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    32 KB Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:23 No.637103  
    PROTIP: China's GDP Per capita (Both PPP and nominal) is at the same level as African shit holes.

    If Africa were to become one country, they'd have a huge GDP like China, yet they wouldn't be a great country, would they?

    China isn't a threat to anyone, no matter how many people live there.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:24 No.637104
    chinks are 85iq poorfags
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:24 No.637107
    But China has gone from absolutely nothing to this in 30 years. Where will they be in another 30 years?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:25 No.637117
    >implying GDP has any influence on military might
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:26 No.637124
    in civil war I figure
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:31 No.637142
    From 2000 - 2008 GDP of China grew by 2.75 trillion USD.

    During the same time GDP of USA grew by 4.54 trillion USD.

    Where is your god now?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:31 No.637145
    All it takes is a collapse of the Chinese economy and people will riot. And everyone know the china economy is lacking in foundation.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:32 No.637151
    if chinese economy collapses, you think it wont affect everyone elses?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:35 No.637177

    I think it will make the shit we buy from them cheaper
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:35 No.637181
    You say this like that would stop it from happening. These "global economy" people are fucking retards.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:37 No.637197
    >China isn't a threat to anyone, no matter how many people live there.

    We should be grateful for China's one-child policy. Otherwise they'd have taken over the entire planet by now; all they'd have to do is export the "excess" population.

    Africa needs better leaders, BTW. The ones they have now suck.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:38 No.637205
    >All it takes is a collapse of the Chinese economy and people will riot.

    Especially in the US, since China will drag Uncle Sam down with them.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:39 No.637219
    The PRC denies its people very basic rights. The greatest threat it poses is to the Chinese people.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:40 No.637229
    It will prove that China is a bad investment and globalization will fail. Everyone will be mad for a while but will be happy since globalization have been proven to be a disaster. More jobs in the local economy.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:43 No.637254

    Man the investors are going to love when they lose everything they have.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:44 No.637258
    Being against a free market global economy is like being against evolution by natural selection.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:48 No.637293
    That doesn't even make sense.

    The "global economy" is not a free market, its main purpose is to attempt to create a dependence on other countries for the purposes of avoiding war. Whoever came up with that retarded theory was an idealistic bag of dicks.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:49 No.637298

    >its main purpose is to attempt to create a dependence on other countries for the purposes of avoiding war

    Or, you know, buying from other markets what you can't find in yours.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:51 No.637305
    Capital moves freely and instantly over borders. We are in the era of a free market global economy. You can't stop it because of the wealth it generates. It won't go away until civilization is destroyed.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:52 No.637317
    >implying that if China and the US collapse it wouldn't turn the world into one giant Africa
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:53 No.637320
    You would get those goods or services anyway. What, you think no trade happened at all before 1980?

    The global tie-in thing is nothing but a social scheme to attempt to make countries dependent on one another. It has nothing to do with actually improving any single aspect of a local economy.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:54 No.637326

    >implying it isn't the US that keeps the shitty parts of the world (Africa, Southeast Asia, South America) shitty
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:54 No.637328

    Huh? Before the 80s the USA still had an industry.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:57 No.637354
    Why would it?
    >> PuertoRicanDudeWithAnAfro !.0E8YJs1k. 04/05/10(Mon)11:58 No.637360
    Finally, someone with some sense
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)12:01 No.637382
         File1270483270.jpg-(154 KB, 500x500, Advice-China-Post-10-threads-a(...).jpg)
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    Protip: Its because they are a DEVELOPING country.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)12:04 No.637407
    >made the first thread in my life
    >accused of making 10 threads a day
    >typical chinese
    >> KonW !wSaCDPDEl2 04/05/10(Mon)12:14 No.637477
    as your theory goes:
    divide usa to small countries like whats it like in eu
    each of them would be peaceful like shit and absolutely no threat to no body
    uncle sam is damn peace-loving and of course would not force their will on other contries because of their natural resource or whatever
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)12:30 No.637599
    >Implying the dark continent could unify when even niggers within a country hates each other.
    >Implying a United Africa can grow at double digits per year for 30 years.

    >Implying China will be in civil war, when even exiled students of 1989 agree with current Chinese policies.

    >Implying China's economy will collapse, and that its growth is 'lacking in foundation'.
    China is the first country out of the recession, survived numerous bubbles, the majority of its growth is in tangible goods, and their economic model mirrors the 'miracle growth' of Japan and South Korea, except they learned to avoid the pitfalls that limited the aforementioned economies.

    >Implying China can 'export' its population, and that the One Child Policy wasn't a good thing for China.

    >Implying rights such as Education and Food/Water aren't 'basic' human rights, and that a country needs democracy to thrive.
    lol India.

    >Implying he's accusing you of being Chinese
    Typical gweilo.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)12:38 No.637661
    >Africa needs better leaders
    Africa needs white leaders.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)12:41 No.637676
    >Africa needs white leaders.

    They already tried that. Didn't go so well.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)12:43 No.637691
    >Implying China can 'export' its population,

    You don't have illegal immigration on your planet?

    >and that the One Child Policy wasn't a good thing for China.

    Your planet doesn't have reading lessons either?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)12:43 No.637699
    dem growth rates

    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)12:47 No.637731
    >implying China isn't bound to self-destroy
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)12:48 No.637747
    Shit was better than it is now.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)12:54 No.637790
    >Implying China is facilitating illegal immigration on a national level.
    lol @ gweilo delusions.

    >Your planet doesn't have reading lessons either?
    >Implying he didn't say China would 'take over the world' without the One Child Policy.

    >Implying China is just because you want it to.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)13:03 No.637883
    >implying a buttload of made-up shit
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)13:04 No.637892
    The problem is that africa doesn't unite. It would be nice if they created some kind of loose african union, though. They have to protect themselves from chinese neo-imperialism somehow. I'd like to see a strong africa. A balance of powers is good for everyone in the world
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)13:06 No.637912
    >it would be nice if they created some kind of a loose african union
    >doesn't know about the african union
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)13:08 No.637927
    >Implying I made shit up
    >Implying you're not butthurt

    >Implying OP didn't failed at trolling so he went to /new/ instead.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)13:09 No.637938
    >implying GDP per capita is what important, not economical and other soft powers, amount of warheads, delivery ways and assault weaponry
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)13:09 No.637939
    >implying the two threads werent made at practically the same time

    lol and you just proved yourself a fucking idiot because you visit /new/
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)13:10 No.637943
    I know about it, but it doesn't seem very useful. They should try to avoid civil wars and promote economical reforms to boost growth in Africa. This way they might stop the exploitation of Africa
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)13:11 No.637948
    >Implying the gwailo chink won't get 50rmb per post
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)13:13 No.637961
    I hope he does. If every chinese citizen shows that much genuine nationalism, it's worrying. I have no problem if he tries to correct incorrect notions about china, though
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)13:13 No.637965
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)13:15 No.637978
    >Implying OP didn't post in his own thread.
    Take a look at the samefaggotry in both threads, retard.

    >you just proved yourself a fucking idiot because you visit /new/
    lol @ gweilo. You think I'll be satisfied with just one board? I'll go wherever there's fun.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)13:16 No.637993
    I am the OP. the following posts are mine:


    the one you quoted,
    and this one.

    not samefagging if i'm not pretending to be different people.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)13:16 No.637995
    Can't you at least stop that gweilo shit? It's pretty irritating. I guess no one has a problem with decent discussions about China, but at least we don't say "chink chink chink" in every post.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)13:20 No.638040
    I don't mind if you say chinky chink chink, gweilo. It's pretty hilarious, which is why I do it. If that really gets in the way of decent discussions/arguments, then I'll drop it.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)13:25 No.638077
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    yeah but the big difference is that china is still a rural country, about 57% of people live in farms. And yet still agriculture is only 13% of China's GDP, since most of this farming communities live on their own, while is true they technically live with less of a dollar a day, they have food and shelter unlike poor niggers in Africa. That’s why they bring china’s average down, but several of the industrialized regions of china are equal to other countries entire economies.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)13:44 No.638273

    It wouldn't turn the world to a giant Africa, but governments would have to step in and strictly control and distribute resources to avoid starvation and anarchy.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)13:46 No.638304
    GDP is good for finding out how well off citizens live.

    GNP is good for finding out how important a nation is.

    Those tiny ass micro-nations in Europe have high GDPs, and when were they relevant to world politics or even economics?

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