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Th-thanks f-for everything France.
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Stop that shit. You're making us look soft.
Fatty fat fat
Ils sont connards qui nous détestent. Y allez, mon ami, avec tes français.
Kanker kanker kanker
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geert pls go
remove metworst
This one of those

>huuur im so ashamed to be American and I wish the stereotpyes weren't true. look guys, im European! Im trying to fit in! I'm on of you! Im not fat or in a mobility scooter, im an apologist and I wish I was European please accept ;_; (ps im 6/17th irish on my dogs side.)

Hey, I'm a first-gen immigrant and I still am more proud of this country than some of these Anglofat faggots
No. I love my country. Was just thanking france.

You can calm your tits now.
Thank you France for

-collaborating with the Nazis
-anti-American propaganda
-corrupting emo teens with francophilia
-French Quarters
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But France is sleeping ;3
Thanks, France, for hating us.

Really, fuck you.
they are just being tsundere
You can never trust France
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Yeah, t-thanks...
Hi France
Europe is sleeping you silly willys
go to bed
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>>7984139 (OP)
>Thanks, France, for hating us.
No, they're just being assholes.
Thanks for making everyone else look good, France!
Thanks, France. For that one time I tried to order a bottle of water from you, and you thought I was asking for a potato.
Thanks France, for having hot foreign exchange students that are sexually liberal.
France sent soldiers over to help us fight our war against the British. We literally wouldn't be a country without them.

So yeah, we owe France very much big time.
Get over it. We sunk a whole lot of money during the World Wars.
Have you even fucked one yourself? I doubt it.
thanks france for my wife.
Having spent years in France I can tell you with certainty that French people are shit and France is a toilet of intrigue, duplicity, pretentiousness, nationalism, and perversion. I can't count how many times where the French act cordial with you but when they believe you're not around or you don't understand their language, speak of you in the vilest way. The French are seldom direct and honest. They're constantly scheming and conspiring, it's always a chess game with the French.

Why yes, she sure got pissed when I asked her to whisper French nothings in my ear though. Just because your a fat aspie NEET necjbeard doesnt mean we all are.

Why don't you get over your France-hate go back to eating your 'freedom fries'? No one cares.

I bet you fellate the Brits' at every opportunity, even though they tried to keep your country from existing, and act like you're part of their 'anglosphere' because they're trying to live vicariously through your country's greatness?
Yeah, cool story. Please, tell it again. With more petty name-calling.
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France-USA-Japan three way.
Plains of Abraham best day of my life
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>trusting the French
Not at all. I hate them from experience. And I hate Britain too. They hate each other because they're so similar.

You're obviously a troll but for those who don't know, historically the French propagated their culture to the ostracized, the mentally ill, the sexually confused, the young and inexperienced, and other rejects of society with the intent of gaining a foothold in foreign countries and subverting them. These Francophiles are what the French called "idiot utile" and the French executed them once they outlived their usefulness.
French president is a Jew.
American president was installed by Zionists.
Of course a national bond was bound to happen.
Well Obama can be blamed for a lot of things, but liking the jews is not one of them.

Oh and we bonded a looooong time ago.
>Implying you could ever look good.

Thanks, France, for being so glorious.
Get over yourself, you delusional apologist bitch.
>this guy
What exactly am i apologizing for? I have a feeling you think I'm someone I'm not.
Thanks for everything America and Fr...

>those memories.

No.. fuck you both.
Take a deep breath and relax. The land is better off with us, and you know it.
California and Texas are both great, man.
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>French exchange student
>looks normal
>overheard a conversion she's having with girls
>dating comes up
>other girls say they have one or two ex's or dating for first time
>French girl says she had over 12 ex-boyfriends
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French people are the only Euros that like us
Poland likes us too.
Wow... Really? THAT'S the country you think likes us most in Europe. Man oh man.

so cute
Its true if you look at the polls.

ITaly and poland do too, but most of europe including britain hate us

>this video does not exist
1 girl was being honest. the rest were lying
its true.

My co-worker is French. He's a total creep because he only chases after women who are married or dating other men.
Her Frenglish is terrible and she's probably doing this for English class. Get fucked.
It's funny because it's true.
>Uploading a video to youtube
>Assigned for homework

There's a saying that Frenchman's home is another man's wife.

I had a similar experience. French promiscuity is shocking. So much for Catholic family values.
Much rather Italy than France.
Get over your /r9k/esque mysogynism for a second.
I've seen it and I never said that was homework. Listen to what she was reading. Accent work.
Fuck France.
some faggot on /v/ posted an assignment from his school that was about reddit. even inciting them to post and get at least 100 karma.
>Another Italian cocksucker
Nope. I like them and wouldn't mind moving there but they're run by a corrupt government and Sicy is a shithole. U. S. A, motherfucker. Also, liking France is obligatory but Italy is cocksucking?
>Get over your /r9k/esque mysogynism for a second.
no man. it's called experience.
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>can't into proper punctuation
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>liking France is obligatory
>Another arrogant, self absorbed douchebag with his head so far up his own ass he's suffocating himself
And you wonder why the world hates us.

>>I hate them from experience

Like what experience? Did a Frenchman shit in your soup or something?

>>And I hate Britain too

Oh, you're one of those people. Never mind trying to explain why you hate France and the UK, it'll come out as sounding like you complaining for being rebuked for being an asshole or a totally made up story.


>>You're obviously a troll

Yes, just call anyone that disagrees with you a troll.

>>but for those who don't know, historically the French propagated their culture to the ostracized, the mentally ill, the sexually confused, the young and inexperienced, and other rejects of society with the intent of gaining a foothold in foreign countries and subverting them. These Francophiles are what the French called "idiot utile" and the French executed them once they outlived their usefulness.

So Benjamin Franklin was an idiot, and was executed by France when he outlived his usefulness?
How the fuck does that even make sense

>I don't like it
>I'll call it edgy
>I'll just attack his grammar and stay inside my little shell of naivety
French outside of the tourist areas are fucking bros and the nicest people on the planet.

Meanwhile, the the rest of Western Europe is full of passive-aggressive shitfucks who feel entitled to lecture you about American politics unprovoked, to the point where no other topic is discussed in any conversation, as if you can just go back to your hotel and get the president on the phone and tell him to knock shit off.
lel no one gives a shit
Only a retard would admire a country whose heroes are made up of a prostitute who practiced witchcraft and an insane midget.

The French originally planned to invade the US and install a puppet government.

>Benjamin Franklin

He wasn't a francophile. He just liked their whores.
I gotta congratulate the lobbyists who convinced the american population that the French and France is the sworn ennemy of the USA. After all we went to war against the USA two times. Right? :3

Or maybe that's just anglo legacy, we represent everything wrong and they represent everything good.
>Being this delusional
1/10 got me to respond
N-no France, we love you. ;_;
Please take us back.
we love you france pls

Last Gallup poll was 75% approval for France from Americans, about the same the French had towards us.

We don't hate you. :3
France never had a single chance to be liked by the americans.

From the americans with their muh german heritage who feel entilted to hate France because France was mean to Germany and those who feel a bond with their anglo identity and thus must hate the goddamn French.

I mean we're filthy papists or atheists while they are pious true believers.
We are socialists/commies while the real american is a capitalist.
We are a nanny state while they are muh freedom.
We are artsy arrogant faggots who cheat on our women whenever we can while the americans are humble faithfull people.
We stink because we don't take showers while the americans are always clean with shiny bright teeth.
We are lazy always caring about our personnal confort while the americans are hardworking generous people.
Oh and we are weak and cowards while the americans are strong and brave.
We are duplitious while you are truthfull.
And the list goes on...

I mean for you we have ALL the defaults and none of the qualities you have.

And even those who might like us, like us for something we are not.

Well, I can live with that lel
It's about approval of the country, not for liking the French people.

Look at Louisiana, the "Frenchest" region in the US. It's the most inbred and shittiest part of the US.
New Hampshire and Vermont are the states were people of French ancestry are the biggest groups.

>What is Mississippi
>What is Alabama
>What is Arkansas
>What is Kentucky
>What is Upstate New York
>What is Maine
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>never had a single chance to be liked by the americans


Its more for fun than anything else

ignore file name
Yes but we don't act French, mostly because we hate Quebec and don't want to encourage any of them to move south.
>In 2005, just two in five French and Americans said they considered the two countries somewhat partners. This year [2010] that number has jumped to seven in ten in both countries, proof relations have improved. While half of Americans say France can be a disloyal ally, the study revealed a notable increase in the number of both French and Americans who say the other country is a loyal ally.

>Greater numbers of adults in France and the United States say that they generally like the other nation than have said so for eight or more years (65% in France, 48% in the U.S.).
>Yes but we don't act French, mostly because we hate Quebec and don't want to encourage any of them to move south.
Fake New Englander detected. Get out. Most Mainers are chill with Quebecbros, as are New Hampshirites. Hell, a good many of us have Quebecois family. Stop jumping on the /int/ bandwagon.
I have German heritage and I'd much rather go and live in France than Germany.
>Getting along with Maine or New Hampshire either
We hate all of North New England too.
Here is the Gallup poll. Most Americans like France, actually.

Just stop. You don't speak for anybody but yourself.
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forgot pic
I can tell you this thread is currently 95% true.
Well, No one I know likes Quebec or New Hampshire, especially Quebec, because their drivers keep getting into accidents here.
Then again, I live in Chittenden County, which is to the rest of the State what NYC is to Upstate New York. People out in "Real Vermont" probably would agree with you.
go back to bed dad, its not even 6 Bong yet.
Why are we sucking up to France again? They're just another dumb Euro country. Not like the UK, now that's a true friend.
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Oh a question for French peoples:

(too lazy to make a new thread)

How likely would it be for an average French person to know some Spanish?
Is it different between age groups?
>anything in vermont being like NYC
>somebody from burlington being this mad
How's that out-of-state tuition going? Is it expensive?

It's one or two samefags blowing the surrender apes.
>True friend
You need some medication for all those delusions.
And it's the same single samefag trying his best to shitpost and derail a thread with horrid troll attempts.
Well for one France never declared war on us and has actually helped us out quite a few times. It shares our republican values and our two countries have always had a mutual appreciation in terms of literature, film, art, and architecture.

The UK on the other hand just expects us to give them free technology and shit because they're our "daddy." They have never helped us out and yet constantly whine about our "lopsided" relationship.

And Americans like you eat it up.

Also for the adorable accents.
I'm pretty sure than more than 80-90% of high school graduate have good bases in Spanish. It's one of the most widespread foreign languages here along with English.

Also, bored french here, ask me anything culturally related (don't want to go much into politics, because of the bias).
Nicest part of France to live in?
>anything in vermont being like NYC
Chittenden County is over 1/6th of the population of the state, and we're not a lot like people in Essex or Rutland County.
>How's that out-of-state tuition going? Is it expensive?
Yes it is, here in Massachusetts where I am attending college.
>Butthurt Essex County Redneck detected.
You run over any police cars with your tractor lately?
I shall entertain you with my questions about France

I noticed that French students do long divisions different than we do, do you know any other examples that differ from us in education?
blah blah blah
fact is our law, literature, art, architecture, philosophy, etc. is more heavily influenced by Britain than France. Oh also we speak the same language and beat the shit out of Germans together. I don't hate France, but I'm not going to pathetically suck up to them. Fuck that, UK has always been there for us since the great rapprochement.
I think the French are awesome. Some stereotypes say the French don't think the same about America but /int/ has shown me otherwise.
Pick the friend:

>Our oldest ally
>Has never been at war with us
>Shares our system of government
>Appreciates our film, literature and music for what it is
>Actually likes us

>Declared war on us
>Continued to mess with our shit for another 100 years
>Expected us (not asked, expected) to help them during the world wars
>Bitched about us being late to the party
>Begged us for money to reconstruct their shattered economy
>Bitched at us some more, complained about our "lopsided relationship"
>Constantly looks down its nose at our cultural production, while stealing it and copying it
>Doesn't actually like us
>Essex County Redneck
You know even less about Massachusetts than you know about Vermont. Yeesh.
Do you happen to know anyone with the surname Froté?

My grandfather's surname was Froté, he came from France... also, do you know what it means?

>Muh Heritage
>>Shares our system of government
France is civil law, right off the bat they are fundamentally different
I swear you people can't see past Britain's irrelevant queen
I love France too.

Vive la France !
The French aren't popular here for good reason. I only know one or two people who genuinely love French culture. One is a Deviant artist yaoi fangirl dating a niggеr and the other batshit insane gay guy who loves Lady Gaga.
>never at war with Americans

ummm French and Indian War ring any bells?
It means "rubbed". :)
Essex County VT, Population 6,306, literally the entire county is nothing
The only Noteworthy thing to ever come out of there was that one guy who ran over some cop cars with his Tractor.
>Not knowing which state I was talking about
Tell me more about how you know my home state better than I do.
I'd say either near the Alps, Brittany or the South-West. As for towns goes, I'd say Bordeaux, Lyon or Rennes.

Our method for teaching foreign languages is shit : we do everything by writing.

Apart of that, I don't really know. We are much more into mathematical formalism.

Froté looks and sounds like frotter, which means to brush, but it may be a coincidence
what the fuck, lol....
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You just went full retard.
>Actually likes us

If this is true why did we abandon the French Republic when they needed allies to prevent the European powers from re-instating the king/Napoleon taking over.
To brush or to rub.

Depends on the context, if your ancestor was a painter it maybe be "to brush".
guess who most of the people fighting under the "great britain" side were
the colonies that would turn into the united states
lel america always existed.

Also sorry for "starting" the conflict.
Thanks for the information bro!
Full retard indeed.

You must be proud that you know this, but at the end of the day civil law is not drastically different from US constitutional jurisprudence.

Because we didn't have an army or navy?
But were they at the time?
You're an idiot.
That's like me saying everyone in Texas is Mexican because it was once part of Mexico.
oooh this is interesting now.

He was a bricklayer/farmer.
>but at the end of the day civil law is not drastically different from US constitutional jurisprudence.
So are you stupid or lying
Frotter can also mean female masturbation.
>Constantly looks down its nose at our cultural production, while stealing it and copying it

The Office
Who Wants to be a Millionaire
Dancing With the Stars
Dancing on Ice
The X Factor
America's Got Talent
Master Chef

It's adorable how terribly inept your own creative departments are.

It's okay though, you can suckle at the teet of British creativity any time you want.
>So are you stupid or lying
But civil law, at the end of the day, is not different from US constitutional jurisprudence. It really isn't. I know that you are proud of the fact that you know the difference between common law and a civil code, but really. It's NBD.
Maybe you know from which region he was from ? If he was from Savoy or near Swiss, maybe he did come frome here, there is some vineyard with that name there.
>But were they at the time?
Were they the colonies that would become the United States?
Yes. Yes they were. George Washington fought in that war ffs. You are terrible at arguments.
Aw man, i recently discovered Sherlock, great fucking show.
I ask again, stupid or lying?

As for television, you don't even bother to remake US shows, you just have them playing nonstop.

>George Washington fought in that war ffs
He also fought in the Revolutionary War alongside the French, you fuckwit.
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>list of modern British cultural accomplishments
>Who Wants to Be a Millionaire
>Dancing With the Stars
>Master Chef
pls take it back nigel
and he fought against the French in the French and Indian War, moron
>I ask again, stupid or lying?
Do you really not understand that US law is a hybrid between English common law and Roman civil law? Do you know what, um, a constitution is?
>Our oldest ally

The French wanted to weaken the British anyway they can.

The plan was for the French to invade the US and make it a French colony but circumstances changed so they invaded Mexico instead.
I know he worked in Switzerland for a long time, this is the name of the place :

Miecourt, Switzerland

also, he had properties in PICARDIE? France.
>The plan was for the French to invade the US and make it a French colony but circumstances changed so they invaded Mexico instead.
said no one
>The United States existed when the French and Indian War took place
I can't even.
Are you fucking retarded or what?
Are you 12? Did you not pass 7th grade?

>Only a retard would admire a country whose heroes are made up of a prostitute who practiced witchcraft and an insane midget.

>"He also fought in the Revolutionary War alongside the French, you fuckwit."
>He also
Re-read your last post and then proceed to kill yourself.
Picardie is a rural area north of Paris, But I can't say if it's linked to his origins.

I'd say its either a descendant of swiss migrants or a descendant of someone whose job was to rub, so maybe a carpenter ?
lel goddamn French! Always up to something!
I accept your surrender in this internet argument. You put up a retarded fight.
He surrendered twice to the French. Was he american when he did that or just a brit?
does the surname have a lot to do with his profession in French too? like in german, for example : Buchmann, Kaufmann , etc ?
Yep, full retard, as previously stated.
You can leave now.
Most of the time. Sometimes geography, too.
You're both Retarded
I think both of you have mistaken me for another.
Fuck off, retard.
Hey don't be a sore loser. Next time try to pay more attention to protect your original point.
Yes, a lot of the surnames are based on professions or on locations (ex: Dupont means "from the bridge")
More culture or society-related questions about France ?
I've defended my point.
Glorious France is glorious.
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French culture stinks worse than k-poop.
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Art isn't all culture is.
wtf Greece
thanks bros , I appreciate your help !!!
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Well, what else ?
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>this thread

Don't listen to that inbred faggot. Anyone who says French culture is anything less than extraordinary is a certifiable retard.
Thanks bro. How is it going on the other side of the Atlantic ?
How does the older population view the Vietnam war

As they like our older folks?

If you love the French so much then move to France.


French peasants gawking at stolen art? That's some culture. Thanks for confirming the French are shit.
The vietnam war (called the Indochine war here but w/e) isn't a subject of controversy here. Nobody gives a fuck.

The algerian war is totally another thing. Because those who fought know they never lost a battle, but we would have been forced to kill everyone in the country to win.

Gigantic trauma.
Hey, we invaded all those countries to steal their art, but most of the shit in this museum is french-made.

Thanks for trying anyway.
Hey France, can you please explain to the quebecois that they're just filthy trapper folk and not special snowflakes? We'd really appreciate it.
So vietnam war to us is algerian war to france

how are the rural french/farmers/townsfolk viewed my others in france?
do they treat them differently?
Not exactly, Algeria was a part of our national territory, it's probably even deeper for the whole population.

Old rural population tend to be seen as totally stuck 50 years back, and that's not totally false. Young rural population is rather dynamic today and there is more and more link with cities. Still, the countryside isn't seen as a good place to live in. But people love spend their holidays there and old people love to retire there too.

Apart of that, there is no real discrimination I know of.
Because they want to keep speaking french ? Well, it's their right.

We love our Québecois friends, for information.

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