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Greeks. Is your soldiers still dress like that? It's cute but you know...

PS: I especially like that pompons on shoes.
Greece, pls explain that. Did you intend for your enemies to die from laughter when they see that outfit?

it could work
That's even worse than african soldiers.
They think if soldiers wear this shit, enemy will be afraid. LEL.
What the fuck is with those poofballs man

And the goddamn weave they've sewn onto the cap
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Nice Greece, plz try this outfit on a woman sometime.
>>6575979 (OP)

Love the shoes indeed.
Doesn't mean they can't be good soldiers just because they dress like Albanians (used to).
It looks cool.
What the hell?
Greece can't into kicking people in the face with that pompom in war
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More hotties.
Wow. This is actually a thing?
They don't have enough money to buy decent uniforms.
Nice dress, Greece
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I can't believe they make that gay pride in Selanik.
Hundreds of years of Turkish occupation has mutilated Greek culture beyond recognition. These sorts of Turkish-looking things are the leftover aftereffects of Ottoman rule.

They should hire a designer like the Nazis did, and make a proper Hellenic design for a uniform.
that guy on the front looks like arabs...
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No. Greeks always loved that skirts. You can't find a Turkish man which wearing a skirt.
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We aren't much better
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>>6575979 (OP)
Greece, pay denbts and stop buying silly clothes
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Yeah we are responsible for this too.
>not a single greek itt
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>posting a pic with Bulgarian Telegraph Agency watermark on it
>criticising others
>being a turk with mutilated genitals

choose all three

they using skirt so they can Instant rape when they winning the war...

but it never actually happen since the Rome fall...
Come on man, please tell me that's a joke, that looks way too much like Monty Python's silly walks sketch
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Haha, the Russians should have adopted it.

"Dimitri, lift your skirt. Up ahead is Berlin, you see?"
>Horseguards guy 1: I say ole'boy, let's make our grenadiers who are already ginormous brutes look bigger by making them wear black furry hats

Horseguards guy 2: You are a genius ole'boy!
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Britain's royal guards are totally serious looking guards compared to this
>>6575979 (OP)

I find them pretty good looking actully. The marches are retarded though.
I heard that the black thing on shoes is supposed to symbolize turks , whom they then "kick away" whilst marching. Not sure how much truth in that though...
All these European honor guards that are descended from units that kicked ass in some past war.

We jelly. All we got a policemen who are made to play pretend guards around the palace.
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U know it isn't the first time we parade in Thessaloniki with that "skirt" right mustafa?
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>pf, fail!!! you are so stupid!! check other's countries president guards are like faggots!!! our has style and VETERANISM in war, something that other's don't and are just like a present..... TSOLIADES FUCKED TURKS!!!!! and you btw a finland asshole cannnot speak about GREECE, we PEOPLE changed the world once, we will do it again!!!!! even if u dont believe it!!!!!!
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Oh, Japan.
>Americans cannot into historical British military terms.

Remember the time I mentioned "Oxbridge" and all these Americans are like "LOL JAPAN CANNOT INTO ENGRISH"
You gays bringed disgrace to my hometown.
dat afro hair
makes black people in shame
We use this uniform because all these turks killed by soldiers wearing it caused a trauma to them thus it is some sort of psychological weapon.
More effective against turks than any modern weapon.
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Post here guardsmans from your countries. Will see how faggy they are.
That guys looks pretty cool, actually.
Germany cannot into guards
that would be too nazi
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They letting them protect their politicians now
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>This Canadian guards unit have proper rifles as opposed to Britain

How can they not burst out laughing? Don't they feel ridiculous? I would have pointed and laughed.
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La Garde Républicaine
We have 5 guard regiments, Grenadiers, Coldstream, Irish, Scottish and Welsh. All of them have different button arrangements to tell them apart. UK confirmed for OCD
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Shut up turkey, at least we are a real nation not a fabricated one.
I took this photo in July this year.
>>6575979 (OP)

Well, Italian Bersaglieri and other french units still have this. (Fez)

> Soldiers of southern europe are more concerned about their look than fight their enemy
Bring back Prussia and the Holy Roman Empire Germany.
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Forgot the photo
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These are the people keeping Vatican and the pope safe.
the stupidest hat in history of mankind really
that hat alone is enough to make me hate brits
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If we had guards it would be these guys anyway
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>mfw the Welsh guards have a leek badge
And they are apparently totally badass.
aren't these the same guys who march around with torches? I likey
ignore this asshole.

What would happen if I tried to assassinate the Pope? I mean they don't even have guns. I mean a well armed team of 20 can easily fuck Vatican's shit up.
Yep the Wachbataillon
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they look okay
They supposed to be clowns.
>first thing that comes to Turkish mind when he see Pope's guards is assassianation of the Pope
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Yeah, nah they're pretty manly
Greece > Turk
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No they don't. They look like they few minutes ago escaped from the circus.
How this could be related with this thread? If you could find a gay soldier as yours post it otherwise don't even bother
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Japan could easily steal those designs and make an anime about little girls using that as a school uniform.
Tomb of the Unknown Soldier mind.
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White as day.
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you all jelly
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Our guards looks very similar. God tier uniform

Dat respect

10/10 would eat a burger.
you can ignore me
but that doesn't change the fact
that hat is gay

I agree with you japbro, it's fucking gay.
What can you expect from the Wonderful Sissies Island ?
just so you know this picture is from last years riots. this guys has just sniffed over 9000 tons of tear gas and he is still standing proud at his post....
Mate. asodkjsadosad i'll visit greece soon as possible to see this.
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One of our ceremonial units is the drabant guard. There's a length requirement of at least 188cm iirc.

They have a special marching style with raised knees making for a rather loud march:


I'm actually standing guard at the occasion shown in the video, but not on camera.
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Anıtkabir Guard

Turkey should adopt a silly walk as well and then you could have awesome border ceremonies up north with the Greeks.
No offense to the guy. Just said to Greeks here who claim to be the whitest thing since Yogurt.

Nice hat, if all these guards had those hats they'd probably look 100x better.
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These are members of La Legión, the elite Spanish army.
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Why so oldschool uniform? You shoul go further and put this on your guards heads.
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Our normal royal guards look like this, though.

So your job is to be tall and stomp your feet? Cool beans, bro.
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>>6575979 (OP)
pls stop making threads about Greece, shitskin.
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However, all our units used to do ceremonial service, so the royal guards would often look like this, but with variations in hat and uniform colour depending on branch.
That looks awesome!!!
You sound scared, frightened of Great Northern War Part 2 :Electric Boogaloo?

Why so dreary uniforms, bro? Shouldn't your ceremonial units have blue uniforms with white details or something?
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Sometimes traditions need to die, Greeks.
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Can Romania into good uniforms?
Here's our GNR - Guarda Nacional Republicana
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I figured I'd best contribute.

From what I've heard, they're about to make the change from those ghastly M16s (which were never in use by the military, btw, just the honour guard) and use M1 Garands.

Reinstated uniform of the prewar military, basically. Except without the Stahlhelm, because, you know, the world wouldn't understand.
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oops. forgot my pic
as expected from dem island monkeys
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Royal halbearders

They're alright. They seem to have put on the wrong pants, though.
Isn't grey and white colourfull enough?
Fuck yeah :3
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I tought these were our guard
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Well, at least they have bayonets.

Omg I'm dying with laughter wtf?
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So Latvians use old school USSR uniforms?
Best ones. Most of the other costumes either look a bit old-fashioned or make the soldier lose all his dignity. But these ones look nice.
Only the guy on the left of the left flag carrier looks slavic
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We do
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Damn Russiabro, what the hell is your problem? They might look silly to you, but damn, no need to be an arrogant twat just because you got alpha as fuck guards...
This happens to white skin when it is exposed to sun as proper guards have to. It turns red. You may want to expose your skin to sun sometime too.
Nothing personal Bularbro, just my opinion.

Your dudes look cool, Bulgaria. Would allow to всичко next to me.
>night vision scope


>Get off the fence.
>Chrome coated kalashnikov
shiggy diggy
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Please tell me you're trolling. :<
They look nothing alike, starting with the soviet style MASSIVE HAT.
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muh swag
I think it's funny that the Turk guard could pass as any western guard, but the Greeks are so outlandish that seem to be a product of a comedy. That being said, Turks I like it.

Reminds me of the guards at the Nuremberg trials. Nothing wrong with that, though.
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Your guys have ropes, a white belt, and chest pockets and then a different cap and a different color. Past that the cut of them is very similar.
Your soldiers looks like a guerilla actually. Are they march on or just walk freely like a normal person?
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Very very blue.
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sorry,wrong pic

sometimes they dress like that but it's not common.
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I'd say the collar is considerably different, tabs and all. At any rate, this design predates the USSR uniform you posted, as this was used up until 1940.

Add a Stahlhelm, if you wish.
Alfa as fuck.
>>6575979 (OP)
My favourite are the stockings which expose that little part of bum surface when they high-kick.
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That is so badass. I wish we had huge military parades.
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Ours are allowed to move.

Yeah, I just name 'em like you guys call 'em.
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These hats remind me our ushankas.
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On horses.

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