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    File : 1264396178.jpg-(86 KB, 600x600)
    86 KB HELLO AND WELCOME moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 01/25/10(Mon)00:09 No.97 sticky closed   [Reply][Quick Reply]
    /int/ is for the discussion of countries, cultures, language, etc. posting in languages other than english IS allowed, and encouraged.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)00:10 No.128

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    11 KB Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)00:38 No.1265   [Reply][Quick Reply]
    Let's discuss the best damn sub-continent of the world: Scandinavia

    We have the best women, best welfare, best religion(Norse FUCK YEAH); Pretty much best everything, to put it short.
    45 posts and 12 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:11 No.2485
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    >Unofficial flag of West Sweden
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:12 No.2499
    Scandinavia is a shithole, which is why so many of them emigrated to the UK in recent years. Nobody wants to live in a place with depressed people who don;t talk to each other and commit suicide.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:13 No.2516
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    Well, I originally made this design as a compromise between all five Nordic flags, but everyone kept complaining that there wasn't any red in it, so I added the red by popular mandate.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:13 No.2536
    Swefag, and sure, Scandivania is awesome.

    Except for Denmark. The only good thing that has come out of that piece of shit is the band Mew.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:13 No.2543

    Holy shit, too obvious

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    17 KB Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)00:16 No.329   [Reply][Quick Reply]
    115 posts and 12 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> !7K6TcUYoyg 01/25/10(Mon)01:11 No.2484
    Around here the mainland Chinese have it on Sunday, and the Taiwanese have it on Saturday (they're more likely to go to church).
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:12 No.2508
    I have google

    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:13 No.2520

    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:13 No.2532
    This is such a shitfest. I'm half-Chinese. Understand, my sort-of-maybe TONG BAO, that 4chan is not tianya. Expect to get the fuck trolled out of you.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:13 No.2542
    I bet.

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    9 KB Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)00:07 No.60   [Reply][Quick Reply]
    Foro internacional???
    226 posts and 34 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:13 No.2523
    >ips de fuera de mexico no pueden entrar por ahora.

    que chiste tiene eso?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:13 No.2527
    /int/ necesita un meme mexicano cabrones
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:13 No.2529
    lol tengo rato que quiro checar esa madre, tengo compas que talvez les interese.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:13 No.2540
    >inb4 Hector se cae
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:13 No.2541


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    117 KB Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:13 No.2538   [Reply][Quick Reply]
    هل أنا العربي الوحيد في الموقع الخرى هذا؟

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    8 KB Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:11 No.2482   [Reply][Quick Reply]
    This board exists because we allow it.
    1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:12 No.2497
    cool story bro
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:12 No.2500
    Fuck. Yes.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:13 No.2522
    >Implying USA has the required freedom to even be involved in this
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:13 No.2535
    Too bad Amerika's is going down the toilet thanks to the Washington circus.

    brb moving to Tahiti
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:13 No.2539
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    2 KB Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:13 No.2537   [Reply][Quick Reply]
    I think we should make out own /lang/uage how shall we begin?

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    104 KB Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:05 No.2275   [Reply][Quick Reply]
    u guise liek engrish?

    You said you study it?
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    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:10 No.2436
    I study jewenglish
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:10 No.2439

    The fuck is Gamanian?
    >> Gendo Ikari !PdR3hkit7c 01/25/10(Mon)01:11 No.2472
    I study El Juego.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:12 No.2504
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:13 No.2534

    El juego.

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    16 KB Canada Tyler !!MGePiP0rvdR 01/25/10(Mon)00:58 No.2040   [Reply][Quick Reply]
    How come Canadians are always related to Americans? I'm Canadian and I don't follow any of the "American" Stereotypes, but I also don't follow any of the Canadian ones. :S

    Basically ITT: We discuss Canada.
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    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:10 No.2438
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    I want to cry this, because my faggot Canadian friend won't stop talking about it. Shit sucks not selling it here.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:12 No.2492
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    >Non-Toronto part of Ontario
    >A hick

    The second part of your statement was a bit redundant.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:12 No.2496
    I want to go back to Canada for Coffee Crisp and Aero Bars.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:13 No.2530

    Poutine is painfully easy to make- just put some cheese curds (or mozarella in ~1cm chunks) on fries and cover it in beef gravy (envelope stuff is fine)

    I'm honestly surprised it hasn't caught on in the US.
    >> Moderate libertarian !!7B/lGPCUkpC 01/25/10(Mon)01:13 No.2533

    If you live in NYC, you're in luck (when it comes to poutine).

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    68 KB Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)00:56 No.1945   [Reply][Quick Reply]
    Brazil fags report in.
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    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:11 No.2458
    >> pirs !dccxZtenso 01/25/10(Mon)01:11 No.2464
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    >minha cara ao ver o português ser assassinado por vocês
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:11 No.2479
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:13 No.2518
    dae jao
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:13 No.2531

    Underage viado, sai da minha internet

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