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Even if you don't use one, it's the closest thing I've written to a news post in 4 years and contains a lot of interesting statistics about the site.


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daily reminder that by far most german males are pussies and became asexual.
this also includes me.

no, western men have just become pussified

hilariously ironic that women complain about it, they were one of the causes of this unwelcome evolution
So she married a guy who never showed interest in her, never shows affection and does little apart from sleeping and working.

She surely didn't marry him for his money.
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>Germany is one of those rare countries where the men are so pussy-whipped that they sit when they pee!
Don't waste your time nor money in bitches. They are only soulless leeches.
>they sit when they pee!

we really do it...
I don't, but I'm from Bavaria.
>im married to a german guy
>only starts to complain now
What a whore.
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>daily reminder that by far most german males are pussies and became asexual.
it's ok Germany, we will have babies with german chicks, you can rest and play video games
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Do Germans just have no time for wenches?
all true, sadly.
nice one mexican guy, just don't lose your head and end up hanging from a bridge or so on your way here :). i heard you guys do this often in recent times. haha, happy living in a shit country faggot
>more interested about playing chess than having a one night stand. Sad but true.
That's positive you stupid whore.
The last time Germans stopped giving a fuck about women and founded all sorts of fancy men-only organizations shit got out of hand really quick. Oh shit-

Bayern stronk!
Can't they at least try to spell correctly? It pisses me off.

That pic looks pretty much like what Slovene people do. So in other countries it's normal to just talk to random strangers or what?
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daily reminder that germany is dying because of this
Oy vey, Norway is lost too...

But seriously, peeing while sitting down is what everyone should do at home and friends'.
There's no reason to do it standing up.
Can someone explain me how avoiding to piss on my toilet seat makes me a girl?

Public toilets are different, of course.
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>breeding camps.

Ok I've never been to Germany but I've heard they have beautiful girls, do you really don't fuck them all night long ?

>they sit when they pee!
Is this a metaphor ? Or do they actually sit down to pee, say at a bar's, or at a restaurant's restroom ?
>Not only they wouldn't treat you like a sexual object
>He overanalyzes everything, he is very polite
>more interested about playing chess than having one night stand
I don't see the problem. What do women want? A guy that treats them like a sex slave?
This is so me.

>we german now
>not taking into account infant mortality rates
>trying to be real science
Pick one yank.
That's population growth, not number of children, you fool.
How do you think could people have less than 0 children?
Sex is a gamble in the west. You have to hope that what you're doing isn't on that particular woman's list of things that are rape, and then you have to hope that you're damn good at it so she doesn't spread around that you're a loser in bed.

This is why blacks, latinos and arabs are so succesful with them, they don't give a shit about what women think or about going to jail.
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>tfw every time I go to germany and all the beta German boys in awe as I pull the ladies
pull foreskin back and aim. I only sit if im really fucking tired, otherwise its just natural for me to stand.
>We Tupac now
There are a few, but for us (normal people) its impossible to even get near to them
Why does she marry him, when its obvious that he is a complete stranger towards her?
silly germ can't even read maps
Last time they didn't have vidya, movies, cheap air travel and tons of other fabulous prizes to keep themselves occupied.
It's considered emasculating that you're imitating having a vagina when you have the privilege and convenience of peeing standing up

The fact you're avoiding it because you're afraid a little piss might bounce onto it is even more emasculating
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>German males are not masculine
>still have more balls than Scandinavians
that's sad.


Stop being women, Germanbros

Stand up and piss like men
faggot detection is of the hook right now.

> tfw amifag comes to good ol' germany
> tfw he drinks for the first time at 18
> tfw he talks big like how he pulls the ladies
> tfw amifags can't hold their liquor
> puke around like little sissy fags and german girls laugh at them
> true story bro
They actually pee sitting down? I don't even use restrooms, I pee outside unless I am somewhere without access to a bush or tree. I especially don't like using other peoples toilets, If I'm at someone else's house I go outside and pee in a bush or if there is none on a fence/on their house. I even know some girls who pee standing up. Nothing like the feeling of the wind on your balls.
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>having forskins
Circumcision is (still) banned in Germany.
>sit when they pee

Yeah, that's why all the male students at the university toilets are using the urinals, eh?

ANd why are you a pussy for using the damn toilet over the urinals? I'm not comfortable having another guy standing next to me while pissing. Plus, sitting is way comfier.
well if i decide not to have one i can just go an get it cut off tomorrow i guess, can you say the same?

This is based on a headline that I happened to see in Finnish media today, but didn't Merkel say that she doesn't care about the ban and it wouldn't be enforced on religious grounds? So what's the point of the ban then anyway.
>justifying being emasculated
silly kraut, go back to hakenkreuz

>Not putting a hand against the wall and leaning over the toilet as you piss like a man
It's pretty silly to define your masculinity over being dirty and doing things "the male way".

I just do what I want the way I want it, which is usually the most reasonable and comfortable way.

If that makes me a woman in your eyes, then so be it.
I laugh at sad machismo fags being omega as fuck in their frantic perpetuation of overcome stereotypes.
Also, if you piss at my toilet seat, you'll clean it or never use my bathroom again.

It's not banned, stop believing /pol/ and daily mail tier "newspapers".
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>uniform that looks like a Nazi one

Fuck fangirls. Not in the literal sense.
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It's only banned for children.
It's not banned for children either.
Stop embarrassing your people by spouting nonsense.
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It's true ;_; It's so fucking true my god we are pathetic... No wonder immigrants are taking over our contries.
Feminism at work.
>dutch bitch complaining about feminism
I'm not complaining. It's just an observation.
dude, if you'd piss on my seat id make you lick it clean. i don't care whether you live like animals in your shitty country. you will sit the fuck down you fucking pig.
Somehow that whole emasculating bullshit is sad. Really sad.
But then again when every European was a manly man, we had a major war about every 20 years. So yeah.
Prepare to get in a fist fight with every guy who uses your toilet who's not a German pussy.

Seriously, you're one backed up Kraut. Get laid you brainless fuckstick.
Prepare to loose that fist fight.
lol, I'd love to see you get put down like an emasculated bitch over your precious toilet seat, you fucking piss nazi
lol come at me.
Do you even lift you pussy kraut?
No, im just acting.
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>complain when men treat them like dirty whores
>complain when men don't treat them like dirty whores
What about all of that disgusting German porn? A lot of those guys don't look beta and pussy whipped?
Don't believe that one faggot beta. Nearly no one sits down to piss here.
Normal man make jokes about that fags all the time. There is even an insult for man that act like pussys that refers to it. "Sitzpisser".


Wow, as I heard before it could be counted as battery and medics are afraid to get sued. But that it is de facto banned... nice.
Btw: anyone knows if there is any rule for Jews or Muslims when they have to get mutilated? Do they have to do it as small kids or are the parents just afraid nobody is stupid enough to do this after he is able to use his own brain?
we are the master race, fuckface. the only reason you beat us -- together with a shitload of other countries -- was because your bullshit country is bigger and you have more to spend. it was purely numbers.

i germany was as big as your fucking country you and all your little friends would have gotten bitch slapped, you pathetic fat fucks
I always imagine german girls were the ones that ask for a date for guys
>Be Dutch
>Dutch girls are slutty as fuck
I just want my nice German waifu...
What the fuck is wrong with sitting to piss? I always sit on my own toilet. I don't want to clean all my piss from the floor.
don't generalize, I don't even know men who don't get laid when they want to..
>having anything to do with fighting

Jesus christ our generation is fucked.
Im glad i still have some of my third-world machismo. Bitches love it.
>In English, Scandinavia usually refers to Denmark, Norway and Sweden [2][4][5]
What have you got to do with anything mongol?
my friends are 24.25 all get women all the time.. I have 2 fuck buddies atm, just ended an open relationship, of course there are men who are not able to get over their betanes but that's not that common..

those fucking articles and shit are made form fucking losers then they generalize it to all the men.. I don't get 'em articles.

like this:


according to this finnish men are silent drunks who only know about C++, never talk with each other or something, don't look people into eyes and shit like that.. dunno in what fucking finland this english dude lives in..
oh I'm sorry.. I somehow understood the american is talking about nordics
>we are the master race
You are not. The last great generation of men from Germany were wasted on the Eastern grinding block. There were none of them left, and none to replace them.

Modern Germans have very little connection at all to the men who came before.

This is my biggest beef with Hitler, among others: he threw those men away.
>caring about what women thinks

this will be the downfall of germany
Why the fuck did these woman even marry those men if they don't like them?

"spoiler" money "spoiler"
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I always found German people cold and inexpressive too.
I've always found*
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I thought the lot of you were like these guys.
This is from a movie poster, but look at the one with the goggles. You ain't seen the shit he's seen.

all the posts in OP's image are fucking retarded.
I am socially aware dude who can see what goes in the german society.
And all the remarks made in OP's photo are nothing more than stereotypes.
Stop reading stupid shit and check shit out yourself. German men might be different to other countrie's men in their behaviour women but they are not beta pussies.
maybe those women are just losers stuck with losers.. hoping some perfect knight comes to save them or something..
Pull up the seat and aim your piss, absolute disgrace.
I can live with people sitting down in houses though, but I cannot for the life of me stand when those little shits choose to go into a toilet instead of a urinal in public areas, autist fucks.
>"men" admit they piss sitting down

Faggots. I only piss sitting while I'm dumping a carl cox.
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ITT people argue over stupid stuff. "What is best siting down or standing up while peeing" How old are you people?
Of course I sit when I take a piss. Enjoy your yellow sprinkles!
AFAIK, there are now special laws for muslims, but jews must have it as kids.
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I'm a German Robot without emotions and I'm okay with it.
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This is all true. I don't care because I have animu though so I won't feel bad about it.
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She hated Germany though
dude, if it weren't for your scooter you fat fucks couldn't even feed yourselves so what are you talking about?
dude, you jelly ;)
That feel when meeting a lady friend next Sunday at a beergarden if the weather is nice. Keep your thumbs pressed for me, Germanbros.
Du packst das schon.

Danke :3
>Drinking for the first time at 18

Pick one

Why do you say "Keep your thumbs pressed for me"?

I assume that's similar to 'wish me luck' or 'keep your fingers crossed?'

What's with this pressing of thumbs or whatever it is?

please respond
what's the problem my mentally challenged friend?
He translated the german saying Drück mir die Daumen. Dunno where it originated.
Can't you just pay for sex like every other beta male in the planet?

Unless you're religious, has crippling anxiety or are really broke there's no reason for staying virgin.
And don't buy on the girlfriend koolaid, it's a scam and not even that good trust me.

In English it's "keep your fingers crossed", and in German it's "press your thumbs", so it's more like a hybrid expression.

Yeah I looked it up thanks buddy. It's the equivalent of fingers crossed in english. I also looked that up, coz I didn't know its origins either. Dunno why I'm bothering, I found it interesting, but I'm high, anyway here:

Charles Panati, in Extraordinary Origins of Everyday Things, has a nice article on crossing one's fingers as a sign of luck or making a wish. He traces it back to pre-Christian times, when the cross was a symbol of unity and benign spirits dwelt at the intersection point. A wish made on a cross was a way of "anchoring" the wish at the intersection of the cross until the wish was fulfilled.

Panati says this superstition was popular among many early European cultures. It originally took two people. A comrade or well-wisher placing his index finger over the index finger of the person making the wish, the two fingers forming a cross. The one person makes the wish, the other empathizes and supports. Over centuries, the custom was simplified, so that a person could wish on his own, by crossing his index and middle fingers to form an X. But traces remain--two people hooking index fingers as a sign of greeting or agreement is still common in some circles today.

Panati comments, "Customs once formal, religious, and ritualistic have a way of evolving with time to become informal, secular, and commonplace." Thus, friends crossing fingers evolved (Panati says "degenerated") to crossing one's own fingers, and ultimately to the stock phrase, "Keep your fingers crossed," with no actual finger-crossing at all.

I'd wonder how it became 'press your thumbs' in german. I bet the story behind that is also quite interesting.
>mfw I learned I'm actually a German.
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The Germans call the Americans fat fucks, it makes me laugh.
self-reported data?
welcome to german Herrenrasse. You now like football and drinking.
mfw france is based on self reported data, loool. but yeah obesity is beomming a problem but 60%?!
What's the source of that picture?

Here's another one:
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>Cold hard stares from across the room

What's wrong with that ? I don't wanna look like a smiling faggot either.
Focus sagts auch, wobei ich nich weiß, ob ein BMI von 26 wirklich so schlimm is, bzw. woher die ihre Daten überhaupt haben, weil mich hat nie jemand gefragt.
I am a German born in Denmark, both my parents are German. Lived in the US for 10 years after that. Moved to Germany 5 years ago.

Yeah. Most of the men here are the softest I have ever met. Matriarchy and political correctness runs the show here. Luckily I live in a large city so I can bang tourists, I wouldn't touch a German woman with a stick.

Figures the Brazilian would advocate prostitution
BMI von 26 ist kein Übergewicht. Ich wieg 88kg bei einer Körpergröße von 1,78m. Ich hab eine BMI von 28. Muckis Alter, was geht.
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was hat er was ich nicht habe???!!!
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you pull all the ladies? through the gravitational force you emit :). alpha patrol, you can even get up from your seat :)
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so these girls complain that German men don't flirt arround and think or play chess instead.

Women are clearly the problem here. Feminism has killed the West
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so ist's besser.
It's happening all over though, homos/bronies/hipsters... The battle for our manhood has begun, gird your loins and fuck bitches.
shadows dont match
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Haters gonna hate, but American men still have balls. And piss standing up. We just feel bad for you guys.

>not giving a fuck about a woman
>not alpha as fuck

Your logic is retarded, OP.
I don't understand this about German women at all.

When I went to Germany I hooked up with a blonde 7/10 German girl in a month and I'm shorter than most Germans and not particularly model-esque either.

Well the point is that I tried and went after her. I mean its not that hard, really.

But German dudes were like they're in a corporate meeeting when speaking to women, I guess thats really a turn-off.

I'm not really prone of PUA bullshit but some German guys could benefit from it apparently.
>mfw I'm a greek studying in germany
>mfw I get to fuck from turkish to goddamn asian girls because I'm fit but never german ones

I swear, sometimes people are really weird here. I hang out with turks mostly, since even my fucking neighbour who has the same interests as me is somewhat distant.

At first I thought it was some sort of "pay debts" thing but then I learned that everyone in the building thought I was urkranian.

Um Gottes Willen Bruder, was ist diese Scheisse?
>recieve blowjob
>only thing i can think is "how long is this going to take"
>feel nothing

fucking german heritage
fucking gobbies man
A lot of American men are the same way. At least we're not as bad as Japan - yet.

I wonder if it's due to the conveniently packaged nature of modern life, the ideas perpetrated by the media that you must act a certain way or be a certain way to get a woman, or maybe some sort of environmental factor? I know kids here in America who won't even approach a girl even when she's dropping as many hints as she can, because of the ideas planted in their heads that they must be this rich or this attractive to get pussy.
It's to be expected after WW2 when the Russianbros mass raped every German girl ten times. The memories of great Russian cock have made German women bitter towards their male counterparts, thus causing them to become pussiefied.
In Germany, if you dont watch out, Girl asks you out for a date. Also everytime you make a compliment, they see it as a kind of joke.
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forgot pic
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I must be german or something, these posts describe me very well. It's not that I'm a pussy, I'm just incredibly apathetic romantically., and unshowing of infatuation.

I had a girl hitting on me earlier this year, she kept emailing and inviting me out, I kind of liked spending time with her, but i basically just ignored her, gave half ass replies to her emails, until one day she got frustrated like these women in the Op, and called me a jerk.

I dont like women.
Gee, "Iran" and "Aryan" sound similar. How bout that. Wonder why that is. Hmmmmm....

[spoiler]womyn cannot into humor[/spoiler]
What in god's name happened with you Germany?
i want to go Germany and ive been told many times that i look German will this help me at all to fit in?

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