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  • hey guys, just fyi: we've got this great board called /r9k/. it's really good and we'd enjoy it if you checked it out, posted some, and stuck around for a while. see you there! toodles~

    File : 1272422419.gif-(4 KB, 900x599, 8888.gif)
    4 KB Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)22:40 No.861191  
    Hi /int/.

    Ask a Somali anything.
    >> Carl Sagan !pfr08Nthz. 04/27/10(Tue)22:40 No.861194
    I can't, somalian people don't have internet.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)22:41 No.861197
    Whose boat did you steal to get access to the internet?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)22:41 No.861198
    >implying Somalia can into internet
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)22:42 No.861202
    I took some tanker ransom and I used that money to buy Internets.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)22:42 No.861207
    You realize you all stole your flag from an American woman named Melissa Johnson?

    Fucking pirates.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)22:42 No.861208
    somali cannot into internet
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)22:45 No.861225
    It's not even the same color and the star isn't even the same size.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)22:47 No.861233
    are somalians even considered black
    >> tripfag !!/jE9rYKLkw8 04/27/10(Tue)22:48 No.861236
    haha op is a troll.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)22:49 No.861244
    nope but due to wide spread ignorance we are seen as so.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)22:50 No.861248
         File1272423010.jpg-(32 KB, 857x372, No Internet in Somalia.jpg)
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    This is what I saw.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)22:51 No.861258
    that gets old really fast
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)22:51 No.861260
    Why does your country suck so much? Even shitholes like Liberia at least try to pretend to have a central government!
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)22:52 No.861263
    Why do you ruin areas you migrate to?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)22:52 No.861268
    nice infrastructure, bro
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)22:53 No.861270
    No it doesn't.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)22:54 No.861277
    we had a dictator that kept the country stable but after he was ousted the country fell into civil war between the north and the south and has not since been stopped.

    America had a civil war, does that mean America sucks? you sound like a butt hurt ignorant faggot who sits on /int/ all day and trolls
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)22:55 No.861281
    Yeah but Americans had a reason and eventually got over it
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)22:55 No.861283
    It's a white star on a blue field. It's the same flag.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)22:57 No.861290
    I guess I didn't hint on ignorant enough, of course there was a reason.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)22:57 No.861291
         File1272423448.jpg-(1.05 MB, 1800x1350, Absalon.jpg)
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    why do you think you have a chance against this whit your little boats?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)22:58 No.861296
    Where do you live right now? You're from Oslo, aren't you?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)22:58 No.861297
    obviously we did have a chance if we made 80million from one year of doing it.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)22:59 No.861303
    Why don't you work instead of steal?

    You know that makes you niggers, right?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)22:59 No.861307
    no i live in Somaliland a country that isn't recognized by anyone yet but of course you wouldnt know that.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)23:00 No.861312
    it's not stealing it's called retaliation against foreign forced, maybe if you stopped dumping toxic wastes on our shores we wouldnt be doing it.

    or wait you probably eat up whatever your media feeds you like the ignorant tard you are.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)23:00 No.861316
    >implying your country matters or is worth knowing about
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)23:02 No.861320
    then maybe you shouldn't have assumed i Lived in Norway
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)23:02 No.861329

    >implying america invented the five pointed star

    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)23:03 No.861335
         File1272423814.jpg-(71 KB, 500x375, 1271972647752.jpg)
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    OP why are you even bothering these are Americans being with no sense of rational thought, best you moved on.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)23:03 No.861337
    Call it what you like, it's still:
    >niggers doing niggerish things... now on the high seas!

    Do they give you watermelons as an incentive to go out on a boat?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)23:04 No.861350
         File1272423896.png-(332 KB, 633x468, 1267344667902.png)
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    LOL fuckin owned
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)23:05 No.861351

    against unarmed tankers yes. this is a battleship.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)23:05 No.861357
    hi OP
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)23:05 No.861358
         File1272423948.png-(9 KB, 800x533, 800px-Bonnieblue.svg.png)
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    Flag in question. Made in 1810, the Bonnie Blue Flag of West Florida.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)23:07 No.861370
    Not everyone on /int/ is american. I'm >>861296
    and all I know about somalians is that you're criminals and rapists!
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)23:08 No.861380
    You know you've lost have to resort to racial epithets
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)23:08 No.861382

    lol even niggers came up with that kind of flag.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)23:10 No.861392
    American, western, European it's all the same to me I could give two shits.

    and what the fuck is a Somalian?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)23:11 No.861401
    Somalis are the real badass pirates after the Indonesians.
    >> Rotraven !!MiXwawYhfwO 04/27/10(Tue)23:13 No.861411
         File1272424389.jpg-(48 KB, 300x370, The_Rock.jpg)
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    Who is the most famous person out of Samoa?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)23:16 No.861441
    That's the thing about being white, I never lose. On the other hand, niggers always get pissed at being called niggers for some reason.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)23:17 No.861446
    Vin Diesel?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)23:20 No.861470
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)23:21 No.861476

    >implying Dwane Johnson isn't from AMERICAN Samoa
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)23:21 No.861481
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)23:21 No.861482
    So when all else fails, "At least I'm white". What an interesting mentality.

    And the word nigger virtually registers nothing in my brain if you knew anything you would know Somalis were never slaves but it's sad how you constantly use that word to put others down but then again you're not the majority because you have a half Kenyan president, so cry more fag.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)23:22 No.861485

    Vin Diesel is African-Italian, you dumbfuck.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)23:23 No.861497
    >implying Somalis weren't slaves for Muslims

    hahaha, oh wow
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)23:23 No.861499
         File1272425037.png-(271 KB, 461x373, 1270351470568.png)
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    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)23:24 No.861504
    He's White Nigerian, you faggot.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)23:26 No.861518
    Arabs weren't allowed to have Muslim slaves and 99% of Somalis are Muslim where the fuck are you pulling this information from your ass?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)23:26 No.861519
    >implying you need to be former slaves to be niggers.
    All you need to be is black;
    Somalians: Check.
    ... And unproductive;
    Somalians: Check.
    Looks like your niggers, dude.

    Also, he may be half Kenyan but he's all nigger. Let there be no mistake about that.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)23:28 No.861532
    You lie. He must be Kazakhstani.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)23:29 No.861534
         File1272425347.jpg-(25 KB, 453x332, 1266188771821.jpg)
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    Stop mixing tenses you fucking nigger.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)23:29 No.861535
    you know the stereotype of the really ignorant and fat American it's really starting to show maybe instead of watching American idol in your free time you should catch up on all the crap you're uninformed about
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)23:31 No.861541
    He's trolling you. He's European.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)23:31 No.861544
    Are you in Somalia now? If so, where are you getting your internet I hear their infrastructure is trashed.

    I don't know much about Somalia though
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)23:31 No.861547
    that would make Indians niggers too.

    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)23:32 No.861554
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)23:34 No.861562
    You know that stereotype of niggers getting pissed at being called niggers. That's showing through too.

    Also, joke's on you, I don't even watch American Idol!

    And I'd really rather not be informed about the latest massacres and whatnot bad-shit that goes on in Somalia. Fucking finish your fighting and stabilize already.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)23:36 No.861576
    Are you well off economically? I'm assuming you are since you have access to the internet and have even heard of 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)23:38 No.861594
    Have you seen Black Hawk Down? If so, what did you think of it? I've heard it was comically offensive and inaccurate in its portrayal of Somalia and Somalians.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)23:41 No.861605
    Somalia is probably seen in the western media as a hellhole which it is but there are parts of it which are thriving economically such as were I live, Somaliland the only problem is we aren't recognized by any country yet, possibly by Israel but that doesn't really mean much.

    I make around 30,000USD a year I'm living pretty comfortably it's not much but i'd rather be contributing to my own countries economy and building my own country then leaving to some western country.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)23:43 No.861617
    We don't have that many western movies here So I've seen it pirated, no pun intended, really. Let's just say it was really bias the only thing that really got me was the fact that they used Nigerians and not ethic Somalis
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)23:44 No.861622

    Interesting. I'd actually heard of Somaliland before this thread-it's really just the former British Somalia.

    Also, you're aware Israel would only recognize you so it could use your country as a base to bomb other countries, right?

    Also, do people move back and forth between Somaliland and Somalia, or are the borders fairly secure?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)23:44 No.861623
    So what are you doing on 4chan?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)23:45 No.861631
    How are you able to access 4chan from your country?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)23:50 No.861659

    Yeah but since Israel has ties with America it could pave the way for global recognition.

    Just killing time


    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)23:51 No.861667
    What do you do for a living besides hijack tankers?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)23:52 No.861670
    On second thought, you don't sound so bad.

    I'm this asshole. >>861562
    Ignore all my previous ramblings, I get carried away when I'm tired and depressed.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)23:54 No.861683
    equivalent of a western pharmacist
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)23:56 No.861691
    how do you speak english so well?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)23:58 No.861702
    reading English textbooks and you need t be proficient in English to be admitted into university
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)00:00 No.861717
    u gotta be kiddin me

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