hello 4chan i poland ball, i lost, anyone seen my father? he was meant to into a plane and hasn't come back, i am being a crying because i want him back.anyone seen him?
;_; aw man.
Get away from here, you're smelling up Norway.
oh poor polandball.;_;
>i poland ball>ball
hello poland ball-i am russian ball.do you want to be friends?
T_Ti have a sad for poland ball pain
polandball.... i have bad news.
>>684031could you kindly GTFO? is getting annoying now.
>>684059no.Slavs deserve to die in a fire, or in a tree.
>>684059is dat some /v/ moron?
('''\(',;,;,')/''') <--- ur dad is vampire... sry :/
Aw damnit Polandball
>>684074Are you that churka faggot or the Polak pretending to be Prussian?
Poland you need to grow of ballsDad is dead you need to be strong independent ball now
>684074so get out your basement and kill some, or you cant? something stoping you? tough internets hero?
fuck you polandball.no i'm not crying. I'm sweating through my eyes
poland cannot into landing
Why is polandball upside down
Seriously is it logicala having fun when people are mourning because their lost?
>>684994Gotta laugh to hold back the tears.Faggot.
RULES OF POLANDBALL:1. Characters do not call each other 'balls', so Germany is Germany, not Germanyball.2. NO PERFECT CIRCLES3. No pupils4. No legs, arms, hair etc.You have failed one of these OP.
Poland cannot into aircraft
>>685104Why is it upside down?
this is what poland gets for trying into space
>>685183try it again.
>>684012Oh Poland
poland cannot into air
thanks to god at least there is a lot of OC!!!!!!!!!!!