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ITT: South East Asian thread
>100,000 SE Asian-related threads on frontpage
>make new one
why France has to start the thread?
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>South East Asian thread
then, what is your opinion about our leopard 2 arrival in Jakarta, fellow SEA?
why do you even need these 50-60 ton tanks when 90% of your country are islands and jungles?
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just two leopards? how much can that effect in a war
Southeast asia in a nutshell:
why canada doing gorrila warfare in dat video?
Portable pillbox!
> invading Australia.
> two obese tanks.
Are web back to red alert?
We will copy it of course...

and you guys will be buying from us
I am afraid it's slowly gone, and Java doesn't have jungle anymore. Leopard 2 Revolution that specialized in urban warfare will be placed there, in Java
the only relevant island is the big one(sumatra,java,sulawesi,kalimantan,papua), leopard 2a4 will be placed there
>2 tank
it's the first delivery
there will be 100 leopard tank
50 marder
nope, the emu will destroy the tank
why we would want to invade Australia?

people living in cold countries can't tell the smell of humid before raining.Usually it smells weird just right before it rains.Happens everywhere in the equatorial countries
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>Singapore = Leopard 2A7
>Malaysia = PT-91 Pendekar
>Vietnam = T-72
>Indonesia = Leopard 2A4
>meanwhile in the Philippine Army
Tank wouldn't do a shit on island battle...

you need ship that can shell an island...
Don't we have APC back at Erap's time?
We need planes that can make swiss cheese of ships.

And planes are Cheaper. Though I have to agree a navy means you can hold your piece of water.
>buying indonesian tank
no friggin way man,but we buy your hot bandung girls though

yeah right,like emu's gonna get injured by Leopard 120 mm gun
wait, don't tell me that the dog is carying a mine
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assuming pic related is true
Wouldn't apcs and artillery make more sense than tanks?
but you are going to buy this from us


>Malaysia: April 2012: The Malaysian Defence Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi confirmed that while the Anoa had been evaluated, no decision had been made on the acquisition.[29] There are 2 options for the machine to use, Mercedes Benz or Renault both with capacities 7,000 cubic-centimeter equivalent with 320 horse power.[30]

not to mention you also funded our stealth warship research... and you planning to buy it from us...

why don't you malay create your own military factory...?
nevermind... malaysian already buying it from us...


we digging gold now... SEA buy from us...
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>mfw all that tin can garbage
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Is urbanized, which means Tank = Good Idea.
has China for its excuse. Also once you get to Hue city/middle of Vietnam it's almost all rice paddies.
Jungle, though largely becoming urbanized, with what little Jungle turning into plantations.
We just heard earlier, they're going to put it on Major islands.

Philippines, however, is an ungodly mix of small islands and with the major islands Luzon and Mindanao still roughly jungled up save for port cities. Said cities are also tank unfriendly with their tight streets.

Our focus, obviously, is amphibious movement of light assets and to ensure that said assets can maneuver in jungles and our tight cities.

Just up-armor the existing light armor we have and add, I dunno, add TOW's onto them and we're golden. We don't need an MBT as of the moment.
From where do you hail?
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>no decision had been made on the acquisition
>no decision

be proud on something else indon.Proud to be able to watch Upin and Ipin and ride a Proton car
Goddamnit flips... APC/IFV can't be compared with MBT...

where did your the defense budget go?

nope... we just want your money...

your country already funded our ships research though...
In the pockets of our politicians
For much of the cold war, murricans ensured that any invasion of us will be met by them. And with our usual enemies being guerillas, why spend much?

We're fixing that now though because lolChina.
> Defense Budget: $2,439,510,000 [2011]
Reserves of Foreign Exchange & Gold: $62,370,000,000 [2011]
Purchasing Power: $351,400,000,000 [2011]

you kidding...
How can you even defend Metro Manila with that?
No I'm not, the system here is even more corrupt, lol.

>defend Metro Manila
you gotta be joking there mate
>Jesus I swear to god the usual run of the mill pinoy is an idiot when it comes to Military matters.

Aren't you that one pinoy who runs around claiming to be an expert on military affairs on the basis of having done one paper for ROTC or some shit?

No. But I do /k/ a lot and am quite the historyfaggot.
Are you we still doing that?
Wasn't it replaced with NSTP?
Replaced by NSTP, of which ROTC is but a wee part of

And I doubt ROTC require's a paper. Philippine Military Academy maybe, but ROTC involves pretty marching and faux-military discipline, nothing more.
I know a school here in Cebu still does ROTC same goes from my hometown Davao.
>tfw we use old british military hardware

color me amazed, still not an excuse for having a piece of shit military
Furthermore, it doesn't take an expert to know that Tanks aren't a good indicator of military efficiency.

Heck, shit African countries whose capitals are kept on being overrun by rebels have tanks.
Well, tell them to keep up with the program, haha. Poor kids.
Lol, I always laugh when I see them at the field though
not tanks... but Technicals...

The variant of Leopard the Indonesians are getting is more advanced than ours, actually. Both are baseline 2A4s from Cold War stocks that Germany has been flooding the market with, but the Indonesian one has the full package of upgrades, so to speak.

The Leopard 2SG is a stripped down EVO upgrade done by IBD Denisroth and KMW, has the same AMAP composite armor addon and so on. But the Indons will be getting the full package which includes a remote weapons station, active and passive defense systems against IEDs and ATGMs, and independent commander's thermal viewer which will give it the hunter-killer capability that the original 2A4s didn't have.

The big reason why we didn't go for the full upgrade is weight - the full package would put it over 60 tons which would be chancy for the bridges and so forth in our AO. I don't know about the state of infrastructure in Indonesia, but I suspect this will be a big problem with operating it. Personally I think they should have gone with something lighter like what the Malaysians went with.
Tanks can't swim.
60 tonnes!
May as well be an armoured train.
Because we getting it cheap...

we buy it on EU recession...
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I meant the government forces having tanks. Yes they may be old Russian/CHinese ones but compared to the rebels they fight (who have none) they still suck ass.

And then there's this little war. Gaddaffi's army, with their tanks, faced off ON OPEN GROUND with an army whose heaviest armour is the technical and still lost.
Average MBTs weigh around 60 tons, actually.
HAHAHAHA Toyota war

i should open my wikipedia account and tell them to make consensus to change those name...

the government is rich because they have oil... and china already invested so much to Africa and china and russia is main supplier for Libya and many african countries...
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No wonder why Gaddafi's bibol no love him.

On the one hand I have to commend them for a very sensible purchase, monetary-wise - with all the Euro countries going bankrupt and having to cut down military expenditures they were able to get a fair bit of top line kit at extremely low prices, compared to Malaysia, which got flogged by Poland for crap at exorbitant prices.

On the other hand they don't really seem to have put much thought into the kind of conditions they are going to have to operate in, which is a problem with Southeast Asian arms procurement in general. A lot of the buying is politically-motivated- Indonesia's case is less severe than Malaysia, IMO, but there are still a few notable incidents, like Habibbie and the East German Navy.

Story for a another time.
Dunno man, he lasted longer than Marcos ever did and they both have the same reputation.

Not to mention not all of Libya rose up to fight him come 2011. I remember that the rebellion was already on the brink of losing, ready to fight to the last on Benghazi, and then the NATO came to the rescue.

Though I must say, Libya dogpiled on his regime once the rebs were sure to win. Balimbing.
ph doesn't need main battle tanks at the moment, our bridges are only rated up to 25-70 tons with the latter being exclusive in the more modern metro area.

given how our country is the smallest spender in military arms in southeast asia for the past 2 decades this isn't a surprise.
>Potentially self-sufficient country
>Huge amount of natural resources
>Population is about 300 millions, 5th in the world
We'd have the potential to become the 2nd China if not for our people's culture of lazyness.
Always bet on Low class indon my indobro...
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>if not for our people's culture of lazyness.

well my ex-Indon girlfriend begs to differ
>people living in cold countries can't tell the smell of humid before raining.Usually it smells weird just right before it rains.Happens everywhere in the equatorial countries

The smell of rain, the best smell.
If you could stand hot & humid weather before it.
The best thing the Failpenis could do for its defence right now is reopen Clark and Subic bay.
right now US CVN is on Flips...

China will be removed from those islands...
We actually did think of reopening it, in 2009/10.

However the deal was Murricans would have agree to our current proposal that this time, they must pay rent.

Guess who said no?
Silly javan, why would we not want to?

>Giving you military props and protection
>Asking them to pay for rent


you must be mad to kick them out while China is on the rise and wanting to steal your Sea and Island

The rebels had nato air support
and we stole and bring back that lazy culture to malaysia
It's because we are being oppressed by the chinks and corrupt nobles!!
Revolution, brothers! We shall march to the Palace and burn this so-called President to death!

(party like it's 1965)
you can have them... i don't mind...

but daily reminder you still importing worker from SEA country

guess who lazy now?
Oh Malaysia, you could always own the etymology of word "malaise"
Wait, we're LESS severe than Malonia?
And I thought all the MPs using tank dealings as a cover for traveling to Muenchen and paris
We had no Idea China would reach this level of power in the 80's actually. And to a certain extent: nobody did. We're all assuming that with the Warsaw pact dissolving and the Soviets collapsing China would fold up as well. The latter 80's and the survival of the Communist Party in China surprised US and RP experts working in SEA,

Also we were terribly racist against the Chinese. The 90's ended that with China outstripping us in any way save for Civil Rights.
>in SEA
>stopping being racist to chinks
>The best thing the Failpenis could do for its defence right now is reopen Clark and Subic bay.

nah, american soldiers are bros but they can't keep their dick in their pants 99% of the time
Sorry, maybe "condescending" is a more proper term.

The only thing we can bash China with is via WE HAVE FREEDUMBZ statements.
Although since its Davao, it kinda makes sense. Last time I visited Davao, I saw security guards there armed with MP5's. I think its due to the fact that it's nearby muslim rebels, terrorist groups, and smuggling syndicates.
Well we all can taunt the fucking singapurans and malon with it

I beg to differ, I've lived in Davao since the day I was born. And ever since Duterte became mayor in the city. He established a foothold that scares off people because of extra judicial killings.

I usually stroll the streets at 1~4AM not much of a danger city to me
we have Chinks as Vice Governor for our capital City and he did GREAT (more than good) Job fixing that shithole...

the only good politician we have is Basri Hasan, Jokowi, Ahok, Yogyakarta Sultan

meanwhile Prabowo is actually mad man that can explode any time and make Indonesia as second Nazi...
Niiice. Mayor Duterte's "The Punisher" image seems to be true then.
>still hating on chinks
>chinks own 90% of southeast asia

stay mad brown monkeys
Yep, most of the drug syndicates are gone now. The only left are rugby boys. lol
>Basri Hasan
Who is that

>not voting for Prabowo
cmon indobro, ahok is just recently elected you can't say he did great job.
let's wait and see if he can fix that shithole called jakarta
chinks are asian jews.
never 4get
>meanwhile Prabowo is actually mad man that can explode any time and make Indonesia as second Nazi...

No one remember that Prabowo fond to compare his party to Parindra, pre-independence fascist party. The fascist part is never found at school anyway.

But it seems that he get american blessing, just like Soeharto & SBY.
oops not that guy... i mean Faisal Basri...

Basri Hasan is Agnostic rights movement leader
>Southeast Asian thread
>have a cute Sundanese classmate in university

Flipbros should I proceed to blanda upp?
Can you explain to me why any South East Asian should like China? According to history SEA has every reason to hate China.
please proceed
I don't know... it's just him... not us (SEA)
Sunda = Bandung

well DO EET
He's a Tsinoy.
He's Chink mate
hey indons and pinoys. get back to cleaning my cars and making me food. those jollibee burgers arent gonna flip themselves you know.

nah i kid. but honestly what do u guys think of my "great" country.
I used to think sultanas came from Brunei...
>blanda upp

But you came from the same ancestor so it doesn't count
We will wait until your Oil dried 50 (maybe faster) years for now and see who's the boss...
You have Jollibee there?
HAHAHA austronesia every fucking time...
burp burp
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mfw i couldn't believe this shit

bloody aussies calling papayas paw paws...and raisins sultanas....and calling beer glasses schooners and pots..
Tell me my Asiatic negro friend, I hear that many Cambodians believe that Vietnam was the one who were in charge of the Killing Fields as if it were some dark conspiracy. What say you?
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as usual, napoleon complex.

Meh, Vietnam is our eternal scapegoat for everything. Google for the Khmer definition of "Vietnamese electronics". This country has to man up
A schooner is a type of beer glass. Its used to denote a glass of a certain size.

So is a pot or a pint glass.

So it's common to order a schooner of <insert beer> or a pint of <instert beer>
yes we got jolli/b/ here....bruneians love fast food to feed their entitled fat asses....
I don't know man but Indonesians are rarely hot. Malaysian girls are always superior, just stay away from the usual ninja types and you're set.
Oh hey... Sundanese always look paler than their javanese neighbor. Look at Dayak, them forest dwelling people is pale for Indonesian standard.

I bet javanese ancestor already do some blanda upp with some negrito in ancient times.
I agree to this

You're like a European in that perspective

is that bang bang yudoyonoo? jesus, camo + giant gut? at least our sultan looks the part.
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We're kinda like, huge, in the Philippines. Us Chinese I mean.

And though we have loyalty to the Chinese culture, a good number of us do not agree with the PRC.
I know this girl "Alex Cadayona" some flip posted her pictures back in May in /b/, lol.
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Philippine dependency to China doesn't fare well to the country at all. Not so sure where the Chinese families'loyalties lie, but they're usually the ones with the big businesses.

The President and his family included.
Except the only thing you can get in McDonalds is a Filet o' Fish and red bean ice cream. Everything else is non-halal.
When you become number 1 person, you have to sport respectable belly...
gibe subway pls.
we tired eating McD here.
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It hurts to say goodbye ;_;

You're welcome btw...
I remember when I was thirteen.
Those were fun days.
What? You guys didn't even sell the Leopard to us. Blame Gert Wilder.
I was in that thread.
I actually like the idea of Indonesia being a Commonwealth under Netherlands back in 1950.
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Ara ara, hello again ka/b/ayan
But the commonwealth is already in disarray...
Without Dutch financial support many small state gave up and join Republik instead. Pasundan was one notable example.
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So you guys bought them from Germany or what?

Also, if you didn't buy them...
Do tell more
What kabayan means for filipinos?
50% chinks
0/10 worse country in SEA
even worse than singapoor
Germany sell them at extremely low price because EU recession

also... Greece money actually our money... since we pay it to Germany
>not eating KFC w/ Rice
Indonesian KFC is the best KFC in the world
Calm meneer. Your govt just put them in depot, under those dust.
I love you too indobro.
Been to Bali twice.
Was a spoiled little kid back then.
A few years ago I looked at the pictures my parents made while we were there.
I missed out on so much due to me being a spoiled 9 year old.
Beautiful land you guys have.
wait tagalog really do have common words with Sunda, huh?
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Email me "roop@hakz.co"; Not appropriate here.

"bros" in a slang term
Any subject line?
Nothing is not appropriate on 4chan...

even people post CP on /b/ from time to time
As far as I know, we've received the money for them already.
That day when they fired the last shells as a goodbye show.
T'was a sad day for all...
leave it blank

privacy matters
okay sent
>"bros" in a slang term
Kabayan is sundanese idiot savant.
don't worry... you had your peaceful country, you had no war... the main problem now is to make sure those arabs didn't fuck around in your country...

also... you get the money for EU recession...
>hating arabs

lol. anyways i'm more versed in english
The deal with Netherlands was canceled so we got them from Germany instead. Not that it'd do anything more than a prestige points though.

Bali is still beautiful as always. The most worrying thing here is the growing radical islam, though that's mostly in Java. You know, FPI and the likes.
Here in Dutchyland, we like to joke about dreaming of a white Christmas.
You fill in the blanks and you'll understand.
I believe your parliament cancel it. So it still waiting for buyer.

Maybe if Greece would like one more tank battalion?
Because they're not arabs, they're kebab.
It's like the black man-nigger problem.
Not all black people are niggers but all niggers are black people.
As a "thank you" from the countries we send foreign aid to, we get their criminals as law abiding immigrants.
Then they ghetto up and make life worse for everyone.
Because they treat our workers like shit and literally turn them into slaves? And those sheiks who visit Puncak to have temporary marriage with locals? Seriously, where's your fucking pride?
The least they could do is get an original name.
Like the MILF:

our fault for exporting workers
damnit where's YOUR pride?
Even based flips can export sailors like a boss
(seriously, anyone know when TKIs first got sent? The 1990s?)

but Milf is my fetish...
South East Asian are similar to the Aborigini and True American.
They will ruin soon.
Maybe we could export some manpower to your place.

To ruin your holy yamato...
But we're all moving to Honshu!
Maybe you guys could infiltrate the immigration department and push for easier immigration rules and hand out free passports to weaboos.
Japan should burn in a week or two.
>our fault for exporting workers
There's nothing wrong with exporting workers, as long as they being treated well. And that doesn't happen in Arab countries, and in some extend, Malaysia and Singapore. There are lots of workers being sent to Japan and Worst Korea yet we heard nothing bad about them.

At least compared to MILF they're mostly harmless and just talk. Though sometimes they act like a moral police wannabe, and worse the authority just let them.
>indonesian monkey republic
>To ruin your holy yamato...

HueHueHue! Nice joke.

nips will be always nips
Well nigger GI cock is already doing that.

Your the canary in the coal mine Japan. For when China starts flexing its muscle.
How's that economic downfall treating you, Nippon-aniki? Nah, j/k I still like your goods. Maybe they'll get here in discounted bulk alongside imported shanzai goods next year.
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Thus spake the people who will be extinct come 1000 years.

Southeast Asia claims dibs on Southern Japan or even Tokyo (unless Brazil beats us first). Hokkaido can go to Russia, finally.
Living the dream
Okinawa can go to Ameri-

In about 1000 years, there will be no Japan, nor Philippines.

The world will simply be completely different by then.
Whose territory is East Timor?
The President there won the Nobel Peace Prize.
>No Philippines.
>Our breeding rate is off the charts.
Statewise? Maybe. Ethnically/Racially? LOLNO.
Based on where the money is going, East Timor is Perth clay.
All those weiboo are willing to make babies with nips.

Then Japan will probably disappear as Ethnicity even faster.

All those blandas from all over the world...
>weabbo genes
>anyway good
it's depend on indo rupiahs on indo border and it's leaning toward australia

we bro with australian... you mad nips?
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Brazil should import as many japs as possible and start breeding then with the local population.
Well its not like Japanese men have any use for Japanese women.
How easy is it to move to Singapore?
Fund it.
DO IT!!!
>we bro with australian
chinese indonesian your no have frend,
depends on whether you have a job secured here.
Actually. He's correct.
(different guy) Like we still care about east timor.

They sure will kneel once we stop sending them indomie.
>chinese indonesian your no have frend,

always bet on nips on EVERYTHING
Yes. If you get rich.
Can you do this after we've extracted all the gas?
What's the rent like for a small room?
Deal. Bet it was more profitable selling them Indomie than keeping them to extract those gas.
the gas can't last forever... but i bet they will forever become hungry people...
Let's list all relations between SEAsia nations

Vietnamese strongly dislike Chinese, and Thai
Burmese strongly dislike Rohingya/Bengals
Cambodia strongly dislikes Vietnamese
Laos strongly dislike Vietnamese, but like Thai
Singapore strongly dislike Malay
Malay dislike Chinese
Brunei dislikes Indonesia
Indonesians dislike Australian

Everyone gets along with the Philippines due to free maid service
By default, everyone has a grudge against the Chinese, to an lesser extent the Japanese
Anyway indonesia no have Drilling technology with Oil & gas refining technology.
>Indonesians dislike Australian

I don't even have to use my troll googles to realize you are trolling.
Are you referring Malay in your context as Malaysian and Chinese as China?
>Anyway indonesia no have Drilling technology with Oil & gas refining technology.

Nips, when will you fix your English?

Not that wrong. Still troll

>Indonesians dislike Australian

but that's wrong you retard.
it's australian who hate us because boats.
but we cool with them.
They do though.

That's why you raped and murdered everyone in WWII.

I don't think Indonesians hate Australia or that Australians hates Indonesia.

For some reason people think we hate each other.

Tell us when China starts acting like a cunt.

Fortunately Japan is first in line to get raped.
tell me how get oil & gas?

Why is this brown muslim midget so butthurt towards the jap posting here? Damn, son, get over it.

keep the broken english. That way no one realize my horrible grammar.
No we're annoyed because Indonesia is like "lol your problem Australia".

But we've sorted ourselves out and are making it Nauru and PNGs problem.
・・・・・next chinese aussy,,,
Not a chink.
More like Indonesia dislikes Malaysia
Singapore dislikes Malaysia
Malaysia dislikes their Chinese and Indians
We don't really hate the Chinese, at least not their electronics.

but Nauru is like heaven...

just give those boat people your desert...

maybe he's butthurt because history brainwashing his mind.
I don't・・・www
anyway your like a chinese,

We've now returned to dumping boat people in Nauru and PNG.

Nauru has 90% unemployment and the highest obesity rate in the world.

Perfect for boat people.
How am I like Chinese?
What's the meaning with "www" anyways?

it's like "HUEHUEHUEHUE" in japanese
It's the same as ㅋㅋㅋ
He's not a Jap, probably some gaijin living in Japan. A real japanese would use (笑) instead of www. I know it from watching my chinese cartoons.
Why do Japs always shitpost?
Go back to 2ch, you colssal faggot.
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If only Indonesians didn't convert to kebabism.
If you dump them Lankas in PNG, i bet they could make a living there.
The Gaijin in Japan is also responsible for the majority of the trolling
Then the Papuans will kill them and eat their penises in some magic ritual.

Why you know?? ⇒(笑)
so I tell Your chinese Indonesian.
www is net japanese Slang word,,
Looks nice
About 40 millions of us didn't.
It's okay for them. Tribe against tribe.
Where are the non kebabs live?
>If only Indonesians didn't convert to kebabism.
You mean If only Hindu-Budhist institution did not lose their vitality?
Do the*
>www is net japanese Slang word,,
Are you trying to enrich us culturally?
Bali is primarily Hindu. North and Central Sulawesi, along with half of Molucca and all Papuans are mostly Christian.
Flipbros, why won't you let us annex you? China is getting restless with the South China Sea business I want to share muh freedums with you and so I can visit there easily.

You can forgive us after the whole Spanish-American War, right?

Meant to quote >>6575498

>>6575393 Hey fucking chinese why your never answer ??
>Flipbros, why won't you let us annex you?
>implying the Philippines isn't just an informal US vassal state
You see, I'm different guy with that guy who could read kanji.

Btw I'm 100% javanese.
>implying it's more than that
Ok sorry but I think
he is 100% chinese..
If it's more than that, you may emigrate to states...
it's all started with your reply

>South East Asian are similar to the Aborigini and True American.
They will ruin soon.

on >>6574553
>Implying you're an actual piece of the US

You could become the 51st state, hell, we'll even get rid of that greedy fuck Ninoy.
>>6574553 I don't know this les
,, here is not china so ask him..
You really want more brown people coming to states?

Hey, at least they're not the same shitskin Mexicans with their drug cartels and they're actually nice.
Escape the chinese indonesian,,www
Mindanao not included

Mindanao I couldn't give two shits about, but places such as better parts of Manila and Bacolod City are fine.
I'm from Mindanao, specifically "Davao". It's one of the few cities in the Philippines that doesn't belong to a Province State. Don't insult it.
Although Manila is better than Davao, it's more barbaric and less order. The police follow money than their purpose.
can you give Mindanao to us?

we are good at hunting those peeps...
no... it's about Moro movement... AKA MILF

noone want them...
You can get the Sulu islands; Hell Davao could be a country like Singapore.
You are unrefined.
I don't like you.

You could say that about the entire place though with how corrupt the officials in general are. You can't even send a dollar to a charitable organization without it having been tainted via Phillippine gov't hands.


Considering I like pinay more than Indonesian women....no.
>256 post

since when there is so many asians here? especially indonesian?
Indonesian Zerg rush
Since Kaskus Beta if I may imagine.
That's true. Current president Noynoy is already on a crackdown.

a lot of posts, same people
it's only 3 people from Indonesia on this thread

not that many, or you can't differentiate each of our post?
chinese self acting??www
I'm not chinese nip
Ignore him, my head hurt everytime I see his post.

I say chinese indone,www
>South East Asian thread

Korean reporting in ^_^

Will you become the 51st state then? Ninoy is an ass and you'd be alot safer with China trying to reclaim the South China Sea.
Belanda bajingan, meneer why can't you colonize worth shit?

>MFW I will never be colonize by anglo
South East Asia is not East Asia...
That will depend by the decisions of our fucked up government. They're also planning to setup a Federal Government
>meneer why can't you colonize worth shit?
>claim you're #1
maybe he is from SOUTH korea :3
Why you gotta discriminate bro, we all Asian.
Also no one ever makes an East Asian thread because all the East Asians hate each other.
>SE thread
>someone who claim from East Asia come in

you are allowed to come in and chat but you will never become the main topic of the thread...
(´・ω・`)・ω・`) キャー
/ つ⊂ \ コワーイ
Seriously, you have the best fucking land in the whole SEA, but compared to the Brits your ex-colony are all shit.
Fuck we even kick your ass. Twice.

We could just always send someone over to "persuade" them.

Also, what's this about a federal government? And how come China's gotten so ballsy these days? They know not to do anything funny.
I think
In south asia thailand is best.

suddenly you guys got internet or something?

No i can't.Especially if your names is Anonymous
>he can't check for samefag!

No you didn't.
If I could get my history right, the 1987 constitution even to me is "crap". One of the reasons why the country's economy wont go up is the cap for foreign investors.

A lot of intellectual people here nowadays that the presidential system is a "deprecated system". They either plan to implement a Parliamentary Government or a Federal Government.


It's about their historical rights that goes way back in the Han Dynasty
Vietnam or Thailand. I think.
and Burma is good these days.
I know. yes
I been south asia many time.
thai people don't look back
just a look for future !

That's not kicking ass, that's crying for attention from the UN.

Would those same said people acknowledge and want to encourage the idea of using contraceptives, even in the midst of a country that's 80-90% catholic? Call me crazy, but they should still look at the idea to get closer in bed with us


I guess you're right about the whole pride thing. That kind of ethnocentric train of thought will be their downfall.
As opposed to Japan where the past was brighter

Why do you think being colonize by anglo would make indonesia better? they bring a lot of immigrants from china and india here and disturbs our ecology
We dismantle your empire bro. After you lost Irian Jaya, what's remain from your colonial empire? Suriname, Curacao? lel
>Implying dutchie didn't bring the chink here.
They trick them and force them to work as coolie here too.

Anglo seem to better educate and build something for their colony(because they need a market for their industry). Dutch is satisfied just exploiting their colony.
Yes, they are the same people who pushed the idea of using contraceptives. And yet our conservative and ignorant catholic society opposes it. It is once said that we are a secular state. Not until some bitch named Cory Aquino enacted the 1987 constitution stating "the separation of church and state shall be inviolable".

I like the idea having to be alongside with Americans, as part of our culture was also American like. It's just some people are just being conservative.

Is dutch widely understood in Indonesia like how english is still understood in malaysia?
Practically no body speak dutch anymore.
Perhaps the only one that speak it, are those that live during colonization or Soekano era.

I miss that close relationship we had for 50 years, makes me kinda wish you guys never declared independence. What I don't what to happen is for our western society to further "culturally enrich" you like how most white women are. I know you guys are pretty proud of your background (why does that sound so much like us?) so there's a chance you won't be violated by our liberal propaganda.

P.S. What is your take on Gloria Arroyo? (Correct my spelling if I got it wrong)
i can't even speak dutch...
Even though I was just born in the '90s. I somehow feel the same way as you are. Why can't we get along even without independence? Hawaii is a good example. The locals are pretty much in good terms with mainlanders even though with cultural and language differences.

I mean look what has become with the Phillies itself, unlike the Japs who strictly abide with their language. Our country chooses English to be the language of business and law. To be honest, I'm turning stupid from my own language. Since our countries had a history behind us. Why can't they "submit"? It's not like they're really going to control if the Philippines would become an American state. aye?

My take on Gloria Arroyo is simple. Corrupt, she's merely a puppet by her husband who does most of the dirty work during her presidency. As far as I'm concerned she dragged the economy down in a certain time frame and only Noynoy coped up with the losses.

To shorten things down, what a corrupt administration.

I know where you're coming from, and to be honest sometimes I weep for the future generations and their lazyness to even pronounce/spell words even remotely how they're supposed to be said/written. The Phillippines seem like a nice country (really, you have a city nicknamed "The City of Smiles".)

About the Hawaii thing though, we did kinda piss them off with the whole sugar cane thing but I guess they forgave us on that part and joined us anyway.

We're no better politically with how we treat our domestic and foreign policies, plus our absurd poverty rating (though it's more than just lack of contraceptives) and we're being run into the ground.

What I don't get is why you guys use so many variations of languages. Tagalog, Illongo, Hiligaynon, English, Spanish, and maybe even Mandarin. Doesn't make it better for someone trying to learn it since it doesn't follow latin syntax but I guess that part can't be helped.

You'd have a hell of a lot more liberty (loosely said, but still there) as a state, plus you'd have county, state, AND federal gov't going for you (more freedoms though.)

You and I are alike though, neither of our countries have an exact type of culture. It's udnerstandable you guys have been around far longer, but in a weird way I think of your country as our little bro.

captcha: theolaw act
Regarding the variations of languages, some of the isles here have their own local language. Tagalog to be the dominant one which hails in Luzon particularly in the surrounding provinces of the capital region.

You'll be amazed to find out different local languages in Visayas & Mindanao. You'll get it in the pic I've attached.
In the case of Spanish & Mandarin; The Chinese came in to the country first as merchants to barter, this form of business was very common during the pre-colonial era of the Spanish. By the time we're a colony under Spain. Spanish was pretty much in our curriculum until the early 1990's in which case the government abolished it.

Agree to that. I still fear, political dynasties to sprout anywhere. It's a long term problem ever since we had our independence in 1945.

That sounds cool, it would be a no problem big bro to protect lil' bro. Since our military just primarily suck hard.
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Forgot the pic

Christ that's a lot of languages, I mean yeah it's the same for me but yeesh.

As far as I remember you guys were conquered by the Spanish for...what? 200 years? I'm not as sure about the Chinese since I haven't read up everything. Take into the fact you have 7,107 islands divided by...barangay was it? The little divisions for each part of the islands or something like that? How do you manage a country like that? What's the preferred method of transportation? Do you use that many bridged or do you use multiple forms of transportation?

Our politics/politicians aren't the best, but I guess it could be worse. At least we kicked out the silly japs trying to invade you which surprisingly enough we didn't start.

That being said, you guys need a lot of help with those natural disasters especially after what happened with the earthquakes/tsunamis in the past few years and the Fukushima dilemma.

Speaking of dilemmas, are they STILL trying to compromise Abu Sayyaf and his little group of thugs or did the Phillippine marines get their thumb out of their ass and finally catch him? Last I heard they tried to get some US forces to blow his cover but the sneaky little bastard likes to hide away in the deserted regions of Sulu.

Just for curiosity, what part of the islands do you live in?
I thought I heard from you guys there were still some words from Dutch that you use.
Over here in Dutchyland, me and my family call a roll down curtain a kree, which means the same thing in Malay or so.
But that's just because my parents family used to live in the Dutch Indies.
Good times...
Why can't we just have an open border policy and free travel and education possibilities? ;_;
I hate it in winter over here and I'd love to stay in Java or so to sit out the cold and find a remedy for my yellow fever.
You can stay here during the moeson periods on special 6 months visas.
To be exact that is "333" years. The Chinese only came for barter and trade they didn't have intentions of colonizing or conquering. Although the country was made possible under Spanish.

Barangays are a basic form community, more like a town in US western times. If we're talking about management of these barangays it falls under a city municipality, then provincial, and lastly national.

Preferred transportation would are mixed. That would be land, air, and sea. In some areas, you can ride a bus from Manila going to Cebu *this will go through different ferry points*.

True, as we are UN member, help comes from the UN itself all the time.

Abu Sayyaf presence is present but there are no recent reports of any activity regarding them. The recent issue is with the MILF wanting to have their own government. Which Noynoy gladly gave them and I don't have a fucking clue how will they run their own regions when they poison there youth with lies about Islam. To me, the army is lax with Noynoy, back at Erap it was an all out war. Something I want to keep for the safety of the non-muslim regions of Mindanao. Abu Sayyaf is a group not a person by the way.

I currently reside in Cebu City(Cebu Island), but I was born in Davao City(Mindanao Island).
By the way, if you wish to continue our discussion. You may contact me via mail "roop@hakz.co". It's 5:00AM here and I haven't slept yet.


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