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  • File : 1328385023.jpg-(134 KB, 834x508, 1328286444782_613.jpg)
    134 KB Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)14:50 No.4771107  
    Norwegian here.
    How are you all doing tonight, and also what's up with the Russian threads?
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)14:51 No.4771119
    russian`s image-boards are down. putin ddos it
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)14:52 No.4771122
    hurr durr anonymous legion russians found out about 4chan from all the ACTA and PIPA shit
    >> Russian 02/04/12(Sat)14:52 No.4771124
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    you suck!
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)14:52 No.4771125
    Bunch of Russian liberals/hippies organized an anti-Putin raid
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)14:52 No.4771128
    Putin apparently shut down all of the Russian imageboards because someone hacked into a politician's email account. Something like that.

    So how's it going, Norway? That whole butter problem solved yet or what?
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)14:53 No.4771141
    Why you have so many muslims in your country?
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)14:54 No.4771143
    I see.
    As for the butter, yeah that's back to normal. Anybody drinking tonight, if so, what are ya drinking?
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)14:54 No.4771148
    Not exactly shut down, more like DDoSed them into oblivion.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)14:54 No.4771149
    I feel sorry for my brotherin.
    Sorry guys.
    Our AIBs are really down. Admin says ddos is about 1 Gb/s
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)14:55 No.4771157
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    >russian`s image-boards are down. putin ddos it
    >putin ddos it
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)14:58 No.4771189
    Glory to my /b/rothers itt.
    It's nighttime in Russia, time for a win!
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)14:58 No.4771190
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    Allow me to be more clear, since I'm drunk, let this be a sort of venting thread for whatever frustration you may inhabit.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)14:58 No.4771194
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    Nothing serious, bro. It's just that government DDOSed our boards so we had to move here as refuges. I don't think it will last for more than 2 days.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)14:58 No.4771199
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    Fo' real!
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)14:59 No.4771205
    >Anybody drinking tonight
    I`m drinking now. It is russian vodka...
    Бля, парни, как по-английски написать "настояка"?
    Are you drinking now too??
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)14:59 No.4771209
    Well. I'm 28 and im virgin.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:00 No.4771221
    Piss poor beer because of our piss poor economy. Still, good company is what's important. People say American beers are all terrible, but microbreweries often make some pretty nice stuff.

    Is beer from Norway or other Scandinavian countries good?
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:01 No.4771232
    i think you is russian
    Только русский может с таким удовольствием издеваться над земляком.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:01 No.4771234

    настояка = shot
    If I understand well.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:02 No.4771247
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    How it feels mr. Breivik? Do you have the desire to exchange it for a Datsik?
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:03 No.4771261
    Putin has better things to do

    It was probably a rival website, or someone from the website itself who got insulted enough to turn on the botnet and rout it through Omsk

    You sound worse than 9/11 truthers
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:03 No.4771266
    It's cranberries shot.

    С вами я так быстро английский выучу, да!
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:04 No.4771267
    Right now I'm drinking some beer from a brewery in my town - not that I have so many international beers to compare to - but it tastes real good.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:04 No.4771279
    I can't help but imagine Putin personally sitting in front of a computer, trying to figure out how to DDoS a site, then finally calling up Medvedev to help him for tech support.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:04 No.4771282
    How do you russians feel about "mr. breivik"?
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:05 No.4771294
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    Okay not Putin himself, but his gang. "Nashi" or "Ours" if translate.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:07 No.4771311
    May I ask why you Russians are so "mad" about Putin, if it were not him that was in charge, it would only be another with the same mindset, so what's the big deal?
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:07 No.4771318
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    Damn good, bro!
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:07 No.4771319
    Ну ты сам подумай, как звучит >Путин ддосит все российские аибы.
    Так и вижу, как Путин сидит и через конфочку с Медведевым обсуждает стратегию ддоса.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:10 No.4771346
    So don't blame this guy

    Every celebrity has stupid fans
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:10 No.4771350
    Normal citizens condemn his actions.
    Bitards, on thetrary, sympathize
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:11 No.4771364
    I think that Mr.Breivik is crazy. He isn't hero. He killed many young people and he didn't reach this.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:11 No.4771369
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    Breivik w love you!!!111
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:13 No.4771404
    who brevik?
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:13 No.4771406
    Not fans. They are his puppets. They make everything to shut up opposition.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:13 No.4771407
    Norfags, if you claim to be one of the most egalitarian nations in the world, why do you still retain a monarchy? Not even trolling, I'm genuinely curious as to what function it has.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:14 No.4771420
    Can anyone tell me как, блджад, тут новые посты получать? Обновлять страницу постоянно?
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:15 No.4771445
    >>4771420 - use it
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:16 No.4771446
    Putin is king of Russia. And how can you stand it?
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:17 No.4771464
    Нахуя ньюфагу палишь? Пошел он нахуй.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:17 No.4771467
    Yes, you must все время жать F5, чтобы обновляться.
    4chan is очень неудобная борда.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:19 No.4771498
    It doesn't really have a function, other than...well I'd say it's in it's late phase, a transitory empty symbolic phase, it doesn't mean anything anymore, because it isn't needed anymore.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:19 No.4771499
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:21 No.4771544
    As for Breivik, I have many thoughts about this man, but essentially, he let me know that the spirit of my country is still alive, it isn't being buried slowly without resistance. In these times of equality and liberal values, and effeminate males, someone stood up, and hell, I respect him for that, even though I may disagree on many of his points.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:27 No.4771636
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    And what opinion about Varg Vikeners?
    He is popular and is considered to be a hero?
    Or, most peoples think that he's a dangerous madman?
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:28 No.4771650
    I'm russian and I'd pay 1k bucks to be able to teleport Breivik to the Seliger lake to kill all russian pro-government youth organization members. Instead of those nice Norwegian guys.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:29 No.4771671

    Personally I don't know very much about him, other than that he has burned churches or something of that nature. He doesn't really seem that significant, and is NOT spoken of often in Norway at all.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:31 No.4771690
    How exactly does Norway retain it's own independent cultural identity from Denmark and Sweden? Norway hasn't been ruled by a native governing body for most of the post-Medieval history of Europe.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:32 No.4771704
    Well he is a meme and a hero on russian boards cause 101% of russian anons are atheist and anti-clerical.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:35 No.4771744
    less and less countries today retain it's cultural identities, wouldn't you say?
    Things are striving to become more and more similar, democracy and equal values everywhere.
    As for Norway, and how it is looking in this modern process, I don't know... not good.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:37 No.4771757
    I have no problems with people being Atheists. It's only that it seems to me that atheists today, nonetheless, are very indiscriminate as to what values they hold.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:46 No.4771899
    Bump for people to say whatever the fuck they want

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