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Why do Mexicans expect America to solve all their problems?
Obviously they are a nation of little children.
>>6577500 (OP)
Because you're interested in the mexican market?
>America, America Seniore our men are killing each other Seniore do something andele!

>Okay Pablo, we'll invade and do military strikes on these people for you

>Aaaaiiiiiieeeeee no no no this will not do you cannot do this please do something do something America

>..... wtf Pablo seriously we don't have a magic wand

>America Seniore pleaze invent magic wand to save mexico from mexican men

>Dammit Pablo where did you get my number?
It doesn't make us their parents!
We don't, we expect Lopez Obrador to solve our problems
Oh boy, here we go.
Then why is all I hear from you people whining?
Because you are freakking 10 times our size, every little stupid mistake you made affects us greatly, like guns, we are like a dog asking and elephant to be more careful about where hi is stepping, because you go around like a big mankid doing dumb dangerous things like selling guns to teens, retards, crazy people and cartels!
>>6577500 (OP)
Keep denying your heritage, José.
Stop making them your yard and maybe they will stop complaining.
Because you need to fix your drug problem, your insatiable thirst for illegal drugs is causing all this.

Fuck you gringo, give lands back and fuck off latin america.
no. Only 2.something times.
Dude, WE cannot control YOUR men unless you let us.

And when we offer to use military force to solve your problems you get all butthurt and offended.

Guns exist and have existed for two centuries or more, give us a break here. It's cute that your entire nation has convinced itself that this is our problem but come on dude.

These are MEXICANS doing all this shit.
oh no, here we go again
Because kebab.
Pfffft no responsibility.

Should we treat you like children since you act this way?
>have drug cartels selling to America
>Blame America
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>>6577500 (OP)
We are just aking you to solve your drug and wapon addiction, nothing more, we are not asking you to give us money just to stop your lust for drugs and really dangerous toys.
>supply and demand
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Its like america thinks we're asking to be freed

No, just controll your drug abuse problems, thats all we need from you.
Oh my god, here we go.

Mexico begs for money every year Paco. And the USA? We give it more often than not and this is the thanks we get?

Why do we ever help anyone, their memories are short.

As far as drugs, South Americans introduced cocaine to western markets buddy. You did that.

And guns have been around for two centuries stop crying like they are some brand new thing.
You're the ones with the problem, don't blame us.
stop making delicious drugs then.
Control your men dude.

We do it! Why can't mexico? If your economy wasn't so shit because your people were so corrupt maybe it would be different.
or legalize them
We're working on it.
Yes, end the supply and demand. If you notice America has been strict against drug use. You however need to stop supplying the shit
>we do it

sure you do, that drug obsession sure is controlled, and funny you should talk about economy, but im not going to post the 30 links this time.


>stop your drug abuse problems

thats all
Mexico, just let us invade and clear these cartels up for you and bring you into the fold.

We can just drop the borders and call it a good day? We'll even let you keep your badass snake-eating eagle flag with a few changes.
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>Then why is all I hear from you people whining?

No son bebés, Armando. No. Son adultos todos, ¿no? Y muy locos. Eso sí, lloran como bebés. “¡Ahí vienen los pinches mexicanos! ¡Nos van a chingar, a matar,con sus drogas!” ¡Que chinguen a su madre! ¡Que chinguen a su madre todos esos mocosos, escuincles, drogadictos! Esos que chinguen a su madre. Que chinguen a su madre las mujeres……que se están metiendo heroína y pasta sin parar. Que chinguen a su madre los doctores estos mariguanos de California. ¡Esos que chinguen a su madre! Si se quieren meter bolsas de mierda por la nariz…¡pues alguien se las tiene que vender, Armandito!
Then tell the ATF to stop supporting the drug cartels
>Dude, WE cannot control YOUR men unless you let us.

TRUTH, but we cannot neither, and you know why? because they have advanced new american weapons, they are like an american army, they just lack your flag, they are killing our forces who have like 20 years old guns.

> And when we offer to use military force to solve your problems you get all butthurt and offended.

We just need you to stop selling guns this easily, even retards can buy them, you should reconsider these laws or at least the drug consupmtion laws.

> Guns exist and have existed for two centuries or more, give us a break here. It's cute that your entire nation has convinced itself that this is our problem but come on dude.

And only in america they are legal for everyone, even teens, only in america, and look what is happening to your neighbour.
and all we need from you is to get your people under control. Take some responsibility Pablo.

Or allow us to roll in and do it for you.
Oh boo hoo. Stop your drug manufacturing industry that's it!
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Do you not pay attention to our politics?
>advanced new american weapons

Dude what? They are just automatic rifles it's not some super advanced space technology lol.
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Man, all this butthurt from both sides.
Keep going, make this monkey huehuehappy.
This is the American stance.

Clean up your house or let us clean it. But don't bitch to us unless you really want to solve this problem.
Do you pay attention to ours?
Hey Mexico stop your automatic rifle addiction that's all
Mexicans are still armed to teeth with nuggets.
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Our army trains with 1800s rifles, our police men only carry small single shot pistols, thats all, since the revolution nobody else has weapons here, i have never seen a weapon in my life for example, your automatic rifles are more than enough to be a problem, serious problem.
Mexicans really are the most useless people.

>America we has problem too many killings
>Okay Mexico here are some guns and trainings
>No America we are non-violent solution
on this subject, yes
So now it's OUR fault that YOUR army sucks?

Dude just shut up we give you aid all the time and now you want more from us?

So? Your shitty beta fear of weapons has bit you in the ass. Good job
>If you notice America has been strict against drug use.

Lance Armstrong is truly the prime example of the american contemporary.

Addicted to substances but when questioned, blames it on everyone else.
>our army uses 1800's weapons
>boooo hooooo waaahhhhhhhhh booo hooooo
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Our prisons are mostly filled with drug violations. This is why so many people are pissed over the war on drugs.
No one in America is going to be hurt by this lol

Seriously we lock up a shit ton of people for drugs. And we provide sooooo many services and addiction help.
>American arguments
ok mexico, were invading, you are now the 51st state.
Ok, let's get this straight:
America, stop buying drugs from Mexico. If you want weed, make your own. You are just funding their criminals.
Mexico, stop blamming USA like the Big Satan. In South America we also have drug problems but it didn't derailed like it did in Mexico.
Whatever Pablo, just find some real men, give them good guns and fuck up those cartels.

Ever heard of artillery? Gunships? Air strikes?

It's a dangerous world out there Amigo, and you have to be rough to play.
We are working on it. May I also say that Brazil truly is a nation of bros?
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So fixing our military means buying millions and millions of dollar in guns from america....

We been around from 1912 to 2006 without great army nor guns for population and everything was jus fine, then in 2006 narcos get their hands in shinny american weapons and tadahh, thousands of deaths yearly....

Sure is merchant in here, sure dude, you sell drugs to our cartels then you asks us to buy more guns to fight the cartels, only winner is america....

You are bussiness men obviously.
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>the drug addiction filled colony of the u.s.a
soon weed will be legalized... soon

We offered to GIVE it to you dude. But you are a nation of mommas boys and won't fight properly.

Don't bitch to ME because YOUR military is still stuck in the 1900's.
buy the guns from europe then. I don't care. Just don't be surprised when you under arm the authorities and the criminals take over.
>America fix our military
>America stop liking drugs
>America stop selling us guns
>America jump through all these hoops and maybe we can not suck so bad
>America also aid money plz

And on and on and on.
Well, thank you. :3
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>Mexican weed
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A true american hero,
Keep the drugs flowing in the system right?
And this proves that your policy is strict against the idiots that do drugs, but how do those idiots get the drugs in the first place? Because narcos and corrupt policemen do whatever they won, and against those, you are no strict at all. I spent one month up there, and that was more than enough to get weed by myself, several times. If you were so strict, I could have never done that.
Dude no one cares about Lance Armstrong. Really.

I know you think he's like some national hero but no one really gives a shit.
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God bless america
420 blaze it
Drug dealing is the most common arrest in America every day dude.

You don't even know what you are talking about.
>Mexico crack down on the drug cartels
"hurr it's your fault they exist not ours we are completely innocent"
lol okay that is funny
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are you not american?

come on faggot 420, toke every day
Drug arrests are huge here. If you're talking about the cartels though we can't go into Mexico to stop it.

You were here for just a month, you really dont know the amount of money and manpower that goes into this.
So do all those other >18% countries have a analogous to our asspained mexicans?
Gringordos should stop thinking that we are begging to them to help us. The general thinking in the country is that its all our fault but that you junkies aren`t helping at all either. That and we don`t want any fucking military intervention because you would only half ass it like all your interventions, making more collateral damage than the fucking narcos. Any mexican in here who thinks that dropping a few Rambos on Chihuahua and Sinaloa will solve everything is fucking retarded and probably underage.
>Drug dealing is the most common arrest in America every day dude.
>You dont even know what you are talking about.

And that disproves the fact that gettind drugs in your country is a piece of cake? Who was your logic teacher? A mexican?
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America just be more strict with weapons, they are not toys anyway, and be more relaxed with drugs, they are already consumed in america more than anywhere else in the world so legilize them, being ilegal makes their prices really big which is what criminals want.
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>Our prisons are mostly filled with drug violations
Then just stop fucking arresting users and resellers and start hunting for the big fishes. Jeez, it's not that hard to think this.
his point is that at a certain point the cost outweighs the benefit
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>America just be more strict with weapons

No! We have a contract with OUR government which says WE can have guns. And we have another contract which says that if anyone tries to take them away we can shoot them in the face.

It's called Liberty, something Mexicans never fought for.
>You were here for just a month, you really dont know the amount of money and manpower that goes into this.

No. I don't. Please tell me how much you spens, or should I say waste?. If the idea is not to allow people to get drugs, looks like you're failing. And you failed for sure with me. Remember that on your next reply and your next tax declaration.
the big fishes are across the boarder, were limited in what we can do.
We do Brazil, America has no big cartel violence. We have entire agencies dedicated to this.
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toke toke pass

God bless america

Mexicobro won't let us use military in their country so there you go.

Nothing we can do without their permission.
It was funny once but now you just look silly.
Again you don't know what you are talking about, people are not happy with the war on drugs because of the cost. You can't simply crack down on drugs, this is why it's so easy for you to get it, many people want to legalize weed.
will never stop. hopefully we can come up with ways to indulge ourselves without harming your country. I just wanna be a good neighbor I promise.
Me too. And we have been pretty good neighbors for our part.

We love out little sleepy brother to the south, even if he is dirty and crazy.
he was a "hero" once, now hes america embodied

He wasn't really a hero no one cares about french bike races.
I agree that we should stop wasting time arresting users and petty offender, but we do try to go after the big fishes. There is just so much money to be made with drug trafficking that if you take a "big fish" out they are instantly replaced by someone else looking to make ridiculous money
I still consider him a hero considering how much money he raised for cancer.
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>riding bikes
>relevant to Americans

nah, maybe in Germany or something
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liberty and freedom ends where the rights of others starts, you would like to hear from your neighbours that they can make loud parties all night long and keep you awake err day because is their freedom to do so??
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>no one cares about french bike races

oh no, you were doing fine containing your butthurt, why are you slipping now?


Hey Mexico. It's not our fault that your government ignored the cartels for so long. Now its too late. You can blame us all you want but it wont fix anything.
Look, if you won't upgrade your military what more can we say?

It's the Mexican military that cannot even control Mexico. And you won't let us do it. So suffer for another decade then.

At least you have the moral high ground to keep you warm.
your rights aren't violated by us having guns.
Mexicans on this thread
Why you so Beta?!
When you invaded Iraq you didn't ask permission for anyone, why USA is being a pussy now?
>You can't simply crack down on drugs

And that after saying you're very strict against drugs. BS. You can. A lot of countries do it. You just don't have the balls to do so.
Having a liberty and freedom debate with people who never fought for liberty or freedom is pointless.

They have no concept to start from, just stinky jealousy.
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>Blaming USA for drugs cartels
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Yes we need to put even more people in prison, it's totally working out for us so far
Oh wow.

We're cool with Mexicobro, cooler than we are with sand people. It's a courtesy not to invade them against their desires.

Good trolling Brazilbro.
Texas enter the competition!
Now things will be interesting.
your ignorance is amazing.
Viva Mexico!

Now lets go to the Estados Unidos!
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No, just 60,000 mexicans are killed each year with american weapons, but of course if it isnt in your constitution it doenst matter.

That book of yours is like qoran for muslims, it makes you a fanatic without self thinking and autonomy.
Then let us give you some not shitty guns and some training!

Or let us do it, shit man we would LOVE to come kill these dudes for you. We have whole teams of had ass duded just waiting for the order to go fuck people up.
i-it's not like i wanted to cut off his head i-idiot
>Mexico finally relents and lets America take on the Cartels
>Cartels hunted down like Al Queida
>Wiped up within five years

Let us do this.
those 60k are killed by the cartels. THEY are the ones violating your rights. Us having firearms does not violate them. Take some responsibility, your rights do supersede our rights.
No need. Countries that don't have a drug problem don't have people in prison for, because the people is so freightened of the consequences, that they wouldn't ever dare to do drugs. Much less selling them.

I don't support this. I support full legalization. But saying that the US is strict against drugs is bullshit. Saudi Arabia is.
That's what I was talking about, the costs of arresting so many people must be huge.
This is the Al Capone shit all over again, you guys never learn your lesson?

You know that's not entirely Mexico's fault, right?
Once you've done with Mexico, the drug dealers can just move somewhere else and start importing drugs on you all over again.
This mostly.

Don't blame us because Mexicans are killling Mexicans.

Your government put the blame on us and you all said "Yeah, let's not blame OUR government for OUR problems let's blame America hahahaha oh mexico u are of genius!"
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Let me handle this

>>6577500 (OP)
Because you started/are proliferating them
And if Latin America let North America do it right, we could chase them down wherever they went and fuck their shit up.

We literally have whole bases of dudes just praying to be let loose on some bad guys and everyone knows the cartels are bad guys.
Bwaaaah Americans guns to expensive for poor Mexican army, only cartel can afford them.
100 dollars for an AR too much!!

All those facts.
It is only because the Mexican government is so weak and useless, it's military outdated that the Cartels are free to act as they do.

If Mexico was strong and Alpha this would not happen. And you whine about the cost of guns?
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Probably sooner or later, who knows when our government will finally let american soldiers step here FOR THE FIRST TIME in 150 years. Merchants sure have abbility in diplomacy.


Of course they woul do nothing without those shinny american weapons, we dont have weaponry industry, in this country there is barely enough guns for the army and some small ones for really well behaved citizens, cartels got theirs from the land of freedom.

A lot of our weed is grown in the states already. The shittiest of the shit (Mexican brick weed) is the shit no body wants.
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>freightened of the consequences

What is more frighting then American prisons, have you even seen Oz?
We would be totally cool if we came, promise.

It would be the biggest party after we mop up the cartels. Just think of all the revenue from American soldiers in your towns man.

They would buy so much shit.
Hahaha if America invaded Mexico we would drink all the tequila in the land, bang all the women and create an instant Beef boom.
then we could build you a permanent military base and work with your military to be awesome

and we could like, have deployments to Mexico it would be sweet as fuck.

seriously mexico just let us get the tip in and it will be good for both of us
>Of course they woul do nothing without those shinny american weapons, we dont have weaponry industry, in this country there is barely enough guns for the army and some small ones for really well behaved citizens, cartels got theirs from the land of freedom.

That is your fault, not ours. You are a sovereign nation just as we are. It is our right to own firearms. It is not our fault you never bothered to arm your army or anything, we are not responsible for your domestic decisions.

It's not fair to Americans that our rights are curtailed because of decisions in Mexico.
Shut up Americans, you are pretty much Mexicans, just look at california arizona texas etc
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Oz looks like a hotel compared with our prisional system
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>mfw my state legalizes weed Tuesday and we get invaded by the cartels and they kill thousands of people because they will have access to American guns

Pray for me /int/
We really like you guys! We like you so much that most of us keep stopping the small part that wants to kick you all out.

Why you not love us back bro?
lol no Americans still have more guns than the cartels
Human heat makes people less aggressive.
>tfw when the coke I buy, and most of my glass comes from mexico.

Sorry guys. Something needs to be done. The drug war will always fail in first world countries.
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I know right? is a dangerous world we were fools trying to be peaceful, it would be sad if something bad would happen to us for being so naive.


we should pay americans for protection and weapons then, this dangerous world inst good for those who want peaceful non armed forces, have all my money america.
Mexico produce coke?
I thought this was a Colombia thing.

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