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On Sunday night I hosted the second 4chan Q&A/PMQ session here. Thanks everyone for contributing 4,000 posts and hanging out for 7.5 hours—it was fun and I hope it was informative/entertaining.

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why do people join narco cartels? I mean the hitmen and low-rank members, why do thousands of guys get into a bussiness that ends up with their certain death and/or enjailment for a few bucks?
Because they're Hispanic.
Better than an actual job I guess.
Mental images of bathtubs full of cash associated with drug business thanks to movies like Scarface.
because the really need those few bucks
they pay more than an actual job if there even any jobs to be had
Because they are poor and desperate for the money.
how much cost 1 g of cocaine in ur country
>>6810205 (OP)
Most of them are addicted to the power. They can't even go out in public. I wonder what it feels like to have the power to order a hit on almost anyone.
Imagine the life of a poorperson, add violence and there you go.

great health insurance and benefits
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It's kinda hard to grasp that people will behead their countrymen for just federal reserve toilet paper. It makes me think one could rule the world if one was rich enough
Really? What much in Asuncion?
but these are the capos, i was talking about low-ranking
I'd also appreciate comments from Mexico and the runner-up in narcos, colombia
This. And they don't have education, so no way to enter in the market.
Not sure if that was a joke but that's not Paraguay.
>Really? What much in Asuncion?
i really don't know what u wanna to say
because they Ubermensch (o como se escriba esa weá) with superior values, beyond the mass mentality
Probably make more money doing low level stuff. I would assume that their is a good chance to advance in the Cartels if you can stay alive or not get caught.
well, it's true that the executions are needlessly violent.
>it is said some cartel requires you to kill, mutilate and cook 15 people to let you become a hitman
Tiempo para escuchar unos corridos del buenazo de Larry Hernandez (?)
a mi me gusta "la gente del chapo", una historia muy emocionante y conmovedora
>mistaking croacia with paraguay

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