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  • File : 1326516771.png-(109 KB, 596x220, thumb.png)
    109 KB Anonymous 01/13/12(Fri)23:52 No.4711435  
    Who are the korean learners on this board? I'm an American living in Korea roughly into 2nd year, but I'm figuring out better and better study habits as I go along. Pic is very related as I've been using them mostly for my 2nd year of study. They have free grammar lessons, good vocabulary sets that sell for $1, lots of miscellaneous material, and a huge supportive community behind them. If anyone wants to start learning, I would definitely recommend How do you guys study?

    누구가 한국어 배우는 학생들이 입니까? 이년 2년인데 갈수록 잘 해요. Talktomeinkorean의 사용해서 여로분 공부해야 돼 보세요! 혹시 4chan 한국어 학생들이 뭘 방법 쓰고 있습니까?
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)00:19 No.4711481
    I just started learning Korean about 2 weeks ago and it's a pretty nice site. I wouldn't be half as far as I am now without it, that's for sure.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)00:25 No.4711491
    The best way to study (at least for me) when I'm picking up a new language is to get an English to whatever language dictionary and go to town. Writing out new words BY HAND (typing just doesn't do it for me) and saying them aloud helps it sink in. Practice writing sentences and just have conversations with yourself, it'll go a long way.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)00:29 No.4711499
    OP, as a native english speaker, how easy or hard was it to pick up Hangul and learn Korean vocabulary and grammar?
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)00:30 No.4711502

    Not OP but Hangul is easy as piss. I'm not exaggerating when I say you can learn it in an hour.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)00:36 No.4711508

    My friend linked me to this site a while ago? Would this be a good guide
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)00:39 No.4711515
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    Looks alright
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)00:48 No.4711527
    I messed up a little. It's 여러분. Not 여로분.


    Learning the sounds for each letter takes like 2 days. It's very easy, but it takes a lot of time to get used to reading things in Korean. You'll probably be frustrated to hell at first, but you should get over it after 1-6 months depending on how hard you study your ass.

    Grammar. Holy fuck. This one will just continually blow your mind. There is a reason why many my English students at my school have trouble speaking and writing. The grammar differences are worlds apart essentially. Even now, I understand the basics, yet when sentences get complicated, I have trouble thinking backwards. Korean syntax and clause order is backwards compared to English.

    "That person does not have a steady job, so he lives off of a part-time job"

    그 사람 일정한 지겁을 없어서 아르바이트로 먹고살아요.

    If translated one word at a time and pieced together it sounds like this:

    "That person steady job because he does not have part-time job he eats and lives."

    It's all a matter of efficient study and lots and lots of time.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)00:51 No.4711530
    여기 누가 한국어 배우는 학생들 입니까? 2년차 인데 갈수록 잘 하고 있어요. 여러분 Talktomeinkorea을 사용해서 공부 해 보세요! 다른 4chan 한국어 학생들은 어떤 방법을 쓰고 있습니까?
    Fixed that for you. You're doing a good job, and keep it up.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)00:56 No.4711544

    I took Latin classes in middle / high school, so I'm hoping that will help me with word order / grammar. When sentences start getting long and have more than one possible subject, thats when things get tricky.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)00:57 No.4711545
    나는 한국어 배워요.
    thanks bro. talktomeinkorean looks nice.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)00:59 No.4711550

    고마워요. 때때로 저는 쉬는 단어 잊는데 요즘 천전이 가는 제일 방법 배우고 있어 요. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)01:00 No.4711554
    A word of advice for you from a Korean-focus on the suffixes a lot. They throw off a lot of foreigners, and even Koreans themselves when they really think about it doesn't know its proper usage. I'm talking about ~을/를, ~가, ~이, ~해서, ~처럼 etc. They function as all adverbs, adjectives, and prepositions that are under separate categories in Western languages.

    Also, there was a famous folk singer named Kim Kwang-seok who can slap the little bitch out of any contemporary KPoop shitcrapnoise musically , and he's renowned for being incredibly articulate and comprehensible in his pronunciations. Find him on Youtube and try listening to him. Not only it's a really helpful pronunciation and listening guide, but a great (I daresay one of the greatest of modern Korean music) intro into the popular Korean culture, too.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)01:14 No.4711575

    다 물건들이 정말 중요합니다. 한국인들이 언제나 "는" 모둔것에서 있는데 "은"이랑 "는" 어렵는 것 같아요. 힘들어......
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)11:40 No.4712776
    shameless bump
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)15:55 No.4713366
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    I've been learning for a few months. I started off with TTMIK, then went through the textbooks "Elementary Korean" and "Continuing Korean" and now I really need a new one.

    I use Anki errday, I've got about a 1700 word vocabulary so far. I learn pretty much everything by watching K-variety, seeing words in the subtitles and looking them up on Daum (it's a damn good thing they have on-screen Hangul subtitles for most things, you never see that in English/Anglosphere TV). I'm aiming for 6000 words by the end of the year.

    I really like 부치지 않은 편지 ever since I heard it in JSA. Haven't listened to anything else of his yet, I'll give it a go. Any song recommendations in particular?
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)22:30 No.4714580

    good shit bro. How's grammar coming along? All the verb endings like ㄴ대, 편이다, 느라고 kill me when spoken to me. You use only flash cards?
    >> Anonymous 01/15/12(Sun)08:55 No.4715337
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    Yeah, seeing words again and again in Anki and on TV is the only way I remember them. I practise writing online, but I've never spoken to anyone or heard anyone speak in Korean IRL so yeah...probably couldn't hold a conversation.

    Grammar's not too bad. The only thing annoying me is the uses of +니까 and the many retrospective endings (던데 etc).
    >> trancarua 01/15/12(Sun)09:07 No.4715352
    I would like to learn korean. Is this site really good?
    >> Anonymous 01/15/12(Sun)09:11 No.4715363
    It's the best free Korean site out there.

    Make sure you learn Hangul first (this is their sister site):
    >> trancarua 01/15/12(Sun)09:17 No.4715379
    Thnks man. After i complete my chinese lessons i would like to learn korean
    >> Anonymous 01/15/12(Sun)09:22 No.4715391
    >complete Chinese lessons

    Learning Chinese is something that never ends. Choose one or the other, dude.
    >> trancarua 01/15/12(Sun)09:29 No.4715409
    I like asian languages man. I believe in thid reencarnation i will finish
    >> Anonymous 01/15/12(Sun)09:30 No.4715414
    Wow. Thank you all for this information.

    I am currently living and studying Japanese in Japan, but I went to Korea over christmas break. Wow, honestly, myself and everyone who went on the trip wishes we would have studied Korean as opposed to Japanese. Seoul is an extremely exciting city and Korean cultures is just as different and complex as Japanese. Seoul is a whole other world. Also, there are so few Korean speaking westerners. So it's a good time to get on it! I really would love to jump in to Korean full-time, but maybe after I get by Japanese to the level I want it at.
    >> The Fi$tpump i$ awe$omene$$ !COREA.Lz9U 01/15/12(Sun)09:32 No.4715418
    Glad you are finally seeing the light! Stop being a weeaboo when it's still possible.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/12(Sun)09:43 No.4715442
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    Any Windows users mind screen shotting some Hangul for me? I'm a Linuxfag and it looks smooth and awesome but I've seen screenshots of Hangul in Windows and it looks all blocky and horrrific.

    Pic related, it's what I see.

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