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Why can't Mexico defeat the Drug Cartels? Everytime the military captures these "mobsters" it's usually 4ft indians with beer bellies.
place is too corrupt all the police are in on the take and they have lotsa nasty stuff like automatic weapons
because government has a profit out of drug dealing. you amerifats should know that....
>it's usually 4ft indians with beer bellies.

Did you believe the cartel leaders were like in your movies?
Please give a break.
Because they hide themselves among the general population. Every time there is a gun fight between the army and the cartels the results are like "1 soldier wounded, 11 criminals killed, 2 captured" or something like that. The army can handle the cartels, it's just that they're not in plain sight.
Mexico can't stop the cartels themselves; we would have to launch an all out military invasion south of the border and kill all the guys (Britain is welcome to help since they're our dog on a leash)
That sounds very familiar

Afghanistan and Iraq?
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they have self-made tanks
this reminds me. Didnt Polacks have some home made armored car in Warsaw uprising or somewhere?
and that's why they capture them, 50,000 of those faggots have died in the last 5 years, the problem is that american media keeps calling them "victims"
- they hide well
- they have a large support network of suppliers and informants
- they are organized in cells so taking out heads doesn't affect them significantly
- there is too much money in the business drawing in new recruits
- the problem is not isolated in Mexico and our army can only do so much withing the country
- other affected countries are doing shit (central America region) or aiding them by laundering money and supplying guns (US and others)
- not all Mexican states are actually doing something about it
- corruption and intimidation keeps people from fighting them fully.
- <inset more reasons here>
>scrap metal welded to a pickup
They doesn't even cover the wheels aha
Why are Mexicans always wanking and claiming like "It's not our fault!" or "Mexico is safer than America! Ameirica is evil!"?

You guys are silly.
Cause they distribute but not producing coca. If you want to stop the violence you should turn to Colombia, Peru and Bolivia and make all to help people overthrow poverty and stop producing cocaine as the only profitable business for poor people. But amerifats are thinking only abot themselves, they don't care of the neighbours and obviously shit happens. Legalizing cocaine will return coca to the terms of the legal market and prevent the drug-dealers from the superprofits.
>aiding them by laundering money and supplying guns (US and others)
how is it in our best interests to allow Mexican drug lords to flow drugs into our country
you can sit inside of stationary armored vehicle and fight for months if you are high on coke and have a shitloads of ammo. true story.
In might not be your official policy to aid cartels destroying my country, but people in your country are helping them.

It's not Mexico's policy to supply the US with drugs, but some people are dedicated to doing so.

troll harder proxyfag
the ATF provides the guns
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There were many ersatz machines during Yugo wars made of tractors, trucks
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Why can't USA defeat the insurgents? Everytime the military captures these "terrorists" it's usually 4ft arabs with beer bellies.

Yeah, same deal, cant catch what hides among the population

WTF is that!!
Es la verdad. Los que hacen los trabajos mas dificiles siempre son indios patas rajadas que piensan que van a llegar hasta arriba. El narco se alimenta de esta gente ignorante. Por un cuerno de chivo prestado y un pinche Nextel estos pendejos pasan hambre y frio, mientras los Chapitos, y Los Lazcas viviendo como reyes.

Nice try, muchacho. Your government is failing miserably at this and you know it. Save that drivel for another thread.
asi es en cualquier negocio capitalista...

legal o ilegal, esa es la base de este sistema.
what prevent you from making the economical conditions for getting these 'indians' legal high-waged jobs?
Looks like someone couldn't decide if they were building a bulldozer, a halftrack, or a jeep.
Who the fuck said that? Yes, some dipshits blame USA for everything. But definitely no mexican think we are safer than them.
drugs must be legalized
yes, we should look up to the roaring success of the american wars against guerilla tactics/urban warfare right?
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You are actually more silly and even more for expecting us to not look at obvious reallities, if you ride a narco hideout you will find american weapons and shittons of dollars, Mexico doesnt have a proper army to deal with insurgent movements founded and armed by a 1st world country with far better technology, our police was crushed in the first fights with narcos because police had standard weapons and narcos m16 and other shit...
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tractor covered with metal plates and a machine gun or automatic grenade launcher on top of it.
WTF IS THAT. That's the question
4ft indians are in the south
cartels are run by nortenos, they're more spanish-looking than moreno

we're not talking about peru here, okay?

Why didn't the police just shoot them when their guns jammed?
Mexico profits from cartels, its like backdoor industry for them.

10-20 years ago, yes, now we're suffering because there's no investment and tourism
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Narco leaders are often white or whitish, this french girl was captured a year or so ago, apparently her brother was a high ranked kidnapper for some organization and she came to enjoy the money fiesta, average narco punisher and gunner is brown though.


Btw for anyone thinking we are not taking our responsability and blaming others, think for a moment, Mexico is the only way to reach america ilegally and is located between where drugs are planted and where there are consumed, probably the biggest black market in the world, bigger than the opium market back then in china, this is bigger than mexico and mexicans alone, much must be done between many countries to stop this, the problem isnt only ours.
She picked the wrong bf, goes on vacation, they find kidnapped people in the basement. Just send her home and tell her never to come again.
You come to my house, we party, some guy in my basement, are presumed to be guilty right away, get no lawyer till the last minute, a showtrial, you now in for 60 years. I bet Mexico goes apeshit then.
Shit smells. Mexico wants to show how not corrupt they are by violating basic rights of a French national, since she is not Mexican no narcos will make a fuss over her being in jail.

Mexico confirmed for 3rd world once again.
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>16,466 killed in 2011
>Total estimate of deaths: 54,927
>Total disappeared: 10,000
>Total displaced: 1.6 million

shit got serious
well played
>>She picked the wrong bf

Bro, in the narco "culture" you just dont pick the wrong bf, perhaps the first night but after a week and after finding trucks filled with gunmen out of your boyfriends house any normal person can notice something is wrong, specially if you are in Mexico, also she was found in possesion of firearms and its not the first foraigner that was convinced that being a drug lord was nice, shittons of money and living like a rockstar can convince some arabs and euros to come here and become the shit.

Protip, most girls here can distinguish a narco from a normal person from miles away.

Oh cmon she wasn't some innocent tourist, victims testified angainst and that's why she's in jail, also just as this guy said >>5344392 this is way beyond us, there's plenty of eurobros, africans and asians in this shit and we have to set our ground
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Like I don't know.
I dealt drugs 16-21 years old. My brother is still in it and makes a killing these last two years.

Does not mean I still deal drugs and extort people. What if my brother kills someone and cops come looking for me for being accomplice? I know him so I'm in on it?

Our mother does not know what I did and what he still does, yet we eat at her table 3 days a week.
because it's still profitable.

>What if my brother kills someone and cops come looking for me for being accomplice?

if you keep a shit ton of drugs in your mom house, she is as guilty as you are. it is even worse if you keep kidnaped people there ant they testify against you.
Point is, you make it seem she knew, always. Does not need to be true.
And it will not be known, since they fucked up her trial.
legalize this fucking cocaine and everything will be OK
there will be no peace until coca makes superprofits for the dealers
solve the problems in Peru and Columbia
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That may be true, but hear, And thats like the problem, many high ranks in the narco chain are today not actually filled with mexicans but foraigners that infiltrated in the last decades, with really big greed, already tons of money and influence in other countries, these bussines man are taking advantage of the holes in Mexican system to achieve gains.


Short story, zhenli is a chinese-mexican bissinesman that was working with the organized crime in Mexico traficking drugs to the USA, he was a rich "legalized" citizen with normal companies, yet using his power for ilegal profiting, he was one the ones who are captured like the french girl but there are thousans of useless kills when the true masters remain legal and are often not even Mexican, they just saw the problems in the Mexican system and now are coming to take advantage of them.

As i said before this black market is way bigger than mexico alone, of course a lot of the problems were caused by our own corruption, but today mexico is being eaten alive by corrupt men from all over the world because our systes is in its weakest and its attracting smart, greedy and corrupted foraigners that are increasing the difficulty to erase this problem, cassez may be a mistake, although its hard to guess given the elevated number of powerful foraigners among drug lords.
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You will never become a Latin-American druglord who is more powerful than many countries with his personal army, submarines to smuggle coke and swimming pool with crocodiles to execute enemies.
with the law you do not get to say:

i dunno lol.

like i said, it is even worse y the victims point the finger to you
that might work but the country that need to do that is USA not Mexico, since the whole deal of the cartels is to send the drug to the USA
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>with the law you do not get to say:
>i dunno lol.
So I got my bachelor in law and made sure I was never arrested, like my brother.
Be sneaky, that is all.

They find someone that they assume is guilty, then make a show, that is banana republic and you know it.
Fait trial would have made it all far more believable.

That Chinaman, well Chinese are corrupt to the bone. Businessmen there pay huge bribes to the government, but they are not called bribes. It's China.
vicious circle: americunts solve the Colombian problems (helping to cope the guerillas and cartels and their gangs, destroying the coca fields) - americants leave Colombia - americants weaken themselves. Better sponsor the war, close eyes on the drug-traffic and claim poor countries for sponsoring narcoterrorism.
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Drugs in Mexico are cheap as fuck even if elegal, what you can buy here for 1 dollar is sell in america for 20, even if we legalize them not much will change and anyway a personal dosis is already legal in mexico city, most populated city here.
>legalize drugs in mexico
>amerifats go to mexico to spend money on drugs(like they already do for prescription drugs)
>mexico financially better off

why aren't you doing this?
Blame the consumer not the manufacturer. It's better that way because you look innocent and America looks evil. Do you want a wamburger with your french cries?
Now thats a good idea, just hope your gob doesnt look at us bad for perverting your kids and then rioting our economy.
but the aim is to sell them to the wealthy american consumers

>35,000 Federal Police
>50,000 Soldiers

>100,000 Drug Cartel foot soldiers

Wtf, please explain this.
Because mexicans have no nationalistic mentality fot effective fight with cartels. They associate themself with their village or their cartel at best, not with their country/nation.
And any tries to develop this mentality, will be prevented by americans. Since they do not want to have a strong neighbour.
Why are they helping Afgan, Iraq, but not their neighbour?
what the fuck i am reading
shut the fuck up
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the guy also have a lot of hippos which now are free in the jungles of colombia,
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The manufacturer is colombia, what we are supposed to tell them if they are even more powerless then us, we are the road, colombia the producer and you the consumer, use common sense and tell me which part makes the less sense in here, who are the ones dying, the ones oenjoying life and the ones working like donkeys.
Who's the one consuming the drugs
>Why are they helping Afgan, Iraq, but not their neighbour?
you do not see the big picture, lol.
and obviously have not seen what poor people think in mexican villages. to be a cool gangsta, that's what
>Why are they helping Afgan, Iraq, but not their neighbour?

You should never kill your local drug dealer, how will you get high after if you do?


Good old uncle Sam.
> what poor people think in mexican villages

probably scared and afraid of who to trust
Hey, I'm not the one using drugs here. It's no skin off my nose if the supply were cut off.
>Blame the consumer not the manufacturer

I am, I'm blaming you guys
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hey russian comrade try to explain why the leaders of chechenean guerilla are still alife? cause the war is a big profit for both of the sides. claiming mexican for not killing the druglords while suffering from everyday violence from native gangs
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Well that may be true, but check any ranking, america is the highest consumer of cocaine per capita, that would not be that much amazing until we remember you are still the biggest economy and richest people in the world, an infinite market of about 300 millions persons who love cocaine more than anybody else, we are working and dying so that market can enrich some people.


This is true, but even if theyw ere nationalists, there is so much money involved than anyone would sell even his soul for a yatch and some rockstar life.
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Mexibro PLEASE give me source??
Go on go on. And try to explain why every fucking day the news-list is full of this shit. Skirmishes, explosions and other nice things.
I saved the pic in one of those southamerican asses thread, perhaps from some facebook page, but i am not really sure.


They use AK-47 50 cal machineguns and other guns you see in call of duty.
Hey, you live in Mexica, tell me please, how safe is it to live in Mexica.
I sow so much gore content from there, that i really afraid to get there as a tourist.

Avoid the northern states,Veracruz,Michoacan and you'll be fine.

Southern cities are pretty chill and safe actually.
Just dont go to northern states thats were the shit is happening, south is tourist area and north is just industrial anyway you will not lost that much, tons of nordics visit the most southern states actually although these are the most impoverished have nice nature, ancient buildings and beaches, and even if there are tons of poor natives no blonde blue eyed finnish girl has been harmed never but the locals love eruopeans, Mexico city, californias and Yucatan peninsula are also as safe as a 1st world country while having lots of things to see and do.

Also its really really rare that drug lords may attack foraigners specially if asian or euro, they know that they will be chased from the other side of the world if they do something like that, still happens but rare as fuck.
Hmm, Umarov still runs somewhere in mountains. I think
1. He is not dangerous, but useful element at least for Kadirov and maybe Putin.
2. Fighting with terrorists could be more effective, but using effective weapon like rockets or stuff like that is too costly. It is more profitable to sell these rockets out of country and use human meat for eliminating terrorists .

If you want a safety and good vacations I deeply recommend you the yucatan peninsula states.
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some of them are still alive like Zakaev who is hiding his ass in London as "political refugee" (he is responsible for terrorism in Russia)
btw most of those "Ichkerian freedom fighters" were mercenaries from all over the world sponsored by Saudites and Americunts like Khattab or Urdani

It's profitable to develop the country (not the Cadyrov and his thugs), give working places to stop unemployment and develop local education. In fact the insurgents kill local corrupted officials and police - this can't be named 'terrorism' but a guerilla war contra corrupted powerful clans fullfulled with the ex-bandits, kidnappers and other stuff.
ok, thanks for information
stop thinking that the war was brought from the outer side by the world evil seeking to destroy Russia. Chechnya has inland problems that are related to the tribalism, corruption, poverty and unemployment. This is an ideal social base for guerilla fighters which have NO LACK of human source.
I know; you guys have had problems with them since the 19th century.
Why doesn't someone just arrange for a bunch of cute little white American kids to get kidnapped by cartels? Pissing America off seems like the fastest way to get rid of them.

It bothers me that we're not doing anything about this.
>He is not dangerous, but useful element at least for Kadirov and maybe Putin
They keep him alive for political reasons you say. Eh, that must explain why it took us a fucking decade to get OBL
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Because they are not dumb, if they see people that obviously arent mexican and specially if they look euro they just keep their way and leave them be, otherwise america would invade and kill them and perhaps kill us all btw.
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I know, many regions all over the world do.
But the conflict was sponsored with men and ammo, as well as its media coverage - I mean pet "non-governmental organizations" and "human rights defenders" who drew image of "freedum fighters against Putin", something similar to what's going on in Syria now.
well is it a big problem to get weaponry for a bunch of hungry, insulted and angry men? I think no. Do not overrate the international involvement: Russia alone has enormous sources of firearms
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This thread is about Mexica, dudes. Bump with more gore content from there.
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bump with a classic
>this image - which cannot be independently verified
You're right. Because the BBC got one image wrong clearly means the entegrity of the Western media is null and void. It might as well be state-run news like the CTV or RT.
Lol what? In chechnya mercenaries used foreign new armor, not russian. Though not sure about sponsors, significant part of money they could get from domestic oil wells, and criminal activity in 90s.
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