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Travelling alone & hostels Bernd No. 18282060
JPG, 720x480, 42 kB
JPG, 1127x1600, 445 kB
JPG, 1914x2679, 4.1 MB

I have some spare cash and lots of free time now, so I think it could be fun to take a few short vacations . . .

Anyone here stayed in a hostel before? I'd be travelling alone of course (bernd — no friends)

Also do many other solo travellers stay in hostels? Would it just be really awkward and sad?

at the moment I'm considering benelux, scandinavia, maybe eastern europe . . .

t. anxious traveller

Bernd No. 18282094

I've done it loads of times, it's not awkward or sad at all. Lots of people travel alone and it's really easy to meet people to hang out with in hostels.

Bernd No. 18282102

Yes, many times. No, it isn't awkward. The only problem is that sometimes people you share room with are talkative.
I had usually really good experience and I always travel alone.
If you think that you won't feel comfortable, hostels in most cases have private bedrooms.

Bernd No. 18282114

>I'd be travelling alone of course (bernd — no friends)

W-would you like someone to travel with?

Bernd No. 18282118

Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore and then Indonesia.

Nothing can go wrong!

Bernd No. 18282252

Done that for months at a time.
Most people there travel alone and it's easy to get to know people. From my experience, stay away from Hostel chains and try finding independent ones. There a 4-6 bed dorm is ideal to get in contact with people.

Bernd No. 18282279

How much does this sort of travel cost?

Bernd No. 18282284

Hostels are fun and every one I visited in Europe demanded you to have your passport there to prove your ID before getting a room.

Bernd No. 18282285

If you will be coming to bruxelles then sleepwell.be is an excellent hostel

Bernd No. 18282331

> Would it just be really awkward and sad?

Yes, it would. Most people who travel alone are keinbernds who have no problems meeting people and striking up friendships. Being a bernd in a hostel would be a hellish experience.

Bernd No. 18282342

Why are you considering to go to Scandifagia? It's boring and Switzerland is much more beautiful than those countries.

Bernd No. 18282361

I find its better to travel alone you have more freedom

Bernd No. 18282390 SAGE!

Oh wow, 0/10

Bernd No. 18282407

>Would it just be really awkward and sad?
it depends on why you're travelling. in my experience, if you want to actually take in a city and see places, it's better to be alone and explore, rather than having other people around who want to do their own thing and slow you down. if you want to unwind and go out a lot and socialise, it's worse to do it alone.

Bernd No. 18282452

this, hostels are full of people who have no idea what the hell they are doing and just go to different countries to have another background for their "hangout"

I've been to a few where there were guys who just went out, got drunk and went back to the hostel and never did any tourism-related stuff at all (what's the point?)

Bernd No. 18282492
Bernd No. 18282777
JPG, 1238x929, 308 kB

Thanks for the reassurances. I'll be sure to make IWO threads on /int/ for each place that I visit.

Y-you too. Thanks for the offer, but I am really pretty awkward in person, not the sort of person you'd want to travel with : >

>I've been to a few where there were guys who just went out, got drunk and went back to the hostel and never did any tourism-related stuff at all (what's the point?)
That's a minor worry of mine, that everyone in a hostel would just be fratboys and want to get tanked the whole time. I have a pretty big interest in history, so my main motivation in travelling is to explore and learn about places first-hand

As much as you want it to cost, I suppose. I'd be travelling with EasyJet and aiming to stay in hostels or budget hotels . . . that feel when no more jewgolds in your bunker ;_;

Maybe I could find people on InterPals and OKCupid/Badoo to meet in the places that I'm going to travel to

Bernd No. 18282802

A few times+couch surfing in Croatia, Japan, S. Korea

Actually traveling alone is much more fun. You are more independent, can go wherever you want, for as long as you want, also it is easier to get to know other people. When I was traveling alone I started a bit to "look down" on people who were traveling in groups.

Bernd No. 18282820


>what's the point?

It's called having fun.

Bernd No. 18282828

>everyone in a hostel would just be fratboys and want to get tanked the whole time.
But it's mostly like this. Especially the Australians are such people.

Bernd No. 18283048

Is an interrail pass worth the money?

Bernd No. 18283093


Yeah, was fucking awesome. But before you go, try planning the trip a bit and find out cheap hostels, local concerts and sight seeings beforehand. Having one of those smartphones really helps too (didn't have one ourselves)

Bernd No. 18283193

>When I was traveling alone I started a bit to "look down" on people who were traveling in groups.
I sort of know this feel too

Bernd No. 18283213

I use Airbnb, cheaper and nicer than hotels and hostels.

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