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I am bored. So ask me anything about Turkey and I will answer.
Do you like the Balkans?
What's your painting of?
Can you annex the Balkans?
Why do some "turks" looke like arabs and others look like gooks?

Are you a muslim?



Which painting?


%90 of the entire population Balkans and Asia Minor would be dead withing 2 days if we did. Serbs and Croats, Greeks and Macedonians in the same state? Come on!

We originally are from East Asia and we used to be gooks. But then we mixed with Greeks and became half-gooks. The Arab looking Turks you see are immigrants right? Most Turkish immigrants who live in Europe come from Southeastern Turkey, which is inhabited by either Arabs or Kurds. On the other hand, some Turks didn't mix with Greeks and managed to keep their gook genes pure.

>Are you a muslim?

No, I am an Atheist.
Why you're denying, that you're filthy arabs?
You looks like them, you behave like them and you believe in this bullshit called "allah" and everyone consider you as arabs...
Here's someone I haven't seen for a while. Where the fuck have you been? Better yet why the fuck don't you go back to where you were?
...Which do you think? The one in the original post.
So muslims in Turkey sometimes finish off christians like here: http://www.borderlandbeat.com/2012/05/savagery-of-el-diablo.html#more

Why do you teach this stuff to other countries?
How many of those filth christian dogs have you decapitated?

Any good rapes you comitted lately?
Ama siz türkler arapsınız :33
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Probably because of the fact that we aren't Arabs.

>You looks like them

Hello Hayk, let me introduce you to my friend grammar.

No we don't, this is what your average Turkish male looks like.

>you behave like them

Do we stone women and hang gays?

>you believe in this bullshit called "allah"

We don't have an official religion, actually.

>everyone consider you as arabs...

Everyone also actually thinks that Finns are White. This doesn't make them White does it?


>Where the fuck have you been?


>Better yet why the fuck don't you go back to where you were?

I already am on /pol/ right now.


I am not sure.

No, to all of them. On the other hand why don't you go back to your cave and fap while looking at a pic of Öcalan, Hewal?


Three questions

How big is the current resurgence of Islamism in Turkey? (I hear immigrants are shitting all over your secularism)

How do you feel about Turkey’s future? Seeing as its economy is doing so well.

Are you proud of your imperial past? If not, why?
>Do we stone women and hang gays?
You want to tell me you do not?

>Finns are White
You want to tell me they are not?
Hocam hangi partinin destekcisisin?
Turkiyede mi yasiyorsun?
>>Finns are White
>You want to tell me they are not?
Please do tell. And drop the "mongol"-thing because the most bullshit thing there is.
No they don't.
And nordics are just mongol rape remnants in denial.
It ain't bullshit if it is true...
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Pic related.


It is not the immigrants, really. For some reason, Turkish Arabs act nice. It's the government. They Islamise the fuck out of Turkey. Now, they recently installed a new education system which will make children able attend to Islamic schools which educate them about literally Islam only at the age of 10 or some shit like that.

Our economy is not great. It isn't good, but it isn't bad either. It is just average. We're getting worse everyday. Our rights are getting taken away and we are turning into an Islamic state.

No I am not. I don't think that anyone should be proud of the history of their nation.

>Everyone also actually thinks that Finns are White. This doesn't make them White does it?
What does it make them then?

Hiçbirini, ama CHP en az boktan olanı gibi. Evet.


/int/ likes to think that every single Uralic-Altaic ethnic group is Mongolian. Finns aren't Mongols but they are Asiatic.

Wat? Als je dit huis een grot noemt, prima. En wie is Öcalan?

"About three-quarters of Turkish and Lebanese Muslims oppose the stoning of people who commit adultery (77% and 76%, respectively)"
So 23% is hardcore enough islam to hit people over the head with rocks untill they die. That is one quarter of the population. Explain this.

This pic proves otherwise:

How many Iranians do you know?
Don't you find it odd that Iran has a big Turkish population, but Turkey doesn't have a big Persian population?
Old figures, explain the 2011 ones.

I met only a single one of them. And there aren't a lot of Turks in Iran. There are a fuckton of Azeris, though.

I wonder the city these Turkish Muslims resided. Hatay? I have never, ever seen someone who got stoned to death, and I heard it on the news a few times.
How do you personally view the EU? Would you be more in favour of Turkey joining the EU, a hypothetical secular Pan-Turkic union, or neither, and why?

Turkey has a big Persian population

They're called Kurds
How religious is Turkey? Do people really become more and more religous nowdays?

What do you think about Albanians? We bros?

Neither. EU is collapsing, our country is shitty enough, we don't need to get it even more shitty. The latter can not be formec simply because of the fact that several Central Asian Turkics dislike eachother and Central Asian Turkic countries are still developing, we can't take care of them while we can't take care of even ourselves.


Kurds aren't Persians.


Extremely, and unfortunately, we are getting more religious everyday.
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Yes, we bros.
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why your people are ruining germany?
I wish more Turks were like you OP. Turkey has a great history, but it should not depart from being a secular state.
Islam is the biggest shit on the world, and it will ruin Turkey.This is the future of my country, a brainwashed nation.

They got half of their male population beaten to death by some batshit insane and drunk Slavs, so they needed laborers. They asked for other countries to send them immigrants that will work as laborers. Turkey wanted to send them immigrants too. But Germany declined. Then, USA put some political pressure on Germany to accept Turkish immigrants because USA thought that Turkey deserved a reward since Turkey dicksucked USA for years. Then, from the Southeastern Turkey, uncivilised and fucktarded Turks emigrated to Germany to fuck their shit up. They don't represent us and are loathed by us.
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Islam ruins everything man. It ruined the sons of Persians. It will ruin the sons of Göktürks and Hellenes too.
>why your people are ruining germany?

Didnt u knew? according to Turkfag those arent Turks, those are kurds, the entire 2 million Turkish immigrants are kurds, he blames everything on the kurds, Arab looking turks, NO! it are kurds, kurds did the armenian genocide, kurds rise the criminality in germany, everyone is kurds, exept when its an blond blue eyed turk, then its a turk according to him, Turkfag why are you living in sucha denial? u're a sandgook get over it wow.
>Then, from the Southeastern Turkey
oh lawd i was even correct
yeter lan sırf benim rastladığım 3 ya da 4. konunhaftada 1-2 saat giriyorum inte. Sıkılmadın mı amk milletle ermeni soykırımı tartışmaktan

First of all, I don't hate Kurds. I am 2/32 Kurdish, and I also have a few Kurdish friends who are actually fun to hang out. On the other hand, as a matter of fact, most Turks who emigrated to Europe come from the Southeastern parts of Turkey which is inhabited by either Kurds or Arabs. For the Armenian Genocide thing, yes, Kurds really did the Armenian Genocide. Armenians mostly inhabited either İstanbul or Eastern Turkey, the ones who inhabited Eastern Turkey got genocided by Kurds who were commanded by the Turks, because, like I said, Southeastern Turkey is inhabited by either Kurds or Arabs. If you go to Southeastern Turkey, no one speaks Turkish. No one looks Turkish either. They speak either Kurdish or Arab, or sometimes Assyrian. And Kurds do rise our crime rate, again as a matter of fact. We lost thousands of civilians and soldiers to PKK, which is a Kurdish organisation who tries to create a Kurdish state. Unlike gavurs who are brainwashed by their media think, PKK is not a glorious resistance against Turkish soldiers who kill Kurdish babbys and gang rape 6 year old Kurdish girls, PKK is an armed, dangerous and terrorist organisation that assault civilians and killed thousands of Turks, and Kurds. Also, light skinned, blue eyed blonde Turks are not actually ethnic Turks, but Slavs or Laz or Georgians. Atatürk had blonde hair and blue eyes, because his mother was of Macedonian descent(his father was of Albanian descent and he was Turkish, I mean, the guy was literally a Greek repeller).

Sen ne diyon yarrağam?! Bütün gün /pol/'da takılıyorum ben, /int/'e bu aralar hiç uğramam, en son konumu, 5 hafta önce açtım.
If it is such a problem then why doesn't the Turkish government hold a referendum in the region for the creation of an independent Kurdish state? Would you be in favour of something of the sort and why?
vay amk şanslıyım demek ki, ne zaman konu açıcak oslan rastlıyorum

No. Southeastern Turkey is also our land. We can't just give our lands away, they have a meaning for us.
Fuck Islam and fuck the muslim cancer, amirite?


Here, thanks for proving my point, you live in your own world, you try to put turkey in a angel-like paradise state, that has never commited a crime, that is filled with blond and blue eyed turks who live like 1st worldlers, but let me tell you the reality
you turks are cruel barbarian mongols, you are not blond blue eyed nordic aryans how you thing u are, and no kurds didnt done the armenian genocide, it were turks so stop bullshiting and shaking of your crimes on other people, the 2 million arab looking turks in germany a re not kurs, that are turks, those who live in the ghettos and do nothing but drive 91-99 bmw 3er series coupes with cheap tuning and make nothing but commit felony, and when germans say goddamit learn at least the language turks are like OMG RACISM, fuck if you live in germany learn at least the damn language if not gtfo, fucking turks born there prefer to speak turkish than german not saying the elder who after 30 years livingin germany cant put 2 words in german together, u 're a fucking trash - tier people.
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>Turks aren't Arabs

yeah sure!
But you said that no-one speaks Turkish or looks Turkish there. How is it Turkish land if the Turks are a minority there?
>No. Southeastern Turkey is also our land
No it is not, they mean nothing o you, your goverment dosnt even care for that area, while for kurds and armenians they mean everything, its their ancestral homeland,your goverment holds those areas becouse of strategical and military purposes, you turks can really hope there be no war, i can see it coming, this isnt 1900 where you had german help and industralization, i can see u turks getting raped to oblivion by kurds russians greeks and armenias
Finns are white!
I know a couple of Turks great guys. Only thing that I noticed is that they all speak Turkish against each other(even if they weren't born there) also that they really hold on to the Turkish culture.

all their songs are Turkish, The only series they watch are Turkish, Turkish restaurant is the only option when they want some fastfood, Turkish themed living room and many more...

My question is are Turk really that nationistic or is it all just a honest preference?
...they're not. The Turks originally come from Central Asia. The Arabs come from the Arabian Peninsula. The only thing they share in common is Islam (generally speaking).

Though of course, as with any group of people, there's probably lots of mingling with other races involved in both Turkic and Arabic genepools.
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Turks were the ones who brought islam to Anatolia, you stupid fuck.
Many of them are kurds
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Hey, Turkbro. Half-Sandnigger here.

How's your day been?

Do the majority of Turks (at least the ones you know) feel the same way as you do towards Islam and Arabs?

How do Turks look at their glorious Ottoman past? Do they overlook the fact that it was an Islamic state?

What do you think about your neighbor countries? What about Iran? What do you think Turkiye will do in the upcoming war against Iran?

How do you feel about the current "situation" in your country (politics, economics, foreign relations, etc.)? Are you optimistic about her future?

What's your favorite color?
>What do you think Turkiye will do in the upcoming war against Iran?

Sit back and watch it on TV, if they didnt helped their ''bros'' last time,less will they help Iran that isnt even a turkic nation.
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You could have stopped this, Turkey.
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You're an oblivious dog who should get his tongue and hands cut to prevent spreading his stupidity. Kurds did the Armenian Genocide, because Southeastern Turkey, the place Armenians used to inhabit, is also filled with Kurds, Kurds are the majority there.

>you try to put turkey in a angel-like paradise state

When did I imply such a thing? If you weren't such an illiterate shit who can't even speak proper English, you would read my previous posts and know the fact that I dislike the Turkish state. But, as a matter of fact, PKK, has killed millions. And I also said that Turkish Turks loathe German Turks. And look at you, claiming that Kurds are innocent angels, yet blaming German Turks for not learning German, oblivious about the way how most Kurds who inhabit Southeastern Turkey can't even fucking speak Turkish.

>you are not blond blue eyed nordic aryans how you thing u are

I don't even claim to be blue eyed blond Nordics you dumb cunt! I already said that most blue eyed and blonde haired Turks have either Slavs, Laz or Georgian origins.

And no, we are not Mongols. We are Mongoloid, but we are not Mongols, we are from Siberia.

Kill yourself.


Now, compare that guy to this guy. Can't you see the difference?


Because we defended those lands from the invaders.


No they're not, see:


Friend, you seem to be severely assdevastated. You also type like an Armenian, so please don't make me sharpen that old rusty bayonet I keep under my bed.

It is our land. We invaded it. We took it. It was natural back then, every single nation, at a point, invaded some lands and took them in the past, that was normal back then. Then we defended it against the invaders. You can't claim that a land should be yours and yours only just because you fuck like rabbits and eventually make up the majority of it.

Greece? They can't even find bread. Russia won't fuck with us because they don't want to fuck with NATO anymore, and Armenia? The population of Armenia is lower than the population of our military, while PKK are just a bunch of mountain niggers who assault villages.

Wake up from your dream world. And then kill yourself.


Unfortunately yes. I wish we never helped those fucking Arabs against the Chinese, then we eventually would still believe in glorious Tengrism.


I can't even think properly because of the way how your retardation is infectious. That should have been thousands.
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You could have stopped this, Turkey.
>Because we defended those lands from the invaders.

>we are from Siberia.
oh god my sides

>Kurds did the Armenian Genocide, because Southeastern Turkey, the place Armenians used to inhabit, is also filled with Kurds, Kurds are the majority there.
According to this, Poles did the holocaust, since the mayority of jews used to live in Poland. You must be really dumb seriously.

>who can't even speak proper English
Not like i give two shits, as long my message arrives im ok, english is not my language.
You shouldn't be against Islam, you are after all a descendant of mohammed.
>Because we defended those lands from the invaders.

So what? Peoples have the right to self-determination, to choose their own path in history.

And besides, you said that these lands, by belonging to Turkey cause trouble. Either by the secessionist movements in the region (which might manifest as freedom fighting/terrorism), or by making your country's demographics worse (more religious, less secular), or by giving the Turks a bad name elsewhere through due to emigrating and causing trouble there.

If it is so problematic that everyone will be better off if it severs, what reason is there for Turkey to hold on to the southeast beyond some vague notion of historical claims and dreams of neo-colonialism?
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You could have stopped this, Turkey.
>You can't claim that a land should be yours and yours only just because you fuck like rabbits and eventually make up the majority of it.
This applies perfectly to the turks, PERFECTLY!

>while PKK are just a bunch of mountain niggers who assault villages.
That keep fucking your shit up since the 90's and keep continuing.

>Russia won't fuck with us because they don't want to fuck with NATO anymore
By that Turks will be kicked from the NATO by far, thats what u get for joining an Organisation with christian majority, do you belive any of the NATO members would come for your aid? oh silly turk..
Modern Turks are actually native to Anatolia as the original turks mixed with the indigenous population. They do however have some mongoloid admixture, but it's not much.

Also, Kurds should move back to Iran.

>do you belive any of the NATO members would come for your aid? oh silly turk

I love Turks, but even I know that this is true. Sorry Turkey, you have no future with the West. The majority of us don't like you simply based on history, race, etc.

The Turkic union you guys seem to pursue also seems to be a bit silly. You have very little in common with an average Kazakh or Uyghur.


Ugh, yes? Every nation is an invader. Armenia, for example, took some of their lands from Azeris because they wanted to do so. Don't even get me started on Russia and USA.

>oh god my sides

We are from Siberia, we descend from Tiele who descend from Siberian Dinglings.

>According to this, Poles did the holocaust, since the mayority of jews used to live in Poland. You must be really dumb seriously.

Except Nazis considered Poles sub-humans while Turks and Kurds were allies during WWI.


Feels bad man.


Feels fucking horrible man.

>How's your day been?


>Do the majority of Turks (at least the ones you know) feel the same way as you do towards Islam and Arabs?

Majority of Turks are Islamic, so no. Also, majority of Turks loathe Arabs even though Turkish Arabs(1 million Arabs live in Turkey) are nice and smart. I used to know an Arab kid in highschool, he was a fucking math genius.

>How do Turks look at their glorious Ottoman past? Do they overlook the fact that it was an Islamic state?

Not really, most Turks think that Ottoman Empire was the greatest empire ever while it was a moderate one.

>What do you think about your neighbor countries? What about Iran? What do you think Turkiye will do in the upcoming war against Iran?

All of them hate us. Iran should get rid of Islamists and help us against our fight with PKK scum. We most likely will stay natural since our government doesn't want to fight against an Islamic state because hurr durr Muslim brotherhood durr but we won't side with Iran either because we are USA's bitch.

>How do you feel about the current "situation" in your country (politics, economics, foreign relations, etc.)? Are you optimistic about her future?

Despite whatt gavurs think, our economy is just ok. It isn't bad, but it isn't good either. And we get more Islamic every day and we get our rights taken away. So, our future is drowning in a pool of shit, piss and horse semen, and unfortunately, I doubt if another hero like Atatürk will rise and drag our future out of that pool.

>What's your favorite color?


You are also Russian, right? I know you.

Brb in an hour.
Is Turkey some kind of global police force now? lol
They're trying to make Turan, unify all turkic nations, that was the reason they tried to wipe armenia off the map so they could unite with their Azeribros and had clear path to turkmenistan, too bad it didnt worked.
>Armenia, for example, took some of their lands from Azeris because they wanted to do so.
This is what you know about the NKR war? wow you must be really brainwashed either that or you're really dumb beyond every limit.

>Except Nazis considered Poles sub-humans while Turks and Kurds were allies during WWI.

So according to you, Turks ordered kurds to genocide the armenians right? and by that kurds did it, and not the turks, you know that the responsable are always those who give orders and not those who serve right? even it is not true, but assuming it were, it would be still you turkss, you cant get away with thatso easy incriminating others for ur crimes.

>We are from Siberia, we descend from Tiele who descend from Siberian Dinglings.
oh lawd pls stop XDDD
would you bail out greece if they sold you some of them islands?
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Your people have nice hats
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I see a lot of dispute over the "Armenian Genocide" thing. The way I see it, it's not correct to label it a genocide simply because of the definition of the word and the actual motives of the Ottomans.

A genocide is a deliberate and systemic extermination of a people (pretty much ethnic cleansing on a large scale). The Ottomans / Turks didn't intend on actually wiping out the Armenians. There goals were to instead move them from Eastern Anatolia to the southern regions of the Empire (Iraq and Syria). This was because the Armenians were a danger to the safety of the state. Many actively supported the Russian advance in the Caucasus Front during WWI, and the Ottomans wouldn't have that.

Yes, many, many Armenians died as a result of this, but so did many Turks - even military personnel. The number of Armenians killed is greatly inflated, with modern Armenians claiming it to be at least 1.5 million dead. According to official census reports, there weren't even that many Armenians living in the Empire, and many managed to survive and either settle in present-day Armenia or leave to different countries (the Armenian diaspora).

Some people neglect to mention just why the Ottomans sought to relocate the Armenians in the first place. The two peoples had lived together in relative harmony for centuries before the incident, and the Turks initially populated Constantinople with Armenians because they wanted them to be a part of the Empire. It was only until the Russians started being involved in the affairs of the Ottomans that Armenians became hostile to the Turks.

Yes, it was a tragedy. Yes, it was terrible, but we shouldn't attribute it to modern Turks. I'm sure many people here will try to dispute what I've stated, but you are entitled to your opinion - whatever it may be. I suggest that we stop dwelling on a blurry past (it's been almost a century) and instead focus on how to remedy the wounds.
Armenian here,
I wont even start to discuss this matter, i'm tired to bomb this threads with facts just so the next day u come and claim the same thing, my time isnt worth it. Belive what u want but over 30 countries did their researches and aknowledged it as genocide.
Gençlik park home of jobless shitass kurds as you can see them on picture
>but we shouldn't attribute it to modern Turks
oh really, so bad history doesnt count?
>I suggest that we stop dwelling on a blurry past
ah, the ''blurry'' past.
when its the glorious Ottomans everything is pretty clear, when its the atrocities you did its blurry

kindly go choke on your camel's dick

Again, you need to look up the term genocide, my friend. They didn't seek to murder your people. They just posed a threat to the safety of the state.

You want to tell me that Armenians didn't want to see the Empire collapse at that point? You want to tell me that they didn't conspire with the Russians - whom the Ottomans were fighting?

The Turks had to move them out of Eastern Anatolia so they would not support the Russians. Otherwise they would have just killed everyone off instead of wasting time and resources to move the Armenian population south.

So what do you want to do? You want to hold every single Turk today responsible for what happened nearly a hundred years ago? You haven't actually refuted any of my points, but you seem intent on insulting me.

I'm not a Turk, by the way.
stupid niggеr

dislocating tribes and ethnic people from one region of the empire to another is something the turks have done FORCEFULLYfor ages.

how do you think islam was introduced to europe in the first place, negroid?
they brought savage tribes from the depths of anatolia and settled them on the balkans so they could assimilate the enslaved population WHILE spreading islam.
This faggot is just an average educated -he knows english wow- turkish guy. I see him rolling in /int/ here; waving around, blurbing facts out of his ass.

Just saying; this guy does' t know anything about turkish culture.

Also let me tell you something kiddo: An atheist cannot be Turkish.

Do not lurk around in here this much. Just go to library and read books and articles; not just wikipedia.
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>stupid niggеr

I'm not African either, friend. Try again.

>how do you think islam was introduced to europe in the first place, negroid?

Well, it was first introduced into Iberia by the Moors, but it wasn't forcefully imposed on anyone there.

Populations movements occurred, yes. You have yet to address my main point though. What had happened in 1915 did not constitute genocide and modern Turks are not to be blamed for whatever occurred before they were even born.

Ya' know, vulgarisms and ad hominem usually weaken an argument. Try approaching me in a civil manner, and maybe you can convince me of my errors.

well everyone thinks you are the uneducated and as you have said " stupid" one in here. we are just having a civilized discussion but you are just waving around with your saliva.

allright, still.

>An atheist cannot be Turkish.

Not the OP, but what? How does that make sense?

You can be born to Turkish parents and not believe in God at the same time...
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>wasn't forcefully imposed on anyone there
Certainly is dumb nigger, African or not.

>What had happened in 1915 did not constitute genocide
A few dozen countries have a different opinion, no matter how hard you want to defend anything islam does(Inb4 I don't, look at your "not forcefully imposed" remark.)

>maybe you can convince me of my errors.
Islam excusers never can be.
they can be blamed for their denial and refusal to apologize.

so obvious i didnt think it'd be needed to even address it....

no, its you and the german retard who studies balkanistik in university.
fucking l-o-l

and spewing blatant bullshit makes people angry, welcome to the internet
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>anything islam does
>Islam excusers


>Certainly is dumb nigger, African or not.

Yeah, objective history says otherwise. Al-Andalus was a multicultural, multiethnic state. Even Western historians claim that there is no evidence of forced conversions in Muslim Spain. Deal with it.

>A few dozen countries have a different opinion, no matter how hard you want to defend anything islam does(Inb4 I don't, look at your "not forcefully imposed" remark.)

So what? Just because a few dozen countries believe in something, doesn't make it true - a few dozen countries that are hostile to the Turkish people. Yeah, the major reason that Turkey wasn't allowed into the EU was on racist, islamophobic grounds. "They're not culturally European!", my ass.

The French state has made it illegal to question the Armenian Genocide. Truth, however, doesn't fear investigation, my friend.

The Turks don't claim that nothing happened. They admit that many Armenians died as a result of the war and the government's decisions. They don't, however, support the idea that it was an act of genocide.

>This applies perfectly to the turks, PERFECTLY!

Excuse me, are there any Turks who claim that European countries should give Turkish immigrants a country? If yes, please show them to me.

>That keep fucking your shit up since the 90's and keep continuing.

Killing civilians don't count for "fucking shit up".

>By that Turks will be kicked from the NATO by far, thats what u get for joining an Organisation with christian majority, do you belive any of the NATO members would come for your aid? oh silly turk..

We are the biggest "ally" of USA in the Middle East and hold an extremely important position. If a country tries to invade Turkey, USA wouldn't allow it and force NATO to fight for us, because we own a fuckton of resources and USA has a fuckton of military bases in Turkey. USA wouldn't just let Russia invade us because durr we're Islamic hurr, in fact USA loves our Islamist government since they keep dicksucking USA.
Israeli here.

What the fuck happened man? Seriously, we went from bffs to mortal enemies in like two weeks and the most sense we've been able to make out of it is basically none.

Is that what they teach you in Armenian schools? Azeris love us because they're oblivious, kind and uneducated people who view us like some big brothers. Our government knows this and tries to establish strong ties with Azerbaijan(these ties will of course be our dicks inside Azerbaijan's mouth) because of all those delicious pipelines and oil. Our Islamist government doesn't want a Turkic union, but an Islamic one, and they also need money.


Stop arguing with these fucktards. They don't listen. You see, when an average Armenian starts school at the age of 6, he is taught about the way how big, bad, Mongol Turks killed 1.5 million pure, innocent and poor Armenians. He can't actually think or something like that. We have the same problem here, you see, when an average Turk starts school at the age of 6, he is taught about the way how glorious Hunnic Turkic master race invented everything including the wheel and the fire and the steel and Armenians are just some Jew off-shots who get controlled by Israel and Illuminati and Masons who try to take our lands away. Your average Armenian, when confronted by facts and official documents, will yell out "muh genocide" which will get followed by some claims about the way how the official documents are actually made up by historians who were actually bired by us big, bad Mongol Turks and are not reliable, even though the only source an Armenian has about the way how 1.5 million Armenians got genocided by blah blah Mongol Turks is the way how his grandparents got beheaded in their own house by blah blah Mongol Turks when they were just 3 months old.

>This is what you know about the NKR war? wow you must be really brainwashed either that or you're really dumb beyond every limit.

Akh ts’av! I forgot the fact that Azeris actually tried to genocide you guys too! You obviously had to kill more than 200 Azeri civilians to prevent another Meds Yeghern, Hayk!

>So according to you, Turks ordered kurds to genocide the armenians right? and by that kurds did it, and not the turks, you know that the responsable are always those who give orders and not those who serve right? even it is not true, but assuming it were, it would be still you turkss, you cant get away with thatso easy incriminating others for ur crimes.

Yes, I think that Turks, just like Kurds, are resposible for the Armenian Genocide. Those Turks also died 20 years ago.

>oh lawd pls stop XDDD

Why don't you bother typing "Tiele" or "Dinglings" on your search bar and hitting enter?
Why don't you remove islam of your country ? It'd make you a true european country.

And a great country too. I like turks excepting the fact theyre mudslims

No need for islands, Greek women are enough.


Because Turks are the only ethnic group who actually invaded some lands and forced their inhabitants to convert to a religion right?


What do you know about Turkish culture at all? Are you a Turk?
wow an atheist claiming to be turk. i shed a tear.

Why should we apologize for something we didn't do?

No I don't think that Germany should keep licking Israel's anus either.


I feel sad for you guys. You're the living proof of the fact that money(or gold) can't buy happiness, you will be the scapegoat of the entire world(I know that feel). Why can't your state stop being such a dick and stop bombing public areas full of civilians because of the fact that a few terrorists might be hiding there? Then people would hate you less.


We will. In the future.

I am a Turk. I can speak Turkish if you want.
turkey is a muslim country. it is impossible to remove islam from turkey. it is just dreaming.
would be great man
i hope that one day islam, cancer of humanity will disappear
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>Yeah, objective history says otherwise
Dress lowclass, to not outshine muslims. Extra huge tax for non-muslims. Intra-religious marriage = always to islam. Anything hugely profitable = only for muslims(which together with tax for non-muslims means you are fucked). Out after dark = beheading in certain places.

Yeah, no forceful conversion, life becomes near impossible. But hey, starving is still an option right?

>Even Western historians claim that there is no evidence of forced conversions in Muslim Spain.
Source or lies from a pig.

>Just because a few dozen countries believe in something, doesn't make it true
And just because you believe there was no genocide, means there was not? How does that work?

>Truth, however, doesn't fear investigation, my friend.
Yes it does. But you simply keep on denying it. See pic for how this works. And I am never was, am, or will be your fucking friend you cunt.

>Yeah, the major reason that Turkey wasn't allowed into the EU was on racist, islamophobic grounds. "They're not culturally European!", my ass.
Ah, there it is. That thing they love. The racist card. Your jew masters taught you well. You convince me islam is European. Do it. PROTIP: you can not, for it is not.
No. You just don' t get it, do you?
Which parts of Turkey are the least religious? Do they sell much alcohol there?

Because Bibi and Lieberman and their Dati Leumi puppet masters. But that's besides the point, why did you specifically begin hating us all of a sudden?

And on an unrelated note, with all due respect to the fact that the occupation is bad, why exactly does your government think that Turkey of all countries is in a position to criticize people over occupying places? What kind of logic are they working on exactly?
Hey Turkfag respond to my post please.
wait wait. haha. we did all the things you have just said. so what?

Wrong. We don't have an official religion. For now, at least.


No I don't. Do elaborate your point about why I can't be Turkish.

And are you Turkish?
You can't call yourself a true European unless you're Christian and suck the Pope's cock.

You don't seem to understand. First of all, the lands Kurds also inhabit are also our lands. Why? Well, we helped Kurds defend them. Our capital is a Turkish-majority city, which means that Kurds get their social services from a Turkish majority state. They use our taxes to build public services. They use the supplies we send to them after the earthquake. Now, tell me that the state we defended, built and supported does not belong to us. It does. It does belong to Turks. We can't give the lands which got soaked by the blood of our great grandparents away just because of the fact that some mountain hobos want us to give them away.
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>are there any Turks who claim that European countries should give Turkish immigrants a country?
Country? No. They do however demand towns paid for by the government that have Turkish schools and Turksih jobs(whatever the hell that is, cleaning toilet?), want Turkish made a language of government, and they recently started to build a few streets where only Turkish people will be allowed to live with a glorious mosque as a place for old Turks to retire. They even hold certain campaign meetings(as in city elections) where you are only allowed if you can demonstrate Turkish identity(I wonder how, maybe speak in Turkish about how not enough Armenians pigs were genocided and spitting on Greek Cypriot flag?)while such meetings must be held public for all since elections concern us all. Fucking scum, all of you.

I am giving serious thought to going over to my skinhead friends and burning that shit down with them, no joke.
>wow an atheist claiming to be turk. i shed a tear.

Fools like that are unfortunately becoming prevalent everywhere. They subscribe to the backward ideology of the French revolution and the so-called 'enlightenment' and they'll stop at nothing until their societies are as soulless and degenerate as ours in the West have become. You do not want to come down this road. Hold fast to tradition.
My point proven.

No matter how wrong, just deny.
france is atheist (except for mudslims immigrants) and we're european as fuck
>We can't give the lands which got soaked by the blood of our great grandparents away just because of the fact that some mountain hobos want us to give them away.

And then the wars DO become relevant.
This is what is also known as two faces or split tongue.
None of what you say takes away their right to self-determination. They use your funds because, as you said, presently, they are part of the Turkish state. If you're trying to say they shouldn't do that, well, that's pretty much equivalent to saying that communists who live in a capitalist society shouldn't buy things.

And history aside (I may or may not be willing to concede on that point), I ask you again, if these lands are only trouble then what practical reason is there to keep them?
Europe was not historically built on Atheism, ever.

Everything you've just described. Everything. Literally everything. That's the exact thing Kurds want to do in our country. And they also do what they want.

>They do however demand towns paid for by the government that have Turkish schools

Kurds demand that too. And own the right to teach their language in our schools, which is acceptable.

>want Turkish made a language of government

Kurds want that too.

>they recently started to build a few streets where only Turkish people will be allowed to live

Kurds do the same. Big fucking surprise eh? There are Kurdish neighbourhoods in the fucking middle of Turkish cities and no one who live in those neighbourhoods know Turkish which eventually makes a Turk unable to live there.

>They even hold certain campaign meetings(as in city elections) where you are only allowed if you can demonstrate Turkish identity

Guess what? Kurds do that here. They own secret club houses in Southeastern mountains of Turkey, but prove how Kurds they are by killing civilians, not by talking shit or spitting on flags.

Notice the similarity? It is fucking genetical man. Turks who live in Germany are Kurdish.
we should have a cup of coffee in bilkent ankara. i dig your style dude.
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>Fools like that are unfortunately becoming prevalent everywhere. They subscribe to the backward ideology of the French revolution and the so-called 'enlightenment' and they'll stop at nothing until their societies are as soulless and degenerate as ours in the West have become. You do not want to come down this road. Hold fast to tradition.

I love you.
Why would Kurds want the language to be Turkish?
we're probably in france the less dogmatic and religious people in europe
That's like saying Europeans can't be Atheists, because of the historical ties between Europe and Christianity.
Give us a favorite Turk recipe passed on from your grandma.

Yes, we should preserve our 200 year old traditions, never progress and live like how people who lived 200 years ago to avoid becoming degenerate like the West, who has high living standards, democracy and low crime rate right? That will help the progression of humanity for sure!

[spoiler]Original Turkish culture doesn't have a single shit to do with Islam.[/spoiler]


Guys, you don't seem to understand. We own those lands. Why? Because our ancestors fought for them, and left them to us. We own them. We can not give them away, because they are our lands.

And they're full of resources.


Yeah, it was built on Paganism, Christianity just made it worse.
I'm mostly talking about the whole "you can't be an Atheist Turk because of Turkish culture being tied to Islam", when the same can be said for Christianity and a majority of European countries, particularly places like Italy, or France or England.
Turks should go back to Tengrissm.

No one prohibits them from speaking Kurdish and teaching it in their schools. They just need to learn Turkish, because it is the official language of Turkey and the majority speaks it.


I wasn't into cooking when I was young.
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Yeah, I'm half-Russian. Glad to know that I have some identity here. I'm this guy (>>5058753) too, if that helps.

You seem to hold a lot of animosity towards Islam? What exactly don't you like about it?

I kind of envy Turks. I never really got to feel a form of nationalism in my life. My Palestinian side is a corrupt occupied state, and my Russian side hates me due to my religion. I live in the States, but I definitely don't feel American in the slightest bit. It seems, though, that you don't really care for your country like other Turks do? What stops your nationalist sentiment?

Also, red is my favorite color too. Pic related. See? We're not too different.

That would be glorious.

Seriously, Tengrism is the best religion ever and Tengri is the most badass god out there. Allah or Buddha or Jesus are nothing compared to him man! He is badass enough to accept those who do not believe him to his heaven if they don't act like fags. He is that badass!
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>full of resources.
The real reason.
>Guys, you don't seem to understand. We own those lands. Why? Because our ancestors fought for them, and left them to us. We own them. We can not give them away, because they are our lands.
>And they're full of resources.

So what you're pretty much saying is neo-colonialist bullshit. Hell the British could have said it of their empire.

It is a real shame to see a Turk who recognises secularism for the great thing that it is get bogged down in nationalist rhetoric and ideology that the western world moved past decades ago.
there is no such a thing as european. they are all different in this context. having a union doesn't make them all european. what they have in common is just eu. taste the rest.

i didn't say european can't be atheist.
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>corrupt occupied state
It is corrupt, yes. But only the Palestinian government. Not occupied either.

>and my Russian side hates me due to my religion.
And rightfully so. Too bad the Russkia skins did not get a hold of you. A few stabs in the throat would do you good.

>I live in the States, but I definitely don't feel American in the slightest bit
Fucking unpatriotic traitor. GTFO. Guantanamo still has vacancies.

>recognises secularism for the great thing that it is
>nationalist rhetoric and ideology that the western world moved past decades ago

this is why europe is weak
Israël is occupied like the Kurds occupy Turk lands.

Might not be what he meant,but.
Tengrism is pretty great as far as religions that still exist in some areas go.

Islam is a terrible religion. It's more restrictive than Christianity and Judaism and turns modern countries into backwards shit-holes. Either technologically backwards or socially backwards.

Turkfag are you even from Turkey? What part do you live in?


>It is corrupt, yes. But only the Palestinian government. Not occupied either.

As long as Israel as a state exists, we are occupied. We're nearing one century of foreign rule (including the British Mandate period).

>Too bad the Russkia skins did not get a hold of you. A few stabs in the throat would do you good.

Ah, alright then.

>Fucking unpatriotic traitor.

I wasn't American in the first place, buddy. I only live here as a necessity.

>GTFO. Guantanamo still has vacancies.

I will once I'm finished with my education. By the way, wasn't Guantanamo shut down and replaced by Bagram Airfield?
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This is something I can't get. Saudis are giant fags. On the other hand, other Arabs are nice. Why is that?

I don't try to offend you but I find Islam barbaric and backwards. It is a book, that was written according to 1500 year old Arab standards. It can not get practiced today, and Islam's standards can not be changed either, you probably know this better than me because of the way how Qur'an is Allah's words and can not be changed. Now, if it was real, and also eternal, why did Allah write it according to 1500 year old Arab standards? That's the reason why I don't believe it, with some small details about it, like the way how it claims that we're made of mud. And now there are these shit eaters who shove it down your throat. Do you know the fact that I have sleeping disorders? Do you know why I have them? Because of 2 reasons. One of them is the fact that I fucking hate sleeping. The other reason is pic related. ur children get Islam shoved down their throats at our schools. Our youth gets assaulted on the public for drinking beer. That's why I loathe it.

I do care for my country. I feel sad for her.

And I like Soviet red.
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With this in the back of your mind, explain why Erdogan goes to Germany to demand Turkish language schools(not Kurdish) exclusively for Turkish kids(Not Kurdish) paid for by the German government and not a penny form the Turkish government.

Explain why he goes apeshit when the answer is no.

I am not a Nationalist. Do you know what a Turkish Nationalist acts like? Yeah, you don't. And I hope you stay like that. I just like my country and I am not willing to give her lands away. I wouldn't want to give them away if they were full of infertile swamps either.


Yes I am. I am from the Western parts of it but I won't give the name of the city away. I lived in İzmir and İstanbul too.
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>Expecting something reasonable from Erdoğan.
you guys talk what you wanna talk in here.

muslim are in trouble right now just like the europe is in middle ages.
people think when they are in a bad situation. turks did not need to think in ottoman' s glorious days but the europeans.
now time has changed. turks or muslims - as it has no difference- are thinking to get out of this dark days.

ihvan- i muslimin, gulen movement and such little movements that has future created by youngster intelligentias as in turkey, pakistan, egypt and syria and so much more.

west stopped thinking and lost his potential energy of thinking. who needs to think in west anyway? chill bro. it is muslims turn now and wind is blowing from on our side in this context of potential energy.

this potential energy has nothing to do with guns, blood, money or soil.
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>I will once I'm finished with my education.

Reminder: stay the fuck out of Europe. You are not wanted here.
we have left bosnian with westerners. how can we make it up to you i am not sure but... i am still studying to get the justice done for the whole.

Yeah, yeah but Gülen is cancerous and you should get your dick own dick shoved up your own ass and get it sealed with hot iron if you support him.

yeah, sure. just as you said so, it will happen.. haha. why can't you just talk in a civilized way?

no i just read books. not from does groups but i do support all those groups to get out of the situation we are in right now. they are all welcome.

also you can talk whatever you want while millions of people working around the world- not only gulen movement but others that i have mentioned-

Some day.


Our modern lay dogmas of 'progress' and 'equality' are destroying us, not Islam or any other external force. I wish more of our self-styled conservatives would realize this.


No, no, farther back than 200 years. The tanzimat reforms were a disastrous capitulation to modernity. Most 'progress' of the last few centuries has been purely material and destructive. Apart from medicine, little has come about that hasn't contributed to the destruction of the environment and of human lives on a catastrophic scale.

Turkish civilization did not exist before your ancestors embraced Sunnism. Had they remained pagan, you'd still be roaming the steppes. Traditional Turkish society developed under the aegis of Islam.
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>This is something I can't get. Saudis are giant fags. On the other hand, other Arabs are nice. Why is that?

Well, I've never met a Saudi, but their government / ruling family are assholes. I'm not sure if you're referring to the people or the government though. The people can not be held responsible for what their shitty monarchy does, but in the case that you've met some shitty Saudi people, understand that one or two people can't represent an entire population.

> It can not get practiced today, and Islam's standards can not be changed either, you probably know this better than me because of the way how Qur'an is Allah's words and can not be changed.

If it is God's word, why would you want to change it? God is supposed to be perfect, while humans are not. Why would you take alterations of it as seriously as the original? That is what happened to Christianity, and we can both see the imperfections in it as a result of human tampering.
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>Now, if it was real, and also eternal, why did Allah write it according to 1500 year old Arab standards?

Arab standards? I don't know what you mean by that?

>like the way how it claims that we're made of mud.

It doesn't state mud, but "clay". This is a metaphor for the soft human flesh that we are made up of. Angels are meant to be "beings of light" while djinn (like the Devil) are meant to be "beings of smokeless fire". We're not literally clay, or mud.

>And now there are these shit eaters who shove it down your throat [...] ur children get Islam shoved down their throats at our schools. Our youth gets assaulted on the public for drinking beer. That's why I loathe it.

Understand that the actions of people aren't always in line with the ideology. For example, Islam doesn't condone the murder of innocents (regardless of faith) and it doesn't condone suicide - yet countless suicide bombers do both and believe that they are carrying out the will of the religion.

Same thing here. If people are assaulted over alcohol consumption, that's not the faith's fault. While I don't support the use of alcohol, I'm not going to tell you to drink it if you're not even a believer. In regards to the children thing, if their parents want them to have an Islamic education, what's wrong with that?
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>Our modern lay dogmas of 'progress' and 'equality' are destroying us, not Islam or any other external force. I wish more of our self-styled conservatives would realize this.

>No, no, farther back than 200 years. The tanzimat reforms were a disastrous capitulation to modernity. Most 'progress' of the last few centuries has been purely material and destructive. Apart from medicine, little has come about that hasn't contributed to the destruction of the environment and of human lives on a catastrophic scale.

>Turkish civilization did not exist before your ancestors embraced Sunnism. Had they remained pagan, you'd still be roaming the steppes. Traditional Turkish society developed under the aegis of Islam.

I'm being completely sincere right now. Thank you. It truly means a lot, especially coming from /int/.
>If it is God's word, why would you want to change it?

The idea of anchoring society to any sort of higher, immutable principle is anathema to modern man. The social order must constantly be revised to accommodate every perversion and whim.
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>That is what happened to Christianity, and we can both see the imperfections in it as a result of human tampering.

Oh man, we got a hardcore reli faggot here. You have no clue do you?
You are the cancer on this world. Go die in a fire. Now.

>stay the fuck out of Europe. You are not wanted here.

Does St. Petersburg count as Europe?
>I am not a Nationalist. Do you know what a Turkish Nationalist acts like? Yeah, you don't. And I hope you stay like that. I just like my country and I am not willing to give her lands away. I wouldn't want to give them away if they were full of infertile swamps either.

What IS your country? Is it its lands? Is it its government? Or is it its people?

You are lucky. I am Greek. In the past three years, what we have been hearing is "We have to do this for the sake of our country", or "This agreement saved the country". You really, really need to think what your country is, because it sure as hell isn't lines on a map.
Why don't you go back to Central Asia?
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btw i see you guys rollin here about the definition of the word turk.
turk is the name of a human being who fights against the fiendish acts of west.

list of turks for you to understand.

jackal carlos
sayyid kutub
fethullah gulen
nazim hikmet
ibrahim kaypakkaya
mehmet akif ersoy
deniz gezmis
ismet ozel
sezai karakoc
muhammed ikbal
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>especially coming from /int/

I ask myself why I still come to 4chan sometimes. I guess it's because I know there are at least a few like-minded people here.
No, of course not!
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>yet countless suicide bombers do both and believe that they are carrying out the will of the religion.
implying they arent.

>that's not the faith's fault
assault someone because of your beliefs. It was not because of the beliefs. Sure...

>if their parents want them to have an Islamic education, what's wrong with that?
indoctrinate and brainwash while young, or they may see the lies.

>God is supposed to be perfect, while humans are not
We are created in God's image, a perfect being. Then why can he not create something perfect? Either he cannot create something perfect, in which case he himself is not perfect, or he chose not to create something perfect, in which case he is a sadist which has some explaining to do, and as we all know a sadist is not perfect. This is even leaving alone the reasoning behind his imperfect religion, another giveaway he is far from perfect.

Another one: I ask god to create a stone so big and heavy, he can not lift it. If he does, there is a stone which he cannot lift in which case he is not all powerful, or he cannot do so, in which case he is not all powerful.

The concept of perfect beings is in itself completely flawed, and hence the basis for your backwas and asinine religion is too.

According to islam, anyone who sticks to the 5 pillars is muslim, so do not give me any crap about "hurr durr terrorists not muslim" yes they are. Five pillars.

And now you have these Europeans who are not aware of their wealth and how great their countries are. You probably are English too, right?

Let me ask you a few things. Does it bother you when people do things you dislike, even though they do not directly affect you? Yes? Then stop reading and kill yourself. No? I expected so. You know why? Because you are mature. You can live with the fact that people are doing things you dislike. If someone did something a friend of you disliked and it didn't directly affect your friend, yet he still complained about how retarded that person was, you would call him childish, right? Yes. People who can't live with the fact that there are people who like what other people dislike, are childish.

Now let's look at our wonderful traditions. Do Ottoman traditions include killing gays? Yes, as long as they aren't Sultans. Yes. Does it include killing disbelievers? Yes. Does it force women to cover their heads? Yes. Does it promote honor killings? Yes. No one gets directly affected when a man shoves his dick up in the anus of another guy or when someone doesn't believe in Allah or when a woman shows her hair or when she fucks someone without getting married, yet our wonderful traditions promote fucking with personal lifes of people, the lifes that don't directly affect anyone. Wasn't getting bothered by the fact that there are people who do things we don't like, even if they don't directly affect us, immature? Yes it was. Now you realise how fucking immature 200 year old Ottomans were acting. Even though they were adults. Then why do they seem immature to you? Because you are smarter, more educated and you live 200 years ahead of them. Don't you see? People keep getting more and more intelligent every day. Yes, yes, you see retarded teenagers everywhere, but they do act retarded, because they are teenagers. Your culture is superior to the culture your people lived 200 years ago, because your culture got affected by your people who learn from their mistakes, no it didn't get polluted by evil Jews who want to corrupt the Western civilisation and then install New World Order, it just changed according to the way how people wanted it to be like.

i am not the one you have just replied.i am the bilkent guy as mentioned before inviting you to have coffee.
yes i think the same as you. do you realize that we are missing the prayer now? oh heck!

Your current culture is superior to your 200 year old culture, and you are superior to 200 year old ancestors. Can't you notice this? Of course I don't think like "OH HURR DURR TRADITIONS SUCK MAN THEY'RE LIKE, SO UNCOOL MAN DURR DERP!", I like my traditions, I like my culture, but trying to preserve it like the way it was 200 years ago is retarded. Let it change, the people who learn from their mistakes shape their culture according to their experiences. Where would we be right now if people tried to preserve their culture during the Dark Ages? Please realise the fact that Ottomans got their asses handed to them by Europeans who weren't Conservative enough to think that priting presses would unleash the wrath of the God upon them. Be thankful to whatever the fuck you believe, because you were born to a society which were shaped by the ancestors of the people who rule the world today. And stop being an edgy kid who tries to preserve his culture like the way it was 200 years ago to feel unique. People like you are the reason why men divorce their wives after the first day of their marriage when they find out the fact that their wives weren't virgins here in Turkey.

>Turkish civilization did not exist before your ancestors embraced Sunnism. Had they remained pagan, you'd still be roaming the steppes. Traditional Turkish society developed under the aegis of Islam.

Central Asian Turkic culture and way of life was beautiful. Go search it.

1500 year old Arab standards.

>f their parents want them to have an Islamic education, what's wrong with that?

Because children shouldn't get indoctrinated by something as complex as religion because they simply are too young to understand such important things?

The lands, the culture and the people.
>Turkish civilization did not exist before your ancestors embraced Sunnism. Had they remained pagan, you'd still be roaming the steppes. Traditional Turkish society developed under the aegis of Islam.

Except it did, until Islam reached the Seljuq Sultan.
>Akh ts’av! I forgot the fact that Azeris actually tried to genocide you guys too!

>You obviously had to kill more than 200 Azeri civilians to prevent another Meds Yeghern, Hayk!

200? azeris say it are 650 when it actually were not mor then 50 civilians that got cought in crossfire.

>Your average Armenian, when confronted by facts and official documents, will yell out "muh genocide"
When have you brought up a fact besides posting irrelevant links? I remember last time u were claiming that not more than 200.000 armenians had died (which made me lol hard) and then posting some irrelevant links of the Turkish war of independence which had nothing to do with the matter.

You're a funny dude, no doubt, one cant argue with you cuz you're a dense idiot who tries to get his point trough even when hes bombed with facts, thats why i hate arguing with you.
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summun bukmun umyun fehum la yerciun.

le kad halaknel insane fi ahsen-i taqvim. summa radadnahu esfele safilin.
A piece of land means nothing without the people.
A culture is nothing without the people in which it is manifest.
ecce homo- nietzsche. perfect.
hello, i wonder why the french, british, italian and russian leave ottoman land, although they are invaded the shit out of it?

even they had constantinople...

Because they were driven out.
I'm a Turkfag and there are two things in the world that affect me emotionally.

I get really horrified when I think about the fact that my people might lose themselves in something as shitty as religion. That they will be unable to escape the dark ages of Islam. If I had to trade in the sovereign nation of the Republic of Turkey to erase Islam from the minds of my people, I would definitely do so.

And I get really angry when I see the injustice of the Israeli people towards the Arabs. I am not a huge fan of Arabic people, to be honest, but it just enrages me to see that just because the Jewish people have endured hardship in Europe, the world shuts their eyes to their illegal actions towards another people.

“If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God is not theirs. There has been Anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? [No.] They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?”
David Ben Gurion (the first Israeli Prime Minister)

And your point is?

Because of this guy:


how is it possible to drive out those countries. it is not only british empire but others as well.

still, ottoman empire could not even drive british empire out. because you know they were a way stronger then ottomans.
Turkbro, Palestinebro here again. I think you hold the misconception that religion (or Islam) equals backwardness.

These days, yes, searching the surface of the Middle East shows that we are poor, backwards people that have no connection to the "modern world". It's not, however, due to Islam.

Islam is what brought both our peoples to the heights that they achieved. Without Islam, the Arabs would have remained ignorant savages. We would never have united and grown strong enough to defeat both Rome and Persia. We wouldn't have made the enormous contributions to civilization that we have. We would still be feuding nomads restricted to a desert peninsula.

Same for the Turks. You can argue what you want about old, pagan Turkic culture, but the Turks reached their greatest point when under Islam. The Ottoman Empire was the pinnacle of civilization and the envy of Europe before its gradual disintegration. The Turks would never have gotten there without Islam.
I am going to Istanbul tonight what should I expect/avoid

I am terrified please don't let your kebabs rape me
>And now you have these Europeans who are not aware of their wealth and how great their countries are. You probably are English too, right?

I'm actually neither. The

>Let me ask you a few things. Does it bother you when people do things you dislike, even though they do not directly affect you? Yes? Then stop reading and kill yourself. No? I expected so. You know why? Because you are mature. You can live with the fact that people are doing things you dislike. If someone did something a friend of you disliked and it didn't directly affect your friend, yet he still complained about how retarded that person was, you would call him childish, right? Yes. People who can't live with the fact that there are people who like what other people dislike, are childish.

Don't be silly. I don't care what other people do until it begins to affect society as a whole.


You'd do well to look into traditional Sunni jurisprudence, particularly the Hanafi madh'hab favored by you Ottoman ancestors. Things like homosexuality and apostasy have traditionally been capital offenses in order to preserve the integrity of society as a whole, not to regulate individual morality. Applying the hudud penalty for sodomy requires the testimony of four reliable witnesses to the act of penetration (this would obviously never happen) or for the guilty party to freely testify against himself three times. Multiple hadiths indicate that many people were actively encouraged not to incriminate themselves but instead to seek repentance through prayer. All of this goes to show that a proper Islamic state should maintain these laws in order to suppress public manifestations of homosexuality and apostasy; they weren't meant to encourage intrusions into peoples' private lives. The sins of a homosexual or an apostate were supposed to be between him and God as long as he kept his sins to himself.

It's not really a matter of belief. So if you do not like it, then try to not think of it. But yes, they got driven out.

And no, the fact that you have stronger weapons, better armor and more men does not mean you automatically win.

Vietnam kicked the United States' ass.
>Your current culture is superior to your 200 year old culture, and you are superior to 200 year old ancestors.

In what ways?

>And stop being an edgy kid

Please. If I wanted to be edgy or unique, I wouldn't be posting anonymously on an internet message board. I don't talk about politics, philosophy, or religion offline unless I'm having a discussion with someone I already know well.

The Turks lost the conventional war, but won the guerrilla war. Look up the "Turkish War of Independence".


>I ask myself why I still come to 4chan sometimes.

Salam, brother. You're not alone. We mainly lurk.


this guy talks.

I will not argue that Islam did benefit the Turkish people. But that time is over, as with many things religion had its uses but has been replaced by modern science and modern morality. Believing in religion is not a sign of stupidity or ignorance, but to refuse and to dismiss it as superstition when faced with modern science and empirical proofs is a grave mistake and in that sense VERY backwards.

To be grown up religious person is equal to being a grown up person believing in tooth fairies, unicorns and five-legged cat-dog God.
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>Except it did, until Islam reached the Seljuq Sultan.

...who proceeded to do this, laying the foundations for some of history's greatest empires and periods of cultural achievement (Sultanate of Rum, Ottomans). Shortly after, Muslim mamluks of Turkic extraction did the same thing in Egypt and Delhi.
My point is both of these can be reduced to the people.
I will agree and disagree. Religion does not cause wretchedness, but it is often used as a tool of oppression in wretched countries. At the same time, I don't think a people need religion to unite them in order to do great things.

>religion had its uses but has been replaced by modern science

Religion is not antithetical to science. Some of humanity's greatest minds were theists and most of our advances went hand in hand with faith. Try looking into the Islamic Golden Age, then tell me that we've been held back by our religion.

>and modern morality

Err... I don't know what to say here. If you'd like to see clear examples of "modern morality", try looking into today's pop culture and most Western, "progressive" cities. Nothing but depravity and decadence.

I've looked through a lot of the threads on here, and the few that were not centered on the Balkans or being White were about traveling to or settling in certain Western nations. They were arguing over what you could actually do in these places, and the most cited thing was drugs, cheap women, etc. This is "modern morality" and I'm thankful that we have none of that where I'm from.

Oh, by the way, I'd like to suggest that you search for "Naming rights Neil DeGrasse Tyson". He explains why so many stars of our night sky have Arabic names and tangents the topic of what and why the scientific and economic prosperity of the Islamic world has decreased (relative to the rest of the world) decreased like this.

Islam is not directly the reason for it but it plays a crucial role in it.

well you guys do not want to see the reality here and you two complete yourself.

Ataturk? give me a break.

There are still some people believing that Ataturk saved Ottomans. I want you guys to come to Foreign Affairs Archive of United Kingdom and have a little search. You will see that Ataturk agreed with us on passing the laws and reforms in exchange for taking the credit for Independence War.

I assure you, Lawrance of Arabia is not a cartoon. It is against our interest to have a united muslim country. Even a country that claims to represents the whole muslims: Ottomans or Turkey whatever you call it.

For evidence look at the reforms Ataturk passed.

Ataturk was our best friend at that time even he did not think that we are that much close friends. We already knew that he has a positivist view and against islam.

Well thank to the our intelligence agency.

and go on believing the stories that we and your dictator ataturk' s stories.
this is swiss fucking watch. i also think as you do.

I'm sorry, but what exactly are you disputing?
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>I've looked through a lot of the threads on here, and the few that were not centered on the Balkans or being White

>Religion is not antithetical to science
Yes, it is. Superstition and science cannot go hand in hand and I am sorry for disappointing you but humanities are not "real science", as empirical data play a secondary role in most of them.

>Err... I don't know what to say here. If you'd like to see clear examples of "modern morality", try looking into today's pop culture and most Western, "progressive" cities. Nothing but depravity and decadence.
Morality has nothing to do with culture. I suggest you read up on Immanuel Kant, whose teachings have greatly influenced German laws and with that most of European laws.

>I'm thankful that we have none of that where I'm from.
First of all, I am sure you do. Second, let's assume you don't, what would make people not use drugs or become prostitutes? It's not morality, it's probably fear, may it by religious or earthly laws. Third, how are those things immoral? Us long as it does not hurt anybody, how are those things even evil? In a wider sense any physical labor is prostitution.
Check this out:
democracy and modernity is a bad joke.

you western lurkers shoulda a know that: HENRY DAVID THOREAU.

waldo why aren' t you here?

Messed up my post there. Wanted to write:

Also, check this out:

Muslim scientific accomplishment was confounded by the Mongol invasions, which led to the end of 'Abbasid power, the destruction of Baghdad, and the annihilation of a huge portion of the population of Persia and other eastern Muslim lands. Al-Andalus, another center of scientific output was collapsing into political disunity and losing ground to Christian conquerors from the north. Meanwhile, there were crusades in the Levant. Later dynasties like the Mamluks, Ottomans, Mughals, and Safavids oversaw periods of great prosperity, but none were patrons of science quite like the 'Abbasids had been. It didn't really have to do with religion one way or the other.

I love it when religious idiots try to prove the good of their bullshit religion with a load a pseudo-intellectualism.

"Hey guys, let's just mention a lot of stuff we have no fucking clue of. I'm sure we'll sound smart and at least convince some idiots."

>mfw he learns out that Kant was a true Christian.

everything in here is made by religious people. atheism is just something new and already gone astray. people started to call themselves agnostic or deist instead of that.

history does not write atheist, but religion writes history.

and this is what you have come up with. thank you. you added to much value to the thread.

for the rest master card.
>mfw he learns out that Kant was a true Christian.

Galileo was catholic and he had beef with the pope, because he's proven that the earth is not the center of our solar system.

You see what I'm getting at?

you are supporting me right now. thank you.
Except that if atheism were a religion, it'd be the fastest growing religion ever.

>religion writes history
>monotheistic/ Abrahamic religions = ~ 5000 year old

>history of humanity = ~ 200 000 years

Nah, you don't get it. The thing that most of the things we have today may be created by religious people but their stuff has no religious basis, thus attributing religion to them makes no sense.
Also, we're talking about a time where people were AT LEAST religious by "name". Much like how a lot of Turks have "Islam" written in their passports and on their ID, even though many aren't muslim.

Galileo hated the catholic church, but he had to remain catholic because of his environment.

What you say is like "All people in Saudi-Arabia are devout muslims.", what choice do they have? Apostasy means death in Saudi-Arabia...


Link to full study is included.

>...Henceforth there was only 'profane' philosophy and 'profane' science, in other words, the negation of true intellectuality, the limitation of knowledge to its lowest order, namely, the empirical and analytical study of facts divorced from principles, a dispersion in an indefinite multitude of insignificant details, and the accumulation of unfounded and mutually destructive hypotheses and of fragmentary views leading to nothing other than those practical applications that constitute the sole real superiority of modern civilization - a scarcely enviable superiority, moreover, which, by stifling every other preoccupation, has given the present civilization the purely material character that makes of it a veritable monstrosity.

The accumulation of "scientific" knowledge is not necessarily a progressive or linear process.

That article including the story is very focused on America. Things are even more extreme in Europe and Anglo-Saxon nations.

That paragraph implies that scientists are very materialistic people with little or no understanding of the humanities or anything out of their field in general, which is of course utter nonsense.
Also that author seems to make heavy use of very opinionated buzzwords. Empirical data is not the lowest order, it is the most abstract and the most direct data that connects us to the universe and the highest principle there is, the pursuit to understand the workings of the universe.

It is not the scientific world that makes our world materialistic but the economic system, which implies that knowledge has no value unless it can produce money. 99% of all scientists totally disagree with that. In fact, one might say this is exactly what the author of that paragraph wants. The connection of empirical science with "principles" of some sort. The materialism in our world is the result of economic principles applied to the natural sciences.
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By the way, much love to my Muslimbros in this thread - all two(?) of you.

Where are you guys from? Half-Palestinian here, in Chicago for now.


nice try ahmed

I don't really see how your quote and what you said correlate but okay. Also that quote is quite some philosophical bullshit and quite a biased interpretation of the natural sciences. I see that it's a thesis for some MBA and yeah... lol.

MA, I mean. My bad.
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>I think you hold the misconception that religion (or Islam) equals backwardness.
>That paragraph implies that scientists are very materialistic people with little or no understanding of the humanities or anything out of their field in general, which is of course utter nonsense.

We can assume that 'profane philosophy' encompasses a great deal of modern thought in the social sciences and humanities. He isn't arguing that 'scientists' are so parochial that they never venture outside of their specific fields of study, or at least that isn't what I'm arguing. The problem arises when people assert that there is no possibility of valid knowledge outside of what we can 'demonstrate empirically.'

>It is not the scientific world that makes our world materialistic but the economic system, which implies that knowledge has no value unless it can produce money.

Both proceed from the same materialistic worldview.
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>Without Islam, the Arabs would have remained ignorant savages.
Too obvious...

>We wouldn't have made the enormous contributions to civilization that we have.
Must... not ... make welfare...jokes.

>We would still be feuding nomads restricted to a desert peninsula.
Oh my sides! hahahaha. I can't do this. You made it too easy.

>Salam, brother. You're not alone. We mainly lurk.
Untill the day comes you can make this board more silam friendly? Keep dreaming asshole, not gonna happen.

>I love it when religious idiots try to prove the good of their bullshit religion with a load a pseudo-intellectualism.
It is like mentioned before: arguing with religious people is like playing chess with a pigeon: no matter how good you are, it will just throw over all the pieces, shit on the board and strut around as victorious. No matter how wrong religious people are, they will persist in it and deny everything not rosy about their religion. Russkie-Palestinfag is a prime example on this board, just read his posts ITT.
Look at morons like this go:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQXnS9narng

Dumbass muslim destroyed: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSYosM2ZhzY
Religion and logic: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQXnS9narng http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60Lt5ClxG5Q

Pic related, what I'd like to do to all fucking muslims on Man's green earth.
>Has never been on /trv/
>and quite a biased interpretation of the natural sciences.

'Biased interpretation' is redundant.

>I see that it's a thesis for some MBA and yeah... lol.

...No, it's from a book that was published in French over 80 years ago.
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Why were you guys so angry at the armenians?
fuck Atatürk
do u find this offensive?

there are millions of people who hate ataturk because he agreed with enemy and tried to remove islam. so some like it hot and some not.
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thank you for being fair, almost everybody in here hate the royal family, they keep all the oil money for themselves and oppress us all the time

we dont even have an army thats why they call america every time shit gets real
they fill everything around us with there propaganda to fool the kids and weak minded

they only have some government salve mercenary squads trained on guerrilla wars and killing civilians

pic related part of their training

google صقور نايف
for more
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That's terrible, brother. Hopefully we can bring these tyrants to justice one day.
سعود و فيصل كان لهم إيجابيات وسلبيات
خالد كان جيد
أما الباقين زبالة
Because Turks saved german echonomy and save the ruined country by becoming working middle class and germany beg Turks to get ppl in (usa forced or not they needed it)
But sadly most of the migrators were shitfucks who couldnt became a proper shit in their own country when they go there they adapted abit but still denied to get educated and merge in to their culture but late generation 1990s and after seems alot more promising.
Why is an atheist in this thread claiming to be Turk?

You cannot be a Turk if you are not Muslim.

Not Turk:
A christian like Kipchaks
A jew like Khazarids
An atheist in Turkey that has Turkish mother and Father.

Please i will laugh at that kiddo arguments in the context of language. You mother tongue has nothing to do with being a Turk.

A Turk is someone who considers themselves a Turk.


I like the way how you focused on the part about homosexuality only. What about the way how women are forced to cover their heads up? And hadiths? Do you find hadiths reliable? Do you know how fucked up they are?
Turks are Hittites who speaks an altaic language. They're not related with ancient Turkics with blood but only language.

Turkey has no state-religion and even if, believing or not believing in something is kind of a basic human right.

Turks are a mix of Oghuz Turks and Greeks.

hahhahahaha that image

fuck yeah turkish conquerors
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