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Bernd No. 18283170
JPG, 500x601, 42 kB
JPG, 1280x720, 121 kB

I watch animu.

Also not a virgin. Lost it at 19 y.o.

Meanwhile, you 27+ y.o. virgins keep on hating on animu benrds for being "losers", and comparing us to ponyfags

Yeah yeah. We know who real loser is here.

Bernd No. 18283191
JPG, 258x195, 12 kB

I am bydlo

Also not a virgin. Lost it at 12 y.o.

Meanwhile, you 27+ y.o. virgins keep on hating on bydlo benrds for being "losers", and comparing us to niggers

Yeah yeah. We know who real loser is here.

pic is me one night while you were brobably on /int/ taking about no gf

Bernd No. 18283205 SAGE!

But I hate these chinese cartoons not because they are for losers or ponyfags, but because they are shit. These faces really piss me off.

Bernd No. 18283219
JPG, 639x426, 79 kB

I watch japanese pron.

Also not a virgin. Lost it at 42 y.o.

Meanwhile, you 27+ y.o. virgins keep on hating on japanese pron benrds for being "losers", and comparing us to maniacs.

Yeah yeah. We know who real loser is here.

Hidden thread: 18283170


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