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Not to start a war or anything, but I'm genuinely interested.

Why are Americans so fat? Just looking at statistics here, not steretypes. You literally are fat as hell. But why? Us Europeans have the same resources when it comes to food. Is food just cheaper there? Are the meals at McDonalds bigger?

You are supposed to be the world's leading country in the Western world. Is this how you're gonna keep your image up, by being lazy fat fucks? Don't get me started on bigotry and over-religousness (google: Westboro Baptist Church).

You rarely get to hear any of these obesity or bigotry reports from continents like Europe.

I just hope you can enlighten me, with sincere love and respect, a Dutchbro.
(Because I love America, and I'm genuinely worried about the future of your country.)
>Not to start a war or anything, but I'm genuinely interested.

You could learn to word things less like a Dutch shit posting master race if you are trying to avoid a war.
High-fructose corn syrup due to the U.S. government subsidizing corn farms.
What? So you want me to use less sincere, mature and complicated terms?

I totally forgot this thread was towards 'Murricans, my bad.
None or shitty public health programmes (probably too "socialist" for Americans, I'm not talking about healthcare here, I'm talking about public health propaganda) combined with a consumerist culture and a lack of physician exercise being a habit like in some European countries.
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It's mostly our women who are fat. Idk why, but when I graduated high school (2005) there was like 10 obese men and about 90 obese women (out of 2,000) that was a survey I did for my science fair project.
Were bigoted because our school system sucks and we're so religious because all of Europe's religious people's came over here.
Hell, my state was founded by Quakers.
>>6810284 (OP)

Y'know how back in school, everyone would tease the nerdy girl; pull her hair, kick her shins, pull her pants down, etc? And then she'd go home and comfort eat? Well, America is basically the nerdy girl in this situation. They're comfort eating on a macro level, because they are so relentlessly teased by other nations. (We British are too, but higher levels of autism mean our obesity level is slightly lower)
Companies and goverment needs this.
Yes, you'd get a much better response if you worded things better.

My opinion is that we eat too much grain and meat and don't eat enough vegetables (I'm not a vegetarian or vegan). The amount of soda consumed is also alarming. People also drive everywhere.
>You literally are fat as hell
>Google: Westboro Baptist Church
Yes, you're a regular European intellectual. Merikans are fat and religious XDDD!1!!
Listen, the Westboro Church is old-hat and everyone knows about them by now. If you think for a second that most Americans are like them, you are a child.
From what I've seen during my stay: "Soda" is cheaper than water and nobody can cook for shit. It is an exception to stay at home and prepare a meal rather than go to a "restaurant" with an all-you-can-eat buffet.
>Companies and goverment needs this.

>"Soda" is cheaper than water and nobody can cook for shit.

Watch those generalizations. Most my friends can cook really well. Maybe we just stick together.
In Europe you pay for your dumb-asses to stay alive.

In the United States we let them get fat and die while the smart and successful can busy themselves doing important things like winning at the Olympics and sending rovers to Mars.
Are you or your friends obese?
>>6810284 (OP)
>Why are Americans so fat?

Minorities and uneducated people.

It's not expensive or difficult to eat healthy food and maintain a decent diet here, so don't listen to the lazy faggots who say otherwise.

>Westboro Baptist Church

Who gives a shit about them? They're practically alone and not indicative of anything of the US, really, except for our great respect for freedom of speech/expression.
No. I'm kinda fat, but it probably has to due with lack of exercise over diet.

I have a pretty large group of friends and only two of them are fat (and unsurpisingly, they're husband and wife).

Though admittedly, I live in one of the healthiest areas in the country...
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention poor infrastructure. Since a lot of us live in suburbs, we tend to be 10-15 minutes away from the nearest supermarket, so we just drive to places instead of take a 30-45 minute walk. It sucks, and it's just the way it is here in Florida, where it took me 50 minutes to walk to the grocery store, while in my trips to various places across the world, it was a 5 minute walk and it was something everybody could do safely.
We've been debating this for years. Here's my working theory. It's made up of multiple factors.

-Poverty. Obesity is most rampant in our poorest states and communities. Southerners are overwhelmingly fatter than their Northern counterparts, as are blacks and latinos to their caucasian and asian counterparts. It's easier and cheaper to eat fat foods and many poor families don't know how/don't care to eat frugally and healthily. This is what Michelle Obama was trying to promote and the right wing fatties attacked her for it. I come from a middle class family, we eat home-cooked meals at least 5 nights a week. Nobody in our nuclear family is obese.

-Ignorance and habit. This ties into poverty. Many American families are content with eating shit, because they don't care if they gain weight and they're so used to eating shit.

-Lack of regulation within the food industry. Now, I'm not saying every American food company is like this. However, Republicans get butthurt whenever we try to regulate food standards, so we've got companies shoving low-quality ingredients, HFCS, sodium, etc. into their food which makes it cheap to make, but unhealthy to eat on a regular basis. Whenever somebody brings up the notion of forcing more accountability on the companies, we get into a debate about MUH FREEDUM and STAHP POLICING MUH EATING HABITS, BIG GUBMINT! and nothing gets done.

Basically, all I can say is keep shaming fat Americans. Even more, shame yourselves. Many European countries aren't far behind the States in obesity and a few are projected to surpass us. Don't use us as the gauge for "acceptable obesity" or else you'll end up going "America has 40% obesity and we have only 35%, so that makes us sculpted statues in comparison!"
becuz we r the best country so ppl try to look for things to criticise about us
>>6810284 (OP)
>You rarely get to hear any of these obesity or bigotry reports from continents like Europe.

Nice try, troll.
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>Minorities and uneducated people.
Because Asians aren't minorities.... and everyone else tiers above in fatness.
> Southerners are overwhelmingly fatter than their Northern counterparts, as are blacks and latinos to their caucasian and asian counterparts.

There are more black people in the south
>so we've got companies shoving low-quality ingredients, HFCS, sodium
This is probably what pisses me off the most about our food industry, so much unhealthy shit is put into our foods, which I wouldn't mind except that the alternatives are usually pricier and harder to find. If it was an actual choice I wouldn't really care.
>Southerners are overwhelmingly fatter than their Northern counterparts, as are blacks and latinos to their caucasian and asian counterparts.

Learn to reading comprehension.
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Plan A: Blame the South!
"Minority" means black/brown people. Asians aren't minorities, and neither will whites when hispanics become the majority.
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A lot of americans are fat because they're poor, you stupid fuck. Do you think these people enjoy it? Most of the these people are very depressed and had a shitload of problems. Most of them eat no more that you or I but it's what they it which makes the difference. Many fat people live in extremely rural areas where "healthy" food isn't exactly in great supply. I drove through kansas and Missouri yesterday and the only food available to these people was absolutely shit. A great deal of them also hunt for themselves. They live in an environment vastly different than that of you euroanimals. Now, I'm not speaking for all fatasses in america of course. If you live in a city and you aren't dirt poor, then congrats, you're a fatass american with no reason to be so. However, you need to seriously take into the demographics of where these "amerifats" live. I'm so sick of hearing this question from you dumbasses. Promptly light yourself on fire.
What about taxing them instead of just shaming them? They'd be down to normal weight in no time. The loss of manpower is costing the country money as well.
Ever hear of soul food?
Overwhelmingly popular in gulf region.
That we can't even have a fucking discussion about it without people acting like regulating shit tier food is LITERALLY NAZI COMMUNISM pisses me off.
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You joke about Europeans all the time, you will have to deal with it. Pic related, it's you
>not a minority
Are you really that dumb?

Asians are minorities.
"Black/brown people" are also minorities.

Just making a statement that blames "minorities" is stupid. Obesity among "whites" are just as bad.
go fuck a kangaroo austria
>implying I don't like AmeriBear
Remember what country you're talking about. Taxing fatness? "MUH FREEDUMS! BIG GUBMINT IS TRYING TO PUNISH ME FOR BEING HOW GAWD IN HEAVEN MADE ME!"

And to be fair, I agree with that sentiment. There has to be a better way than financially penalizing fat people.
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>Asians aren't minorities

elaborate please
I'm offended. Stop making these jokes because I'm sick of it.
Nobody cooks their own food anymore
Everything is either pre-made, frozen, & sold for cheap
Or people just go out to fast-food joints to eat
Soda, chips & burgers are cheap
Healthy foods are expensive & so are gym memberships
There's very little diet & physical health education for children because they'd get sued for calling their kids fat or something
Parents pass on their shitty eating habits to their children who then are gown up to know no better & the cycle repeats

that's the gist of it, anyways
Wow we have huge amount of fat people too, %12.

But who can blame them, the food is delicious.
If we want to talk about more transparency in our food producers that's fine but mandating what they can put in their products is stupid.

You have the freedom to be fat as far as I'm concerned, the government should educate you on how to not be a fucking lardass, but shouldn't nanny you away from eating McDonald's.
>>6810284 (OP)
Because the south loves ridiculously greasy food.
The food system is a complete joke.
Mass produced foods are usually combined together with several different companies so that if disease or something breaks out, they have plenty of time to clean up their mess and cover their tracks while feds slowly investigate.
It's like a massive system of proxy servers but for food.
The Canadian gets it. I"m still not sure what caused everyone to become fat after the 70's.
Here's the question, though. Up-and-coming fatty countries: Mexico (24%), United Kingdom (23%), Slovakia (24%) and just about anybody else from a country exceeding 20% obesity, what is YOUR excuse for your fatties?
I wish modern society would allow for a book like The Jungle to revolutionize the industry.

>Nobody cooks their own food anymore
Huh? Not true from my experience.

>Everything is either pre-made, frozen, & sold for cheap
So? That has nothing to do with anything. Frozen food, pr-emade food, and/or cheap food do not automatically mean "unhealthy".

>Healthy foods are expensive
Completely false

>There's very little diet & physical health education for childre
PE and health are mandatory classes for children across the country.

Your other points aren't bad, though.
you need to remove kebab turkey, it will kill you
i feel like there'd be less fat people if you could go around to fat people & call them out for being fat

you can't though & quite frankly i don't think too much of fat people to do that

also, part of the problem are these damn "fat acceptance movements" and people claiming being fat is genetic that make fatties think they're normal
Regardless of how fattening food may be, the real problem is how much is consumed compared to how much energy is burned.

Considering how little many people exercise its not hard to eat in excess. Even minorities and poor people can exercise to burn the ten thousand calories they consume a day, however a lack of (efficient) knowledge, motivation, and laziness may be (slightly) more prevalent in those categories. However both groups are pointless to mention due to the fact that obesity is not exclusive to them.
Well, contrary to popular belief. We actually don't eat much kebab.
go get culturally enriched, netherland.
Abundance of food and an easy life.


Not speaking for Americans, but this is a growing trend in all countries. Everybody's getting fatter because it's more convenient and hurts less feelings to maintain the status quo rather than to adjust the content and amounts of what we eat.

I'm not saying it's political correctness...but it's political correctness.

>Frozen food, pr-emade food, and/or cheap food do not automatically mean "unhealthy".

Perhaps not but on average they will not contain the same amount of 'good stuff' a fresh meal will. A frozen lasagna is, 9 times out of 10, not as healthy as a home cooked one.

It would be naive to believe you can substitute your meals with pre-mades entirely.

So a weekly diet that contains more of those kinds of meals than fresh, self-cooked ones is not going to be as good for you in the long run.
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OP here,

Awww shit America, some of you posted some legit explanations, but most of you just get way too defensive and hostile over these facts I mentioned in OP. Seriously, take responsibility over your lives for Christ sake. With freedom comes great responsibility, burn that into your minds right now you fat fucks. I love you dearly and I don't wish to see you fall down and be overshadowed by Europe's glory alone within the next 20-50 years.
I play WAY too many video games for me to be even slightly healthy

I spent the first two-and-a-half decades of my life doing nothing but that and I'm thinner than everyone I know. Being sedentary in itself isn't enough to make someone fat. I think you're missing the part where you cram your hole with junk food in between sessions.
What did you expect? Despite claiming to not be trolling, using phrases like "You literally are fat as hell." and "Is this how you're gonna keep your image up, by being lazy fat fucks?" are deliberately inflammatory.
Also the statement "You rarely get to hear any of these obesity or bigotry reports from continents like Europe." is fucking side-splitting.
Also citing "The Most Hated Family in America" as the standard for American religiousness? Typical troll move.
If you want a productive discussion about obesity in America, it has to start with you.
>fall down
I don't think you understand the significance of this this development.

America can't fall down; only roll.
OK, lets assume you are not trollin' ....

Food is incredibly plentiful, inexpensive, and varied in the USA. Every kind of cuisine and dish is available in MOST cities large and small, and most towns, too.

Second, we drive nice vehicles everywhere. And I do mean everywhere (East Coast fags are the exception). In Texas, we get in our 3 ton Chevy Suburbans just to go get the newspaper from our driveways :-)

Third, don't confuse being fat with being feeble. I'm 6'0" tall and 285 lbs, and I run the 40 yard dash in about 4.7 seconds. I am as strong as two Europeans combined, and I have more technology available to me than anyone else on the planet in terms of self-defense.

I also have excellent medical care, even though it is incredibly expensive. University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center will save me if I get cancer or any heart problems.

Scientifically, though, me being a fat-tard will shorten my life, on average. We can't ignore science, despite what Europoors think about Americans we actually are very technical people for the most part.

Oh, and most of our food is genetically modified, full of sugar and high fructose corn syrup, and is scientifically designed to get us hooked on it. Only now is the vegetarian, vegan, and natural foods movement taking real hold (courtesy of Wholes Foods Market and CostCo).

OK, Ameri-bro, you wrote:

"-Poverty. Obesity is most rampant in our poorest states and communities. Southerners are overwhelmingly fatter than their Northern counterparts, as are blacks and latinos to their caucasian and asian counterparts. It's easier and cheaper to eat fat foods and many poor families don't know how/don't care to eat frugally and healthily. This is what Michelle Obama was trying to promote and the right wing fatties attacked her for it. I come from a middle class family, we eat home-cooked meals at least 5 nights a week. Nobody in our nuclear family is obese."

Some of this is just flat out wrong. 80% of Texans are suburban, for example, and the wealth in Dallas-Ft. Worth, Houston, San Antonio, and Austin exceeds nearly all places in the world.

Our southern cuisine, however, is LOADED with fat, sugar, corn syrup/molasses, carbs of all kinds, and we smoke our meats. It is delicious but very fattening. A LOT of our plates are filled with "yellow food", in other words - fried!
>>6810284 (OP)
I was going to tell you to fuck off and leave the Americans alone, but after that other thread and the wikileaks stuff that was posted on how americans really feel, they can go and fuck themselves. Keep up the shitposting dutchie.

Yeah, you may not have meant it, but your tone is incredibly rude and condescending. That's usually not conducive to constructive discussion.

Yes, the Canuck is spot on.

Our junk food industry is absolutely legend, and so is our American fast-food.

Americans work FAR harder and longer hours than most of the First World, with nary a vacation in site. Our hectic lifestyles are killing us.
>>6810284 (OP)
fatty food and unhealthy food is way more cheap and easy to get than healthy food, also not everyone has time to prep good meals
Shitty food is cheaper than healthy food.
Do they not have these things called supermarkets? Any kind of shop? Even shitty little Indian corner shops and petrol stations sell fresh vegetables (carrots, peppers, onions, garlic etc.).

Brit-bro, we have world's greatest supermarkets. I mean it. In Austin, we have H-E-B, Randalls, Krogers, Albertsons, CostCo, WalMart, Whole Foods (the flagship is located here), Sprouts, and whatnot.

Our produce sections would make you weep. We eat a lot of veggies - we just eat a lot of everything else, too. And we eat a LOT of crap we shouldn't.

Actually, "food deserts" are a serious problem in many poor urban areas that has been pretty well documented.
Murrica has fantastic veggies. Buying in bulk is so laughably efficient here, if you have even the most BASIC culinary talent. You can buy potato sacks full of rice for pocket change, if you know where to look.

Problem is, most people don't want to cook. They buy T.V. dinners, or order fast food, or all sorts of such garbage. They don't buy a shiton of eggs/meat/rice/veggies and say "I WONDER WHAT I CAN MAKE TODAY!". They simply don't consider the idea of it.

It really is tragic.
As much as I would like to live in America that is one of the good things about some cities over here. Currently I can walk within 30 minutes to a
>Train Station
>pretty much every night club and bar
>Swimming and Athletic centre
>Shopping centre
I understand every single one of your points and agree that bad parerenting habbits passed on to their children is probably the major cause of this problem (you can thank feminism for that because both parents have the right to work and not be a slave to the kitchen I am woman hear me roar down with good parenting it is just patriarchy) but how can you say healthy foods are expensive or gym memberships cost a lot? You can buy so many cheap vegetables, pulses and meats that will last a week for the price of a family take-away for a single night. as for gyms, they are dirt cheap here, you can go to one for a tenner a week and even cheaper (I went to one for £2.50 a week once) and even if you can't afford that (times are hard I understand) America is a big place and from what I read by them everything is spaced out...just use those two things underneath your hip.
lel getteho American reporting

there is no food

what did i eat today?

egg/cheese/turkey on roll--->grease truck $3

"hot" sandwhich--->spanish bodega $4.50

curly fries big fucking dish---->$3.05 bar

literally no supermarket/fresh food available
idk bout you but between two jobs and university its hard to find thirty minutes of freetime in the day, you can sure as hell bet ill use that for fun so i dont kill myself instead of making a slightly better for you but worse tasting meal, yes they mostly taste worse, you like what your used to
spaced out so that we need cars, not walks

plus try walking in -30 F temperatures, i garentee youll wish you drove
The main cause is poor parenting and the collapse of the family unit (guess which fascist movement is responcible for that, I'll give you a hint "being a parent is oppresive and I have every right to work all day and neglect my children like any man can").

>Lack of regulation within the food industry. Now, I'm not saying every American food company is like this. However, Republicans get butthurt whenever we try to regulate food standards, so we've got companies shoving low-quality ingredients, HFCS, sodium, etc. into their food which makes it cheap to make, but unhealthy to eat on a regular basis. Whenever somebody brings up the notion of forcing more accountability on the companies, we get into a debate about MUH FREEDUM and STAHP POLICING MUH EATING HABITS, BIG GUBMINT! and nothing gets done.

No. Stop that shit. Nobody forces them to eat that steroid and growth hormone-packed shit that people call "food". I eat nothing but organic food, not that shit a Walmart. I've never been healthier.

You can do that in most American cities - but most Americans are proudly suburban. I am. Clean air, clean water, safe neighborhoods, nice yards (gardens to y'all), friendly neighbors, amenities like community pools, tennis courts, parks, etc. and excellent schools.

OTOH, when I visit city centers (you'd call them CBD's) I can't deny the excitement and convenience. Houston, of all places, is amazing. No zoning. Everything is within walking distance, or get in your goddamn S.U.V., boy, and git to where ya want to go.

Our "poor people" make the rest of the world look like Biafra. They're pretty well off compared to the rest of his planet.
From knowing a few Americans I've noticed there's sometimes no care or thought into how much food is being ate, like it's normal to devour a huge bag of chips or two as a snack Or buying more than one meal at a fastfood joint is normal.
Oh, I don't disagree with you. But such a mentality is part of what's causing obesity, yadda yadda yadda.

In turn, the "I'd rather t.v. dinner than cook" mentality comes from the FASTFASTFASTGOTTARUSHGOTTAGOFAST mentality.
>literally no supermarket/fresh food available

Get in your car and find some, dipshit.
An incredible amount of glandular diseases. Really, it's nothing more.

Yep. We eat huge portions. We really love to pack it away, and as I said, a lot of it has added sugars of various kinds, carbs, and processed ingredients.

Fresh food is always available and a LOT of people buy it now, but we ALSO eat a lot of other shit, too. {sigh}

And the amount of conflicting messaging (advertisements, propaganda, diets, guilt, etc.) is staggering. Staggering, I tell you.

You clearly do not have any experience living at or below the poverty line.
>why don't poor people just shop at whole foods
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>>6810284 (OP)
Compulsory viewing.

Faggot, I was out of work for 8 months this year.

8 goddamn months. Going from $130K a year to basically zero. I cut out ALL the crap and JUST bought healthy foods in smaller quantities.

Poor people need to DEMAND fresh produce in their stores, especially organics.

But that's the beauty of it. I can go out shoot a deer or Boar and feed myself and my family for months, and the bullet I shoot them with is only a few cents.

You were making $130k a year, so I'm not really that sympathetic. And as for

>Poor people need to DEMAND fresh produce in their stores, especially organics.

I can only assume that you're joking.

No, shop at the Farmer's markets ... or do what I do and buy the organic stuff at H-E-B.
you dont know how hunting permits work do you?

or are you one of those faggots that the dnr hasnt caught out of season yet?

No, I'm not joking. At most H-E-B's in Austin, organic produce is available. And if just a handful of people demand it of their store manager, they'll get it in, pronto.
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>America of today summed up in one single image.

Didn't ask for your sympathy, numb-nuts, just pointing out that I've been poor - big debts to pay and no way to pay 'em.

I don't whine about it - just the facts. And I solved it. So there you go. Don't make inane statements please based on illogical assumptions.

>Hunting permits

From Amerifats to Americlaps now their transition to the dark side is complete.

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