Why are there so many Russians? Did Putin forbid teh internets in Russia?
Platinum thread of /int/
>>4788771 sort of. He shut off russian boards.
>>4788791Haven't been here for a while.
>>4788800LOL really? Russians confirmed for silent slaves.
>>4788771Was hacked any email of government. Matherials was uploaded and links was postet on Russian anonymous forums (2ch.so etc). But after some hours they will attacked (DDOS) by FSB.
>>4788829I loled. What does the title say?
>>4788843wow. nice skills buddy
>>4788771RusAnon hacked some Pitins officials mailboxes and coordinated work with that information on chans. Since than all most Rus chans under DDOS by National Security.
>>47888452ch (russian board)Sweet forum for all your family
>>47888452ch.ru = russian 4chan is comfortable forum for all family
Putin have DDoSed all russian boards.
>>47888452ch - comfortable forum for the whole family.
2ch IS DEAD!
>>47888452ch - Cosy message board for whole family
>>4788860What does Putin write? Me interested of very much!
Yes, it's kinda forbidden, so now we are here. Welcome to /rus/ of 4chan. Уеба блять.
>>4788898Money spent to buy famouse bloggers, budget corruption schemes, stuff like high possition officials fuck anchorwoman from major tv channel and paying for abortion for her, stuff like this
I'm not sure, if all russian chans are close - dobrochan.ru and iichan.ru are working. But it may be better for they users, that people from 2ch didn't go there.
>>4788959Yep, yet another wirm of anonyrous.
Finally, zerochan is up and warm.
Теперь это Советский трэд, comrads.