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File: 1351684392215.png-(46 KB, 531x415, 1351682528581.png)
46 KB
Can we get more of these
Shouldn't an Austrian say that?
File: 1351684760637.png-(64 KB, 520x390, australia.png)
64 KB
Seconding the request.
Also, I thought I saved that pic with 4chan going "jesus christ you can't speak English for shit" at Japan, but now I can't find the image anywhere. Could someone post that one?
I made one with a Belgian saying "Allez Frieten!" or something. I don't have it myself anymore, though.
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39 KB
File: 1351685508148.png-(45 KB, 490x493, awesome_as_fuck.png)
45 KB
File: 1351685990475.png-(96 KB, 520x407, Hot OC fresh off the grill.png)
96 KB
I liked that one thread.
File: 1351686162030.png-(60 KB, 520x390, fucking bogan shit go fuc(...).png)
60 KB
In honour of my angry eternally buttangered Australiabros.
>implying australians swear when they're angry

It's when an Australian is polite to you that shit has hit the fan.
He isn't angry in the pic, that's the joke bro
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99 KB
File: 1351690160540.png-(42 KB, 520x390, cubapr.png)
42 KB
File: 1351690256708.png-(35 KB, 520x390, cute and adorable.png)
35 KB
You have anything Turkish?
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33 KB
No. You are not cute or adorable.
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55 KB
Hope someone makes one with Japan.
There is one. That's probably where they got the idea for the French version.
Jap was the original one I think
File: 1351690908117.jpg-(44 KB, 300x300, 1326235479809.jpg)
44 KB
File: 1351690987207.png-(95 KB, 520x399, jchcaa.png)
95 KB
someone must've saved it

also I'd make a Mexico one but I don't think Spain perceives us as cute and adorable

Neither the natives

so... yeah
your mom's pussy in almost-panties (afrikaans for G-string)
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42 KB
You mean that? Finns are not cute or adorable either.
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134 KB
CL-related, but related none the less
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41 KB
We need one of these with Earth and the Moon.
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51 KB
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48 KB
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63 KB
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25 KB
i want to post jamaica one, but someone has already posted it in another thread
can we get the one where americe is like jesus christ dont rob me then they jamaica sayin wa g'wan
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51 KB
352498774 in MSpaint
/r/ing fesh and chups gutfull one
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26 KB
Hi polanbro
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48 KB
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21 KB
Just add a single-pixel dot somewhere where it won't be noticed.

Do you even 4chan?

I thought it had the UK, not the US.
Right-click, rotate counterclockwise
Right-click, rotate clockwise
lol implying a can be bothered to open paint
Or, you know, just link to the post with the file.
File: 1351693512067.png-(48 KB, 520x390, 1351100678474.png)
48 KB
I've got it
Nigger please, do you 4chan at all, or even windows?
You can rotate from the file upload window
oh fuck, can't stop laughing.
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50 KB
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67 KB
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38 KB
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52 KB
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121 KB
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33 KB
File: 1351695604029.png-(44 KB, 520x390, cutelittleeesti.png)
44 KB
Just made this, might've been done before but whatevs
Wrong type of blue in my flag
File: 1351697117642.png-(44 KB, 519x390, cutelittleeesti.png)
44 KB
Also changed the font
File: 1351697270430.gif-(29 KB, 482x800, amerikanischer klatschbär.gif)
29 KB
>Schüsch lan
Hahaha, guter Stoff
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43 KB
>Worried about getting colours 'wrong'
File: 1351697524253.png-(41 KB, 520x390, 1346408116324.png)
41 KB
Artistic freedom, ARTISTIC FREEDOM!
..muh tax euros ;_;
dawww nz :3

Haha Man City. Shit was cash
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36 KB
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1.79 MB
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26 KB
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37 KB
thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you
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37 KB
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35 KB
File: 1351738495229.png-(47 KB, 520x390, 1351690256708 - Copy.png)
47 KB

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