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/int/ what are your opinions on these various topics, I'm really curious to see what different countries will put down.
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My opinions btw


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No, the death penalty is not a typo
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I don't get why abortion is so liked in modern society. Death penalty bad, infanticide good?
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Concerning obama/ron paul/romney my main concerin is their foreign policy especially towards eastern europe and russia
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fun fact: in Canada there are no laws concerning abortion. If a baby dies in any way, shape, or form while in the womb. You can hire someone to kill your baby while you are giving birth, and as long as the death happens before the baby is born it is completely legal.
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look at my speshul answers
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Inb4 Im nazi

damn why do so many people here dislike abortion?
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My Opinions are superior
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Whats to like? I only support it if the mothers life is in danger or if the pregnancy is the result of rape.

There's waaaaay too many information and contraceptives to accept abortion. Be responsible.
Because the internet is a congregation of extremists and eccentrics. Everyone has a strong opinion on everything. We are the vocal minority.

it's glorified infanticide; liberals think killing murderers is bad, but will gladly kill babies because it means feminists who slut around won't have to face the consequences of their mistakes.

Abortion should be used for medical reasons only.
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well i don't give a shit about most of these things, tastes are different, if i don't like it i don't necessarily have to hate it
Opposing abortion because of the availability of contraceptives is vindictive and absurd. If your issue is a religious one, just say so.
>two dicks drawn on a chart
Why am I not surprised
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Except you're wrong and a faggot. If you want a serious debate, create a new thread (and stop using stupid words -- "pro-life" is anti-freedom)
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I bring the truth.
Lawl I'm so fucking mature. :D

Do you really want someone who was to stupid to learn how to contraceptives and birth control to have a kid?
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I dont know why. I dont like it and would never consider it an option myself, but I'm not against people being able to do it if they want. It's illegal here and I'm not opposed to its legalization, but I would not have any respect for anybody who does it as I believe people should not run from their responsibilities and their reckless stupidity.

I knew a 21 year old woman who has had three abortions because she doesn't want to have kids. She refuses to use condoms or any other form of contraceptive because "it's not natural".

>implying abortions don't save the tax payer money and create jobs.

nice propaganda, bro
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>Exhorts someone to put up a serious debate
>Calls him a faggot and tells him to stop using stupid words and framing their usage as anti freedom

This is why these threads should be closed

Meh. Women don't actively rely on abortion as contraception you know. I view it as a safety net. I'm careful, I use the pill/condoms, but if something fucks up, I know there's abortion to save me from having an unwanted child.

So I'm 100% pro legalization, up to about 4 months, or 5. After that, it's your own fucking fault if you didn't realize you were pregnant and got organized.
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I er.. what?
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why is their muurrrkkka shit down the bottom?

I understand where you are coming from but t's not the kids fault his mother is an irresponsible slut. Give the kid to adoption, don't kill it.

At least here in Portugal, most of the girls who abort repeat the process. It's an excuse to be a slut.
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These questions sure went downhill fast.

French femanon here. No, it isn't. Condoms and the pill are an excuse to be a slut. Abortions are an excuse to be careless, if anything. Abortions aren't nice - you don't feel good after one.
questioning time:
do you shave?
do you currently have a mustache?
>Condoms and the pill are an excuse to be a slut.
What the fuck.
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>MLP fandom
>Furry fandom
>not the same thing
What's wrong with being a slut? Are you religious? Sex is always good as long as you enjoy it.
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Third worlder opinion is always relevant.

In summer, yeah. Can't be fucked to do it in winter, except if I'm seeing someone who really minds.


What I mean is, if you're trying to pin the sluttification of western women on something, "abortion" isn't the right target. The contraceptive pill and condoms especially allow free, no-caution sex.
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Ok, should've added 'irresponsible' before the word slut. There's no fucking excuse for not using a condom/pill.

I hope they don't and that's why I oppose them. But like I said, girls who abort here in Portugal are much more likely to abort again. There are cases of girls aborting 3 times a year. Wtf is that. Our wonderful full-of-cash government also sponsors these massacres. 100%.

Have you aborted?
Contraceptives aren't an excuse for anything. Me and my grlfriend for 8 years use rubbers because we can't afford to have a kid at the moment, and I don't think that makes her a slut.
shit tier colombian wouldn't bang

I like fucking, make no mistake. I'm not religious, but I also want people to see me for my character, and not instantly think "SLUT!" when they see me

Fucking a lot without making it obvious you are =/= slut. I'm the former (when I have bf ._.)
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>Condoms and the pill are an excuse to be a slut.
Which religion was it that twisted your mind so much to the point where this actually makes sense to you? In the past I'd've guessed Catholic, but I'm not sure now. Could be Muslim.
That's because this doesn't make any fucking sense.
>Likes Obama
>Hates gay marriage, abortion
>Neutral about Romney.
Are you sure you've the right guy?
You support the guy who supports the things you hate.
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>likes obama
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Everyone should be free to choose what happens to their body. Regardless of being an irresponsible slut or not, they should still have that right. Not to mention aborting brings heavy consequences in the long run so they will pay for it sooner or later.
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ib4 outrage
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Could be his ditaste for religion that makes him dislike Romney. But then again, if he hates religion so much, what the fuck argument does he have against gay marriage?
What the hell, France?

Non, I haven't, but a friend did and she felt like shit for the 2 weeks after, both physically and psychologically.


*facepalm* Look, boys. I'm not trying to say using contraception makes you a slut. It doesn't, especially if you're in a couple. What I'm saying is that readily available contraception means that some women who might not otherwise sleep around so much, do. And if they're having fun and they don't mind being labelled as "sluts" by some men, then more power to them.

>The contraceptive pill and condoms especially allow free, no-caution sex.
If you are taking the pill or using condoms you are actually being cautious.

fuck off and read my other posts before passing a judgment, cutfag Amerilard. Would touch your dick in a million years, you probably have smegma on it too despite being circumsized.
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>MFW some of these people support things like gay marriage, universal healthcare and abortion, but dislike the candidate supporting them and/or don't give a fuck, while other's statements completely contradict what they believe.
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Yes, sorry, I misspoke. What I mean is that a woman who has no access to contraception AND who doesn't want a child will be very careful and have less sex.

A woman WITH access to contraception can sleep around as much as she wants with few cares, except STDs if she's not using condoms.

And a woman with access to all contraception and even the "safety net" of abortion can literally do as she pleases without a care in the world, sex-wise.
Some people are anarchist who simply despise all forms of politician.
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this should also feature opinions on racism and gun rights
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I fully agree. However when you abort you're messing with the choice of someone else. Since you had the choice of putting a condom/be on the pill, fuck you, deal with it for 9 months and then give the baby for adoption.
And the people supporting the politicians with completely different views?
>implying i know anything about shitty murrkan politicians
Are you guys fucking retards? I'm talking to those who don't support aborption.
Aborption is fucking hard to live and to deal with for the rest of your life, if some girls do aborpt it's because they /need/ to. Medical shit isn't everything.
Work and social are important too.
Babies are fucking butthurts when you don't want one.

Also babies aren't "conscious" meaning they don't know what's a murder and all they never had the time to enjoy their lives or anything so why the fuck not.

Coming from a female far to be a feminist slut.
i cant remember fuck all from when i was 1 anyway

Because Abortion still ends in death so i'm just anti-murder.
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So they should use something in their head before using wombs.
When you're talking about "the choice of someone else" do you mean the father of the child or the child itself? Because, if you're talking about the child then, as an unborn fetus, it doesn't really have a choice. I mean, it can't voice its opinions - heck, it can't even rationalise in order to have opinions so...

In the end it always comes to that fundamental question of whether a fetus (in its first couple months of life) can be considered a human life or not.
Forgot to mark "M"
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Not everyone knows about your politicians.
>Also babies aren't "conscious" meaning they don't know what's a murder and all they never had the time to enjoy their lives or anything so why the fuck not.

>women logic
>Babies aren't conscious about murder, kill 'em
That's why you're disappearing, frogs.
babies are just another organ until about 6 months in anyway
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>Not reading the other half of my statement.
stop fapping then
just because sperm isnt conscious doesn't mean it isnt murder when you abandon them on a dirty cloth
>And a woman with access to all contraception and even the "safety net" of abortion can literally do as she pleases without a care in the world, sex-wise.
And what's the problem? Must feel very liberating.
Anyways if YOU don't want to fuck half the town that's okay, but it should be up to anyone whether they want to or not without someone else restricting them. And even if they do I don't see the problem. Terms like "slut" are hippocritical and used to keep female sexuality repressed when there's no non-religious reason to do so.
That will one day be a living, breathing person that could have a great life instead of being scraped out of their mom's Uterus. The only time Abortion is the right thing to do is in the event of mentally or physically handicapped kid.

You're being a butthurt right there bro.
It'd more be like
>babies aren't conscious about murder, kill 'em if it's absolutely needed to not destroy a whole life
and I mean of someone conscious.
An embryon's life's worth nothing.
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Fucking THIS.
Be reasonable, people. A zygote simply isn't a fucking person.
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Forgot to put M. Also it's funny that there's a question about MLP on here. Was just about to post a thread asking /int/ about it.
So you wouldn't have aborted Hitler, but you would have aborted Hawking

Cool story bro

damn your persistence in defending a women's right to choose is so tenacious it has me aroused, you have now turned me on to french chicks.
liebtards and fags everywhere

Fetus. I believe they are human and just because they can't speak doesn't mean they don't have the live. That's a dangerous argument anyway, autistic, mentally challenged and mutes can't express themselves either.


You are wrong. Brain formation starts at 5 weeks.
>implying Hawking was born like that
>murder is okay as long as it's someone I don't like
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that about wraps 'er up
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>MFW people who are anti-abortion thinkt they have the right to interfere with other people's bodies and their decisions.
Just like gay marriage.
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Just for you from /mlp/
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I'm a fat babby who doesn't pay taxes, I imagine that the second I have to pay taxes I'll hate socialism.

You're a fucking stupid slut, shut the fuck up and go back to the kitchen.
computer processors also take about 9 months to be designed and released
they also start formation roughly a month or two in
doesnt mean it works yet though
I'm not anti-abortion but I can understand them. They think abortion is a murder and they try to fight it, even if it's not their actual business.
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the argument anti abortion is that the fetus is not the woman's body.
That is the argument, not whether the woman can control her body or not.

that said, im neutral on abortion if there are health problems or the woman was raped, and against abortion on any other circumstances.
I support family planning though. And don't give a shit about gays.
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You got the pony political affiliations all wrong....
Abortion's icky and makes me uncomfortable, but without it we'd be SWAMPED with negroes.

I'd absolutely avoid ever marrying a woman who has had an abortion, and I think it would be okay to brand these women with scarlet letters on their cunts.
i like mlp and i love this pic-- and the similar one with the French Revolution

I guess it's the way the ponies are made to look so feral
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No wonder you canadians are all a bunch of fags.
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>make a political thread
>include furries, ponies, and hentai.

troll thread? troll thread.
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>tfw no hate
Huh I'd always assumed 4chan as a whole would be fully in support of abortion.

Has anyone read Freakonomics and Levitt's work on abortion in the States? He correlates the massive drop in crime since the 1970s primarily to the increased availability of abortions. People that would of aborted but weren't able to are more likely to be in a low socio-economic group and not be able to provide adequately for their child which is likely to grow up 'unwanted' and hence more likely to commit crime.
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Tell that to the dudes that took Paschendale.
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Nothing mind-blowing here.
The only reason I support the death penalty is that keeping murderers, pedophiles and rapists in prison costs too much money. The US has implemented it poorly. Death Row should be an express lane, not a list of people to kill in 10 years.
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I blame God
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Fucking temp image folder.
I would imagine the real reason is because we started throwing everybody who committed even a minor crime into prison for long periods of time.
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Yeah you'd assume so too. They did a complete economic analysis of the trend and explored all possible answers and lo and behold abortions create less criminals. It's a really good read either way. I think a documentary was made too.
>hanging herself
Kind of a strange way for a flying creature to kill itself
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Get out Gallop.
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Make me profligate!
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Shit. Forgot the Legate.
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Too much support for faggot agenda.
I'm disappointed.
do people actually care at what others post? Just to know if making this would be a waste of time or not
Yea, it's a waste of time and besides, it's more personal than national.
One thing I realized though is France and Canada both love their universal healthcare. Haven't taken a look at other significant items yet.
I only read about halfway down the page before I stopped caring, as typical with these kinds of threads.
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I like /mlp/ colombianfags

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