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On Sunday night I hosted the second 4chan Q&A/PMQ session here. Thanks everyone for contributing 4,000 posts and hanging out for 7.5 hours—it was fun and I hope it was informative/entertaining.

( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

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Has anyone else noticed that Americans seem to get drunk faster than most Europeans?

Not trying to start a shitfest here - having a low alcohol tolerance seems like it'd be much cheaper to live by
you're drinking with people under 21, OP. And you haven't thought this through enough.
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>>6809622 (OP)
>Americans drink Budweiser
Why? it taste like utter piss
That's funny because everytime I see The Simpsons and see Homer getting drunk with beer I wonder who could get drunk that easily.
When I was in the US and went clubbing everyone has cunted on 3 drinks or so, it looked really cheap.
>You'll never get drunk cheaply
>>6809622 (OP)

Like >>6809632 said, if you're drinking with Americans under 21, that might explain it. They generally haven't learned how to drink.


Usually because it's cheaper than good beer. I agree though, it is terrible.
Poor people drink Budweiser. Real men drink scotch, vodka, or whiskey.

>poor people aren't real

I learned something today.
Pleb. absinthe master race
Ever hear of pre-drinking saves a nice amount of cash.
I always thought that not allowing under 21 to drink is a really childish law. How do you guys feel about it?
I do pre drink, excessively. I've found drinking from a beerbong is a lot faster as well

12 year old detected. drink a drink like a man, not a fucking child

>inb4 but broo it's crazy man
That's probably a fair point.

Have there been any attempts to lower the drinking age in the US? It just seems so strange..

Anyway, I read that Switzerland's law stipulates 16 for beer, wine and cider; 18 for spirits, which is an interesting idea.

It is. I'm 19 and I can't buy alcohol but I can get blown up in Afghanistan. Fucking Ronald Reagan..
Shorts all errryday

>Have there been any attempts to lower the drinking age in the US

It was a state's issue until the 80's and reagan took over and was like muh moral majority, and forced states to raise it (or they would lose federal highway funding).

Republicans are all about those "states rights."
I think it's stupid, but it is true at least in America.

Alcohol is like this big bad thing to young people and if you drink a little OMG UR so hard.

The few people that are under 21 that I'll drink with are annoying as fuck when they're drunk, and it doesn't take much for them.

Also my mom has like 3 beers and is drunk, but that's just funny.
>frenchman telling me to drink like a man.
I drink from a beerbong when I want to get drunk fast, I drink like A man when I want to enjoy a pint
My dad told me when he was 18 in the 70s, they lowered the drinking age to 18 for a little while, but put it back up to 21 because of all the idiots doing dumb shit while drunk.

This was also the first and last time my dad got drunk
In one Desperate Housewives episode someone said: "he isn't gay, not even after 3 beers". Americans really should learn to drink.
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>not drinking this

No. It was decided by state. Most states had it set to 18 after prohibition ended (1930's) and they didn't change it until the 1980's.

Most reasonable people agree that it's pretty dumb.


I'm not sure, to be honest. I read somewhere that drinking laws actually vary by state, but we were always taught that it's 21 across the board. There's not too much momentum for changing it though. People nowadays are pushing much harder to legalize and regulate weed.

I used to get drunk on just beer last year. Fuck, I wouldn't even feel buzzed till around 8-9, an maybe drunk around 11-12. It was PBR, Im a dirty hipster.

I can stand getting drunk on beer anymore, I have to pee so much and I feel so bloated.
Yeah and I guess Michigan decided to raise/lower it or something.
Hey Iranbro, you want to like, accidentally post that picture again?
A single drink? wow man
I never drink beer anymore. Have to drink spirits to get drunk.
>implying he isn't permbanned for that
Pints are much better.

>a single drink?

What are you asking?

Whatever, I've posted much worse than that before, just change your IP address and you're back on here in seconds, unless you're retarded or something

>a single drink

If you're referring to a single drink as in just beer, than yes

But I had way, way more than just one.

I don't do that shit anymore. It made me fat and beer drunk sucks. I moved on to spirits when I turned 21.
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What did he post? I missed it
I don't troll, I really used to watch Desperate Housewives. It is good serial.
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>TFW going to your local after a days work and having a crisp cold pint
>Cold pint

you're not fooling anyway
>I'm 19 and I can't buy alcohol but I can get blown up in Afghanistan
Oh boy.
Well, can't argue with that. In Brazil you can vote at 16 but you can only drive at 18.
Because you are already mature to vote but not to drive, fuck logic.

I don't think I should say it, mods are probably monitoring right now.

But it rhymes with Mild Hornography.
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He didn't post furry porn? What the fuck iranbro?
>Not drinking cold pints
It was a rumour made up sun shine
>tfw I was such a lazy dirty hipster last year I drank all my PBR warm

Beer doesn't really taste nice, plus it makes you fat.

Spirits or cider all the way
Americans are more talkative and loud to begin with so they might appear to be more drunk than they are.
PBR is disgusting swill

can't believe you drank it warm
fuck off pedo scum
Pints of Guinness followed up by whiskey. Am I only the only person who noticed that there grandfathers can drink 25 pints and seem fine when I'm struggling to breath at that point.
...Try reading that post one more time.
I can fucking drink anything now, warm or cold, piss water or an amazing ale.

When I tell people warm beer doesn't bother me (US) they give me "WHAT THE FUCK" looks.
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>spirits and cider all the way

they also make you fat, plus you look like a cunt while drinking them

I love children what can I say?
how does drinking a drink make one look like a cunt
special brew is nectar of the gods you damn communist
I went to the pub with my Granddad would drink like a fish
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Dammit that would kind of make sense.
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I get that it's like your national drink or something, but do people really enjoy Guinness?
It tastes horrible, imo

pic somewhat related
This is true.
I wonder how much the queen can drink
Guinness is fucking beautiful you pleb
So no more furyaryanism for us?
somebody in this thread must of saved that picture. re-posted, i beg of you, will dump in return.
I reckon she can get the back
I can out-drink anyone in this board.

Come to my town and challenge me if you dare.

Do you even binge?
fuck off chomo
Fat people take more to get drunk. Either we're fat fucks or we're lightweights. It's biologically impossible for a population to be both on average. Pick one, OP.
you're a dirty pedo cunt, now fuck off
>asking brits and irish if they binge

I enjoy it some people hate it. Most people seem to drink it wrong, they like sip it. You do not sip Guinness you take mouthfuls of it. Also some cunts have no idea how to pull a pint of Guinness.

I love you South Africa
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It's not the best stout, but "horrible"? Bro, do you even beer? And this is coming from a pretentious beet snob
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>outdrinking anyone
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>mfw I see someone pull anykind of pint wrong
>MFW they try and give me a pint with 5 inches of head
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Which one should I take a dram from before heading to bed /sp/?

you're welcome
You should get a can of Special Brew, cunt
Of course. We call it pregaming.
highland park

Whoops, wrong board /int/, not /sp/
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Thinking Guinness is good stout is like thinking velveeta is good cheese
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I know man the fucking gall to do that.
We've evolved over years and years of binge drinking so it doesn't damaged our kidneys or livers it's that of the inbreeding.
have you seen the shit americans pass off as cheese?
are you drunk right now
i've wet my whistle on a few pints
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You can sleep well knowing Kraft will burn for their sins against cheese. But don't be talkin' shit about muh Murrikan cheese!
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anyone tried this?
everyone knows muslims clove underage wifes. not looking at anyone, Muhammed
it's more that he deletes stuff that isn't against the rules
Jesus that would be some sort of fresh hell.
I actually probably could out drink anyone in this thread.

Then again, I'm 31 and you're all probably under 20.
20, been drinking since 15.
Are you that guy who told us the story yesterday about getting divorced?

My nigga

>Being a heavy drinker
>something to be proud of.

Pick one.
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>Still can't legally buy alcohol for another year.

well, I say 15, but thats when I started drinking seriously, when I had my first proper drink at like 11/12?
because your brain doesn't stop developing until your early twenties etc hurf durf

No, sir!


Who said anything about being a heavy drinker?
Muslim detected
You're also probably the size of a freight container

You'll spend the vast majority of your life able to legally buy alcohol, don't worry about it.

I'm actually quite healthy, but thanks for the retarded comment, Swedebro.

Boasting that you can outdrink other people is silly. I mean, I drink too (being a student in Scotland, it's pretty difficult to avoid it) but claiming you can outdrink anyone ITT really is a bit petty.

Hardly. I'm the guy who posted about the whisky a few posts ago.
I started properly when I was 12. Luckily I started working when I was 15 so I managed to cut it down a decent amount. I couldn't imagine where I'd be if I hadn't started working.
>>6809622 (OP)
>Has anyone else noticed that Americans seem to get drunk faster than most Europeans?
I have not noticed this, no. Hardcore American drunks can probably hold their own with just about anyone. It's interesting to note that many of our good beers (not macro-brewed yellow swill, but the snobby micro stuff that Americans who actually like beer drink) are actually higher in alcohol than most of their international counterparts (American IPAs have a much higher alcohol content in general than the variety does in its birthplace, for example), and our bars mostly pour larger drinks. So I think serious drinkers should be in good shape. I think it's more likely that OP is drinking with very young people who've only just begun to drink.
>All that being said, however, my wife has an incredibly low tolerance. She is a very cheap date. I am a grizzled, hardened lush, though.

Uh, no, it's not. By age alone, I have had far more time to build up a tolerance than any of you guys. Even just drinking moderately.

I guess I forgot that the whole premise of the thread was about Americans not being able to drink, so took your post out of context.
And your comment wasn't?

American logic, modus burger ponens
>>6809622 (OP)
Pedo much?
modus edens edendo

No worries, good sir!


Fuck off, I have no idea what you're talking about at this point. My comment had to do with the thread, yours was a trite "hurr Americans are fat I supr original!!! XDDDD".
no need to get all worked up, im just aving a giggle m8
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If you are in the military you can drink at 18. Shut up and go get blown up.
>not pedo
19 years old just to drink, can already vote and join the army, can own weapons, can drop out of highschool. Why can't i have a fucking drink???? fuck you america. But seriously just get a fake ID and go for a drink.
>Be 18, Take bus to Quebec every weekend to drink with friends.
How quickly they get drunk depends mostly on the size of the person drinking.
Also, how do you go to the bar without pre-gaming before hand? Otherwise, you'd spend way more money.

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