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    Portland, OR folks: THANKS FOR COMING OUT EVERYONE!!!!! And thanks for the cake, cakeguy! It was delicious.

    File : 1318185321.jpg-(244 KB, 612x792, OccupyWallStflyer-color.jpg)
    244 KB Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)14:35 No.4458609  
    What dose everyone here Think about the Occupy Wall Street?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)14:38 No.4458629
    I'm actually finding it hard to get a handle on what their demands are. Any chance of summary or a link to a summary?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)14:39 No.4458639
    bunch of faggots who want everyone richer than them to pay off their $150k in art school debt

    the whole "corporate greed" thing is a ruse. they want free money for being lazy shits
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)14:42 No.4458650
    Tea Party of the ultraleft, but less coherent.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)14:43 No.4458658
    I don't think there is an official list of demands, but this pretty much sums up what they want:
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)14:45 No.4458667
    http:// www occupytogether org/
    heres a link that explains some of it
    http://www. and a paper they started
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)14:45 No.4458668
    >sick basement dwellers bitching about people who actually go out in the streets
    Yeah, they're all faggots.
    >> CND_Idealist !!+fGWbh1Bhgf 10/09/11(Sun)14:46 No.4458672
    I'm a leftist, but that whole thing is just laughable.

    They're sitting around, disorganized with no real centralized force trying to change things that they don't understand.

    I mean, they're there as "leftists" eating McDonalds, buying souvenirs and being the living definition of hypocrite.

    They're just stamping their feet and not doing anything to induce change.

    Here's how you do it: You make a list of causes with the group, and the entire crowd goes on a series of peaceful protests targeting that one cause. And by 'peaceful protest' I don't mean 4chan memes on signs, I mean hunger strikes. But obviously that's too hard for these fat pseudo-hippies.

    I don't support violence, but they could at least be destructive to property. Destroying important symbols and forming blockades to truly 'occupy' Wall Street. But that would mean the cops would yell at me and that's scary.

    Fucking Americans can't into protest.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)14:50 No.4458687

    I'm really getting tired of this imaginary narrative.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)14:51 No.4458690
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    College liberals with shitty liberal arts majors who want the government to fix their mistakes for them. They're all upper middle class and are upset they can't live off their parents forever and actually have to pay for their Apple products and Starbucks themselves.

    The sad part is that there is a problem but these fuckers are not the ones who will fix it and will only make it worse.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)14:52 No.4458693
    heres how i would organize thousands of people

    ok if its so easy do it fat ass
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)14:52 No.4458697
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    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)14:54 No.4458699
    >clearly biased political cartoon

    I hope, etc.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)14:56 No.4458705
    1. Organize massive general strike
    >Oh, wait, only 13% of American workers are unionized.
    2. Don't let the criminals get into their offices to screw the American people
    >Oh, wait they're afraid of the police kicking their candy asses.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)14:57 No.4458708
    It's idiotic, insofar as they believe that they can get rid of corporate greed without getting rid of the capitalist system.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)14:58 No.4458710
    >Wall Street criminals steal huge amounts of money from tax payers.
    >No, we gotta respect their property.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)14:58 No.4458712
    >get 200k $ student loan
    >get useles arts degree
    >hurr we 99%

    if someone gave me 200000 dollars, i could open up a small company and it would be profitable within six months.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)14:58 No.4458713
    It was the second day that war protesters and union members joined the Occupy Seattle group, which has been protesting corporate greed for a week.

    "It's time for them to pay their fair share!" yelled one Occupy Seattle protester.

    Yet some of the protesters continued to keep paying corporate America.

    The supervisor of a Westlake coffee shop owned by a giant worldwide Seattle-based coffee chain said business is booming during the protest.

    One protester, who was seen sipping a cup of "corporate American" brew from that chain, said, "I don't know what to tell you about that. I got the coffee so I could get the change for the bus to get back home, to tell you the truth."

    As Hardwick observed: "You've got to talk the talk and walk the walk. Some of these people do, and some of these people don't."

    Read more:
    >> CND_Idealist !!+fGWbh1Bhgf 10/09/11(Sun)14:59 No.4458715
    Wall Street protester detected.

    Very simply, where did people find out about the Wall Street protests? From a website, or an image off another blogging site like tumblr.

    >In mid 2011, the Canadian-based group Adbusters Media Foundation, best known for its advertisement-free anti-consumerist magazine called Adbusters, proposed a peaceful occupation of Wall Street to protest corporate influence on democracy

    Why didn't these guys just pick one topic? The "Protest Wall Street" or "Occupy" pages could have a series of online polls where they target the most important issues one at a time. They obviously have made a list of demands, now focus on one each time.

    Or better yet, you can have a non centralized group protest, but invite people to come in groups targetting a certain issue, or with political parties?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)14:59 No.4458717
    But they want to get rid of the capitalist system. They want a planned economy, because they read Marx in high school and it's going to work, trust me!
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)14:59 No.4458719
    She actually blame her situation on politics and capitalism?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:00 No.4458723
    No, they don't. I've actually talked to these chucklefucks, and they have no interest in any system other than capitalism.

    Like you, they think the only alternative to capitalism is a state-run command economy.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:00 No.4458724
    They nurture the same exact Capitalist beliefs than their masters. That's the only reason it's going to fail.
    At least, they could have the decency of eating in Mom & Pop pizzerias and delicatessen. Jesus, they're that retarded.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:02 No.4458726
    I'll bet you think bill o'reilly is supposed to be informative, don't you faggot?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:02 No.4458728
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    Seriously, look at these young liberal faggots who just want hard working people like me and you pay off their debt from getting their art school degree.

    Lazy ass commies.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:03 No.4458730
    She's a woman, so she thinks everything is other people's fault.

    And she's a liberal, so she thinks everything is the rich people's fault.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:03 No.4458732
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    legit complaints no damn idea how to solve the problems an retarded suggestions.

    the whole plan is kinda stupid. move into a place and demand they close. obviously they have nothing to gain if they do that and everything to lose.

    Tea party went opposite. one day protests move on when your done. go back to work the next day. all with the goal of voting out the people you don't like. Dems or bailout Republicans. They achieved their goal mostly. That what happens when you are a bunch of elderly people instead of a bunch of kids.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:03 No.4458734
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    Dear hipster faggots,

    I hear the military is hiring.

    - Anon
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:06 No.4458744
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    >if I block traffic people will listen to me
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:06 No.4458745
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    >more imaginary narrative

    I love how you seem to know the life story of every single protester.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:06 No.4458748
    They don't know what they want, actually.
    And, planned economy is not communism. The goal should be the ownership of the means of production by the workers. It's very simple, but amazingly enough both left and right are too stupid to understand that.
    Money is not a commodity.
    Time is not a commodity.
    Health is not a commodity.
    Education is not a commodity.
    Human lives are not commodities.
    People don't understand the basics of human dignity. Good luck with your protests.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:07 No.4458753
    keep /b/ shit in /b/
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:08 No.4458754
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    You tell 'em, tiger.
    >> CND_Idealist !!+fGWbh1Bhgf 10/09/11(Sun)15:08 No.4458757
    No, they don't. They probably haven't even red Marx.

    You talked to them? Tell me more, you're like Jesus with the lepers. God these people are dumb. How many of them have read a book on economics? On politics? It's not hard to educate yourself.

    PRECISELY. You can't fucking drink Starbucks and say "I don't want to give these people power!" But you give them power every single fucking day.

    The thing is, I'm not against a little bit of consumer goods. Even the most famous anti-capitalists had books from big publishing companies, right? But there's a difference between "I have an iPod and I take very good care of it" and "I need to buy a new Macbook and I need a speaker and I need a new portable charger and...". There's a difference between having a Starbucks muffin and supporting those cunts twice everyday.

    Little stores, 'mom and pop' places give bigger proportions, the people are incredibly sweet, and most of them are run by Asian immigrants which will give you beer without asking for ID.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:09 No.4458762

    >But they want to get rid of the capitalist system

    No, they don't. What's happening on Wall St is not capitalism. That's the fucking point.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:09 No.4458764
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    your Bernie
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:09 No.4458767
    WWII veteran? He should be fucking dead by now.

    People who contribute nothing to society deserve nothing from it.
    >> (ノ´_ゝ`)ノ !MoeMoe/nYc 10/09/11(Sun)15:10 No.4458769
    I don't get the whole dept angle.

    Is college that expensive in the US? How can they rack up $200k?
    Everyone online says that you can get scholarships and government support and pay nothing at all.

    Also, they can calculate exactly what their education will cost them before they start to study and there are statistics about the average pay and job opportunities for certain degrees.
    They are in debt because they are idiots, not because of Wallstreet assholes.

    They should really demonstrate for a completely free university education for everyone who wants one and qualifies instead of whining about the cost after they threw tens of thousands of dollars on a hobby degree that's pretty much worthless.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:10 No.4458773
    They made my generation care about the way they are governed.

    Something I thought completely impossible.

    They have my full support.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:11 No.4458777
    >A system wherein private property is owned privately is not a system wherein private property is owned privately.

    gg no re.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:11 No.4458778

    Just read Ayn Rand, huh?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:11 No.4458779

    >PRECISELY. You can't fucking drink Starbucks and say "I don't want to give these people power!" But you give them power every single fucking day.

    implying you have the power to switch to other coffe when starfucks owns the whole market.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:11 No.4458780
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:11 No.4458781
    lol stupid whore
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:11 No.4458783
    >Is college that expensive in the US? How can they rack up $200k?

    Because they're retards who spend most of their loan money on luxuries (therefore they have to take out more loans) and pick majors with absolutely no worth in the jobs market.
    >> CDN_Idealist !!+fGWbh1Bhgf 10/09/11(Sun)15:11 No.4458786
    >my tripcode was wrong the whole time
    Oh God. I feel like I've been wearing my shirt inside out.

    I like you. Keep posting.

    You're right, I feel people are being pretty judgemental. I've obviously done it this whole thread through. But who are the majority of people in those crowds? Piss off twenty somethings.

    With that said, I feel sorry for them. This protest isn't about changing anything, it's about expressing a feeling of sadness that has swept the Western world.
    >> (ノ´_ゝ`)ノ !MoeMoe/nYc 10/09/11(Sun)15:11 No.4458787
    >Asian immigrants which will give you beer without asking for ID
    Report them to the police; if there's justice they'll be deported.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:12 No.4458788
    >They made my generation care about the way they are governed.

    Not really, they just activated your generation's victim complex.

    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:12 No.4458789
    why didn't you kill yourself, yet?
    >> (ノ´_ゝ`)ノ !MoeMoe/nYc 10/09/11(Sun)15:12 No.4458790
    Your tripcode didn't change.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:14 No.4458793
    Actually, if you talk to physics and math majors, they'll tell you the same thing as someone who majored in Women's Studies. The cost of a college education is rising at an extremely high rate.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:14 No.4458797
    >PRECISELY. You can't fucking drink Starbucks and say "I don't want to give these people power!" But you give them power every single fucking day.


    ok you retard. whats your point exactly?
    >> CDN_Idealist !!+fGWbh1Bhgf 10/09/11(Sun)15:16 No.4458799
    >They should really demonstrate for a completely free university education for everyone who wants one and qualifies instead of whining about the cost after they threw tens of thousands of dollars on a hobby degree that's pretty much worthless.

    How about not drinking coffee? It's not that hard.

    It doesn't matter that some degrees are 'worth nothing on the job market'. People should be able to learn about history, philosophy, foreign language, etc. They might not make it into the 'job market' but they're important things to understand.

    I personally think that people should have the option of writing the exam for free and not take the course. Like the education system tells you what to study, and you can study on your own time. Then you can take the exam for free and get yourself a degree.

    The only issue is things like medical degrees, but in that case you go to medical school which I don't think would allow that.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:16 No.4458800

    >pick majors with absolutely no worth in the jobs market

    Awww, you're adorable. Because everyone with an econ or finance degree has a job now, right?

    Certainly, the higher unemployment rate recent college grads face has to do with an influx of art and film degrees, and not the downfall of the economy, right?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:16 No.4458801
    Espresso machines go for 40 bucks
    grinders for 30. Coffee beans 7- 10 bucks. I make my own.
    >> (ノ´_ゝ`)ノ !MoeMoe/nYc 10/09/11(Sun)15:17 No.4458803
    Picking majors with absolutely no worth in the jobs market is only a problem in a society where one has to pay for education, which is terrible to begin with.

    I need about 350€ a month to live (that includes rent and high speed internet) and I pay another roughly 280€ per semester to my university.
    That puts me at less than 5k€ per year and I lack nothing.
    >> OrangeClock !mnTrFdVIZ2 10/09/11(Sun)15:17 No.4458804
    Destruction of Property? Anarchist, little punk.

    It's bad enough assholes like you trashed my dads store, at the G20 G8 a while back, but to see these little fartmunchers out of prison plotting terror attacks (that's right terror attacks, to local business) is beyond rage worthy. Anti social little fucks, we actually had fucking American teenagers cross the borders just to wreck our city, and all these cowards do i hide behind bandana mask, looting like a pack NlGGERs at the LA riots. I was there that week, and I beat the ever living shit out of this one hooded asshole that climbed through a broken window of a shop. Then, I laid his ass out on the street, for his "kind" to take him back. They just let the guy bleed there, and continued to shout their bullshit.

    You work for what you earn, the world owes you fucking nothing, and the sooner bitches like you realize this, the further along you will be in your shitty life.

    Eat shit Aanarchist hipster bitches, go back to Reddit where you can go mangle an arabs cock.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:18 No.4458806
    >How about not drinking coffee? It's not that hard.

    how about you kill yourself? will solve many of your problems
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:19 No.4458810
    The misguided butthurt in this thread. LOL.

    Whenever someone protest, badly I'll admit, about something worth while, 4chan just bitches about it.

    Whenever some socially dysfunctional people congregate by the dozen while wearing Guy Fawkes masks its OMG, WE ARE LEGIOUN, WE DONOT FORGIVE we do not forget
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:20 No.4458815
    Do you even need to drink coffee? That's like arguing you have no choice in diamonds because DeBeers owns almost all jewellers.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:20 No.4458817
    >Humanities degrees are not necessary.
    >Art, Music, Literature, Philosophy, History are hindrances to progress.
    Spoken like a true cog in the machine.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:20 No.4458819
    >Because everyone with an econ or finance degree has a job now, right?

    You do realize finance and econ degrees are also worthless right?

    >Certainly, the higher unemployment rate recent college grads face has to do with an influx of art and film degrees, and not the downfall of the economy, right?

    It's both.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:20 No.4458820

    I know you would like to dismiss it so easily lest you find yourself under the burden of caring and standing up to the measurements of proving your own self worth; but no. They're pissed about corporate personhood, Glass-Steagall, Citizens United, and a shitload of other things previous generations had no grasp on either because they were yet to come or because they didn't have the damn internet.

    But I'm sorry you can go back to raging about life passing you by and paying you no notice. Safe in your cave of cynical self defeatism.
    >> (ノ´_ゝ`)ノ !MoeMoe/nYc 10/09/11(Sun)15:21 No.4458823
    What I want to say with that is, that I have no idea how one can spend 200k dollars on a 5 year education.

    Thanks to government handouts I only have to pay about 300€ per year out of my own pocket too.
    That's pretty neat.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:21 No.4458826
    Let's take an example from that. The anti Scientology protesters. Unless I'm very much mistaken, I don't recall that many of the protesters gave the cult thousands to take OT courses.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:21 No.4458827
    >You do realize finance and econ degrees are also worthless right?

    $100 K starting for an econ degree at major businesses. They're not worthless, the market is just over-saturated with them, like almost all other degrees.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:21 No.4458828

    your da if fucking idiot who cant handle shit.
    you also are poor fags who cant get proper insurance or hold money back for such situations.
    eat dicks and die you poor fagg.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:22 No.4458831

    This much less ridiculous than the other list I saw. The other list included ending nuclear power, open boarders and a complete wipe-out of debt for the entire planet.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:23 No.4458835
    >Oh, they destroyed my dad's store
    >I won't get allowance this month.
    I feel your pain. Well, not really. Also, your dad is a fucking retard who doesn't have insurance.
    >> CDN_Idealist !!+fGWbh1Bhgf 10/09/11(Sun)15:23 No.4458836
    Thanks for making me feel better, tripfriend.

    Firstly, I don't recall attacking you personally. I did insult the integrity of the protests, but that was aimed at the group rather than an individual. So you calling me a retard is just proof u mad.

    Here's my point: Me and my girlfriend are vegetarians for environmental reasons. Because we're veg for 'green' reasons, it would make no sense to still eat fish like some vegetarians since that is just as bad, if not worse, on the environment. If you believe in something, you need to live it. You shouldn't be a hypocrite.

    But if you are a hypocrite, you need to own up.

    And what does this mean in regards to Wall Street? It means that these people generally are against big business and corporate power. Okay, sounds fine with me. But you don't turn around and say "I hate these people" and then use the things they provide for you at the expense of others. It's hypocritical and makes you look like a spoiled child saying "I don't like big business running my life! But I want my macbook and my Starbucks coffee and my iPod!".

    It's about having some integrity.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:24 No.4458840
    That's what makes them worthless. There's nothing wrong with Art programs or Business programs, it's just that they are being overstaturated since thousands of students graduate with one every single year
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:24 No.4458841
    >>Art, Music, Literature, Philosophy, History are hindrances to progress.

    They are worthless. Why do you think you need a piece of paper to be competent in those fields?

    I can go learn history for free on the internet.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:24 No.4458844
    >Let's take an example from that.

    You need to learn to take examples then.

    Scientology = Pervasive, practically inescapable capitalist system

    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:24 No.4458845
    >"College debt shows up a lot in these stories, actually. It’s more insistently present than housing debt, or even unemployment. That might speak to the fact that the protests tilt towards the young. But it also speaks, I think, to the fact that college debt represents a special sort of betrayal. We told you that the way to get ahead in America was to get educated. You did it. And now you find yourself in the same place, but buried under debt. You were lied to."
    > - “Who are the 99 percent?,” Ezra Klein, The Washington Post

    Personally, I support them. The high percentage of the American political system that is essentially a corporate oligarchy is ridiculous.

    They're complaining about the fact that Wall Stree wrecked the economy three years ago and nobody's been held responsible for that. Not a single person has been indicted or convicted for destroying 20% of America's net worth accumulated over the course of two centuries. That's the real truth of the matter.

    They're people who don't think we should have 24 million people in this country who can't find a job (and no, shut, up, this isn't just a case of 'WORK HARDER), that we should 50 million people in this country who can't see a doctor if they're sick, that we shouldn't have 47 million people in this country who need government help in order to feed themselves, that we shouldn't have 15 million families who owe more on their morgage than the value of their home.

    You know that picture that has two headlines, one that says 'Guy stole $20, given twenty years' and 'CEO stole $20 million, given six months'? Yeah, it's shit like that.
    >> (ノ´_ゝ`)ノ !MoeMoe/nYc 10/09/11(Sun)15:25 No.4458848
    >Enjoy dying in welfare
    You say that like that's a bad thing...

    >as the world starts getting more competitive and manual work becomes obsolete
    That's a problem that can be solved (though it won't) and is not a result of some kind of natural development (unless you consider corruption and the deliberate destruction of societies for profit natural).
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:26 No.4458855
    The issue is that there are fairly few degrees with any actual demand.
    >> (ノ´_ゝ`)ノ !MoeMoe/nYc 10/09/11(Sun)15:27 No.4458856
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    Yeah, why do we even have any kind of institutions to teach people, just rent halls for exams every few months and let people teach themselves.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:27 No.4458857
    >You know that picture that has two headlines, one that says 'Guy stole $20, given twenty years' and 'CEO stole $20 million, given six months'? Yeah, it's shit like that.

    Did you know that the guy who stole $20 committed armed robbery, a felony, while the guy who stole $20 million didn't actually steal the money, but his incompetence let the guy who DID steal the money (and was sentenced to life in prison) go through with his plan?
    >> CDN_Idealist !!+fGWbh1Bhgf 10/09/11(Sun)15:27 No.4458858
    >Anarchist, little punk.
    Firstly, not an anarchist.

    >you trashed my dads store, at the G20 G8 a while back,
    >implying that wasn't the police
    >implying when I said destroy property I meant small businesses and not the publicly and corporate owned goods
    >implying I endorsed it, whereas I actually supported peaceful protest but said if they were going to be violent they could target property owned by rich people rather than hurting individuals physically

    Bawww louder.

    >NlGGERs at the LA riots
    >I beat the ever living shit out of this one hooded asshole
    >I laid his ass out on the street, for his "kind" to take him back.
    And you're saying they're the sociopaths?

    >he world owes you fucking nothing
    We should create a world where human beings receive food, water, education and healthcare. All beings deserve this in order to function.

    You seem upset.
    >> CDN_Idealist !!+fGWbh1Bhgf 10/09/11(Sun)15:28 No.4458862
    Wow you're so edgy.

    Actually, it would be better for people to start adopting rather than having kids. So in the sense of the environmental impact of each human being, you're right.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:28 No.4458864
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    >Did you know that the guy who stole $20 committed armed robbery, a felony

    Did you know that he took the money back, and apologized? Yeah, that's the important part of the story.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:30 No.4458869
    Yeah, I so much want to live in a world populated in overworked engineers who don't know other forms of entertaiment than watching porn and other culture than commieblocks and 12 hour shifts. Even the most primitive cultures have actors, singers and storytellers, once we get rid of artistic extression because it isn't productive and focus purely on the practical pur very existence will become meanningless.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:30 No.4458871

    I thought this one drafted up for #occupydc has been one of the most actionable, achievable, and legal coherent set drafted thus far.

    But on the same note I've hardly been combing through every demand list produced by a horizontally organized body. that's a LOT of lists. Some of which are inevitably going to want world peace etc. We've been in the same wars for over a third of my life. For some of these kids its over half of theirs. The same objective-less wars draining the national budget and they get told straight faced that each year there's less and less money to keep their classes open and operating. Its in their interest to aim for high idealism.
    >> (ノ´_ゝ`)ノ !MoeMoe/nYc 10/09/11(Sun)15:30 No.4458873
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    All of these are the result of a failure of the political system, so people should demonstrate in Washington and not in front of a stock exchange.
    These people bark at the wrong tree.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:31 No.4458874
    >Did you know that he took the money back, and apologized? Yeah, that's the important part of the story.

    That doesn't fucking matter. I can't believe you are actually retarded enough to think his crime is okay because he apologized.

    "Hey, I stole from you and threatened to shoot you, but I gave your stuff back, so it's cool, right?"
    >> CDN_Idealist !!+fGWbh1Bhgf 10/09/11(Sun)15:31 No.4458875
    >finance and econ degrees are also worthless right?
    And what the fuck is a useful degree?

    Same with math and economics. What's your point? Some people love school, some people like getting high marks and degrees.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:32 No.4458882
    >I can't believe you are actually retarded enough to think his crime is okay because he apologized.

    He might have scared the bank teller, but that action alone is hardly worth 20 years in prison. No damage was done that warranted the sentence.
    >> (ノ´_ゝ`)ノ !MoeMoe/nYc 10/09/11(Sun)15:33 No.4458883
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    Well, the first question would be whether they actually broke any law.
    From what I understood very few did, which was the main fucking problem and the reason why they went back to business as usual right after the crisis.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:34 No.4458890
    You're right.

    No one who holds someone at gunpoint should ever be arrested. They didn't cause any damage, so why should they be punished? Someone who threatens to kill you and your family shouldn't be pursued, because it's not like they've actually done anything, right?
    >> (ノ´_ゝ`)ノ !MoeMoe/nYc 10/09/11(Sun)15:34 No.4458892
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    Try possibly traumatized.
    the guy deserved punishment, though hardly 20 years.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:34 No.4458893

    Or maybe both? Like they're doing right now?
    >> OrangeClock !mnTrFdVIZ2 10/09/11(Sun)15:36 No.4458899
    Yeah, honestly I am/ was upset. I guess it was wrong to lump you into the Anarchist bunch,

    With whose money, with your money? It's not in human nature to give everything and expect nothing in return.

    In order to be at the top somebody has to be at the bottom, and that is the nature of things.

    And honestly I never really beat the guy like that more like man handled his ass out and shoved him on the pavement, after I got him out of the store. he was pretty winded, and sort of lied there.

    I am sorry for calling you an Anarchist bitch ( maybe that was a little too far), you just seem like one of those Hippy bitches, that just talk change but never do anything or amount to anything.

    I doubt what I said, hurt you in any way.
    >> (ノ´_ゝ`)ノ !MoeMoe/nYc 10/09/11(Sun)15:37 No.4458903
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    They shouldn't demonstrate in front of the Wallstreet at all.
    It's stupid.
    This is not a problem of the economy and these bankers must not be held accountable for political decisions.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:37 No.4458904
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    Admit it faggots. You're protesting out of blind ass pain and don't have a clue about what you really want.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:37 No.4458906
    >Is college that expensive in the US? How can they rack up $200k?

    I have no clue how they do it. I don't think I could even rack up that much debt if I tried.

    My first two years at college were at a junior college. Semesters were about $1500. But I had a grant that provided $2500 a semester, so I had money left over after all expenses. I had a good GPA so I transferred to a state UNI with a $3500 scholarship. School costs about $5000 a semester here, but the government is paying me for $2700 a semester now, so It's about $2300 a semester, then I got my $3500 scholarship. I'm a junior and I haven't paid a cent. I actually made money a semester going to the junior college. I might look into some other financial aids or grants though, I have just been using this one.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:38 No.4458913
    As an outsider, I find it quite amusing when someone is accused of 'class warfare' for wanting to tax the rich or corporations, and then that same news crew advocate more taxes on the poor.

    Then it gets depressing when you find out that some of these companies are getting massive amounts of government money, essentially paying NEGATIVE tax, and STILL it's apparently wrong to suggest they get taxed more!
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:38 No.4458914
    Well predatory lending was institutionalized. And its legality was only assured by the corrupting manipulation by the financial institutions.

    Or to put it another way; The criminals, being in control, declared themselves to no longer be criminals, all the while committing crimes. When confronted about their crimes they looked aghast and claimed with great sincerity "We aren't criminals, we were absolved by ourselves years ago."

    To say they were in the legal right is to argue the definition of torture.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:39 No.4458915
    No one who holds someone at gunpoint should ever be arrested.

    >They didn't cause any damage, so why should they be punished?

    That's a very good question, one that the law is incapable of answering.

    >Someone who threatens to kill you and your family shouldn't be pursued, because it's not like they've actually done anything, right?

    There's a difference between committing a crime, going back to the crime scene, returning the money and apologizing, and threatening someone's entire family with murder.
    >> CDN_Idealist !!+fGWbh1Bhgf 10/09/11(Sun)15:39 No.4458916
    How about getting rid of punihsment? Punishment is a backwards concept anyway.

    The government and the law are just inventions that serve a function. They do not represent any morality, because there is no such thing save what we choose to impose. The function of the government should be to encourage the most people to reach their personal highs of achievement. The law takes away the freedoms of people to prolong their other rights and freedoms later on. Punishment is just primitive people out for blood.

    The question is not whether or not this man should be punished, the answer is obviously no. The question is "is this man going to continue being a threat to other people?" if so, then put him in jail for however long necessary to rehabilitate. The fact he apologize shows he is capable of being rehabilitated, and pretty quickly. Twenty years is insane.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:39 No.4458917
    I fucking HATE that picture. Do they think the protesters can build their own cameras? Their own cell phones?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:40 No.4458922
    99%ers are really just ignorant cunt who are mad that they made bad decisions.

    >I'll take out loans to study English! I should be entitled to a great job for having skills that 1,000,000 other people have.

    >Our government is wholly owned by wall street, but we want them to have more power to fix all of our bad judgment.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:41 No.4458926
    You hate it because it points to a fundamental problem with their retarded movement. They hate corporations but are more than willing to buy and use their products. Is anyone supposed to take that seriously?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:42 No.4458927
    Their are cellphones, cameras, etc., that are not made by multinational corporations.

    If you're going to blame all corporations, then you should also blame yourself for putting the power in their hands.
    >> (ノ´_ゝ`)ノ !MoeMoe/nYc 10/09/11(Sun)15:43 No.4458933
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    I know all that.
    But it is primarily a political problem.
    You have to make a government that works with humans and not the other way around.

    If people exploit a certain gameplay mechanic in an unintended way to gain unfair advantes, you don't tell them "nono, that's evil, stop" and ban them, you patch the game it until it works as intended.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:45 No.4458939

    What they want is for corporations to stop fucking everyone over.
    >> CDN_Idealist !!+fGWbh1Bhgf 10/09/11(Sun)15:45 No.4458941
    >Yeah, honestly I am/ was upset. I guess it was wrong to lump you into the Anarchist bunch
    It's all good anon. Stay classy, you're clearly a gent.

    >With whose money, with your money?
    With everyone's money, like universal healthcare. Having a well educated population does give back to society. The only issue is that people from my country might immigrate to another country, and our national investment in them goes away.

    >In order to be at the top somebody has to be at the bottom, and that is the nature of things.
    > It's not in human nature to give everything and expect nothing in return.
    What do you base this on? In early hunter-gatherer societies, which make up 99% of human history, there wasn't a real gap between rich and poor, and no one really had means of oppressing anyone else. Women were even treated better. Yes there were gender roles, but since women took care of children and gathered 2/3 of all calories consumed by the group, they were valuable to society. Things didn't start to go bad for women until men started getting paid for their work, and women didn't get paid for theirs. This objectivist, capitalist ideal is not how humans have acted or behaved for the majority of history.

    >sort of lied there.
    Cool you can admit that, bro.

    >doubt what I said, hurt you in any way.
    Definitely. It's 4chan, no one really gives a shit. It's nice how civil you are, though. Thanks.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:47 No.4458950
    >If people exploit a certain gameplay mechanic in an unintended way to gain unfair advantes, you don't tell them "nono, that's evil, stop" and ban them, you patch the game it until it works as intended.

    This analogy would only work if those who are exploiting the game were using it to spawncamp and generally grief everyone else, and are in fact also trying to make it harder and harder for the exploit to be fixed.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:48 No.4458959
    Not deleted yet
    >> CDN_Idealist !!+fGWbh1Bhgf 10/09/11(Sun)15:48 No.4458960
    Pretty much. This protest isn't about goals, it's about catharsis.

    With that said, I hate the 'you used something made by a corporation, hypocrite!'. There's a difference from having a camera from a corporation, taking care of it, having it last years and being a consumerist. You need the camera to record potential police abuse, and people need to get together somehow. Even the original Marxists had books that came from publishing companies. There's a difference between using the things around you intelligently and conservatively and being a hypocritical idiot who acts like a spoiled child.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:49 No.4458963

    The majority of protesters don't want corporations to disappear. The more intelligent of them realise that most corporations provide cheap, effective goods and services. What they are protesting against isn't the fact that Nikon makes cameras, or Gap makes shirts, but rather that many of these corporations do not pay the legally mandated levels of tax, use frivolous loopholes to avoid legal obligations, pay unacceptably low wages that are intended to keep workers in poverty, use their money to purchase political favours and power in Washington and collectively have created a cartel that excludes any possibility of competition and works only to increase their own profits and power rather than improve the living standards of the people of this country.

    Indeed, would you complain to the Libyan rebels that they were using gasoline in their trucks which had been subsidised by Colonel Gadaffi? Would you spurn North Korean democracy activists for wearing clothes produced in government factories?

    This isn't a boycott, it's a protest. What the protesters are wearing, eating, drinking etc. is largely irrelevant, what matters are their ideas, their demands and their ultimate goal. If you're focusing on anything else then you're just deflecting the argument.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:49 No.4458964
    >Is college that expensive in the US? How can they rack up $200k?

    It's expensive if:
    - you're a retard who believes he must go to an ivy league school to study humanities
    - you go to an out of state school with no clear
    - you were a dumb fuck and didn't apply for scholarships

    It's very easy to get a college education at a reasonably low cost if you actually think it out and plan accordingly.
    For example: attending a community college for 1 or 2 years to take care of bullshit general education requirements and then moving on to a university for your actual major-related classes can save you a TON of money.

    Being smart enough to actually be prepared for a college education means you can get all kinds of scholarships - you just have to not be a lazy fuck and apply for them.

    In fact, some states offer defacto scholarships based on high grades, that are good at any instate school. But getting good grades is hard - I just wanna party every weekend!
    >> OrangeClock !mnTrFdVIZ2 10/09/11(Sun)15:50 No.4458968
    Well that's the problem, they never own up to anything just like that Cdn Idealist guy, he wants to the world to pay for his and other peoples fuck ups. And just doesn't get it, to be successful, you have to use people.

    Not everyone is equal and the quicker people realize this, people will learn there place. If you are dealt a shitty hand by being born poor the most you can ever do is try to advance yourself, you may not reap the rewords in this life, but your children will be closer to it.

    Everyone is just a cog in the machine, everyone has a set function, to sit and bitch and demand change without doing anything or trying to improve themselves. Is counter-productive, why don’t people try to be successful and then impose their change or ideal on other people.

    Like I said before why does world owe you a living?
    >> (ノ´_ゝ`)ノ !MoeMoe/nYc 10/09/11(Sun)15:51 No.4458973
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    So instead of going to the government to try and fix it, you focus on the evil doers and hope that they do what you ask of them?

    Don't misunderstand me, I doubt that it's possible to revert the current government to a non-corrupt clean and democratic state.
    >> CDN_Idealist !!+fGWbh1Bhgf 10/09/11(Sun)15:52 No.4458976
    >They didn't cause any damage, so why should they be punished?
    >That's a very good question, one that the law is incapable of answering.

    What, no. A crime is defined as doing something with the mind to commit a crime and the action to carry it out. Doesn't matter if the action failed for whatever reason (the robber slips and hits his head on a counter), there was the mind and action that makes it a crime.

    The law is not to punish, but to protect. Someone had the mind and the action (regardless of that actions success) to hurt the public, therefore the level of threat and ability to be rehabilitated must be taken into consideration.

    With that said, I don't see this man as much of a threat.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:52 No.4458977
    wow, get fucked faggot.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:52 No.4458978
    >There's a difference between using the things around you intelligently and conservatively and being a hypocritical idiot who acts like a spoiled child.

    >using the things around you intelligently and conservatively
    >hypocritical idiot who acts like a spoiled child.

    Now really, in a sea of college hipsters, which do you think is more likely?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:52 No.4458980
    Those protesters are the kind of people who can see a problem and demand it get fixed, but don't have the foresight or knowledge to come up with a solution that works. They believe that its the corporations who are at fault for them not having jobs, even though they don't realize that these same corporations desperately want to expand and grow, which would allow them to create jobs, but are unable to because of all the new government red-tape and regulations placed on the economy that has been introduced over the past four years.

    The truth of the matter is these people are going after the wrong institutions. Its not the corporations who are at fault, its the federal government's fault. Ever since the government began bailing out corporations and gaining more influence on how the economy runs, the economy has been suffering. No jobs are being created not because the corporations don't want to create them (that would be counterproductive in a corporation's interests), its because they can't due to all the uncertainty and regulations that stifle their ability to hire and expand. If you want to blame the right people, don't blame the corporations or the CEO's who run them. Blame the government, because they are the real ones at fault.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:54 No.4458984
    Hey, Jack Ass, don't bother changing your trip.
    >> CDN_Idealist !!+fGWbh1Bhgf 10/09/11(Sun)15:54 No.4458990
    How do you know that they didn't buy them used?

    How do you know that that electronic isn't one of few luxuries they provide themselves?
    >> (ノ´_ゝ`)ノ !MoeMoe/nYc 10/09/11(Sun)15:57 No.4458996
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    Yeah, corporations want to benefit everyone and if there was no regulation everyone would have a nice safe, secure job and would earn enough to feed himself and his family.

    If only the filthy government wouldn't force them to adhere to standards and pay their workers, which they would do on their own anyway, everyone would be wealthy and happy and probably be his own boss.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)16:00 No.4459010
    >even though they don't realize that these same corporations desperately want to expand and grow, which would allow them to create jobs, but are unable to because of all the new government red-tape and regulations placed on the economy that has been introduced over the past four years.

    Oh come off it, I can't believe you're blaming government red tape. I bet you whooped for Bachmann when she said they should remove regulations on food?

    Is 'federal red tape' that why the Bank of America posted $3.7 Billion Q2 net profits, then fired 30,000 employees in Q3?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)16:00 No.4459011

    Go here NOW to find out how YOU can help the cause. Stop reading this, get out and show the government that the silent majority won't take the noisy, rich, evil minorities shit any more.
    >> CDN_Idealist !!+fGWbh1Bhgf 10/09/11(Sun)16:01 No.4459014
    >he wants to the world to pay for his and other peoples fuck ups.
    Sup, bro. What 'fuck ups'? I don't think I've fucked up.

    >And just doesn't get it, to be successful, you have to use people.
    Ever hear of the original affluent society? Yeah. That's where people naturally had tons of leisure time and oppression was not severe since there were no means of oppression. Nobody was getting fucked over. But thanks for your contribution, Ayn Rand.

    >Not everyone is equal and the quicker people realize this
    I wan to paraphrase Atticus Finch: "Not all men are equal, some ladies bake better pies than others. But there is a place where all people should be treated equal, in the courts." Of course not all people are born equal, but people should be treated equally.

    >you are dealt a shitty hand by being born poor the most you can ever do is try to advance yourself, you may not reap the rewords in this life, but your children will be closer to it.
    This is sick. Why should someone toil in the dirt, giving it their all just to get their children in a slightly better position while some rich man can make his spoiled brat's every dream come true?

    >Like I said before why does world owe you a living?
    The world doesn't owe you a living, but it owes you the things that help you make a living if it expects you to give back to that society. You can't have a society where people shaft each other and then expect the people that got shafted to work hard, make money and then give back to their communities. It's better to allow everyone to have the things that allow individuals to make their own living, like education, food, sanitation and healthcare.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)16:01 No.4459021
    Yeah, only people who reinvented the wheel have the right to protest. Also, the CEOs made all that stuff with their own bare hands.
    >> CDN_Idealist !!+fGWbh1Bhgf 10/09/11(Sun)16:02 No.4459023
    You got me there, bro.
    >> (ノ´_ゝ`)ノ !MoeMoe/nYc 10/09/11(Sun)16:02 No.4459024
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    30,000 people will have much more free time now!
    Some of them will post more on 4chan and improve our community!
    And the profits will trickle down, so nobody lost any income!
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)16:02 No.4459025
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    Because clearly, things like (pic related) are the fault of the government.

    Wall St: "Hey, instead of lowering the CEO to average worker salary ratio, let's just fire thousands of people and act confused when they protest our shit."
    >> OrangeClock !mnTrFdVIZ2 10/09/11(Sun)16:04 No.4459037
    What, I speak the truth, you can either choose to accept reality, or live in a pot induced dream. I can assume you lived in a pretty sheltered life, that you have no idea how the world works, you assume people are either black or white, but what about the people who live in the grey? Why do you have such a hang up with Morality? Not everyone is a hivemind like yourself.
    >> (ノ´_ゝ`)ノ !MoeMoe/nYc 10/09/11(Sun)16:07 No.4459052
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    Wealth is not finite, just because some people earn more than others doesn't mean these others earn little!
    This statistic means nothing!
    The GPD is the only relevant economic index!
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)16:07 No.4459053
    things like that are results of government intervention- removing any aspect of risk for large amounts of investment through bailouts and raising the cost of regulation compliance to shut out smaller competitors leads to fewer, larger corporations that have a larger gap between worker and CEO.
    >> (ノ´_ゝ`)ノ !MoeMoe/nYc 10/09/11(Sun)16:09 No.4459067
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    That makes a lot of sense!
    It's absolutely not inane, baseless bullshit!
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)16:10 No.4459068

    Actually it's a result of government non-intervention.

    Some governments cap that ratio. But if we did that here, Murdoch's pseudo-libertarian minions would cry about "big government coming into our lives, taking our guns and making us all get abortions!"
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)16:10 No.4459073
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    American Idiosincrasy, born from Calvinism. "If you're poor is because you're lazy and it's your fault!"

    You're pathetic kid. Nobody in the history has been remembered for being a lazy conformist son of a bitch like you. Get your fat ass off your chair and start fighting for your fucking rights. Wasn't your joke-nation born for freedom? Then go and get it, faggot.
    >> CDN_Idealist !!+fGWbh1Bhgf 10/09/11(Sun)16:10 No.4459074
    Like how you only responded to the quips and not the actual posts that disagreed with you in detail.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)16:12 No.4459086
    thank fucking god for OWS - it's the only thing on the left here with any energy, passion, attention, etc.

    i don't really care that they don't have clear demands.

    i just want to see people in the streets from the left of Obama so we can try to pull this country's politics a bit farther left after the fucking republicans have pulled them so far right so quickly.
    >> CDN_Idealist !!+fGWbh1Bhgf 10/09/11(Sun)16:12 No.4459087
    >Wasn't your joke-nation born for freedom?
    >implying the American revolution wasn't a result of rich white men getting buttmad they were losing money due to the Stamp Act
    >implying that more than 1/3 of the Americans actually supported the revolution

    It wasn't born for freedom, it was born for profit.

    With that said, the Puritan work ethic is largely why US is the way it is.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)16:12 No.4459089

    B-b-but Liberal Arts students!
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)16:15 No.4459098
    Considering that all treasury related positions are occupied by ex goldmann sachs employees.
    >> OrangeClock !mnTrFdVIZ2 10/09/11(Sun)16:16 No.4459104
    Whose going to make the first move, to this better world, are you going to be at the forefront, devoting yourself 100% for your "Ideal". Or, are you going to hang back, and live like your normally do, pandering towards your own self interest (Job, family, and lifestyle) Are you an activist, you certainly preach of change and activism, yet I doubt you volunteer or campaign.

    I personally live in the grey area of morality, I help others, so as I can help myself.

    From self experience for instance, I sat on the University's student union as a councilor was elected 4 years in a row, I was on plenty of committees, held office hours, dealt with special interest groups, planned events. Yes, I helped others, but in return I got a padded resume and references out the ass. So, if that makes me a selfish prick, then so be it. I did my time, and I will still do my time, how about you?

    What have you done for you fellow man, except preach on the soap box, and beat the drum. Have you organized, campaigned, or have you just moaned and bitched, like the socialist whore you are.

    You only get out of life what you put into it.
    >> (ノ´_ゝ`)ノ !MoeMoe/nYc 10/09/11(Sun)16:16 No.4459105
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    Well, there's your meritocracy.
    Doesn't /int/ fap over that?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)16:19 No.4459117
    >living from daddy's allowance
    >not a sheltered life
    Go back mopping the floor of the store, lazy ass, or no dessert for you tonight.
    >> Krautfag !XWLJXfUZXA 10/09/11(Sun)16:19 No.4459118
         File1318191569.jpg-(99 KB, 318x358, 1297299353350.jpg)
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    >Like I said before why does world owe you a living?
    The world doesn't owe you a living per se, it's just that most people worldwide think it's a sign of civilization in a society to give those born unlucky a leg up. Of course you don't have to agree, but well, most people do.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)16:19 No.4459121

    >I personally live in the grey area of morality, I help others, so as I can help myself.

    Morally ambiguous tough guy.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)16:20 No.4459127
    You got a great imagination. And no means to support any of your bullshit claims.
    >> CDN_Idealist !!+fGWbh1Bhgf 10/09/11(Sun)16:25 No.4459147
    >Whose going to make the first move, to this better world, are you going to be at the forefront, devoting yourself 100% for your "Ideal". Or, are you going to hang back, and live like your normally do, pandering towards your own self interest (Job, family, and lifestyle) Are you an activist, you certainly preach of change and activism, yet I doubt you volunteer or campaign.
    Ad hominem attacks, that doesn't address any of the issues we were talking about. And I don't want to enter some morality pissing contest.

    >I did my time, and I will still do my time, how about you?
    Ad hominem.

    You didn't refute anything I said. You just went on about some volunteer work you do, assumed I don't do anything (based on nothing) and said that refutes my argument. lern2argue.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)16:25 No.4459150

    Sarcasm noted. That being said, lets dissect your argument.

    >Yeah, corporations want to benefit everyone

    Corporations function by providing a service and get paid by delivering on the services they provide. That being the case, if a corporation wishes to be profitable, then the people who run said corporations should aim for providing a service that many people want. The better the service, the better the chances of getting more people to accept and use the services that they provide.

    So yes, a corporation aims to benefit as many people as possible.

    >if there was no regulation everyone would have a nice safe, secure job and would earn enough to feed himself and his family.

    You fail to realize that regulations can be both good and bad. Of course there should be minimal safety standards and laws in place to allow an acceptable minimum wage, nobody is arguing on things such as that. The problems come about when too many regulations exist, especially on things that shouldn't be regulated to begin with. When you have too many regulations on the economy, it begins to stifle the growth of businesses and makes it much harder for businesses to hire workers. And now with there being about 10-11 new regulations per day on average, corporations are hesitant to hire new employees because the future of the economy is very uncertain.

    So yes, over-regulation does hurt the economy and puts people out of work.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)16:25 No.4459151

    So, children born in Vietnam/Taiwan who work 15 hours/day for 2 dolars per month who make your Nike trainers deserve it. The same way a child born in a multimillionar family and don't moving a finger in his life deserves it.

    Boy, you need to see a doctor.
    >> OrangeClock !mnTrFdVIZ2 10/09/11(Sun)16:26 No.4459155
    I worked at Safeway as a meat cutter, and at customer service, during university, wasn't full time as I had a huge course load, and after school stuff. Also, I paid for my University, stop trying to be a jerk off.

    Thanks, well I don't fully agree with some people here, I still see some validity in some of their points. Unlike, some people who just rage and shout crap at me. Saying crap like I am evil, or a bastard.

    Never said I was a bad ass, but yeah I can say with certainty, I have the respect of my peers irl. What do I symbolize everything you hate?
    >> Krautfag !XWLJXfUZXA 10/09/11(Sun)16:29 No.4459163
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    >> CDN_Idealist !!+fGWbh1Bhgf 10/09/11(Sun)16:29 No.4459166
    >providing a service that many people want. The better the service, the better the chances of getting more people to accept and use the services that they provide.
    >So yes, a corporation aims to benefit as many people as possible.
    No, they seek to improve the lives of the people who can afford their products. Companies regularly outsource to countries without human rights and actively push down attempts to unionise. This isn't 'as many people' it's servicing the rich people at the expense of poor people in other countries.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)16:30 No.4459172
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    Corporations aims for owner's profit, fucktard. Also, over-regulation is far better than under-regulation, retard. Stop lying yourself.
    >> CDN_Idealist !!+fGWbh1Bhgf 10/09/11(Sun)16:31 No.4459173
    >What do I symbolize everything you hate?
    Because instead of actually debating you shout 'stupid liberal anarchist probably doesn't volunteer therefore your ideas invalid' rather than refuting the central point.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)16:31 No.4459174
    Nobody has to believe your bullshit without evidence. But clearly, you are unable to grasp such a simple concept.
    >> CDN_Idealist !!+fGWbh1Bhgf 10/09/11(Sun)16:31 No.4459178
    Mr./int/commie, I like you.

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