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  • File : 1328619892.png-(424 KB, 793x470, cassoulet.png)
    424 KB Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)08:04 No.4780139  
    Can we have a discussion about what people like or don't like about France, without racism and other /b/ shit?
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)08:32 No.4780167

    I love France. If my fetus could have adult powers of discernment and the chance to select its own nationality it would choose to be French. This will be my only contribution to the thread.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)08:36 No.4780174
    I think French is an excellent language to be pissed off and serious in. I base this entirely on having watched Banlieue 13.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)08:39 No.4780181
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    What the fuck are you watching?
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)08:41 No.4780190

    Badass French films.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)08:56 No.4780209
    French people are rude assholes with a superiority complex. My college French teacher told me this,but not in the way I'm telling you this. She was born and raised in Lyons for most of her childhood, so she saw first hand how frog n1ggers behave.

    >good sounding language
    >je ne comprends pas
    Sounds awful just like any other romance language.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)09:11 No.4780228
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    >While discussing his transplanted arm with Solidus, the surgery of which was performed in Lyon, Ocelot mentioned that he "never trust[s] a Frenchman." Ironically, Ocelot was born in Normandy, France, and his preferred method of torture (electrocution) was developed by the French military during the Indochina War, and then used during the Algerian War. It was nicknamed "La Gégène," an abbreviation of Génératrice, which means "Generator."
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)09:21 No.4780237

    Seriously your language looks so gay, your jokes are silly and make me sick, you talk too much, you're reasonless and too much protocoling.
    Did i miss something?
    That's my point of view as a Moroccan and i mean no offence.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)09:26 No.4780240
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    >preferred method of torture
    >la gégène

    Just like Daddy ! :3

    >never trusts a Frenchman

    That's rich coming from a double reverse quadruple agent.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)09:49 No.4780250
    >Thinks French speak too much

    Seriously ? For a mainly Roman (and more globally Mediterrannean) culture people we speak really few...
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)09:53 No.4780252
    >Seriously your language looks so gay, your jokes are silly and make me sick, you talk too much, you're reasonless and too much protocoling.

    >Complaining about speaking french in France
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)10:06 No.4780261

    I forgot something, French people get easily mad and butthurt.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)17:03 No.4782451
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)17:08 No.4782510
    Probably the most centralized state in Europe.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)17:10 No.4782537
    are talking about black frenchmen?
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)22:07 No.4784131

    >black frenchmen

    Implying France is black.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)22:13 No.4784158
    What I dislike most: French government suffocating Provençal, Breton and other languages.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)22:17 No.4784173
    I hate French becuz they weak. They dont have balls of steel like a real mans.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)22:18 No.4784176
    Bad news, frogfags. Now /int/ only for russian community.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)22:19 No.4784180
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)22:21 No.4784190
    Да, а теперь siebi. Это нас ношый пиратач.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)22:26 No.4784215
    Я не понял, это иностранец пытается писать по-русски?
    I don't get it, is it a foreign monkey trying into russian?
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)22:29 No.4784224
    Абу в треде же. Но для поддержания темы - любой тред через пару постов наполняется номадами. Интересно, нас уже ненавидят?
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)22:36 No.4784266
    Усек только последнее предложение.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)22:40 No.4784282
    the french are overall faggots
    >> DJ !h8hr/9duKU 02/07/12(Tue)23:01 No.4784382

    Plus too colonized by non-Europeans

    Paris is filthy and balkanized now

    France has been mediocre since Napoleon III
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)23:48 No.4784580
    Hey, OP.
    What's about the Arab ("Choorki", ruslang)? How long have you been sock them?
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)00:10 No.4784656
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    French has glorious history. I love them.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)01:07 No.4784819
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    They make best colognes, good drawings but become too rude when they exposed to raw English.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)04:42 No.4786072
    From my point of view you are a full tard people without any achievement, totally useless, without any honnor, whithout any glory, whitout any men,without any culture without any history and full of ugly woman. The only word that comes to me when i think about morocco is "excrement". Also your language sounds nothing to my ears, cause from my status i don't pay attention to yelping dogs.
    It's amusing to see jealousy from irrelevant and faggy people that aren't in the top 5 superpowers.

    stay mad /int/
    >> alonsodon 02/08/12(Wed)04:56 No.4786156
    "France has been mediocre since Napoleon III"

    Sino–French War
    World war I ?
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)05:01 No.4786198
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    Seriously your culture looks so antiquated and lame,  for example your music is distress and make me sick. You are proud of yourselves too much, although no one cares of French in these modern days.
    I understand you need the attitude to cover your almighty inferiority complex though.
    Did i miss something?
    That's my point of view as a Korean and i mean no offense.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)05:04 No.4786222
    that has to be a troll
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)05:08 No.4786261
    >>4786198 No one asks an opinion from cunt-eye scum.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)05:11 No.4786286
    French people invented liberalism, don't forget about that, dirty cunt-eyed baboon. Without the French you would live in a authoritarian freedom-hating Confusian shithole
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)05:11 No.4786287

    The only thing i don't like about france is their ni­gger/muslim problem. otherwise they are pretty kewl
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)05:12 No.4786302

    No offense taken even a Korean can have a point of view, excuse us if we strictly don't care, i mean it's not like we can have a judgement over your culture since you have none.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)05:13 No.4786309

    if you think french are like that, what do you think about amerif­ags?
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)06:48 No.4786991
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    I, a Korean, tend to have good opinions about general Frenchmen since they are sincere and considerate(when I used French) and have Guerlain, Chanel, and particularly Rafale.
    By the way I heard that French people don't eat fried eggs on morning, is it true?
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)07:05 No.4787115
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    >achievment, glory, men, history...

    Be nice and go find your German father instead of insulting a country that you always rely on its combatants to take back your lands from occupiers.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)07:10 No.4787157

    no we don't we aren't some filthy english.

    Typical fast breakfast: is cofee, fruit juice or fruit, croissant, bread with jam and butter.

    If we have time, fruits plate with toasts and chantilly cream with various viennese pastries
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)07:14 No.4787193
    Не хочу нагушать такую милую идиллию, сложившуюся в этом ИТТ треде, однако скажу, тем не менее, что я очень люблю Фганцию и в особенности фганцуженек, дугы вы кагтавые.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)07:25 No.4787296

    ahah when inferior people become mad they immediately try the WWII subject unfortunately it's just laughable.
    also cause i know you are not a troll but a dumb uneducated hater i'd like to enlight you, Germany was called Francia in its early days and ruled by French kings.
    Well stay mad.
    >> alonsodon 02/08/12(Wed)07:28 No.4787325
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    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)08:04 No.4787583
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    >if you think french are like that, what do you think about amerif­ags?
    The US of A is too young country to have a full-fledged rich culture. And they are proud of their freedom and justice too much, and are exporting it to unwanted countries.
    The US of A really needs to fix their huge social inequity themselves and give freedom to their 99% populace as a democratic nation.
    I understand they are ignorant arrogant and self-obsessed to hide their almighty inferiority complex though.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)08:43 No.4787852

    > uneducated
    > i'd like to enlight you

    You dumbass, in early days there was no france but England and ruled by English kings.
    And so i am enlighting you about your miserable history.
    >> Bobajob 02/08/12(Wed)08:50 No.4787900
    A country full of people who have a huge chip on their shoulder.
    Lazy, arrogant, and full of small man syndrome constantly trying to force their issues on others.

    At the same time there are many nice French people. But all are brought up with a bad attitude towards the English.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)10:25 No.4788587
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    Have you open an history book once? (pic related) it's what happen when you decided you weren't a french colony anymore.

    It's funny French are one of the most hard workers of industrialized world. We are so productive that we manage to be a better economic power than many industrialized country, like uk, by working less. It's a pure cliché.
    I'm also always amused by the habit of depicting us in term of arrogant. We are proud it's quite different, arrogant sometime of course, maybe more than others, but the point is this: With all this anglo-sphere over here including european slaves culture to them ( dutch, sweden etc), if someone say my country have conquercanada he will be called a" fag", if a french say my country have conquer Europe he will be called an "arrogant fag".
    it's all about your butthurt and inferiority complex.

    Also we don't give a single fuck about what others people think about us that's what annoy you heavily, we disregard all your libel and fabulation and answer them with full and feigning arrogance.
    >> Bobajob 02/08/12(Wed)13:31 No.4790107
    Are you really that deluded. Germany has by far the best workers in the industrialised world. This is why we call you arrogant. You continuously say positive things about yourself that aren't true.

    You strike constantly. Your farmers are propped up heavily by the EU subsidies. You are severely lazy.

    The arrogance is purely because you fail to acknowledge the greatness of others.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)14:57 No.4790782
    Did i say we were the best? No.
    Did i say we were more productive than germany? No.
    Positive things about us turn you immediately mad. You shouldn't humiliate yourself like that it's embarassing.
    Unfortunately for you if we come to true facts instead of your pathetic shit talk that is surely sincere ( sadly for you), our gdp per hour worked is superior to german one, our gdp per capita is equal. We are all but lazy no matter any cliché you have assimilite.
    Also it's another one cliché about strikes. England for example has a good tradition of strike too ( coal mines,the recent events of november ect). Ours are mostly restreint to public sectors and specific insdustrial activity, it does'nt affect our productivity that far. And it remain superior to any lazy english one.
    For the EU pac and farmers thing, we still give more money than we receive. Our net contribution per capita is near to be equal to german one and 66% higer than UK. Your argment is invalid.
    You see the truth is not that we are arrogant, it's that how matter you turn it you are wrong. Your butthurt is delightful.
    Don't worry your hate is accepeable, unfortunately you are just despise.
    >> Bobajob 02/08/12(Wed)17:19 No.4791692
    You said you were the most hard working. So that implies you are saying ''the best''
    I would also love to know were you are getting these figures. Your contribution to the EU is 66% higher. You must be pulling these facts from your derriere because that is not true.
    Positive things about you that are wrong mean I will point them out. Far from making me mad.
    You're deluded.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)17:33 No.4791760
    >one of the most
    >the most
    >> Bobajob 02/08/12(Wed)17:35 No.4791765
    and the figures please???
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)17:36 No.4791768
    хули вы тут так распизделись, посны!
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)17:38 No.4791774
    anon is wrong about the figures.

    But I think food independence is worth the cost.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)17:43 No.4791798
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    I don't like French people that talk shit about American military actions meanwhile their country is sending spies to peace loving countries like NZ and blowing up our shit. Fuck em'.

    Testing nukes in the Pacific is a fucking disgrace, a disgrace Americans stopped committing decades ago, and I hope all French that support that shit rot in hell.

    I hate cocky French travelers that I meet on my trips that think they are so fucking cool because they know how to roll a bob marley spliff. You're not cool, no one cares about your stupid spliffs faggot. Oh and Smirnoff Ice? Seriously?
    >> Bobajob 02/08/12(Wed)17:43 No.4791799
    Worth the cost to who? It is the whole of Europe paying for the french farmers.
    I agree food independence is important. Perhaps then the French and Spanish fleets can stop fishing in British waters depleting our stocks.

    Anon didn;t just get the figures wrong anon was way off the mark.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)17:48 No.4791819
    По-русски пишите, нехристи! Непонятно же нихуя! Или уходите домой!
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)18:02 No.4791857
    I happen to enjoy them. Nice people in the countryside/rural regions. In the cities: not so much.

    Also their language sounds awesome in arguments.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)18:06 No.4791881
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    Amerifag here...and im gonna defend the french.

    Why all the bitterness towards national pride? At least the french have some sense of respect and appreciation for their country, unlike the rest of europe. Sure they are arrogant but who gives a fuck, so are we, yeah we get shit for it but we've earned it. no one in the netherlands or sweden or belgium is proud to be any of those things and its a shame. you should take more pride in your countries and be appreciative of them.

    all of these countries have their problems. are the french a bit "gay" and snobby? yes. are british people ugly and prone to killing each other at football matches? yes. are germans sexual deviants and humorless? yes. are americans fat and stupid? yes.

    but remember that each of these countries has done amazing things, the germans are master engineers, the french have influenced european culture the most, best food, etc. the british conquered the world, the americans flew to the moon.

    so quit ripping on the french because they have some pride, you should too and be glad you dont live in fucking somalia.

    and the french gave us this sweet ass statue. yes we are taught that in public school.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)18:07 No.4791888

    oh and i forgot some of their baller leaders like charlemagne and charles "the hammer" martel. they could use someone like him right about now.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)18:15 No.4791920
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    >charlemagne and charles martel
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)18:17 No.4791930

    No i'm totally right about the figures.
    For the EU net contribution.
    62,7 + 66% of 62,7 = around 100.

    for the productivity per hour worked

    for the GDP per capita:

    You can even find this on wikipedia. My source are in french so you will not be able to read them.

    >>4791692 see this >>4791760
    You can't even read, as soon as you see the world French you become immediately mad. Anyway as i said we don't care stay with your cliché it's even sometimes funny. The only thing i'd like to point out is that you and many others are far away from any troll, you are deeply certain of all the shit you spread like good sheeps. It's amusing to point out sometimes your inexplicable irrationality towards us and remind you your obvious inferiority complex.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)18:18 No.4791933

    The Franks were the ancestors of the modern French.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)18:33 No.4791989

    >Francia ,Franks and Empire Franc
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)18:40 No.4792007
    the franks were a germanic tribe
    the franks were not french and not german
    the same aplies to all germanics.
    the frankish kingdom under charlesmange sapanned the areas of todays france and germany. Are the germans of today now french?
    the eastern frankish kingdom was a ancestor of germany. so are the germans of today now french?
    there atre still whole areas with ancestors of frankish people in germany today. are they in realitiy french?
    >> Bobajob 02/08/12(Wed)19:03 No.4792067
    ''By comparison, the UK expenditure for 2004 alone was estimated at about €759 billion and France was estimated at about €801 billion.''

    How is France's net contribution 66% higher than the UK's??? they are pretty similar
    Why won't I be able to read French. Arrogance again. And I see no problem with the French as I stated only the arrogant frogs like you who lie your way to greatness.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)19:07 No.4792076

    Anon told germans not germanic. You are speaking to the wind French and Germans are both germanic, they both know it. But French kingdom ruled by a french king that is charlemagne created Francia the occident empire, finally ruled by three Frank/French king. One of these kingdom became Germany in 1871.

    Charles Martel and Charlemagne the king of the Franks, were part of the french people in wich you can have franks gauls wisigoths, and many other tribes

    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)19:15 No.4792100
    They were not french.
    There was no france nation, people or idea.
    Infact more frankish people lived in the areas of germany and the low lands. So those countrys must be french today?
    the frankish people didnt even speak romance language.

    fact is:
    they are one of the many groups from witch the french emerged.
    france and the people of it have the name form the frankish, thas true but that dosent mean they are the same.
    but what is with the people and anceastors of the franks living today in germany in lands called franconia? So they must be french because frankish people = french when i use french logic.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)20:18 No.4792284
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    Your lack of knowledge and comprehension is deep.
    France has been created in 481. The proto-area of the Franks (salien one) are in fact belgium and not germany ( the actual one).France as you can see it now is an area that has changed many many times by adding or removing areas contingent of time and wars. Germany in the early days was part of france in the french territory called Francia, it was called the Frank kingdom. Frank=Franc. We are germanics/celts with a latin culture you must understand that. That's why our language changed especially with christianity. And clovis our first king In 481 was christian.
    In the pic the french kingdom at it's early days, it has been parcel out and reconquer all along history but we have born on this day.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)20:50 No.4792384

    Those two numbers are the public expenditure of the both country not the money allowed to the eu budget.. you really think we give 800 billions per year????? you are really a lost mind...Also you definitively can't read. It's a comparison to underline the weight of the contribution.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)21:01 No.4792417
    the kingdom of france is not francia.
    francia was split into three kingdoms by their fool of a ruler for his three sons, contributing to the cultural divides of modern day germany and france.
    however, france, germany are a unification much later and have nothing to do with francia.
    although you are correct in that they are the same people.i.e. germanics with a few pockets of celts.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)06:25 No.4794886

    No. You can't into history. We are the older sovereign people of Europe how matter it hurts your feelings.

    481 Creation of France ( feudal monarchy, christian king).
    481-511 Extension of the French kingdom and conquest of the next area. Defeat of the Alamans who became vassals of the French king Clovis.
    >Alle Manen
    >Every Men
    it's how Deutchland/Germany is called in France (Allemagne) it means" a conglomerate/league of various german tribes" by opposition of the Franks who were one and unique people.
    Also defeat of the wisigoths who were at the south east of France. Damn we had two fucking World war cause of this Lorraine/Alamans and Alsace/the first area conquer by Alamans kingdom (wich is more a confederation as the actual germany than a pure united kingdom). wake the fuck up.
    690 Birth of Charles Martel
    725 The Franks kingdom is attacked by muslim(Aquitaine/Languedoc/Vallée du rhone) those area are French.
    739 Victory over muslims in Provence (still french area).
    742 Birth of Charlemagne King of Francs
    772-803 Extension of the French terriotry all over Europe including Italy/Lombardy , Saxe at the north-east and Bavaria at the central east called Francia /Franciae (latin).
    843 Parting of the Empire of Charlemagne.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)06:26 No.4794890
    Clovis has been buried in the sainte geneviève church wich is our acutal panthéon, in paris, the capital of Clovis dynastiy.

    All over time including Mérovingiens 458- 754/Carolingiens 715- 986/ Capétiens 938-1322 Valois 1293-1574 are all blood linked the are Franks/French/Français/Franzose/Francorum. Only the language change The term France is Francia in latin (rex franciae/rex francorum) the kingdom of Franks/Francie/Francs does it remind you Francia?
    Franci/a litteraly mean" land of the Franks".
    Franc/e "land of the Francs"
    France is acutally called Frankreich by germans
    Frank / Reich
    Frank/ Kingdom/Empire
    Even the germans don't bullshit wiht those historic facts.
    Your comprehension barrier is mostly linguistic.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)06:54 No.4795026

    Not him but...:

    >by opposition of the Franks who were one and unique people.
    False, they are a confederation of diferent tribes

    >725 The Franks kingdom is attacked by (...)
    Nope, the Dutchy of Aquitania, which is de facto independant, defeated a muslim invasion

    >(Aquitaine/Languedoc/Vallée du rhone) those area are French.
    By that age Aquitanians were Aquitanians, and fought against Franks several times

    Also I love how you didnt say anything about de different Merovigian kingdoms: Austrasia, Neustria
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)07:00 No.4795062
    Despite French working significantly less than the Germans and having 20 million less people, there are more French companies on the Forbes Global 500 than German.

    In fact, the largest bank in the world, BNP Paribas, is French...
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)07:03 No.4795083
    >Germany has by far the best workers in the industrialised world

    We're more productive than Germoney.

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