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  • File : 1318463382.jpg-(36 KB, 519x564, bubbles.jpg)
    36 KB Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)19:49 No.4475518  
    Why does America get so butthurt about the War of 1812? They lost. They also lost Vietnam, big deal, get over it faggots.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)19:51 No.4475522
    >implying the won any war

    murrifats cannot into wars
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)19:52 No.4475528
    >Losing Wars

    pick both.
    >> Englishman !!TG8pG3eDnIP 10/12/11(Wed)19:52 No.4475531
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    I have literally never seen an American get butthurt about the War of 1812.
    This is a bad thread. Saged, reported, printed, duplicated, mailed to the correct authorities, burned and burried.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)19:54 No.4475534
    >Why does America get so butthurt about the War of 1812?

    Do they? I thought most American's weren't even aware it had happened.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)19:54 No.4475538
    Americans don't get butthurt over 1812, neither do Brits. Civilized people accept that it was a draw.

    It's really just Europoors and Canadians who get bent out of shape over it.

    As for Vietnam, only retards think America didn't lose that one.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)19:55 No.4475540

    Not true - they won the American Civil War.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)19:56 No.4475542
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    >only retards
    So...all of America is retarded is what your implying?
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)19:56 No.4475543
    They sort of skim it in school. "Britain impressed American sailors, America started a war, Britain burned the White House, the First Lady saved the portrait of President Washington, and then the war ended."

    That's all we get, so yes, most Americans are mostly unaware it even happened.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)19:56 No.4475545
    OP is false flagging to make himself look like a non-American to change the subject about asspained Americans to a different, but unrelated subjects.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)19:57 No.4475547
    And the Mexican-American War, the Spanish-American War, both World Wars, the Korean War, the Revolutionary War...
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)19:58 No.4475552
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    It was not a draw at all, it made Canada, Canada. And not some shitty USA like shitty USA today.

    Also, trailer park boys general
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)19:58 No.4475554
    No, just the Republican parts.

    Come up here to Massachusetts, we have history here so we put value on learning history.
    >> Englishman !!TG8pG3eDnIP 10/12/11(Wed)19:58 No.4475555
    I don't think we even learned that much. In fact, my history lessons skimmed right over the empire and such affairs, feels odd.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)19:59 No.4475559
    >getting bent out of shape over 1812
    >proving my point
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)19:59 No.4475560
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    None of those are real or even happened you fucking tool. L2WAR
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)20:00 No.4475561
    That delicious post-imperial guilt.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)20:00 No.4475563
    I'm told my state has the best public education system in the country, so if we skimmed I wouldn't be surprised if other states just ignore it.

    You aren't from the South, are you?
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)20:01 No.4475564
    What the fuck does that even mean?
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)20:01 No.4475565
    So Canada and Britain invaded America, burned our capital, and when it was all said and done, they didn't gain not one acre of American territory?

    So, what did Canada/Britain gain after "winning" this war?
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)20:01 No.4475570
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    Actually, the war of 1812 resulted in no territorial loss, an era of goodwill and trade, a major growth in US American identity, which led us to push west for more land, ultimately led to the increase of our navy, and pushed us out into the world.

    Besides burning down our small capital which not many modern Americans can even admit to like today, there's not much to be mad about in regards to the war of 1812. That war helped us in so many ways.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)20:02 No.4475571
    America didn't annex Canada. That's what they gained, I guess.

    Which is pretty lame considering the whole war was over impressing sailors, anyway. They stopped doing that, didn't they?
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)20:02 No.4475572
    But a declaration of war was established with Mexico and Spain. What did Europe do in the Pacific during WW II?
    >> Englishman !!TG8pG3eDnIP 10/12/11(Wed)20:03 No.4475573
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    I'm British.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)20:03 No.4475574
    The objective wasn't to gain American soil idiot. America started the war, and Canada defended its land.
    >> CDN_Idealist !!+fGWbh1Bhgf 10/12/11(Wed)20:03 No.4475575
    Really? I've seen it a couple times.

    I think the reason Americans get so butthurt is because they're insecure about their country. I'm not saying that this insecurity is justified, America is a pretty cool country. But I think a lot of them are no where near as cocky and patriotic as they're painting, and they're actually rather touchy.

    And technically, America wouldn't have won it's own revolution if France, Spain and the rest of Europe didn't want to stick it to Britain.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)20:04 No.4475581
    So why not just stop at the border?
    >> CDN_Idealist !!+fGWbh1Bhgf 10/12/11(Wed)20:05 No.4475582
    >It's really just Europoors and Canadians who get bent out of shape over it.
    >Brits not European
    >Canadians getting mad about 1812
    >implying it isn't one big joke amongst Canucks

    Brah, what are you doing?
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)20:06 No.4475585
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    Indeed. They are all just a bunch of pansy bitches. 'Cept fo niggaz yo, i woulnd't wizanna scuff wif dem nigz
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)20:06 No.4475586
    Vietnam was a loss but 1812 was a strategic victory (settled as a draw but both sides saw gains from it), only groups that lost the war of 1812 are the Native Americans and Spain (Spain wasn't even fighting but one of their towns got in the way and fell into American hands as a result)

    Incidentally, the only country butthurt about 1812 are the Canadians that want to take credit for burning down the White House
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)20:06 No.4475588
    Oh, my bad. I thought the trip seemed odd...
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)20:07 No.4475592
    >And technically, America wouldn't have won it's own revolution if France, Spain and the rest of Europe didn't want to stick it to Britain.
    Of course, but that doesn't mean we didn't win it, and that doesn't make it much less embarrassing for the British.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)20:08 No.4475593
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    why umad that you last?
    >> CDN_Idealist !!+fGWbh1Bhgf 10/12/11(Wed)20:09 No.4475597
    I have a friend from Texas who moved here for school.

    When we were taking history together, he said to me that it was weird how in Canadian textbooks and curriculum, it constantly went back to what minorities like the Natives were doing at certain periods. He says that with the exception of Black History Month, there was very little discussion about blacks, natives, women, Asians, etc.

    He was actually shocked when I told him that America did the same thing to the Japanese during WW2 (displacement, that is). And I'm not trying to say 'hurr durr amerifat stoopid'. He's way smarter than me, but is this just him or what?
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)20:09 No.4475598
    Not the guy you replied to. But he has a point. The British burned down the White House not Canadians. I don't understand why they try to take the credit.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)20:10 No.4475602
    No, Britain defended its land.

    Canada was not a country in 1812.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)20:11 No.4475604
    I'm pretty sure only Canadians care about the North American War of 1812, aside from history nerds such as myself who care about all that sort of shit.

    They REALLY want to think that Canada itself burned down a bunch of Washington (while ignoring the fact that the Americans also burned down the Canadian provincial capital). Eh, whatever makes those frozen bastards feel good, I guess.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)20:11 No.4475605
    British and Canadian you r-tard. Also Canadians are essentially British idiots. They weren't an independent country until 1867. So yes, it was Canadian and British.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)20:12 No.4475609

    It was the US which attacked Britain.

    Madison, angered over the British harassing American ships combined with his aspirations of 'uniting' all of British North America is what lead to the war.

    Britain was preoccupied in the war against Napoleonic France, and so he saw an opportunity.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)20:12 No.4475612
    Well, up here in Massachusetts (best public school system, also bluest state in the Union, and best state of course), they talk about Japanese internment. They also touch upon some of the Native genocide, focusing mostly on the battles between Natives and US soldiers.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)20:13 No.4475613
    There was no Canada at the time idiot. They burned York. Washington > York
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)20:13 No.4475616
    but the people that burned down the White House didn't burn it for Canada, they burned it for Britain. Unless you're saying that Canadians = British even to this day?
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)20:14 No.4475619
    Maybe that's the case in Texas schools. I can assure that we get a LOT of coverage of blacks, natives, women, Asians, etc. in California.
    The Japanese internship was a significant topic even when I was in elementary school.

    Chalk it up to Texan conservative schooling or just plain bad history students.
    >> CDN_Idealist !!+fGWbh1Bhgf 10/12/11(Wed)20:15 No.4475621
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    >there's this guy
    >and this guy has messed with you before
    >now he's trying to bully you again
    >tell him to stop
    >he doesn't, says he wants to fight
    >punch him in the gut, he cries uncle

    Would you stop with just one punch? Naw, you'd fuck with him to teach him a lesson about when you fuck a stranger in the ass.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm impressed that the Yanks managed to hold their own against a the British on a couple of occasions. That's hardcore.

    But if Timmy is on a sports team, and he gets one goal, and two other guys on the team get three goals each, can Timmy really say he won the game? Just be grateful that your Frenchfriends can hold a grudge.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)20:16 No.4475626
    Yes as a Canadian we are Better British, with a few french FAGGOTS in Quebec.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)20:17 No.4475630
    >There was no Canada at the time idiot. They burned York.
    >there was no Canada at the time
    I'm sorry, I thought Canadians were supposed to be better at history than Americans such as myself.
    Look it up, you're wrong.

    And York was Upper Canada's provincial capital, which is the city that I said was burned down. Sooooo, fuck off retard.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)20:18 No.4475633
    Canada was established in 1867. /your argument.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)20:18 No.4475634
    Nobody lost the war of 1812. The British did burn the White House, but the war itself went undecided. Neither side really wanted to fight, so peace was declared.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)20:19 No.4475637
    That's not an accurate comparison.

    It's more like America is losing a war, then France joins in and distracts Britain long enough for America to win, then America won with French aid.

    Or something. I'm not really clear on exactly how much help the French supplied.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)20:20 No.4475642
    So by your logic America and Americans existed before the Revolutionary War?
    >> CDN_Idealist !!+fGWbh1Bhgf 10/12/11(Wed)20:20 No.4475643
    A lot of the British that were in the War of 1812 were sent over from Britain, and then afterwards moved to live in Canada. Therefore, they're Canadians.

    If you say it doesn't count, than anybody famous from the US that wasn't born there doesn't count anymore either.

    So American history starts at 1775? So what if we weren't a country at that point, 'Upper Canada' had existed since the 18th century. So yeah, Canada was there.

    My friend is smart, but I also like the South. So, I'm going to say that his teacher sucked.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)20:20 No.4475644
    Why are Europeans so insecure that they must create threads about America all day every day? Is it because your countries are politically insignificant? Why?
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)20:21 No.4475649
    The troops that burned Washington were British troops fresh from Europe after victory in the Peninsular War. Canada really had nothing to do with it.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)20:22 No.4475651
    omfg are you being intentionally dense? Have you noticed that I've been using the term "provincial capital" repeatedly?
    The Province of Upper Canada was created in 1791.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)20:23 No.4475658
    Ya'll are dumb. The Canadian Confederation wasn't until 1867. The colonies of Upper (Anglophone) and Lower (Francophone) Canada still existed. There were also the colonies of Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, etc.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)20:23 No.4475659
    >Canadians are essentially British idiots.

    If you say so.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)20:24 No.4475666
    >So American history starts at 1775?
    Yes it does.

    >A lot of the British that were in the War of 1812 were sent over from Britain, and then afterwards moved to live in Canada. Therefore, they're Canadians.

    >If you say it doesn't count, than anybody famous from the US that wasn't born there doesn't count anymore either.
    Depends. Tesla was American, for example, because he did all his inventing here and became a citizen.
    These soldiers, on the other hand, were, by your own admission, Brits who fought for Britain and then decided to live in a different part of Britain because going home was too much trouble. Canada did not exist as a country at the time, and it was the British who burned the White House. Deal with it.

    >My friend is smart, but I also like the South. So, I'm going to say that his teacher sucked.
    Texas is pretty shitty for education.
    >> CDN_Idealist !!+fGWbh1Bhgf 10/12/11(Wed)20:26 No.4475672
    Uh, bro:

    The Province of Upper Canada (French: province du Haut-Canada) was a political division in British Canada established in 1791.

    Is all good.

    Well, the Americans had virtually no supplies. Because during the whole Lexington and Concord affair, a bunch of Brits destroyed a whole stockpile of weapons. The Americans until then were relying on canons and other artillery they stole from the British.

    An American merchant began funding the war, and that was enough to fund transportation, but due to British naval blockades, America was running out of money. The soldiers were on the verge of mutiny and the paper money the colonists were using was worth shit.

    And then France began smuggling weapons to the US because fuck Britain. America was actually given an offer to rejoin Britain with legislative representation (which is what they were all bitching about anyway). The only reason they refused was because France promised commercial privileges, being the first country to recognize America and to help them beat the British.

    The French are part of the reason that Washington could corner the British in the end. It was the Spanish intervention that helped stop the British assault on the South. It was the French that delayed the British command of the Atlantic.

    They weren't distracting anybody. At anytime, America, which was poor as fuck at the time, had maybe 20,000 on command at any given time. They were untrained and unprepared. The British had German mercenaries. America would have been raped if France and Spain didn't step in.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)20:27 No.4475675
    No on in the world gives a shit about that war. As usual, the whole pathetic point of this thread is really for a pathetic Canadian to indirectly bring Canada up since no one remembers they exist otherwise.

    Immutable Law of /int/: No one starts a thread about Canadians besides Canadians.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)20:28 No.4475679
    Everyone here knows that.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)20:29 No.4475682
    France was not the first nation to recognize the US.

    Otherwise, interesting read, thanks for the information. Obviously the bigger countries carried America but acting like it wasn't an American victory is silly.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)20:29 No.4475685
    >poor as fuck
    Yes, the British decided to wage a long war against their breakaway poor colony.
    >> CDN_Idealist !!+fGWbh1Bhgf 10/12/11(Wed)20:30 No.4475688
    >Yes it does.
    No it doesn't, bro. Pick up any book on American history, it will start way before the revolution. Look up, say, Salem Witch Trials on wiki, see what categories it's in. It's not in British history, but American. American history started WAY before it was an official state. Same applies with Canada.

    So every single American immigrant that ever did anything awesome is therefore not American? So I guess you guys can't keep Tesla then.

    But here's the thing, you're basing this on the assumption that the British treated Canada as another part of Britain, like it was Wales or something. But the British perceived it as entirely separate. So it wasn't "Imma gonna live in Britain over the seas from Britain" it was "I'm going to live in Canada under the British crown."
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)20:30 No.4475689
    It was poor because the British blockaded all the major ports and turned it into a warzone.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)20:34 No.4475701
    >No it doesn't, bro. Pick up any book on American history, it will start way before the revolution. Look up, say, Salem Witch Trials on wiki, see what categories it's in. It's not in British history, but American. American history started WAY before it was an official state. Same applies with Canada.
    Well, it was an oversimplification. But America did not exist before the Revolution began, and assigning things like the Salem Witch Trial to us is done just because it happened here.

    >So every single American immigrant that ever did anything awesome is therefore not American? So I guess you guys can't keep Tesla then.
    You're missing my point, and I really have no reason to argue about this. First of all, there's the fact that Canada did not exist at the time, not as we know it today. Then there's the fact that the British soldiers were from Britain, sent over to fight for Britain; they had no connection whatsoever to Canada. And, of course, they did all their fighting before moving to Canada, so it's like if Tesla invented a death ray while he was living in Croatia and then moved to America and spent the rest of his life doing nothing, and Americans claimed that he was an American inventor when he did the inventing in Austria.
    >> CDN_Idealist !!+fGWbh1Bhgf 10/12/11(Wed)20:34 No.4475703
    >but acting like it wasn't an American victory is silly.
    How was it an American victory?

    I'm not trying to say 'hurr durr murkians can't fight wars'. Considering the odds, the Yanks were ballsy, even if the whole war was just about a bunch of greedy white guys. But if it was just the Americans, you would have lost. Therefore, it isn't an American victory, it's a collaborative victory.

    >America has resources therefore it can't be poor
    Yeah dude, whatever. You know that America's economy was in the shitter at the time, right? Because the British came up with these troll worthy laws where America could only trade certain products to them. So when the British left, a whole chunk of the American economy went down the drain. They could try trading and smuggling like they used too, but the British has a full blockade. If the French and Spanish hadn't opened up the waters, all American trade would have stopped dead. Cut off from the rest of the world, the American economy plummeted.

    It was so bad that a lot of American soldiers discussed mutiny. It was so bad that formerly strong boycotters became to impoverished they began to secretly buy British goods.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)20:36 No.4475708
    >America was actually given an offer to rejoin Britain with legislative representation
    I would have been for that.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)20:37 No.4475715
    >Canadian history
    >> CDN_Idealist !!+fGWbh1Bhgf 10/12/11(Wed)20:38 No.4475718
    >First of all, there's the fact that Canada did not exist at the time, not as we know it today
    Technically, the American colonies in 1775 weren't 'America was we know it today'.

    I like debating stuff like this, if you don't want to, it's all cool bro.

    But the thing with your Tesla comparison is that he 'invented the death ray in Croatia'. They did the fighting in Canada and the US. So what would you call it when Tesla comes to the US, invents the death ray on a commission for someone in Croatia and then stays in America?
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)20:41 No.4475728
    >Therefore, it isn't an American victory, it's a collaborative victory.
    What you're saying about the American Revolution being a collaborative victory is true, but it seems sort of nitpicky. I'd call the recent Libyan revolutionaries "victors" even though that victory would have been unlikely without the military assistance of Western nations.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)20:42 No.4475732
    Not the guy that you were conversing with earlier, btw.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)20:42 No.4475734
    You're missing the point, the soldiers weren't fighting for Canada, they were fighting for Britain. At this point the Tesla comparison breaks down because if he's doing all his inventing in America and becomes an American citizen he's a Croatian-born American inventor, whereas you're talking about soldiers who were loyal to the Crown, couldn't give less of a shit about Canada, come from Britain, and burned down the White House for Britain, not Canada, and then declaring them Canadian soldiers because some of them stayed in Canada (presumably because it was cheaper and easier than going home).

    As for America not being "America today" in 1775, that's a misinterpretation of what I meant; America as a country came into being in 1776, whereas Canada wasn't even close to what it is today until the 1860s.

    It was also a French and Spanish victory, I suppose, but saying it wasn't an American victory is like saying World War II wasn't a French victory. It's actually worse than that, because at least America didn't get annexed.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)20:43 No.4475737
    This, this is a great comparison and I wish I'd thought of it.

    Libyan rebels were fucking doomed, they could not possibly have won without foreign aid. That doesn't mean they didn't win the war.
    >> CDN_Idealist !!+fGWbh1Bhgf 10/12/11(Wed)20:43 No.4475739
    It's actually kind of funny.

    Only 1/3 of Americans wanted to leave Britain. 1/3 were opposed (Loyalists, most of whom fled to Canada) and 1/3 didn't give a single fuck that day.

    The real thing that got stuff started was the rich guys getting screwed over by British taxes. Most colonists were mad, but they didn't want to fight a war. It was the rich merchants that pushed for the war. It was them that financed it. In fact, the Americans were in constant desperation for troops.

    But the main rallying cry for the Americans was 'no taxation without representation'. Most of the Continental Congress wanted to stay with Britain, but be self governing. After the battle of Saratoga (I think) the British made a direct offer for America to rejoin with legislative rights. But by that point, a lot of battles had happened and France was offering a pretty sweet deal. So the Americans decided to chose independence.

    TLDR: America didn't become America in 1775, it became America in the events that followed.
    >> Masshole !6oCRfCEQbo 10/12/11(Wed)20:44 No.4475743
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    Not butthurt at all. We, the New England states, were opposed to it from the beginning (and almost seceded over it) and still managed to kick the most ass.
    >> CDN_Idealist !!+fGWbh1Bhgf 10/12/11(Wed)20:47 No.4475759
    I think maybe you're taking this the wrong way. Saying that it is a collaborative effort is not trying to say "Stupid Americans can't fight", or, in your case, Libyans. Given the odds, there was no way America could have won and the fact they tried is pretty cool of itself. There's nothing shameful or 'not cool' in getting help from France and Spain.

    In fact, I actually think it's sort of a dick move for Americans not to love their Frenchfriends and Spainbros.

    I think you won this one, anon. Good job. *headdesk*

    Oh well, I still have my history of Montreal.

    Their side won, but they didn't. But they are still pretty awesome for starting it in the first place.

    You guys seem to think it's degrading if you don't win something all by yourself.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)20:49 No.4475762
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    >Have a massive inferiority complex over America
    >Spend every waking moment of your life desperately trying to overcompensate via butthurt obsession over America, revisionist history and butthurt rants

    Every moment of your life has been spent being America's bitch. Every remaining moment will be spent being America's bitch. Get over it bitches.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)20:50 No.4475765
    No, the problem is that you're acting as though the weaker party being called "winner" somehow means that others weren't involved.

    Yes, America and Libya both required foreign aid and intervention to have even an icicle's chance in Hell of winning. Both also won their respective wars, because they fulfilled their goals (independence and regime chance, respectively).

    America won with French and Spanish aid (since it was an American war), and Libya won with NATO aid (since it was a Libyan war).
    >> CDN_Idealist !!+fGWbh1Bhgf 10/12/11(Wed)20:51 No.4475771
    >fulfilled their goals
    And what, France and Spain didn't get theirs?

    I just feel that saying that it was an American victory with 'aid' is rather ethnocentric. Since it was obviously more than 'aid'.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)20:53 No.4475776
    >regarding the victory stuff
    Oh, I believe I understand what you're saying and don't worry, I'm not butthurt about it. Revolutionaries take whatever aid they can and it was absolutely vital in the case of the American Revolution.

    But that being the case, I still don't quite get your hesitancy to call the achievement of American independence by Americans (with help) an "American victory". Not that it's a big deal at all.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)20:54 No.4475779
    But you misunderstand, it was America's war. France and Spain were helping. Their goal was to piss of Britain, which they accomplished by helping America win.

    With Libya, the Libyans wanted to overthrow Gaddafi. NATO wanted Gaddafi overthrown, and also wanted to prevent him from using military ordnance on his own civilian population centers, so they intervened and blew up his tanks and aircraft. It was still a victory for the Libyan rebels.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)20:59 No.4475798
    It wasn't more than "aid", France only had about 10,000 troops on the American continent. If anything it was their navy that helped us the most.
    >> CDN_Idealist !!+fGWbh1Bhgf 10/12/11(Wed)21:03 No.4475817
    It's not a big deal, I just like talking about history. It's fun. Still disagree with you.

    Yeah, and that help won the war.

    And what, their navy isn't more than aid?
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)21:05 No.4475827
    Yes, yes they did help win the war. It was also a victory for the French and the Spanish.

    This is like saying that Britain and France didn't win World War II because America and Russia carried the Allies.
    >> CDN_Idealist !!+fGWbh1Bhgf 10/12/11(Wed)21:07 No.4475833
    But France and Britain didn't win WW2, neither did the Russians or the Americans. The British were fighting solo for a good chunk of the war, and the Americans and Russians finished it. Neither one 'won' the war, their collaborative side one. That's why it's stupid when anyone implies any one nation won WW2.
    >> CDN_Idealist !!+fGWbh1Bhgf 10/12/11(Wed)21:07 No.4475838
    >collaborative side one

    All these ones.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)21:09 No.4475844
    we "lost" vietnam, but we killed almost two million gooks and only lost 60,000 of our own. so no, we can too "into wars"
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)21:10 No.4475849
    And that's just stupid, and also completely the opposite of what you were arguing earlier about how Canada won the War of 1812.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)21:10 No.4475850
    So what we have is a difference of opinion on what "victory" means.
    I guess there's nowhere to go from here.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)21:10 No.4475851
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    have fun with greece faggots
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)21:12 No.4475853

    Kept sprouting that bullshit idiot. US lost even though they killed more people and most were cilivians
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)21:12 No.4475854
    We're having Canada vs US discussions, go away.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)21:12 No.4475856
    which part was bullshit? i was under the impression that those were established facts.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)21:13 No.4475861
    >The British had German mercenaries.

    Until George Washington crossed the Potomac and fucked up the whole Hessian camp
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)21:14 No.4475862
    fine. i've got no real beef with our hat
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)21:15 No.4475869
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    America kicked Canada's ass in the French and Indian war
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)21:16 No.4475871
         File1318468609.jpg-(255 KB, 800x557, Battle of New Orleans.jpg)
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    Sup guys
    >> CDN_Idealist !!+fGWbh1Bhgf 10/12/11(Wed)21:18 No.4475877
    Firstly, how? Secondly, I already admitted I lost that argument to the good anon.

    Eh. It was fun chatting at least. Stay classy.

    >implying they weren't all drunk

    It was a clever move. But it was clever and intelligent, not badass.

    Basically your argument is 'we killed more, therefore we won'. But that doesn't work. In WW1, I know that the Entente lost more troops. Would you actually try to argue that the Entente lost the war? If you can't apply this logic to all wars, then it doesn't work.

    The Americans wanted to stop the spread of communism. The failed. Hard.

    You're right though, had America actually wanted to kill and wipe out Vietnamese, they very well could have with relative ease and 'won'. But that wasn't their objective so they lost.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)21:18 No.4475878
    aren't you the irish faggot

    your ancestors didn't do shit
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)21:18 No.4475879
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    Sup bro
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)21:25 No.4475903
    America didn't lose in the typical sense of military power. America did win nearly every single major battle during the war. However, the NVA and Vietcong won from one simple way, they broke the American peoples will to fight the war. Doesn't matter if you win all the battles, if you can't hold the territory, have the will to fight or don't understand your enemy, you've already lost.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)21:27 No.4475919
    If receiving aid from a stronger power means you didn't win a war, then Canada, being entirely dependent on Britain for its defense, didn't even participate in the war.
    Actually, that sounds about right to me.

    But anyway, you have a severely warped sense of what it takes to win or lose a war.
    >> Masshole !6oCRfCEQbo 10/12/11(Wed)21:28 No.4475924
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    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)21:29 No.4475930
    the war was a stalemate.

    though america's manifest destiny bullshit sure did fail hard.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)21:30 No.4475934
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    It's okay, MAbro, he's just jelly of our history and culture and superior public education system.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)21:31 No.4475939
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    What parallel universe do you live in?
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)21:34 No.4475948
    The one where the places not America are marked in grey.
    >> CDN_Idealist !!+fGWbh1Bhgf 10/12/11(Wed)21:35 No.4475951

    Canada served in the World Wars, but it didn't win them. But it's contribution was note worthy.

    Same thing with the Revolutionary War in America. Americans served, but they wouldn't have won without France and Spain. Therefore, it isn't an 'American victory', but American contribution is incredibly important, since it was the driving mental force.

    Your logic is that 'if you get help, therefore you didn't contribute'. Firstly, Canada didn't 'get' help in either World Wars because it wasn't threatened, it was helping Britain. So your comparison isn't even good.

    I feel you're getting emotional, viewing this as 'my' war rather than logically.

    What's even sadder is that it didn't.

    You are not giving the Vietnamese enough credit. America couldn't have stopped them even it was trying, it would have had to wiped their country off of the map. Because the Vietnamese just refused to be a puppet state and they refused to be told what to do by another bunch of white men. America could have gone into the North and got Ho Chi Minh, they still would have kept going.

    That's why America lost. Because their soldiers in 'Nam were a bunch of doped up idiots who didn't care at all, and the Vietnamese were people who fought for the ideas that made them who they were. You'd have to nuke the country to ash to beat that.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)21:37 No.4475960
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    >Implying they didn't hate the Irish
    >Implying they were not angry Canada was allowed to practice Romanisim
    >Implying I am not a New Englander living in exile
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)21:37 No.4475966
    >Your logic is that 'if you get help, therefore you didn't contribute'.
    No, that's your logic, and that particular post was about 1812.

    Canada didn't participate in World War II anyway because it was a colony of Great Britain.

    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)21:38 No.4475970

    >though america's manifest destiny bullshit sure did fail hard.

    Seems like it worked to me. I mean, the country does span from the atlantic to the pacific.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)21:38 No.4475971
    You seriously need to read a history book or two before posting.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)21:39 No.4475976
    The Mainland was the manifest, Alaska was just sprinkles and icing
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)21:39 No.4475978
    >Canada didn't participate in WWII because it was a colony of great britain.

    Just.....stop posting now. You're embarrassing yourself.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)21:40 No.4475989
    >be British colony
    >gain autonomy
    >assist Britain in the war because you ARE Britain
    >later become a country
    >insist you were a country the whole time, seriously you guys!
    Australians do the same thing.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)21:43 No.4475997
    Canada became a country in 1867.
    For your own sake, take a deep breath, and stop posting.
    >> CDN_Idealist !!+fGWbh1Bhgf 10/12/11(Wed)21:43 No.4476000
    Firstly, you didn't respond to any of my points. So I'm assuming you have no rebuttal.

    Secondly, "Canada didn't participate in World War II anyway because it was a colony of Great Britain."? Are you crazy? Canada became it's own country in 1865.
    >> CDN_Idealist !!+fGWbh1Bhgf 10/12/11(Wed)21:46 No.4476016
    I totally meant to say 1867.

    But, they were self governing. The only control Britain had was having some viceroy stamp their legislature. By your logic, Canada, Australia, South Africa, India and New Zealand are not countries because they're Commonwealth bros.

    (Commonwealth bros if you're in this thread I love you.)
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)21:46 No.4476019
    >be a British colony
    >later become a country
    >insist you weren't a British colony
    sure is Australia in here
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)21:46 No.4476020
    The point is that those British soldiers who fucked up America, 99% of them settled in Canada, became Canadian, and are our ancestors. So yes, it's to our credit.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)21:47 No.4476022
    After the Tet Offensive, America could have won the war. How? Well, considering most of South Vietnam was fucking pissed at the fact the Vietcong slaughtered 5000 government workers who did nothing wrong, in cold blood no less, and how the majority of the leadership of the Vietcong were killed. They simply could not out fight the Americans, it was fucking impossible. However, what they did was out think them, which is why the Ho Chi Min trail did exist in the first place. America was treating Vietnam like it was say, Germany, a centralized state with fixed objectives and static defensives. America simply overwhelmed them in every battle. However, the contributing factors to how North Vietnam one were, the Americans were forced to draft soldiers, news footage of dead american soldiers and civilians from engagments, fighting from the shadows, and destroying the support for the war in the States.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)21:48 No.4476026

    An autonomous colony is still a colony, unless you think Puerto Rico is a country.

    I skimmed your post because it was based on the assumption that I was talking about WW2 when I was actually discussing 1812.
    >> CDN_Idealist !!+fGWbh1Bhgf 10/12/11(Wed)21:48 No.4476028
    >insisting Canada didn't fight in WW2 because he's mad that I suggested America didn't win it's Revolution by itself.

    Bro srsly.

    Srsly bro.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)21:51 No.4476039
    >implying anyone outside the Tea Party thinks America won its Revolution alone
    >implying Canada was a country before the 80s
    >implying Australia was a country before the 70s
    >implying you aren't America's hat
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)21:53 No.4476050


    Also, we weren't an autonomous colony after confederation. We became a country. During 1812, however; we were a colony.'

    Tone down the butthurt son, do you want some oil or lumber to cheer you up?
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)21:54 No.4476055
    ITT: Americans demonstrate how the deal with losing.
    >> CDN_Idealist !!+fGWbh1Bhgf 10/12/11(Wed)21:55 No.4476056

    I just want to say I love well thought out posts, thanks so much for sharing.

    You got me there bro. Given how fucked up the Vietnamese could be in battle, I can see how they scared Americans out of the war and challenged popular opinion.


    In that case, yeah. It was British soldiers who fought on behalf of Canada for the Crown. It may not have been 'for Canada' but it's still part of our history.
    >> CDN_Idealist !!+fGWbh1Bhgf 10/12/11(Wed)21:58 No.4476069
    >implying anyone outside the Tea Party thinks America won its Revolution alone
    See >>4475779
    So, this thread is full of Tea Partyers?

    >implying Canada was a country before the 80s
    >implying Australia was a country before the 70s
    >he thinks that history starts the moment a country gets a constitution
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)22:01 No.4476082
    >implying I ever said at any point during this thread that America won its Revolution alone
    >implying Canada and Australia weren't British colonies up until the 80s and 70s
    >implying Australians aren't all convicts
    >> CDN_Idealist !!+fGWbh1Bhgf 10/12/11(Wed)22:07 No.4476108
    >implying I ever said at any point during this thread that America won its Revolution alone
    >implying that's what I meant
    >implying I'm not sorry for not being clear

    >implying Canada and Australia weren't British colonies up until the 80s and 70s
    >implying that they're colonies but not saying how

    >implying Australians aren't all convicts
    >implying New Zealanders are sheep
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)22:08 No.4476115
    You're mad. You're making shit up.

    Go play Eu3 or minecraft for a bit.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)22:13 No.4476137
    >be a colony of Britain
    >ruled by britain
    >satellite of Britain
    >insist you're not a colony
    >> CDN_Idealist !!+fGWbh1Bhgf 10/12/11(Wed)22:14 No.4476143
    >implying you're not trolling

    You're silly. I like you.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)23:47 No.4476494
    I'm really starting to doubt your reading comprehension, bro.>>4475779 explicity wrote that America gained independence from Britain with the help of Spain and France.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)11:27 No.4478130
    >> JackBurton !H59BjriIIg 10/13/11(Thu)11:28 No.4478138
    America doesn't give a shit about the war of 1812, and actually nothing changed so technically nobody won.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)11:34 No.4478154

    Everyone won except the Indians. If anyone won the war of 1812, it was America as the outcome of the war benefited the Americans the most.
    >> JackBurton !H59BjriIIg 10/13/11(Thu)11:37 No.4478163
    >it was America as the outcome of the war benefited the Americans the most.

    we wanted Canada we didn't get it, we wanted the UK to stop impressing our sailors and merchants into their navy they didn't stop. What did the US get out of it?
    >> JackBurton !H59BjriIIg 10/13/11(Thu)11:40 No.4478170
    also fuck the indians. SAVAGES SAVAGES...etc

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