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What is the biggest culture shock you experienced in real life?
>>13249264 (OP)
>>13249264 (OP)
korean cousine

Nederbros aren't all useless stoners, in fact they smoke less than stoners in other countries.
Coming across a squat toilet on Crete or Cyprus
This is the biggest mindfuck for people who go to The Netherlands. They find out only like, 5% of the people actually smoke weed.

That's what happens when you don't turn weed into THE GREEN DEVIL, DOPE, CHRONIC etc. Regulate and tax.
Is superior, aligns the organs and allows you to shit nearly perfectly.
Going to Latvia. I thought it would be a bit like Finland, but it was (still) full-on Soviet tradgedy.
Dat grayness, dat collective depression
how are you, ching-dong-ding chan?
>Regulate and tax
Can we please borrow your government for maybe 5 years.
They would die upon arrival, casualties to the Second Emu War.
When I went to Bulgaria.

I thought it would be something like Lithuanian, but then I went there and sheiit.

It's like Lithuania 15-20 years ago
That's more of a stereotype thing, but thanks anyway for acknowledging that we're not all stoners.
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White as anything you filthy monkey.
The rabbits took care of the emus.
>Even Australia's rabbits are blood thirsty

Jesus Christ!
I met a couple from california. We talked eagerly and at some point they asked which profession i have. So i answered that im in the german military. He looked very suprised and said: "Oh. I wasn't aware that Germany had an army since.. you know."
This was my first chunk of the legendary american education.
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>anal canal
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One month in India. The first week was like a punch in the face.
Wasn't implying that all stoners are useless.

Look at that lettuce, completely destroyed it.
When I backpacked around Russia and expected pure Commie depression, only to find the most beautiful cities, nature, and the friendliest locals.
10/10 for a place to visit
Please don't judge us by our Californians.
Going to Montreal.
Needless to say, I hated it.
Complete shithole?
I've got a similar story:

I was backpacking with friends through california and met an american dude (bachelor in microbiology) who traveled along with us for a week. At one point he asked; "Do you speak anything beside english in Holland?"
He just thought we spoke english with a weird accent.
Argentina is mestizo
Even the 'smart' ones are ignorant, happens here too.
Most parts, yes. But I also have some of my best travelling memories from India.
Did you get any of that 10/10 pussy? Did you buy a tracksuit?
I was in Poland once, their women eat with mouth open
A black family in a darkmixedafrican favela compared to my family, darkies and black people in this favela.
I feel like I'm with other kind of people, sluts, other language of blacks in portuguese, other behaviors, other musics.

But only blacks of favela, other blacks outside of favela are sometimes normal for a natural brazilian behavior, and sometimes they are more africanized like people of favela.
Most of times black and all people in streets are normal, blacks of favelas are more africanized, crime, sluts, other musics and language, other behavior.

Black people of Bahia are more niggers even in streets.
The blacks more africanized of Brazil are in Favelas of Rio de Janeiro and Bahia.
>Buying a tracksuit
It's like a bearskin, except sleek and practical for the average slav.
To kill and 'skin' a slav is to be a real man.

No, and yes I bought an awesome and comfortable pair of trackies.
>>13249264 (OP)
when travelling to spain the locals are massive dicks, not helpful or friendly at all.

explain yourselves
Wow, I was about to post the same thing. Russia was a really nice place to visit.
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Not the biggest culture shock but.....

I was working as a cashier at retail store this past winter when a couple came in to purchase a hat. They were speaking to each other in German and when I asked them if it was Doytch the man said "Yes" with a look of surprise on his face and then turned to his gf and in English said "see, I told you they're not all dumb"

Thanks dickheads

Dey dont't wike der Dutch?
What part of Spain?
top lel

Surely you went to Madrid.
Probably bidets, I thought it was an elaborate drinking fountain.
Why would they be friendly, you're a filthy tourist?
No sprecken der nazi

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>mfw people here eat fries with ketchup rather than mayo
>mfw no personal space what so ever
>mfw people try talking to you despite you not knowing them at all
>mfw they pretend being your friend when they really aren't at all
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I once entered an all white neighbourhood, horrific experience. They tried to poison me with something called lamingtons. Never again.

>Where is your accent from?
>I'm from England
Your English is shit.
And it is not about being black or Africanised, but about being raised in a favela.
Was a compliment.
>pay for something in Turkey
>don't get any money back
>have to make a fuss to get my change back
You fucking arab thieves.
Fries with mayo huh? I'm intrigued, tell me more.
>fries with mayo
Brazilians are a bunch of savage monkeys
What about the toilets?
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>actually thinking that about the Netherlands
wow how are you so fucking stupid
>Australian flag
oh i see
He was just being polite. Your accent is shit and incomprehensible.
Are you living in Brazil, Denmark?
Speaking about buying stuff from Arabs, I love how you can haggle everything
We don't do that. He is retarded.
>tfw people here talk about god/mention god as often as possible
I'd even dare say that some are delusional when it comes to religion, it gets pretty annoying at times.
It is a fact, ask a Dutch person.
going to india. man only looking at those poor people through my ventilated tourist bus's window felt like I was being raped
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learn how to speak before calling other people niggers you useless monkey

funny way to do compliments
>move to a country with an official religion
>wonder why people are religious

What's wrong with it? It's pretty common in Spain.
When I learned that they don't speak Luxembourgish in other Benelux countries and the Benelux doesn't have one common language ;_;
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Well, considering stuff like this >>13249536, you can't really blame them. Plus Germans tend to be very frank about things.

Personal story: I spent two months on Mauritius for an internship. I still can't getove how disorganized these people were, in fact they had to put me into another programm because they didn't realize my original intenrship got canceled.

Of course you have the general stuff as well, like no hot water, no washing machine or the tropical sun, but you get used to that eventually. That overal lack of Ordnung and punctuality makes me still mad though.
I hate it, they run my local corner shop and none of the items are priced.
Pretty sure they make it up depending on how wealthy you look.
Yours is clear and not even slightly phlegmy or hoarse from dick and those things you call cigarettes.

>official religion

u wot m8
No redeeming qualities.
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the fact that dutch young people listen to music and party like this:

the fact that there is people in holland think pic related is stylish and alpha.

I'm not criticisng your country, it was a culture shock when i moved there.
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Being religious is one thing, being borderline delusional and rubbing it in everyone's faces 24/7 is something else. I honestly don't give a shit about what you believe in as long as you keep it to yourself.
France confirmed greatest ally. God bless France.
When I was went to DC I was really shocked by the weather and the fact that it looked first world
>enter night train
>walk into empty cabin
>look at the floor
>thousands and thousands of sunflower/pumpkin seed shulls
>looks like the whole cabin is covered in crawling insects
>creeping all over the floor
>notice the foul shit smell of turks
Was complimenting you individually.
The Catholic Church is only religious entity with special recognition (including special legal protection, being the religion to be taught in public schools, and having its marriages officially recognised) since 2010.
> http://www.planalto.gov.br/ccivil_03/_Ato2007-2010/2010/Decreto/D7107.htm

The religious education part is in Article 11.
I'm sorry for that, but what do people do? They ask if you are religious? Or just mention God every time?
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>mfw no personal space what so ever
>mfw people try talking to you despite you not knowing them at all
>mfw they pretend being your friend when they really aren't at all
Why are Germans and Nordics so cold ?
When I went to Berlin and the train arrived 5 minute earlier
I'll keep u warm bb.

em lugar nenhum ai diz que a religião oficial do brasil é o catolicismo. OFICIALMENTE o brasil é um Estado laico

you went to the wrong spot

i was in bulgaria too and everything was new, modern, clean...very nice

the wonders of tourism
você ao menos leu?
You is a brazilian immigrant to be so butthurt about something in Brazil? My english is horrible but I'm better than an nigger american because I'm not black.
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Whatever the fuck happens, be it bad or good they find a way to mention god or god's will all of the time. It's pretty annoying. It'd be fine if it was just one or two people but everyone does it.
he is right

your english is terrible

>average BR
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Makes me want to listen to some yodelling.
stop the lies, you never go outside
Duvido que voce ja nao tenha ido varias vezes a um terreiro.
You're right, but when I did, that was what I experienced.
Also, the ''be with god'' shit, why not just say goodbye or stay safe? Fuck you.
Right here in ameriKKKa.

Zagreb or bust

we don't have to leave nederland for that?

>mfw people legitimately listen to this stuff
>that video
>that voice
Are you of any spiritual belief?
Well, it is pretty common to say "may God be with you" when you go, or to say "thank God" when something desirable happens, or "God willing it" when wishing for something or saying that something will happen. Don't feel offended, even agnostic, or even atheist people may say it sometimes, it is a part of our speak.
In which state are you?
Are you trolling?
No. Raised an atheist.
Everyone and their friends were atheists.
Please go back to your favela nigger you are embarrassing us here
it´s ok

be with god :)

não só li, como ainda li o acordo.

vou lhe deixar com isso aqui:

Art. 5º Todos são iguais perante a lei, sem distinção de qualquer natureza, garantindo-se aos brasileiros e aos estrangeiros residentes no País a inviolabilidade do direito à vida, à liberdade, à igualdade, à segurança e à propriedade, nos termos seguintes: [...]

VI - é inviolável a liberdade de consciência e de crença, sendo assegurado o livre exercício dos cultos religiosos e garantida, na forma da lei, a proteção aos locais de culto e a suas liturgias;

Art. 19. É vedado à União, aos Estados, ao Distrito Federal e aos Municípios:

I - estabelecer cultos religiosos ou igrejas, subvencioná-los, embaraçar-lhes o funcionamento ou manter com eles ou seus representantes relações de dependência ou aliança, ressalvada, na forma da lei, a colaboração de interesse público;




isso é algo que boa parte das pessoas com alguma educação sabe desde antes da faculdade, mas enfim...
SP, i've already mentioned it before.
Good shit ay?
Va com deus amigo
Article motherfucking eleven. Catholicism is the only religion specifically to be taught in public schools, other religions MAY be taught as well.
They can't word it as "official religion" because of technicalities, but it is the only church with explicit privileges.
Get out of Brazil, fucking autistic faggot.
You are a nigger. Please get a proxy, you aren't worthy of posting under our glorious flag.

Shit dude, you sound really euphoric. It's also pretty common in English to say things like "Thank God" and "Godspeed", but they're just phrases. I feel as if you're confusing the large amount of religious phrases people just use in common parlance there with shoehorning God into every conversation.
Which city?
So you can't interpret 'god' as something else then?
Terribly inconvenient.

what the fuck is wrong with these people
SP is a shitty state very third world. Come to the south. We white in here
Fica com Deus.
Deus queira que voce tenha um bom dia.
Don't take personal offence by it. They aren't forcing their religion on you, it is just that it is a part of our speak. We don't even think of not talking about God in order to not hurt your feelings. If you are in a work setting, though, it would be much less common.
No, it's different here, you'd understand if you were to live among Brazilians, phrases like thank god or godspeed are okay if you don't talk about god all of the time already like Brazilians do.
>go to Israel
>it's Saturday
>our GPS leads us through an orthodox neighborhood of Tel Aviv
>Jews on the street look at us like we're the devil itself

I was afraid they would throw stones at us, but that's probably forbidden for being too physical
Nothing, nothing at all.
Get out of my city, there are enough idiots, there, as it is.
Don't listen to him, Denmark. He is gay and wants some Danish cock.
Visiting Ethiopia, The people I visited were gracious hosts and could speak fragmented english but tried and wanted to practice speaking with me . The country is nice so are the people if you have the chance visit.

A República Federativa do Brasil, em observância ao direito de liberdade religiosa, da diversidade cultural e da pluralidade confessional do país, respeita a importância do ensino religioso em vista da formação integral da pessoa.

o ensino religioso de uma forma geral, não de uma religião, mas de TODAS. Voce sabe interpretar uma lei? e coaduná-la com todo ordenamento jurídico?
>worth anything
See that article 5? Racial quotas aren't unconstitutional either. If you think the Constitution should be respected, start a movement asking for it.
It is just nauseous to hear you talk, Canada.
>from the South
My, how did you guess he was a faggot?
For real, are you autism?
Muito obrigado e deus te abençoe
ass washers and snacks instead of breakfast on the continent.
>não de uma religião, mas de TODAS

>O ensino religioso, católico e de outras confissões religiosas, de matrícula facultativa, constitui disciplina dos horários normais das escolas públicas
>católico e de outras confissões
>e de outras confissões
>especificamente católico
>e opcionalmente também de outras confissões

pffff...já deu pra mim. to gastand tempo discutindo com um moleque de 13 anos. vai pra escola, Juninho, você ainda tem muito a aprender
Deus te ouça!
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May god be with you
Amen. With you too.
Have you ever had Ethiopian food? [Spoiler]Neither have them[/spoiler]
It is school holiday m8.
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>Come to the south
No thanks, I don't like faggots obsessed with Germany, in fact, I don't think anyone but Germans like that. Perhaps not even Germans themselves. You're Brazilians, identifying yourselves as anything other than that is ridiculous, your great great grandfather being German doesn't make you one. Also, Germany is a shit country.
Shit I can't think of anymore expressions
>that pic
Regardless of the clothes, why do all Dutch people have that distinctive dutch look?
While the South has some white people, who are darker than Scandinavians, it's very third world.
>implying I'm not Italian masterrace
When I came to know how Turkey is culturally fucked up. It's like they live in a limbo of Western and their retarded traditional culture. "Culturally" Muslims yeah, it means being misogynistic and drinking booze at the same time.
When I went to USA and when I was getting treated to dinner I made a Hitler joke.

The awkward silence then made me have cold sweats and violent spasms in bed for years afterward.

Even now I just shudder to think of it
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I'm just saying, i'd rather be around niggers that identify themselves as niggers rather than the ones who are in denial.
>You're Brazilians
By God! Southerners don't want to be Brazilian and we don't want them either.
If you came here to the south and said it to a Germanboo, shitstorm would ensure.

Many Southern Brazilians suffer of the MUH GERMAN HERITAGE syndrome.
lol but yes I have it's very good food. My wife cooks more traditional meals , they are very flavored.
Why do you hate Muslims? Aren't you one?
>totally thought this pic was gore from the thumbnail
No fuck off.
In which city are you?
Pls USA, gib food.

I'm unemployed and have been eating canned tuna for last two weeks.
Because we're Dutch?
Odd, Did you make it with kikes?

Thats a nice picture.
Get a stick and rock, tie them together and bludgon some birds or a goat.
I guess they just didn't get the joke or something.

It reallyyyyyyyy sucked haha
to be fair most irish people have an 'irish look' about them.
Slaughter a nice fat American and feed as many people as a pig would.
Aren't you supposed to be dead?
>>13249264 (OP)
When I had to spend a month in Germany for work. I would never have thought that in a so-called civilized country one couldn't find drinkable tap water or half-decent food anywhere. Even India wasn't that bad.
Hardly, pigs are wily.

Well maybe they were just gassed.
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>Niggers can identify themselfs as niggers
>White people cannot cultivate the culture of the ancestors

So you're not only fully retarded. You're a left-wing multiculture black-cock-lover. Thank you for revealing yourself, filtered.
Pork has a stronger flavour, requires less to feel satisfied.
Is it true that their toilets have a dry poop shelf?
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>You're a left-wing multiculture black-cock-lover
Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night.
You should have drunk beer.
By "niggers" he meant Brazilians you nigger. We aren't European. I'm fine with you celebrating European traditions, they make a part of your culture, but YOU ARE NOT GERMAN OR ITALIAN, YOU ARE A HUE MAN.
Hey Denmark. In which city are you living? Why are you in Brazil?
I'm German! I dont identify myself with Brazilian culture.

If i could i would speak German only.
Do you even speak German?
Are you from the South?
>brown skin
kek you are no better than sandniggers in rich countries. Why are german so third worldish, always establishing their little communities without respecting the country they settled in?
Yes, and that's utterly disgusting.
You are not a fucking German. You are a nigger with some European ancestry. Where the fuck did you even learn German?
are u a grill btw? I know a grill who speaks German so maybe it is you.
>Implying there aren't cities in the south that have german as primary language.
Very hard to find real beer, most stores only stock the sparkly piss the krauts call "beer".
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But France, we are mildly disgusted and embarrassed by all those wannabe Germans.

Just because your grandma got fiddled by a Jew with a German surname on her boat to Monkeyland doesn't mean you're some sort of lost wonder of the world shipwrecked when you should be in your hilariously idealized fantasy Germany.

14/88ers truly are the worst colonials.
haha nice to discover that i'm not the only one who has violent spasms when I think about past awkward situations. Sometimes I yell loudly "fuck" or "it's alright, it's alright" and start doing something to distract myself lol
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Can you be more ignorant? It amazes me that people bother so much with how others identify themselfs.

You obviously are butthurt that you're a son of a slave and want to be whiter. Please control your pain in the butt. Not everybody is a nigger that know nothing about his family.
You tried these?
Originally from Ireland living in London for work. I fucking hate it here. Nobody acknowledges each other, nobody ever smiles or talks. You could walk into a room with 100 people and hear absolute silence.
Yeah, it's like the memory comes back, like a brief flash that just makes you twitch or spasm.

And it's really fucking unpleasant.
I'm actually white, but I identify as Brazilian. If you don't fuck off back to Germany and see if they accept you.
Scooby, you jewish fag, accept it; its the truth
London is weird. I only live 50 miles away and it couldn't be more different.
I was sure Vargas ended this bullshit. Unfortunately this was not the case
Rio Grande do Sul is like this too.

No one smiles and they make ugly faces when someone unknown enters the room.
>>13249264 (OP)
>People from belaruss, portugal, italy and Turkey smell awful
>I mean they smell like spices and sweat
>maybe they sweat spices, or rub spices on their arm pits to cover the smell of sweat not realizing they are not very good deos.
>Goddamn it when they come in pairs of two they stink up my store like you wouldn't believe.

So yeah, people in the old world stink like fucking nightmare, and they call us apes.

It was probably the first time I encountered a foreign language. I was small only like two or three and my parents were taking me on the thousand island boat tour up in Alexandria bay. I was sitting next to an older woman and I asked her if she thought it was cool or something along those lines and she answered me in French. It blew my little mind, I just looked at my dad really confused like she was broken or something. Until then I had never met or even seen a non English speaker. Still have no idea what she said.
I travelled to Germany on exchange trip with my class, and they never laughed at our jokes.
Oh, the horror of failed jokes.
nigger has human skin color palms
>doing something right
Every single of his actions, even the few ones good in intention, were complete fuck-ups.
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>in pairs of two

well talk about redundance. never mind that, t'was a brain fart.

God no, keep him and his delusions there. Build a wall to the South around everyone who claims to be 100 % German or something if you must, but don't send them here. Between that and having to shell out free submarines to the nation that must not be named, we might just go full Nazi again.

These guys are all inbred frat guys with rich parents
German people (at least the northerners) are cold, that's a fact.

When I was a child, I remember waving random people from a cable railway and nobody waved back.

This was in the northwestern part, near a coruna

spanish people there are dicks
>Build a wall to the South around everyone who claims to be 100 % German
>fill with water
>problem solved
This happened to me a lot in India.
A friend of mine went to Spain. He saw people peeing from windows of high buildings.


-MUH quality of life


-The country have no culture
-Deep insecurities
-Immigrants are exploited and do shit jobs
-Rising Poverty
-Shitty environemental record
-Shitty healthcare system
Why yes, japan. Sharp observation.

[bubbles from pipe]
Cause they wank like Chimpanzees.
I went to the USA and I met a bunch of creationists with guns on motorized carts.
>-The country have no culture

Is that even a thing to care about? holding on to some make-believe notion of past glories and modern refinement?
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>be 9
>go to spain on holiday
>go to beach
>tits, tits everywhere
yes that's their one true virtue.
>Google spanish tits
>All big, round and soft with gorgeous nipples.
Based Spain.
I feel you bro, just ignore them
I thought that was quite common in most european countries...
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>Go to America
>Everyone asks If I'm Dutch
>Tell them I am from Denmark
>''Oh where in Sweden is that?''
>Went to Israel
>Vast majority hate multiculturalism, immigrants, race mixing, gays, love guns, etc.
I-it's not happening
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not in the benelux though
>Go to America
>Everyone asks If I'm French
>Tell them I am from Belgium
>''Oh where in Germany is that?''
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>went to Arkansas
>they have drive-thru liquor stores
I've seen plenty of topless females sunbathing here. Maybe it's just Belgium?
Have them all over Australia, step it up m8.

People were actually smiling and happy to talk with tourists....

If you don't speak Spanish, you are going to have a bad time. I'm Spanish and we admit that we are useless in learning foreign languages. So, next time, learn some Spanish (it's your duty, learning English to understand you is not ours) and you will be treated much better, I guarantee.


I've done this after a crazy night. And my french friends too.
>invoordat muh Lien
It's not necessarily because of religion, I mention God and Jesus a lot in my phrases and I'm an atheist. It's just a way of talking.
i meet californian who didn't know that there is a country called spain
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Asian genes
Was it May Day?
Same in Norway. I remember getting lost in Oslo and we asked for directions to a woman, who was chilling in a cafe with some friends. She left her friends and went along with us until she was sure we found the right place. Amazing.
she wanted the D
What the fuck?
So, don't get me wrong, I love America.

But the mother of a friend of mine once asked me 'if we have ambulances in Holland'.
She was super sweet, nice and an amazing cook. But I can't even begin to comprehend how someone might think this.
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Damn it, Pierre.
Your favourite uncle is fond of human shit, or they just like looking at it.
culture of ignorance, like ours.
At least you guys have the Cowdownie Fair

haha I'm sure she didn't want the dick, she was like 50 and we were a mixed group of undergraduates. I guess she thought we were some naive kids.
i'm spaniard so
Damn it, pedro.
>A washout toilet, informally called a German toilet, is a kind of flush toilet predominantly used in Germany and Austria. The German terms for this type of toilet are Flachspüler or Hochspüler. The German toilet has a shelf in the toilet bowl above the water surface to hold the faeces before flushing, where they may be inspected, dissected, or assist in the easily collection of samples. The sample can the be used for analysis, or be added to a collection.
>be added to a collection
>Germans make collections of poop
I woke my dog laughing, that is good kek.
implying I speak dutch
It's like, we can't look each other in the eyes, but if you ask for something nicely, we'll go to hell and back to be helpful.
Nordic autism and all that.

How do you think they find the material for scat porn?
Americans shake their heads while talking as if they are having earthquake

And now you know why France is our biggest ally when it comes to export.
>being from the shit part of Belgium
Every part of Belgium is the shit part of Belgium.
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Not the part with Flemish women

>tfw Flemish women hate Dutch men
>tfw I will never get a qt Flemish cute accent gf
That's not what culture is.
When I was in Wien I got shocked by this hellish device
>not having your own collection of feces
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>>13249264 (OP)
British women
>>13249264 (OP)

Children in Turkey who ran after a jeep I was in while shouting "dollars dollars!"
Big agricultural sector, we need some good fertilizer for our crops.
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>tfw no cute Flemish gf who whispers sweet words with her accent in your ear while cuddling in bed and listening to this song.
disregard the female in the vid)
>>13249264 (OP)
>culture shock

Prob Balkan countries especially ex YU, just when you think people in those countries cannot sink any lower they manage to shock you

Croatia,Bosnia(kebab part) and Fyrom are like mental nightmare version of Twilight Zone
Sounds vaguely gypsy.
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in Romania
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>Porty cannot into squatty

duly noted

I know it's healthier for us humans but I'm not doing it.
I can see a confused tourist bathe their baby in that toilet-crib looking thing

waving around at strangers make you look retarded.
Not when you're on a ferry or something like what he used.
And waving at random people isn't weird when you're a kid.

I never wave back because I'm petrified people might think I'm a pedophile, but I do think it's adorable
japanese squat toilets look like sleeping urinals
>>13249264 (OP)
When I was in the United Kingdom (Nottingham) for the first time, I saw that most shops that usually open late in the US promptly call it a day at 5pm. And it was summer, it was still daylight!

Apparently the only things that are open are takeouts, pubs, and clubs.
nah mate, it's fun. You should try it and look at the reactions of people. Most of them don't know how to react and end up in somewhere halfway between waving back and ignoring. It's hilarious.
Waving at children is acceptable.
Look at Marc Dutroux over here
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>pic related
I'm a Norwegian in Spain and I've been here plenty of times, but never really felt that dick-attitude. They are pretty nice, even if they can't speak english for shit
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Dutch specialities in the World Cuisine section in Southern France
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>no Calvé peanut butter
Why do they stack things vertically like that?
Open the image in a new tab
I had a culture shock when I realised most countries don't allow you to drink in the street.

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