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what is the meaning of this silliness, america?
Canada does it that way too
To piss yurop off, of course. It makes sense in its own right, though - M/D/Y is how we refer to dates (January 1st, 2000).
>>6747547 (OP)

because we are #1

that's also why we use the imperial system
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We do things our own way, if you haven't noticed
Whoever said that the date must be organized to mirror a triangle?
Canada does all ways
Month has the lowest maximum number (12)
then day (31)
then year(its over 9000)
>tfw I am posting this on 11/16/2012 at 05:23:01
Canada is in this weird world between the USA and Europe. We use a sloppy mixture of imperial and metric, a sloppy mixture of British and American spelling, and somehow manage to use both ways to set our dates interchangeably without confusing the fuck out of each other.
>manage to use both ways to set our dates interchangeably without confusing the fuck out of each other.
except that's not true
We try to combine both worlds
But why wouldn't you order it in order that you're going to change it (most - least)? Changing the middle one every day is just dumb.
Under place value, the most significant numbers are put first. You wouldn't write twelve thousand thirty 30,012, would you? Ideally, the year would be put first, but because the year hardly matters in most cases, it's best to put it in the back, so that the year can easily be read at a glance.
Why is it dumb? Is it too difficult for your mind to process?
I understand both ways
so does everyone
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>>6747547 (OP)
It's Month/Day/Year
I see both ways being used regularly and can understand them fine.
>Is it too difficult for your mind to process?

No, I understand it. It's just completely illogical.
That's not an accomplishment
What if it's 04/07/2012?

If you use both, what date is it?
it's perfectly logical, you just don;t like it because Americans do it.
I like a lot of thing America does, your date system is just dumb.
Well we use common sense then, aka if it is spring, then M/D/Y applies, if it is summer, then D/M/Y applies.
Why is dumb, you're making no sense
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Needs a little more context, or else, fuck it, I don't know what fucking date that is. Yeah using both can be a pain in the ass. I notice the M/D/Y format is used more often in business, and D/M/Y format everywhere else, but this varies across the country.

according to wikipedia, Canada is the only country to use 3 different date formats, so it gets even more confusing.
So your explanation for why its dumb is that it is illogical, and your explanation for why its illogical is because it is dumb?
Let's say you had taken several photos over the course of a year. When you sought to organize them on your computer, would you make 31 folders for each day, and then encase 12 folders for each month inside?
We're a special snowflake

All 3 main types are used in Canada – in French and in English.

Social Insurance applications for Canada use DMY format.

Passport applications and tax returns use YYYY MM DD.

Nearly all newspapers use MDY (MMM[M] D, YYYY).

The default date format used by Microsoft Windows for English Canada for all-numeric dates (short-dates) is DD/MM/YYYY, and for long dates is MMMM D, YYYY in Windows XP and MMMM-DD-YY in later versions; for French Canada it is YYYY-MM-DD for short-dates and D MMMM YYYY for long-dates.

>somehow you get used to it and it's not confusing anymore
I have no excuse.
It is so unspeakably dumb.
shut up faggot
I think it should be the day first as well. It just makes more sense, I suppose. I guess we write it the way we say it; January 27, 2012=01/27/12
lel umad
pls write in caps next time
fuck you stop apologizing for me
No shit Sherlock. Except that in french for example, this date would be called "27 janvier 2012" and not "janvier 27, 2012"
At least we have our own date system. From what I hear, you guys use four of them.
Typically in the States when you say the date you say Month, Day, Year.

That's why it's September, 11th not 11th, September.

The way we write it reflects how we say it.
I don't get 'th' sentence too. you don't need it. don't you?
You need "th" with certain numbers. I can't explain exactly why English distinguishes between, say 13th and 2nd, but I'm sure someone more educated then me could tell you why.
American. Only lived in US.

Do not like the numbers together format. 01 january 1900 just looks nicer than january 01, 1900.

a want of the word form of the month in a date appears vulgar.
Well when we say the date we say "September eleventh" or "December twenty-fifth"

and I suppose it is odd that sometimes when we spell the month but not the day we add a "th"
I can't believe the Americans and Canadians are actually defending the idea to put dates in any order that isn't chronological.

There is zero logical reason to use M/D/Y why can't you guys just accept it?
The reasons you have given so far are:
- its not confusing at all
- its the way we say it
- the month is the most important so its first

Y/M/D or D/M/Y are the most widely used internationally simply because its the most logical choice.

Stop defending stupidity
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>Stop defending stupidity
as I said earlier when we speak we typically say "November Fifteenth, Two Thousand and Twelve in the Year of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ"

So the mm/dd/yyyy format matches the way we say it, seems logical to me, but I'm sure it appears all upside down for you.
Look, I get why you guys like the dd/mm/yyyy system, but can you not see how mm/dd/yyyy makes sense?
today is Heisei24/11/16
Read the thread, Crocodile Dundee.
So fucking what?

>This is the way we do things, we do things this way is because this is how we have always done things.

That is not a logical argument.
I can see how it makes sense, to be totally honest.

People are just making a fuss over not much at all. This is a way smaller issue than the imperial system.
You wouldn't understand, you don't have as much history as us.
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It seems the only exception is the Fourth of July which is heard far more often than July Fourth.

That's not the argument he was making, you mongoloid. It's that "This is the way we do things, because it's how we read the date aloud."
>massive confusion and very real economic cost of switching over from one arbitrary arrangement to another to satisfy autists abroad.

Also, nice reading comprehension.

we still had stains of Britain on us when we made the holiday.
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>>6747547 (OP)
It's organized in the order of unit with smallest number of variables and up.

You can only have up to 12 months, you can have up to 31 days, and you have an infinite number of years.

It is organizing smallest to largest, but in a different way.
>uses imperial system
>never been an empire

You can't convince me that's not retarded
We were born from an empire.
I find that when you're looking at dates in full format it's most often in non-current. With that in mind, I think months are more relevant than days which are more relevant than years.
USA is an empire, a corporative one
We aren't an empire. A superpower yes but not an empire.
that is retarded, completely impractical logic. anyone justifying using M/D/Y with this reason should be stabbed in the head. with bullets.

"hurr because you read it that way" is also retarded, because you can read it as D/M/Y
Because if you don't first state which month you're dealing with, dates are just meanigless numbers. There are twelve different 15ths, or 6ths, or whatever, but only one January 15th or March 6th.
>Yeah, but you could also just say the month afterward
Not in English, or any language in which adjectives preceed nouns. The month is the adjective that describes the date, the noun.
>Yeah, but what if you're just talking within the previously established context of a given month? Then saying the month first is just redundant.
Yeah, we drop it in that case. Just like you do. It doesn't have to be in some special position just for us to be able to do that.
>Today is the 16th of November, 2012

perfectly correct english
>Yurop thinks kilogram is a unit of weight.

Silly yurop, kilogram is unit of mass. Newton is the unit you are looking for

>Yurop thinks Celsius is less arbitrary than Fahrenheit.

Silly yurop, Kelvin is what you are looking for.
Yeah, but it's more useful this way.

I'm starting to think that between this nonsense, celsius putting freezing at 0 and boiling at 100, and a bunch of other shit, pretty much all European measurement systems must have been created by autistic people more concerned with "THE NUMBERS, MASON" than with what actually fucking works.
>adding an extra word (of)
This is exactly why you are where you are, Poland.
You're more Hegemon than empire, actually.
Not saying that it is incorrect within our language, just that it's inconsistent and schizophrenic within the context of the overall structure of our language.
bcuz we have 2 save on evry word n letter rite?
Newton is a unit of force Americunt
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Don't you mean "The Fifteenth of November, in the Year Two Thousand and Twelve of the reign of Our Sovereign Lady, Her Britannic Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, by the Grace of God"?
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It's both.
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that's why we don't have a nigger as president
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at least our presidents aren't killed on a whim by russians
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>mfw this is typical European rhetoric, and yet Americans are always condemned as being the racist ones
I personally think we should deport literally every single hispanic and stop giving black people so much money. It's sort of a legitimate accusation.
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>allowing the general trends of a race to blind yourself to exceptional individuals within that race
Keep it up, Poland. This is why you cannot into space.
>implicating that was the commies and not the fascists

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