Also, that dubstep is not well-made
My fucking ears, that was too high pitched.

This one in the related links is great though
Futile efforts to save thread against spam.
this is the only one I thought was very good

rest of the album ranged from boring to decent.
Just wanted you to know that you are awesome and should continue these threads, I love them!
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Album: House Set of Subtereanen Animism
Circle: Black Cat Lounge
Genre: Take a guess...

Yamame's theme, because why not
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because best theme
I don't like Tokyo Active NEETs at all, is there any other good jazz groups other there? Preferably some that have a little swing to it rather than just going through the songs with saxophones and 4x speed drums.
Azure&Sands has some good albums.

Though personally I like the NEETs the most.
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Circle: MonoROSETTA
Album:. Lotus Land St (C82)
Sample: http://youtu.be/-c8VkrGD_n0
DL: http://www.mediafire.com/?1z2ckziuy34hw3d

Definitely one of my favorites from C82

It's pretty good.
I mostly like vocal pop-folk arranges of my favorite themes.

Some examples:

Some nice circles are FELT, Diverse System, dBu Music, C-CLAYS, Buta-Otome, CTBR, Diao ze yong, Disaster, Floating Cloud, Mohican Sandbag, Yuuhei Satellite...
Latest TAM piano.
Eargasmic albums, /jp/
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I love this circle. They made a lot music I can listen to with no end.

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