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  • File : 1328387197.png-(729 KB, 3936x2712, 1327454624066.png)
    729 KB Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:26 No.4771626  
    Since fucking russians everywhere I figure now would be a time to ask.

    Are you mostly descendants of Muscovite Rus peoples or is there a large amount of tartar mongols in your population still? Or did you exterminate them as you expanded.

    Are the chinese flooding your south east border like I hear immigrating?

    how do your provinces work? Do they have their own mini governments?

    Also feel free to post nationballs
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:30 No.4771680
    Never had to bump on /int/ before.

    Get the fuck in here russians and answer my questions.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:32 No.4771702
    1. The every middleland russian has tartar roots since XV century. Small national villages about empire borderlands are exceptions, so they can be more finnish, armenian, polish then even proper countries.
    2. Yes, it is. Moscow and "european" russian dwellers does not into it, but Chukotka and Urals really are.
    3. Yes, they have. They have even their own laws, but all influent decisions are still made in Kremlin, local goverments are most about of corruption and shit.

    *was born on Urals, study in Moscow*
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:33 No.4771720
    In Russia
    1) russians 80%
    2) tatar 3.87%
    3) ukrainian 1.41%
    and so on
    They have their privinces n' gov, russians have no their provinces n' gov. Provinces defend their people, russians are defenceless. If russians say about it, they was announced fascists, nazists and so on. It is ridiculous, but this is not joke. Russians is not owner in their own country.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:34 No.4771733
    >Are you mostly descendants of Muscovite Rus peoples or is there a large amount of tartar mongols in your population still?
    Mongols never lived here, neither they occupied us, we only paid tribute for them. Now there are only about 3 millions tatars in Russia, which are mostly discendants of Bulgar peoples.

    >Are the chinese flooding your south east border like I hear immigrating?
    They are immigrating everywhere.

    >how do your provinces work? Do they have their own mini governments?
    Yes, Republics have bigger authonomy and budjets, Districts and Territories have less of both.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:38 No.4771775
    You can ask more if u interested.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:40 No.4771807
    О чем несете? По-человечески разговаривайте, это русская доска в конце концов.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:41 No.4771824
    About the Georgia thing

    Do they have actual claims on your lands?
    Did they fight honorably?
    Were they a Russian territory that revolted or what?
    Explain the Georgia thing.

    Also how does your government work. how often do elections happen. How corrupt are they. Do normal votes count or do Elected Officials votes count?
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:41 No.4771832
    so, i will try give your answer:
    1). We have many different nations and rase of people in our contry.
    2). Chineses try do this, but we still stay on our lande. I can't told more about it becouse i am from Moscow.
    3). In all our provinces we have some goverment departament, but they all is in control of Moscow.
    I hope i make some step to understending
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:42 No.4771838

    How industrialized is Russia. It's fuckhuge so I assume there are mass areas that are pretty much uninhabited.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:43 No.4771847
    >How corrupt are they
    Almost every election was corrupted.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:44 No.4771866
         File1328388266.jpg-(90 KB, 604x421, x_9ff586a1.jpg)
    90 KB
    No mongols. A very few tatars, most of them live in Tatarstan republic. Provinces are very poor, most people got paid less than 300$ per month. Chinese aren't many.
    The biggest imigration if from countries of ex-USSR(Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan etc). They are like mexicans in murrica. Big migration from Caucasian republics and countires(Chechnya, Dagestan, Armenia, Azerbaijan). They are crimes and mafia (like niggaz in US).
    I live in Moscow 4 all my life(22yo). Wanna go to Murrica and cum into Sasha Grey's mouth.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:45 No.4771878
    >Are you mostly descendants of Muscovite Rus peoples or is there a large amount of tartar mongols in your population still? Or did you exterminate them as you expanded.
    Russians are not exterminating other nations, but does not mix with them.
    >Are the chinese flooding your south east border like I hear immigrating?
    They are not very much, so far, at least.
    >how do your provinces work? Do they have their own mini governments?
    Yes, they has, but they do not decide anything. All led by zionists whore Putin and his bastard team.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:45 No.4771885
    >cum in sasha grey's mouth

    She is an aids filled std trashcan.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:46 No.4771908
    1. Georgia was the part USSR, and USSR made huge migrations, so Georgia have the large percent of nongeorgian people. Some of them close to Russia borders called for independence and Russia helped them.
    2. Russian army is about mass destruction, not about conquest, really.
    3. Elections made every 4 years. Somebody think they are corrupted, somebody don't think so. The main problem in russian politics is lack of honorable people.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:47 No.4771911
    Not Op, but i have some questions
    1) What are the major parties? What are their ideologies?
    2)Is really Russia a "Mafia-state"?
    3)How ia the economy going? Are the prices high?
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:47 No.4771914
    Would you say the generic population of Russians are dumb? Not calling Russia dumb, but here in America and in lots of european countries, there is this surge of STUPID people. Even in whites.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:47 No.4771924
    Я петушиного не понимаю. По-человечески со мной общайся, басурманин ебаный.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:49 No.4771948

    >is there a large amount of tartar mongols in your population still?

    Most of them were assimilated during the Soviet Period, and even before there were few of them.

    >Are the chinese flooding your south east border like I hear immigrating?

    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:50 No.4771963
    >chinese flooding into russia

    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:51 No.4771974
    Russia have large production in machinery and chemical industries, but lack of electronics and hitech. Most of soviet production, except for wargear and oil, are sold out to international corporations.

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