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    File : 1317675995.jpg-(88 KB, 642x370, evolution-assholes.jpg)
    88 KB Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)17:06 No.4433183  
    America could be such an amazing country. Most of the states have amazing places, good people, interesting food, great culture, etc.

    So why do you let yourselves get weighed down by these retards?
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)17:08 No.4433191
    It is impossible to convince them otherwise as 90% of them have it ingrained into their heads fromm the time they were five...and we can't just KILL them.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)17:10 No.4433201
    >launches a thread about the influence and the importance of religion in the US
    >not expecting a shitstorm

    pick both
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)17:11 No.4433206
    I'd support concentration camps and forced sterilization for these retards.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)17:12 No.4433207
    Actually, in comparison to what Christian's are normally like, the one in the image is pretty intelligent. He can continue what he does.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)17:18 No.4433223
    Snooty European here: America actually IS a pretty great country.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)17:19 No.4433227
    No matter how intolerable some of the religious extremists get, I'll never hate them more than I hate militant atheists like you
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)17:20 No.4433234
    someone has to farm the fields to feed us all, and it sure isn't going to be someone with a bio degree
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)17:23 No.4433249
    I choose to believe they'll die off as we progress further. I'm not anti-religious and would hate to see the end of all religion (it's such a great part of our culture, after all), but extremists are useless.

    He seems to accept evolution, which is good, but the phrasing of his question makes it clear he's a stuck-up retard.

    Only flat-earthers deserve forced sterilization.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)17:28 No.4433272
    Along with 9/11 truthers and people who claim we didn't land on the moon.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)17:28 No.4433273
    Oh right, forgot about them.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)17:38 No.4433327
    The 'God's day could be our 1000 years' is not in line with what most of the mainstream religious right believes. Creationists to this day argue that Earth is 9k years old, which is why I'm inclined to believe that that guy's either catholic or orthodox.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)17:40 No.4433337
    >implying the Earth is not, in fact, 6000-7000 years old
    >implying the Bible is not the word of God
    If the Bible is not the word of God, why does it say so in the Bible? Stupid atheists can't even answer that.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)17:48 No.4433373
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    I really have to question the validity of the OP's seriousness on the subject when his pic is a screen-cap of a question from YahooAnwers which is pretty much troll mecca, or I guess a modded 4Chan.

    Pic Unrelated
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)17:53 No.4433394
    American here. No one gives a fuck about these people. They have no influence other than electing fucktards who are fiscal conservatives anyways.

    Bigger threat is economic leftists.

    Oh and if you aren't American and believe all Americans are like this then you're fucking retarded.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)17:55 No.4433403
    Define "economic leftists."
    Do you mean non-libertarians?
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)17:57 No.4433415

    Catholics arent like that. The catholic church officially recognizes evolution as a valid theory. There are relatively few Catholics in the deep south. The real bible bashers are the baptists, Methodists and evangelicals, all Protestant groups that are offshoots of Catholicism and thus not followers of the original strain of Christianity.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)17:58 No.4433423
    >bible bashers
    I hope you mean "bible thumpers" because "bible bashers" is something else entirely.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:01 No.4433443

    They were the first established Christian search, dealwithit.jpg
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:05 No.4433458
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    >They have no influence
    So is that why we are having discussions as to whether or not to teach creationism along side evolution in schools?
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:06 No.4433465
    >evolution is real
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:07 No.4433472
    Gays are actually allowed to join the priesthood, just as long as they promise not to do anything gay.

    Those only happen in the bad parts of the country.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:10 No.4433482
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    >Be American
    >Live in New York State
    >Everyone's face when creationism

    Feels good man. I can't speak for the South though, from what I've seen it's basically a theocracy down there.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:10 No.4433484

    >implying it isn't

    not even catholic
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:11 No.4433490
    It's like that here in Massachusetts, too.

    feels good man
    >> Yashio !AonCWbV4Nw 10/03/11(Mon)18:11 No.4433493
    Most Americans don't know that the founding fathers wherent god worshiping bible humpers.
    Thus people are fucking stupid as shit when it comes to religion. Also most of them are uncultured bourgeois swine who don't understand global culture in general. Fucking annoying. America needs more cultured people and deport all the bourgeois swine back to Africa/Purto Rico.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:12 No.4433497
    But why does america foster this type of extremism much better than other countries?
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:16 No.4433505
    Probably because we had a religious revival in the 19th century, just as other "civilized" countries were finally coming around to the Enlightenment ideals we'd embraced 50 or so years prior.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:16 No.4433515
    > from what I've seen it's basically a theocracy down there.
    Err, it's not like the South has the Christian equivalent of Sharia law. I went to high school in Minnesota and Georgia, and the only difference I noticed in Georgia was that when evolution came up, the teacher would usually end the otherwise normal lesson by saying, 'but of course, some religions believe differently'. No preaching, no gross misinformation, just that line. Maybe it's different in smaller areas (I was in Savannah) but I can't imagine there's really public schools that teach Jesus riding dinosaurs.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:17 No.4433517
    I live in Pennsylvania. The only person I ever knew who was a creationist was a batshit crazy right wing tea bagger.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:24 No.4433555
    Because the retards are a majority. Most of those are rather lazy retards, but they'll vote with the more active ones.

    >Define "economic leftists."
    Do you mean non-libertarians?

    Yeah, that's no doubt that's what that retard meant.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:35 No.4433621
    The catholic church does not consider being gay a sin and considers homosexuality influenced by genetics
    however, gay acts are considered sinful, along with pretty much everything else, they're alright with it as long as you feel bad and repent
    >> Why? Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:46 No.4433673
    Why do the French get weighed down by cowardly, chain smoking, wine drinking, cheese eating pussies?

    Why do the Arabs get weighed down by batshit insane, Allah loving, Western hating, suicidal extremists?

    Why do the Mexicans get weighed down by lazy, drug-smuggling, burrito eating, job stealing illegal immigrants?

    Why do the Chinese get weighed down by poor as fuck, Engrish-speak, cat-eating commies?

    Why do the Germans get weighed down by Nazis?

    Why do the Libyians get weighed down by plutonium giving, AK-74 wielding, driving a bus to go shoot the Doc terrorists?

    Why does /int/ get weighed down by narrow-minded, elitist Eurotrash with an opinion, who only see America for the negative stereotypes that the media has cultivated?

    So why does no one understand that 1/4 of the whole world is incompotent? Why does no one understand that there are fucking stereotypes all over the goddamn world? Why the fuck can people take 5 minutes, just FIVE minutes, to go and learn something new? Why can't, instead of bitching about the 1/4th of the populace who conform to negative stereotypes, you just go out and meet a new friend from America and find out that not everyone is a bible thumping, Jesus loving, black-folk hating, mentally retarded redneck?

    Tell me, why?

    tl;dr: Sterotypes =/= all people in the country. Start using your head for once.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:48 No.4433684

    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:53 No.4433707
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    Oh boy here we go again, yet another Eurotrash hipster who thinks "culture" means "ancient ruins left by a completely different civilization" and doesn't realize that American movies, television, and music being recognized and enjoyed all over the world means that America is the dominant culture.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:54 No.4433712
    Why so asspained?
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:55 No.4433716
    >interesting food

    i lol'd hard
    america has no typical food besides hamburguer and apple pie. Americans favorite foods are things like sushi, tacos or italian food
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:57 No.4433723
    Everything must have a necessary drawback.

    If a world is totally good or prosperous, then it would be boring.

    China is prosperous, but they're censoring dicks.

    USA is powerful, but they're warmongering idiots.

    Canada is peaceful and prosperous, but they're weak in clout.

    You can't have your cake and eat it too.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:58 No.4433733
    I don't want to write anything lengthy (and I'm sure you don't want to read anything lengthy), so here is the short version:

    The Christian American generally falls into one of three categories.

    1. Religious, knowledgeable, and follows a peace-loving, 'help thy neighbor' type of Christ. Although not perfect, this person is usually a great citizen.

    2. Has a good heart but is misguided by false doctrine. Will vote and speak against things that Christ, if he were alive today, would be for. It is hard to place blame on this person because they truly do have potential, and desire, to be a good person.

    3. Has genuine hate in his/her heart. Claims Christianity but is against its core tenants. Beyond this, the person uses Christianity to promote things that the religion is categorically against: War, greed, etc. This is a genuinely evil person, but it is important not to confuse people of the other categories with one of these people.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:58 No.4433734

    Religous folks actually don't hold anyone down. They don't do much in general.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)19:04 No.4433754
    you should get out and meet more people. Living in yor mom's basement is bad for you.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)19:06 No.4433765
    America does not have a culture of it's own, because what it does have is an amalgamation of populations and cultures.
    It's not "lololamerica cannot into ancient history", it's "There is no such thing as a unified American culture".
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)19:08 No.4433771
    British culture grew out of Celtic and Roman culture, French culture out of Roman and German, and Italy is just Rome 2: Electric Boogaloo.

    What's your point?
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)19:10 No.4433782
    No, that's multiculti gobbledegook. There exists a national culture among American Anglophones and not recognizing that is idiotic.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)19:15 No.4433804
    My point is that the "America has no culture" thing is more complicated than the lack of prehistoric ruins.

    Oh and your points don't work.
    There is such a thing as a unified English/Italian/German culture, where it came from has nothing to do with it.
    Not that your assessment of Italy is not completely wrong.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)19:17 No.4433815

    American culture is an amalgamation of a great many cultures, and differ by state/region. For instance, New York New Orleans are vastly different. But the states ARE our culture. That America has no 'overarching culture' is like that antiquated 'Britons have yellow' teeth myth. Chances are, you encounter and actively participate in our culture daily.

    >For instance, you're visiting this website, and American euphemisms, colloquialisms, and American English are often quoted and parodied, everywhere.

    Feels good.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)19:18 No.4433821
    You'd have to narrow it down more than that actually.
    The way of life, the way one speaks, acts, as well as the architecture and art of Americans vary so wildly between areas and different groups even among anglophones that just declaring them all to be "American" is denying the diversity and history of the American people-scape.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)19:20 No.4433831
    But it's not, it's just Europoors with an inferiority complex pretending that America doesn't have culture.

    We do have culture. We have food, we have media, we have novels, we have television, we have music. All that is culture.

    Don't forget that jazz and rock, two of the most influential genres of music in the 20th century, are quintessentially American.

    There is a "unified American culture," and it, not coincidentally, shares quite a bit with Californian/Hollywood culture, because the two so constantly influence each other. There are also many, many local cultures, each with their own influences and traditions, which is true of literally any large country.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)19:21 No.4433834
    >British culture grew out of Celtic

    no it didn't, it grew out of Roman and English culture, and British isn't an ethnicity
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)19:22 No.4433838

    >Can't into New York, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, or Texas
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)19:23 No.4433843
    Well, if we're going to go that way, then English culture grew out of Roman and Celtic culture.

    There were Celts and Romans, and over time they became Englishmen.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)19:26 No.4433854
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    Some of the best posts I've seen here on /int/. Thanks, Anons.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)19:32 No.4433871

    Right. After the nineteenth century, modern Britannians really don't relate with Celtic culture. However, Britain itself has had many influences: Germanic, Roman, Norse (Danes?), French, and Welsh in that order, I believe. The Celtic bit died out after England became competitive with France in the eleventh century, but still has a place in pubs.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)19:32 No.4433872

    >and we can't just KILL them.

    Well not with that attitude.

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