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  • File : 1318453876.jpg-(78 KB, 690x1200, pbc1.jpg)
    78 KB Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)17:11 No.4474788  
    polandball thread

    just made my first one
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)17:12 No.4474797
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    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)17:12 No.4474801
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    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)17:14 No.4474807
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    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)17:15 No.4474813
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    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)17:17 No.4474822
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    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)17:18 No.4474831
    Has the funny if you know about Mongol history
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)17:19 No.4474837
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    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)17:21 No.4474844
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    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)17:22 No.4474851
    lol silly ruskies and their unfunny pollandballs ... when was the last time you beat poland on your own ? yup. ... that would be around never.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)17:24 No.4474862
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    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)17:26 No.4474875
    It's "norway" not "norball"
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)17:30 No.4474889
    butthurt scandinavian retarded viking retard detected
    >> (ノ´_ゝ`)ノ !MoeMoe/nYc 10/12/11(Wed)17:39 No.4474925
    Poland is poor, ok, but why is Russia there and why does it laugh? Makes no sense, should be a rich country and even then it's kind of Hetalia tier shit.

    Makes no sense at all.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)17:39 No.4474928

    On the one hand, it is true that we are fed up that all countries see us as cowards because-as on 4 years of our 3000 years, we abandoned.

    Still, the thing is unfounded. You're going to France, 95% of young French people love the United States because from an early age

    What is true also, I love the United States.
    I hope you understand me despite my very bad English.


    As against, this one, I don't understand
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)17:42 No.4474945

    > As against, this one, I don't understand
    Je crois que c'est parce-que la Norvège doit de l'argent au Royaume-Unis mais qu'elle a peur.
    Mais je ne suis pas sûr.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)17:43 No.4474947
    i thought it meant that people hate the united states even when it tries to help other people
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)17:44 No.4474951
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    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)17:45 No.4474954
    Why do we hate the US?
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)17:49 No.4474969
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    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)17:49 No.4474970
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    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)17:49 No.4474971
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    britfags make better polandballs, than you, dear retarted US.
    U gotta accept that for the rest of the world you're bunch of idiots that cannot point their own country on the map.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)17:50 No.4474978
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    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)17:51 No.4474982
    I, as a Brit, am offended by this post.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)17:51 No.4474983
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    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)17:53 No.4474991
    I dunno I thought it was p. funny.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)17:55 No.4474999
    it was way more of a feat to actually put the thing together. you think it came here built on a barge? the statue of liberty.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)17:57 No.4475013
    Goddamn these are funny, I love you guys
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)17:59 No.4475025
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    The United States controls the world!
    We have fought for our independence and now it's up to us to control you!
    >> (ノ´_ゝ`)ノ !MoeMoe/nYc 10/12/11(Wed)18:01 No.4475041
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)18:06 No.4475074
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    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)18:07 No.4475086
    Does everyone really love Estonia?
    What is so great about it?
    >> amerifag + !szcv4UWhyE 10/12/11(Wed)18:08 No.4475089
    >US now full of micks
    >Controlling England

    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)18:14 No.4475120
    nothing, nobody really likes estonia
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)11:20 No.4478098
    too much shiton fp again
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)11:24 No.4478118
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    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)11:26 No.4478128
    There's no reason to hate Estonia, which is pretty unique in the Polandball community.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)11:36 No.4478158
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    >more like
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)11:37 No.4478162

    well,we are not poor as russia.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)11:41 No.4478175
    is like estonia

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