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  • Kimmo Alm aka "Sysop" from AnT has been spamming us for YEARS now, and has recently stepped it up. This shit has got to fucking stop.
    As promised, here are all of the e-mails he has sent me over the years (and my responses).
    ↑ UPDATED March 16th! ↑
    One of Kimmo's ex-moderators posted hundreds of PMs. They are absolutely hilarious/terrifying.

    File : 1269050024.jpg-(21 KB, 304x173, enjoystandtoilet.jpg)
    21 KB Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)21:53 No.483413
    >>The public toilets in China are regarded as among the world's worst. They are often dirty, smelly and disgusting and many non-Chinese find them "unusable." Some are out in open and people have to squat in full view of everyone; others have pigs eating the shit underneath them. Chinese writers complained about dirty toilets as far back as the 11th century B.C. and a popular saying these days is "finding a toilet is as hard as going to heaven."
    >others have pigs eating the shit underneath them.
    >pigs eating the shit
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)21:56 No.483426
    Happened in India to me, didn't realize till i heard it oink like an inch from my shitting. It was catching it in its mouth.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)21:57 No.483429
         File1269050226.jpg-(32 KB, 338x388, Disgusted_chinaman.jpg)
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    Thanks man, I'm never shitting again.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)21:57 No.483433
    japanese also had toilets with pigs
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)22:04 No.483469
    >japanese also had toilets with pigs

    That's the difference.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)22:05 No.483474
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)22:05 No.483475
    notice that there is a japanese interwiki
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)22:06 No.483478
    the chinese treat any public place like shit.

    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)22:07 No.483485
    in japan your squatting is concealed.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)22:09 No.483493

    > The subsequent use of the pigs for food carries a significant risk for human health.

    Why is this? not that i'd like to eat that pig, but i'm still intrigued.

    in b4 ignorant faggot.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)22:10 No.483501
    if you don't eat that pig then no problem
    but you most likely will without knowing that
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)22:11 No.483505
    because parasites
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)22:11 No.483506
         File1269051091.jpg-(86 KB, 611x366, Fuuru_in_Pre-war_Showa_era.jpg)
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    i get a boner imagining that a pig would eat my shit fresh from my anus
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)22:15 No.483522
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    look what I found on the internet!
    In all seriousness though, I heard that the pigs are given no other food sources, so out of desperate hunger, they have no choice but to eat the shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)22:16 No.483530

    but if i don't have them, eating my pig shouldn't be a problem, right? if i have them.. .well, i have them already ?? lolwut?
    anyway, what a disgusting shit.
    I rather eat my cow.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)22:17 No.483536

    I would worry they bit my ass... D:
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)22:17 No.483543
    Worst public restroom I've ever seen was at the Qingdao beer festival in 2009. Was basically just a long hole that people squatted over. I left after seeing it, went next to a tree and thanked my non-existent deity I didn't need to go number two.

    Second worst was a bus terminal somewhere in the Guangxi countryside. Imagine "stalls" only the walls are half a meter high and there are no doors. More like shitting cubicles, that the locals were squatting in. As I walked in I could literally see all of them sitting there. Again, I took a leak behind a tree instead.

    I lived in China for two years and I have seen things so disgusting you wouldn't believe it. Taxi drivers relieving themselves next to an old woman preparing food in Chengdu, toddlers defecating on a sidewalk in downtown Shanghai. All those moments will be lost in time, like urine down a drain.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)22:20 No.483553
    OK, so pigs eat the shit. What are Chinese doing with piss?
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)22:22 No.483572
    nah, the problem is when the public collectively shits, more than likely one of them might have some disease or parasite. Now imagine eating that pig
    >> KonW !wSaCDPDEl2 03/19/10(Fri)22:30 No.483612
    >The public toilets in China are regarded as among the world's worst. They are often dirty, smelly and disgusting and many non-Chinese find them "unusable." Some are out in open and people have to squat in full view of everyone; others have pigs eating the shit underneath them. Chinese writers complained about dirty toilets as far back as the 11th century B.C. and a popular saying these days is "finding a toilet is as hard as going to heaven."

    as a chinese, i WTFed
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)22:31 No.483622
    maybe you live in a developed area, china is large and populous...
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)22:33 No.483630
    don't eat them, alternatively you can inoculate them. people have being doing this for ages and i happen to think it's much better environmentally and for the animals; better than commercial pig farms where it's much easy for disease to spread and breed, not to mention they dose up the animals with all kinds of drugs and growth hormones.
    >> KonW !wSaCDPDEl2 03/19/10(Fri)22:33 No.483637
    >Chinese writers complained about dirty toilets as far back as the 11th century B.C. and a popular saying these days is "finding a toilet is as hard as going to heaven."

    this sentence is just a joke,
    i wouldnt even bother to refute it
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)22:34 No.483640
    >claiming to be chinese while obviously not being able to read chinese

    OH WOW
    >> KonW !wSaCDPDEl2 03/19/10(Fri)22:36 No.483654
    how do you know that i cant read chinese???
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)22:38 No.483669
    because you are tripfag posting in other china related threads?
    >> KonW !wSaCDPDEl2 03/19/10(Fri)22:39 No.483682
    so what thread made you think that i cant?

    plus, i dont think chinese is any race worth pretending to be, at least for now ?
    >> loser 03/19/10(Fri)22:42 No.483701
    Pigs can be affected by most of the same illnesses and parasites as humans, due to our similar diets.
    This means that any disease the person had is going to the pig and then to you.
    Also, viruses have a high chance to mutate when living in a different organism (because they usually use the host cells as a medium to reproduce) and any mutation will make it harder to counter by the original host, as it won't recognize it instantly.
    >> kuzu(。◕‿‿◕。)kuzu !!hhEka3KeR1r 03/19/10(Fri)22:46 No.483726
    No wonder Hong Kong Chinese speak so poorly of mainlanders...

    When I was waiting at the MTR station in Lai King, a family of mainlanders (were speaking in mandarin) just let their child take a dump on the platform tiles, and treated it as if it was nothing. There are fucking clean toilets not so far away FFS. I was just in complete shock and just stared at the mother like WTF? She seemed not in the least bit fazed....
    Then they left all these food crumbs and rubbish on the train when they hopped off at Sunny Bay (disneyland).
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)22:48 No.483735
    That's the mainlanders alright. Money can take you to Disneyland, but it can't buy hygiene.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)22:50 No.483745
    i forgot which one, something about japanese culture. there are many american born chinese who don't know anything about china but still identify as chinese to be different. they are failures.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)22:50 No.483746
    >Recently, while I was buying some fruit at a local street market, a little girl—who was about four-years old—smiled at me as she lowered her pants, squatted and urinated, and then grinned widely and innocently as the trail of her urine trickled down past me, just inches from my feet as well as the street vendor's boxes of produce.
    >> KonW !wSaCDPDEl2 03/19/10(Fri)22:52 No.483754
    yeah because that family may just came out of mountains/villages/etc years ago, where there's is only farms,peasants,soils on the ground,animals like chikens and dogs covered in mud loitering in the yard of small houses,, pretty much like villages in 15th centry
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)22:55 No.483769
    Dude that is nothing. I was in a taxi in Shanghai once, casually looking out the window. The taxi stops at a red light and I find myself literally looking right at the ass of a naked kid being held up by his mother on the sidewalk, shitting into the drain (by no means aimed at the drain, they were relying on gravity for that part).
    >> KonW !wSaCDPDEl2 03/19/10(Fri)22:57 No.483780
    yeah this one i;ll admit
    its just what its like in china now
    cause just a short period of time ago ,many chinese were just peasants living in villages on soils and ancient farms
    thats how theyre parents told them to(their parents just think ,its like you alone in some forest, of couse you would have no qualms take off your pants and do the business), but when they grow up in this enviroment of the morden city ,they will be embarrased of what they did,if they still remember, and ofcouse wont teach their next generation to do so
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)22:59 No.483785
    dude you're delusional. kids are shitting left and right all over the mainland. the assless pants for kids are ubiquitous.
    >> KonW !wSaCDPDEl2 03/19/10(Fri)23:01 No.483795
    lol no
    came to china to see it once before trolling
    the assless pants is for babies,
    cause they usually do their shit when they are sleeping in night,,, when they still dont know how to control it
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)23:02 No.483801
    I'm this guy >>483543

    I have been all over China. Where are you from?
    >> KonW !wSaCDPDEl2 03/19/10(Fri)23:02 No.483804
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)23:03 No.483808
    >cause they usually do their shit when they are sleeping in night,,, when they still dont know how to control it

    no, that's not why you have them. it's so they can crouch and shit on the street.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)23:04 No.483810
    I've seen people casually shitting/pissing in phone boxes in Bangkok, one bloke was doing in the middle of the day in a busy street within yards of a public toilet.

    Having said that I've also had a young girl take a piss against my car door in Edinburgh at 8 in the morning.
    >> KonW !wSaCDPDEl2 03/19/10(Fri)23:04 No.483811
    so have you seen pigs eating shit?

    i grown up here as native
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)23:06 No.483821
    Torontofag here, I have no idea how, but even the washrooms in China*TOWN* are unholy abominations of sanitation.

    Worst washroom I'd ever been to in my life was there.

    It was in a 'mall' if I remember correctly, a place full of closed down restaurants, covered in notices from the health inspector and stores with barely any patrons, the 'mall' had barely anyone in it, save for some people at a stall.

    I should have turned back, but oh no, I had to take a piss RIGHT THIS GODDAMN INSTANT.

    So I walked up the broken escalator, and followed the signs, I came to the door, and went in...

    The washroom (as if it could ever be used for washing) was coated in piss, and somebody had shit in the urinal.

    Piss(?) soaked cardboard lined the floor next to the toilets.

    Brownish-orange mold seemingly grew out of every one of the discoloured wall tiles.

    The floor, sinks and taps were covered in this invisible, yet all too real grime.

    And the smell, oh sweet zombie Jesus, the smell. It was like body odour, shit, piss and... mustiness(?) had created a freakish hell spawn.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)23:08 No.483825
    no i never saw any pigs eating shit. i have seen some crazy shit though (both figuratively and literally).

    where are you from?
    >> KonW !wSaCDPDEl2 03/19/10(Fri)23:08 No.483827
    ok whatever, cause i never had any babies
    but if i have one in the future i wont let him shit in the street, so i believe all my friends in china wont
    >> KonW !wSaCDPDEl2 03/19/10(Fri)23:09 No.483829
    my origin is in sichuan
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)23:10 No.483834
    lol chinese people are fucking animals, even worse than koreans.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)23:10 No.483835
    我问你你是哪里的,你干嘛不回 答。
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)23:11 No.483838
    What's the big deal?
    Here in Brazil people shit everywhere too and nobody cares.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)23:12 No.483841
    that's why you are "china tier"
    >> KonW !wSaCDPDEl2 03/19/10(Fri)23:12 No.483842
    老 家在四川?
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)23:12 No.483843
    Precious western sensibilities.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)23:14 No.483850
    who cares? it's just shit. everybody shits
    >> !NEKOKO8766 03/19/10(Fri)23:15 No.483855
    You're a fucking animal
    >> KonW !wSaCDPDEl2 03/19/10(Fri)23:15 No.483857
    guess nobody did any cleaning for years
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)23:22 No.483880
    哈哈。四川人都很土。你们那里 的小朋友们肯定随便拉屎拉尿。干嘛说你没见
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)23:23 No.483883
    Because it is unsanitary, unhealthy, and uncivilized.

    Seriously, I don't give a shit (no pun intended about "political correctness" when it comes to this, shitting in the streets is wrong.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)23:24 No.483888

    I know, what are we like with our 'not wanting to die of the bubonic plague' stuff. What a bunch os wimps.
    >> KonW !wSaCDPDEl2 03/19/10(Fri)23:25 No.483896
    你 汉语真流利
    另外,你觉得四川人土是因为他们 都不讲普通话吗?
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)23:27 No.483898
    Yeah here in BR people shit everywhere, today I saw a tranny taking a huge dump on the subway.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)23:28 No.483904
    Torontofag again.

    On my second visit to the 'mall' (that shall remain nameless) several years later, business seemingly had picked up, and the mall as a whole was cleaner. I couldn't see the washroom, because it was closed off, but it was probably just a bit less horrid than it was before.
    >> !NEKOKO8766 03/19/10(Fri)23:29 No.483911
         File1269055790.jpg-(3 KB, 119x126, 1269042538296.jpg)
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    This is why i will never visit a country thats shittier than mine again
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)23:30 No.483916
    That's like dying and going to heaven for pedofags
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)23:32 No.483928
    except for the pissing
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)23:34 No.483938
    Remember this when you wish you could go back in time. Shiity hygiene is shiity.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)23:38 No.483964
    Anyone who believed in this shit is fucking stupid.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)23:39 No.483971
    ITT: fucking nips
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)23:40 No.483976
    u just got trolled
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)23:41 No.483987

    I'm sorry, sir, but the correct term to use would be "chinks".

    Proper use of slurs is vital. You wouldn't want to appear racist, would you?!
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)23:45 No.483999
    lol tell that to them and watch them rage
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)23:47 No.484009
    fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck I wish I saved those pics that were a dump here a while back that were pics of a Chinese university. It was fucking disgusting.

    So much for the myth of an advanced and respectable Asian civilization I guess.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)23:48 No.484012
         File1269056905.jpg-(42 KB, 526x337, 1136.jpg)
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    BREAKING NEWS: They all look the same.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)23:48 No.484016
    lol he got mad and left... COME BACK TRIPFAG I WAS ONLY 开玩笑!
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)23:50 No.484023
    mah, China's huge I'm sure you can find millions of picture to put shame on them, but than again you can do the same to any country especially USA or Japan. But if you took the effort to save picture that disgrace a particular nation and post them on an imageboard then there is seriously something wrong with you.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)23:52 No.484028
    my dream is to have one folder for every country.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)23:53 No.484033
    No dude you don't understand. It was fucking HORRIBLE. The only nation where public areas would be even comparably dirty would be some african shithole. It was horrible.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)23:54 No.484037
    You missed the nip that started a Korea troll thread yesterday. It was hilarious. And then he claimed that Koreans were responsible for the rape of Nanking
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)23:54 No.484038
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)23:55 No.484042

    You are a man of vision. I tip my hat to you, sir.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)23:55 No.484043
         File1269057328.jpg-(26 KB, 301x218, fe1a0-Not_this_shit_again[1].jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)23:55 No.484046
    sup chink
    >> KonW !wSaCDPDEl2 03/19/10(Fri)23:55 No.484047
    yeah, but only for one gerneration
    the next generation ,will be as shiny as the others

    just like, we used to call you whites barbarians 1000 years ago
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)23:56 No.484051
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)00:02 No.484086
    unsaged for you.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)00:05 No.484108

    The fuck are you talking about?

    Celts invented soap and had functional, albeit primitive, sewage systems.

    Even European barbarians thousands of years ago were more sanitary than modern chinks.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)00:06 No.484122
    In medieval Europe, people would just throw sewage out in the streets and bathe once a year.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)00:07 No.484131
    You got owned by a chink, bro
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)00:08 No.484139
    >the next generation ,will be as shiny as the others

    哈 哈,如果目前的中国小孩不讲卫生,那未来的中国人怎么可能会讲卫生?T
    hey have to start somewhere, and they never do.

    Why is your English so good btw?
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)00:09 No.484143
    Sounds like modern China to me.
    >> KonW !wSaCDPDEl2 03/20/10(Sat)00:14 No.484178
    do you think people in 3rd countries choose to be dirty??
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)00:18 No.484205
    This is not about being dirty, it's about not shitting in the street. Basic hygiene is free. 我 要 问 你 为 啥 咪 你 的 英 文 讲 得 那 么 好 ?

    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)00:20 No.484214

    People are not dirty because their country is third world.
    Their country is third world, because its people are dirty and lazy fags.
    >> KonW !wSaCDPDEl2 03/20/10(Sat)00:22 No.484237
    if you grow up in a forest,,,the first 30 years of your life had been in some forest and never saw a modern city or how it should be
    i dont think you would act any better than the guys you said above
    >> KonW !wSaCDPDEl2 03/20/10(Sat)00:26 No.484268
    as for my english,
    seeems you're new here?

    many chinkfags here use far more better en than me
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)00:26 No.484278
    My point, Sir, is that the Chinese never teach their children not to shit in the street. Those children will grow up and let their children shit in the street, and so on. It's a vicious cycle that needs to stopped. And when it happens it will be thanks to the 共产党 finally banning street-shitting, not because the Chinese advanced as a civilization.

    Why won't you tell me why your English is so good. Did you study abroad?
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)00:27 No.484280

    They've still got fucking water in the third world.

    Just go down to the fucking river and give youself a wash you lazy bastards. And stop shitting everywhere.
    >> !NEKOKO8766 03/20/10(Sat)00:29 No.484302
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    >more better
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)00:29 No.484307

    why farmers and lumberjacks that have never seen a city from all over the world are not so filthy and unhygienic as chink are?
    >> KonW !wSaCDPDEl2 03/20/10(Sat)00:30 No.484311

    im surprised at your chinese, like "为 啥 咪 你 的 "
    are you chinese ,or taiwanese maye?
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)00:34 No.484343
    No I am Swedish. But like I said earlier in the thread I lived in China. And suffered your street-shitting culture.

    But your English is too good, most mainland Chinese can't write like you. Did you live abroad? Are you even Chinese?
    >> KonW !wSaCDPDEl2 03/20/10(Sat)00:37 No.484357
    so you're a "farmers and lumberjacks all around the world" or you just got elected as their representative?
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)00:41 No.484382
    Almost every East Asian country is like that, really. I went to Vietnam and saw people shitting in the streets... ew.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)00:42 No.484384
    at least the lumberjack shits in the woods.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)00:43 No.484395
    >East Asian
    No. Also, Japan doesn't shit in the street.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)00:47 No.484422
    >Vietnam is culturally and historically tied to East Asia rather than Southeast Asia
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)00:47 No.484423

    I'm not seeing anyone else having to defend their countrymen farmers/lumberjacks/countryside fagots from public mockery about their lack of hygiene...
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)00:52 No.484452
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    I would like to smell and lick Toph's armpits after she has forgone bathing for a year. I'd get rock hard.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)00:53 No.484459
    wrong thread fagget
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)00:55 No.484476

    Pixels don't have armpits.
    >> KonW !wSaCDPDEl2 03/20/10(Sat)00:59 No.484514
    am i defending? i just explained it and admited
    plus, you didnt see in this thread what others say about other contries about the shit?

    plus again, china is the fastest developing countriy so as i explained you can expecet these things cause ppl from mountains were just like from ancient times and their mind is not at the same level of the modern city
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)01:00 No.484524
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    Yes they do. They are drawn on along with the rest of her.

    Toph is (presumably) Chinese so why did you sage the thread?
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)01:07 No.484591
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    I found the lack of shit holes itt disturbing.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)01:08 No.484603
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    LOL sichuan shithole
    I bet KowN live one of those shitty slums
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)01:09 No.484610
    This just in: pigs don't enjoy eating shit, anymore than any other animal. In super-primitive countries they are never fed properly or looked after, so in desperation they may resort to searching for bits of undigested food in human shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)01:09 No.484613
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    This gives me an interesting idea for a thread. Post a bathroom/toilet from your country.

    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)01:10 No.484617
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    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)01:12 No.484635
    It's pretty comical how Chinese people think they are super-civilized and cutlured. They all seem mildly autistic, shitting in the corner of the room, saying incredibly awkward things, shoving their way past you, and smelling faintly of halitosis.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)01:12 No.484636
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    In China they still do.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)01:12 No.484643
    This thread:
    >Horrible Chinese public Toilet

    >Not bathing for a year

    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)01:13 No.484651
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    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)01:16 No.484671
    Chinese have no monopoly on grotesque personal habits. In an airport departure lounge, I once saw an Indian mother holding her child, about 10 years old, in a sort of headlock and ramming rice into his mouth with her bare hands.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)01:18 No.484692
    Taiwanese tourists?
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)01:22 No.484725
    One guy above said the Chinese still bathe infrequently.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)01:23 No.484738
         File1269062615.jpg-(89 KB, 375x500, 409645092_8d919512f5.jpg)
    89 KB
    Open the toilet door
    see this
    what will you do?
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)01:28 No.484775
    shit my pants.

    what country?
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)01:29 No.484777
    Where? I've been there once, the people bathe frequently (depending if you're in the desertic part like in Inner Mongolia), they just don't have manners when it comes to spitting, shitting, pissing
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)01:40 No.484833

    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)01:42 No.484845
    Kinda obvious China
    >> ◕‿◕ 03/20/10(Sat)01:44 No.484857
    That is seriously disgusting. I remember when I went to Beijing when I was about 7 yrs old, and my dad took me to McDonalds.. I wanted to go to the bathroom, I went in and the "toilets" were just like the pic you posted, needless to say I was totally grossed out and had to wait till I got back to our hotel to pee >:(
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)01:55 No.484911
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)02:05 No.484980
    chinaman here, those pics are fake and you guys are lying
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)02:06 No.484986
         File1269065160.jpg-(21 KB, 384x288, laugh - 1266206191896.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)02:07 No.484997
    prove it
    >> KonW !wSaCDPDEl2 03/20/10(Sat)03:17 No.485288
    too hard for you to remember a word/name short as 4 letters?
    >> KonW !wSaCDPDEl2 03/20/10(Sat)03:22 No.485307
    i bet that's the only one you can find
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)03:29 No.485326
    i think this is true for people from the countryside, but not the city.

    my girlfriend went to school in beijing and said that some of her roommates would only shower one time a week, while she's a complete germ freak. one time i was forced to wash my ass 5 times and throw away my underwear after i admitted to bare-assing a mcdonald's toilet
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)03:29 No.485330
    well there's this one >>484651
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)03:31 No.485334
         File1269070262.jpg-(132 KB, 333x500, shitinpublic.jpg)
    132 KB
    see this

    It isn't that hard to find this in the streets in Beijing everyday.
    >> KonW !wSaCDPDEl2 03/20/10(Sat)03:35 No.485342
    what, i hadnt seen one for years
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)04:15 No.485400
    you're just a hypochondriac retard.

    did you know people nowadays are infact too clean and allergies/skin conditions/asthma etc are much more common then in the past?
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)06:36 No.485683
    I fucking hate pit toilets D<
    And what is with people standing on normal toilets seats to squat. =.="
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)06:45 No.485721
    fucking animals
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)06:47 No.485729
         File1269082078.png-(29 KB, 500x500, 1245172678800.png)
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    *fap* *fap* *fap*
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)06:49 No.485734
    the animal meat taste mostly of what it have eat :|
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)06:52 No.485740
    You, sir, are and idiot. =)

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