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  • Kimmo Alm aka "Sysop" from AnT has been spamming us for YEARS now, and has recently stepped it up. This shit has got to fucking stop.
    As promised, here are all of the e-mails he has sent me over the years (and my responses).
    ↑ UPDATED March 16th! ↑
    One of Kimmo's ex-moderators posted hundreds of PMs. They are absolutely hilarious/terrifying.

    File : 1268569890.jpg-(94 KB, 604x453, africans.jpg)
    94 KB WhiteS'thAfrican !Jz5XhIZE4Q 03/14/10(Sun)08:31 No.438198  
    Ask a White South African thread 2.0.

    Last thread devolved into a racism thread, let's try do better this time.

    I will answer any question with 100% honesty.

    Pic related, South Africans
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)08:32 No.438200
    Why are you such a nigger?
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)08:32 No.438204
    Are you mixed? becuase you have the bone structure of a negro.
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)08:33 No.438210
    How many niggers have you shot so far?
    >> WhiteS'thAfrican !Jz5XhIZE4Q 03/14/10(Sun)08:34 No.438212
    I am not
    I am not
    I've never fired a gun :{
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)08:34 No.438213
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)08:34 No.438214
    Do you own a nigger? If so, what do you feed your nigger?
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)08:35 No.438220
    Where do you hide your dead niggers?
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)08:35 No.438221
    That girl on the far right, she's quite fat but her boobs look OK. Has she ever had sex with a nigger?
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)08:36 No.438225
    Did a nigger take that photo?
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)08:36 No.438228

    >> WhiteS'thAfrican !Jz5XhIZE4Q 03/14/10(Sun)08:36 No.438230
    Those fokken creatures tried to mate with us
    Well I have a maid, or "domestic worker" who we pay just above minimum wage to wash our clothes and scrub our floors. She eats eggs.
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)08:36 No.438231

    >I've never fired a gun :{

    Try it, it's liberating. Even if you don't fire it on a nigger.
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)08:36 No.438233
    bru.....I love to say the word LEKKER!
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)08:36 No.438237
    Do you live in a walled community in constant fear of being raped?
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)08:36 No.438238
    Then who was nigger?
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)08:37 No.438246

    OMG, this guy is right. You're a fucking racist whore, OP. YOU SHOULD HANG OUT WITH NIGGERS.
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)08:38 No.438251
    Go back to /x/
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)08:38 No.438254
    We are all trolled. OP is clearly a nigger posting from a PC stolen from his white overlords.
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)08:38 No.438257
    Did the movie 'District 9' happened for real? Or is it just a satire for niggers?
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)08:39 No.438260
    How's the weather?
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)08:39 No.438262

    Speaking of, when will the sequel be released? Or is there a sequel at all?
    >> WhiteS'thAfrican !Jz5XhIZE4Q 03/14/10(Sun)08:39 No.438264
    In the Transkei
    She hasn't. Her boobs are amazing I flirt with them all the time. Fuck goddamn I love them. She's in Norway atm
    No but I think it was a fat chick
    I have some black friends. Blacks don't really see the point of camping though ("but my house is just like this place why did we drive all the way here??")
    Our laws here are pretty strict. I probably will when I move to Europe.
    Awe dude that word is poes cool
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)08:39 No.438267
    Thoughts about world cup?
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)08:40 No.438274
    Any white South African who isn't embracing the glorious black culture he opressed so hard is a raving racist and should instantly give away all his belongings to those poor victims.
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)08:41 No.438277

    >She hasn't. Her boobs are amazing I flirt with them all the time. Fuck goddamn I love them. She's in Norway atm

    Post moar pics of the fat chick.
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)08:42 No.438283
    Are you the guy on the far left? You look like a prawn.
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)08:43 No.438289
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)08:44 No.438299
    Why was Wikus girlfriends father such a bitch?
    >> WhiteS'thAfrican !Jz5XhIZE4Q 03/14/10(Sun)08:45 No.438302
    No I live in a suburb of Cape Town. We have no gated communities here. ('cept prisons)
    Nah that's not true black people love me. Doesn't mean I don't want to get the fuck away from the majority of them though (the unemployed bummish ones)
    It has some aspects of satire. For example the name "district 9" is inspired by the apartheid naming system. Coloured and black locations were called districts and given a number. Heard of District 6?
    Most of the time it's very pleasant. One of the major pros for living here. The other pro is a relatively low cost of living.
    I doubt it. It would ruin it.
    It will be the most underattended world cup in history. Our government/sports governing body are fucking retarded for not banning the vuvuzela. I expect people will even start turning off their tvs because they're unable to stand the annoying constant droning BZZZZZZZZZZZZ
    >> WhiteS'thAfrican 03/14/10(Sun)08:46 No.438313
    Any more questions guys?
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)08:47 No.438316
    Why do you keep atentionwhoring?
    Nobody cares about you or your country. We already asked all we wanted to ask in the last thread.
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)08:47 No.438318
    Is life in South Africa...African?

    I'm asking this because there's people saying that SA is like Europe in Africa.
    >> WhiteS'thAfrican !Jz5XhIZE4Q 03/14/10(Sun)08:50 No.438336
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    Or I could just get the fuck out? I was born only one year before the end of Apartheid you know.
    What makes you say that?
    Would you want Wikus as a son-in-law?
    I'm sure I have some saved let me look
    >> WhiteS'thAfrican !Jz5XhIZE4Q 03/14/10(Sun)08:52 No.438350
    Africa often accuses us of being Eurocentric. We try to be just like you guys but we have some obvious limitations
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)08:52 No.438351
    Hoow many black people has your father killed ? How does he feel about it ?
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)08:52 No.438353

    >I'm sure I have some saved let me look

    Do it fast, I want to take a shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)08:53 No.438355
    Do your white friends get raped on a constant basis?
    >> WhiteS'thAfrican !Jz5XhIZE4Q 03/14/10(Sun)08:55 No.438368
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    He was a pacifist during the war. He was involved in community outreach programs.
    I don't know anyone who's been raped except this fuggo attention whore who was probably lying about it
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)08:57 No.438384

    >> WhiteS'thAfrican !Jz5XhIZE4Q 03/14/10(Sun)09:00 No.438401
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    dont be so impolite you make me feel like a pimp
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)09:01 No.438406
    Are you gay?

    Serious question.
    >> WhiteS'thAfrican !Jz5XhIZE4Q 03/14/10(Sun)09:03 No.438421
    No I have girl.

    ..I spent much of my life with 4chan though
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)09:29 No.438597
    Do you think your country has a future?
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)10:12 No.438838
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    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)10:33 No.438963
    Is jy 'n giyn?

    Praat jy in goat
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)10:39 No.438994
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    How do you feel about what happened to Rhodesia? Don't you fear for the same thing to brew in SA, if it isn't already?
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)10:41 No.439006
    How many cat food cans do you own?
    >> WhiteS'thAfrican !Jz5XhIZE4Q 03/14/10(Sun)10:43 No.439019
    What's a giyn?
    Rhodesia was a completely different type of settlement. It was basically a very rich man's (Cecil John Rhodes') personal estate. The land was distributed to a very small minority of white farmers who simply couldn't stand up to the overwhelming majority. It was always extremely unstable.

    Also our hand-over has already happened. It won't happen again
    >> WhiteS'thAfrican !Jz5XhIZE4Q 03/14/10(Sun)10:44 No.439020
    my cat eats packet food
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)10:49 No.439041
    Is jy Afrikaans of Engels?
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)12:31 No.439601
    ha, fellow South African from Cape Town here. Mixed race or 'coloured' though.

    OP is right about almost everything. But despite the rest of the country being full of crime, Cape Town is like a melting pot of cultures, so most people are very chilled and helpful.
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)12:37 No.439618
    Spreekt OP Nederlands ?
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)12:42 No.439639
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    Is the white population still generally wealthier than the black/colored?
    How widespread is the Internet? Are there cafes and stuff or do most people who use the Internet own their computer?
    And... is video gaming popular there?
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)12:43 No.439641
    > Cape Town is like a melting pot of cultures, so most people are very chilled and helpful.
    Isn't Kaapstad a fucking vile shithole?
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)12:46 No.439652
    how many white people already been killed by niggers?
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)12:48 No.439668
    that image is gorgeous. thanks bro.
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)13:25 No.439845
    OP got killed by niggers
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)14:55 No.440390
    why are almost all white south african women fat
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)14:59 No.440422
    what would you do if your daughter/sister is to marry a black man?
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)15:07 No.440465
    why are niggers so annoying?
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)15:10 No.440481
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    Are there a lot of Spiders in South Africa?
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)15:17 No.440523
    Do you follow cricket at all?
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)15:24 No.440571
    Why are you planning to abandon your homeland?
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)15:26 No.440588
    There are stories of black Africans killing white farmers and taking their land. How do white South Africans view this? Is the news media reporting it fairly?

    What is the ANC up to these days?
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)15:26 No.440589

    have you ever seen a black person?
    >> WhiteS'thAfrican !Jz5XhIZE4Q 03/14/10(Sun)16:09 No.440862
    awe brah hoe gaan 'it?
    Internet is still relatively expensive compared to the rest of the world. Almost everyone who has access to a bed has access to a computer and the internet.
    No it's pretty sweet, except in the Cape Flats
    Well that's a straight-up fucking lie. Majority of white SA women are fekking gorgeous
    Not particularly. I'm not Steve Irwin though..
    Watching sport on tv is boring but I feel a little proud whenever we beat someone. Cricket is a fun game to play though and I think I'm pretty good at it
    I think of Europe as my homeland.
    Very very old news that, but when it did happen it was condemned. I'm not really a farmer so I don't really care so much.

    God only knows
    I have seen several
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)16:22 No.440960
    Do you know die antwoord? What do you think of them ?
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)16:26 No.440979
    Is there any real movement for Afrikaner independence or is it just by some right-wingers?
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)16:34 No.441003
    What do the black South-Africans think about the African Americans?
    >> WhiteS'thAfrican !Jz5XhIZE4Q 03/14/10(Sun)17:14 No.441081
    Yeah I was really surprised when they suddenly got so big on the internet. The guy (Watkin Jones) is a regular at the last restaurant I worked. I love 'em.
    It's a joke. Any afrikaner in his right mind wouldn't ever expect 'independence'.
    Well when they're tourists over here they generally get laughed at, especially when they try 'fit in' with the african crowd. There's no such thing as a sense of camaraderie between blacks because of their skin colour. Who do you think sold the slave traders their slaves?

    During apartheid though the government would often regard american blacks as 'honourary whites' because they expected them to be civilised.
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)17:20 No.441104
    >During apartheid though the government would often regard american blacks as 'honourary whites' because they expected them to be civilised.

    lol, how did that work out
    >> WhiteS'thAfrican !Jz5XhIZE4Q 03/14/10(Sun)17:20 No.441111
    ..I don't expect there were many African American tourists at the time..
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)17:21 No.441118
    Is your president really a rapist?
    >> WhiteS'thAfrican !Jz5XhIZE4Q 03/14/10(Sun)17:23 No.441132
    Amongst other things (Including a polygamist, a corrupt businessman, and a junior school dropout)

    c'est la vie
    >> !NEKOKO8766 03/14/10(Sun)17:40 No.441160
    In any other country he would be living under a bridge
    Why is he the president?
    Are the people of south africa really that dumb?
    >> WhiteS'thAfrican !Jz5XhIZE4Q 03/14/10(Sun)17:41 No.441166
    He's very charismatic and he has good struggle credentials (freedom fighter etc)

    he's definitely not the worst in the ANC though

    let's not get into Julius Malema (google him if you're interested)
    >> ?? Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)17:42 No.441174
    if i fucked a south african chick and im white to does that mean my kid will be black?
    >> WhiteS'thAfrican !Jz5XhIZE4Q 03/14/10(Sun)17:43 No.441176
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)17:48 No.441203
    Which city do I have the least chance of getting robbed/raped in? (mixed race Amerifag lady here)

    How many people do you know with AIDs/HIV?

    How many of your friends are planning to leave the country? Is there a difference in plans between the white people you know and the black people you know?
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)18:01 No.441224
    why are so many south african ''whites'' actually JEWS who seem to be very uncomfortable identifying as Jews?
    >> WhiteS'thAfrican !Jz5XhIZE4Q 03/14/10(Sun)18:02 No.441233
    I'd say Cape Town but that's only if you keep to safe areas (IE: NO CAPE FLATS FFS)


    I plan to leave and I always try to convince my friends and coworkers to do the same. Blacks tend to have less options than we have, so a lot of them must accept that they are trapped. This is not true for all, however.
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)18:03 No.441246
    American here. fuck off dutch faggot.
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)18:05 No.441256
    they are called boers
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)18:28 No.441284

    the boers are zero jew...

    the ''ENGLISH'' / Brit. isles / ''french'' ancestry south africans have a huge Jew component who came to make a quick buck during the british expansion..

    so anyone who claims to be a south african of ''brit isles / french'' ancestry.. you better check them out as lots were jews who did everything they could to fuck actual whites..
    they often sided with communist blacks
    >> WhiteS'thAfrican !Jz5XhIZE4Q 03/14/10(Sun)18:28 No.441285
    im not anywhere near you nor do I ever plan to be. your country is the worst.
    bear in mind cape town was always an english settlement (since the anglo-boer war anyway)
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)18:31 No.441300

    truth hurts doesnt it hymie..

    jews are bad newz..

    fuck whites behind their backs everywhere...
    SA is just another instance.
    >> WhiteS'thAfrican !Jz5XhIZE4Q 03/14/10(Sun)18:31 No.441306
    aw fuck is school out already?

    Jews in South Africa have always been extremely separatist. The live together in communities and only marry each other. Where exactly do you get your info?
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)19:06 No.441331
    how is the social tension between whites and blacks? does one feels resentment towards the other, or is everyone focused on making the country a better place?
    Are mixed families really common, or does everyone tries to keep to their own origins?
    can you do the tongue-click-thing? is it common around there?
    And what the fuck is that 'pata pata' miriam makeba sings about?
    >> ?? Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)19:10 No.441334
    you failed to answer my question cause i dont want to fuck a chick from your country and get a black kid <_<
    >> !NEKOKO8766 03/14/10(Sun)19:26 No.441361
    Is it really so hard to convince your friends?
    Argentina is more white friendly and yet almost all my friends have double citizenship with eu countries and will leave asap
    >> WhiteS'thAfrican !Jz5XhIZE4Q 03/14/10(Sun)20:12 No.441490
    It's not a little decision to leave your home country bro, especially when you'd have to move to the opposite side of the world. There's also work visas and money to think of. I've wanted to leave for about 5 years but I'm still here.
    It's a dum question. If she's black you'll have a mixed child, if she's white it'll be white. But please god don't contaminate our gene pool
    we're pretty chill towards each other most of the time but there is sometimes a little prejudice that becomes evident in conversation. I don't think anyone gives a shit about making the country a better place.

    Mixed families are common in certain parts and generally they are communities centuries old. Very few 'pure' white and 'pure' black families.

    That song is about a caterpillar crossing the road. I can make those click sounds. They're really not hard.
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)20:49 No.441612

    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)21:09 No.441625
    That's because you are all spoiled little shits.

    Enjoy being raped in europe, pancho.
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)21:12 No.441642
    Get your ugly white asses off of African land.
    >> WhiteS'thAfrican !Jz5XhIZE4Q 03/14/10(Sun)21:14 No.441650
    why is that?
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)21:14 No.441653
    What's your heritage.

    You really look like some kind of..half negro
    >> !NEKOKO8766 03/14/10(Sun)21:15 No.441657
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    >> WhiteS'thAfrican !Jz5XhIZE4Q 03/14/10(Sun)21:21 No.441691
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    I'm a 3rd gen Irishman If I had any african blood my skin would be darker, and my intolerant irish ancestors would be turning in their graves
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)21:23 No.441701
    You have typical alpha-male bone structure, which basementfags wouldn't be exposed to.

    Haters gonna hate
    >> Anonymous 03/15/10(Mon)03:57 No.444020
    Is football even a national sport there?
    >> Anonymous 03/15/10(Mon)04:12 No.444082
    Why is Cape Town the best place in the world to be white?
    >> Anonymous 03/15/10(Mon)04:13 No.444088
    looks like a whimp to me, go suck his dick faggot
    >> Anonymous 03/15/10(Mon)04:16 No.444105
    i thought all white homes in SA had electrified fences
    >> Anonymous 03/15/10(Mon)04:22 No.444143
    I'm running a book on how many foreign fans are going to be murdered in the forthcoming world cup.
    I recon 143, what do you think?
    >> WhiteS'thAfrican !Jz5XhIZE4Q 03/15/10(Mon)07:28 No.445244
    I honestly think the number will be pretty low. FFS 143 people won't even show up.
    Many do. What's your question?
    It's not. It's definitely the best place in Africa to be white. Dun't mean I don't wanna gtfo of Africa asap
    >> Anonymous 03/15/10(Mon)07:32 No.445255
    Just to let you know, I jack off to the idea of White South African women being raped all day everyday by niggers with AIDS. I thank the 30 year old yuppies who made this possible by protesting against apartheid during their college days.

    Then I cry inside because I know America will one day meet a similar fate.
    >> KrautßöR !!FEuV7xoyzu2 03/15/10(Mon)07:42 No.445326
    Not a question but,
    you always claim that SA ain't so bad (or at least 'round where you live), yet it's proven that from all countrys with a reliable police statistic SA is the worst when it comes to crime.
    Hence your claims sound a little untrue.
    Not offensive or trolling, just sayin'.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/10(Mon)07:46 No.445348
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    Why do white south africans hate america?
    >> WhiteS'thAfrican !Jz5XhIZE4Q 03/15/10(Mon)07:46 No.445350
    I hate to do this, but, you know, show me some recent stats

    I'll explain them for you
    >> WhiteS'thAfrican !Jz5XhIZE4Q 03/15/10(Mon)07:47 No.445357
    Dude everyone hates America
    >> Anonymous 03/15/10(Mon)07:48 No.445363
    Because America killed apartheid.

    Now they have one million black cocks to suck
    >> Anonymous 03/15/10(Mon)07:50 No.445376
    How are your relations with Central African Republic? Any name disputes?
    >> Anonymous 03/15/10(Mon)07:51 No.445384
    Hey, show some respect, they saved you in WW1 & WW2 & Vietnam.
    >> KrautßöR !!FEuV7xoyzu2 03/15/10(Mon)07:52 No.445393
    >> WhiteS'thAfrican !Jz5XhIZE4Q 03/15/10(Mon)07:55 No.445402
    Saved who?
    As long as they're central and we're south we're gonna get along just fine
    >> WhiteS'thAfrican !Jz5XhIZE4Q 03/15/10(Mon)07:56 No.445406
    I'll reply when I get back in an hour
    >> Anonymous 03/15/10(Mon)07:56 No.445407
    >> MIGHTIEST MIGHTY MAN !!Qx0NhUnYrZI 03/15/10(Mon)07:59 No.445412
    >your country is the worst.
    Ohhhh hoho no I don't think so.

    I've known a SA girl and she thinks the states are amazing.

    So if you could kindly fuck yourself.

    >> KrautßöR !!FEuV7xoyzu2 03/15/10(Mon)08:02 No.445428

    What ONE person THINKS is pretty much irrelevant, facts matter.
    >> MIGHTIEST MIGHTY MAN !!Qx0NhUnYrZI 03/15/10(Mon)08:26 No.445532
    Well that's just like your opinion bro.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/10(Mon)08:30 No.445549
    Went to /k/ and they were all like "Why are SA guns to awesome and phallic?"

    >> KrautßöR !!FEuV7xoyzu2 03/15/10(Mon)09:31 No.445784

    But I'll continue paying attention to statistics rather than listen to what "someone" said.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/10(Mon)09:36 No.445801
    I'm an Indian/White guy from the US, but I was born in Durban, and I visit sometimes. What's your opinion of us Indians?
    >> Anonymous 03/15/10(Mon)10:33 No.446085
    Only slightly better than the niggers. But can't say that aloud nowadays.
    >> WhiteS'thAfrican !Jz5XhIZE4Q 03/15/10(Mon)11:59 No.446588
    We invent cool, destructive stuff because we are cool, destructive people. And we have more free time.
    We like you, even if we do make jokes at your expense. Durban is a good place (Indian homeland outside of India for anyone who didn't know)
    Western Cape is down 17% for murder and 39% for common assault. I won't look at drug related because drugs are obviously good.

    I dunno man, perception of crime obviously has a lot to do with personal experiences and what you expect/are used to. I've been mugged 5 times, once including assault (he bashed me twice on the temple without asking for anything. He grabbed my shirt but I ripped free and ran away. Got 5 staples.)

    So yeah, there's 'rampant' crime but it's not like everyone's doing it. You'll get mugged if you're doing something dangerous or you're out too late on the street by yourself. If you're scared you can easily avoid these situations for the most part.

    If you stay in the safe, developed parts of the country you may as well be in Europe or the US as far as crime's concerned.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/10(Mon)16:12 No.448886
    If you're from Africa why are you white?
    >> KrautßöR !!6ggTrMagiij 03/15/10(Mon)20:37 No.451972

    I'm not convinced,
    but your attempt is much appreciated
    >> WhiteS'thAfrican !Jz5XhIZE4Q 03/16/10(Tue)02:22 No.454459
    My pleasure.

    Will I be seeing you at the World Cup?
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)02:46 No.454550
    When I go to S. Africa for the world cup, you wanna show me around?
    >> Gimme.Monies !X7Pjx9Chy. 03/16/10(Tue)02:58 No.454573
    when I land for the world cup.

    in how many minutes will my brains get blown out, from Nigger gangs ?

    I'm guessing the time it takes to get close to the city from the airport ?

    this world cup will not be remembered for the footballs,it will be remembered for the brains splattered all over the streets left and right.

    you police and or military will fail.

    tourists will get there brains blown point blank, as they have a camera with fancy lights going bling bling, blow my brains out nigger guy .
    >> amirite Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)03:01 No.454581
    niggers r teh suzk
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)03:03 No.454584
    Why are white South Africans still so racist? You fuckers act like you have a chip on your shoulder. The "I was born after apartheid ended" plea is bullshit. Apartheid era investment is still earning white South Africans money. One day you will become Zimbabwe if you fuckers don't wake up and stop being so arrogant.

    Signed - Cape Flats
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)03:19 No.454603
    Your gun control obviously isn't working, why don't you repeal it?
    >> KrautßöR !!6ggTrMagiij 03/16/10(Tue)13:43 No.457998

    hehe, no.
    but i would consider a journey if we hadn't the world cup here in germany last time and if i had the money.
    >> kuzu(。◕‿‿◕。)kuzu !!hhEka3KeR1r 03/16/10(Tue)13:49 No.458046
    >> WhiteS'thAfrican !Jz5XhIZE4Q 03/16/10(Tue)16:35 No.459465
    Sure. If you pay me I will put you up in my house.
    you pussy tourists don't even need to be shown guns, you'll hand over your bling at the mere scent of us
    You're from the Cape Flats, bru? Don't be so butthurt man, your house was a shithole when we kicked you off it, but now it's nice.
    It's working pretty well actually. Gun crimes are quite rare. Most guns are sourced from leftover african civil war stashes.
    sup kuzu
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)05:13 No.463956
    you fucking asshole man do you have any idea how much the Cape Flats stink?
    >> WhiteS'thAfrican !Jz5XhIZE4Q 03/17/10(Wed)19:52 No.468013
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    bump because africa is getting undermined/forgotten again
    don't care
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)19:53 No.468023
    OP looks like the stereotype of the Californian dropout surfer douchebag

    I live in California and I've only ever met one of those... can we move this stereotype over to the South Africans now?
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)19:56 No.468037

    DO you have aids?.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)19:57 No.468045
    which one is OP?
    >> WhiteS'thAfrican !Jz5XhIZE4Q 03/17/10(Wed)20:00 No.468064
    Oh.. who am I?
    No but my maid does. She collapsed at work this week and now she has AIDS. Cool story. I don't think she's going to be coming in to work anymore.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)20:00 No.468067
    Are there public schools in South Africa? Did you go to one?
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)20:02 No.468080

    I was thinking of possibly doing a study abroad (mining engineer major) in SA. Would you advise it? There are other options.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)20:02 No.468083

    of the five muggings you have sustained in SA..

    how many of the five muggings were perpertrated by a white male?
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)20:05 No.468114
    Oh? I didn't realize there was more than one guy in this picture. I thought it was a photomanipulation, because they all look like the same faggot.
    >> WhiteS'thAfrican !Jz5XhIZE4Q 03/17/10(Wed)20:05 No.468123
    Define public school
    UCT is a top university (and I don't mean in comparison to universities in Africa)

    Yes I think it would be a good experience. What are your other options and where are you from?
    None. But I've never been mugged by a black male either..
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)20:05 No.468124
    as a blackman from america..
    how does it feel for you evil pale sickly creatures to have the tables turned on you now,..devil?

    now the blackman get payback on you cracka- i may come enjoy the motherland too just to rub it in..
    wit my peeples- you chek it?
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)20:07 No.468136

    >> WhiteS'thAfrican !Jz5XhIZE4Q 03/17/10(Wed)20:07 No.468139
    lol dude I still rather be me than you. I bet I have a better house/life than you do. Also you sound uneducated as fuck/ an obvious troll.

    Where do you live?
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)20:07 No.468140
    What are you talking about? Whites still own everything in South Africa.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)20:07 No.468143

    what race were the persons who did the five brutal muggings that you traumatically suffered..
    >> WhiteS'thAfrican !Jz5XhIZE4Q 03/17/10(Wed)20:09 No.468152
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)20:11 No.468164

    my peeples be taking our stolen lands back.

    the riches of africa are the black mans- whites came to steal, now they lern da DEAL!
    without the minerals and diamond of africa the white man have nuttin..
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)20:23 No.468173
    Ever fucked a nigger?
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)20:23 No.468175

    isnt a colored basically just a nigger?..

    thats not a race.. its a nigger.

    like a american nigger mostly african with a touch of white grandpappy ancestry..?
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)20:23 No.468176

    I am an American.

    The program is at the University of the Witwatersrand at Johannesburg. Don't know the reputation or anything. I don't think finding another program would be hard.

    Other options are in Peru, Brazil, or Chile.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)20:24 No.468186
    Do you meet any people who are moving TO South Africa? From what I hear the people who can afford it are leaving the country like it was on fire...
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)20:32 No.468229
    How do you feel about Ausfags?

    I'm Ausfag and I love you cunts, we have pretty much identical histories and lifestyles, only difference is our indigs are too fucking useless to own us
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)20:35 No.468239
    what is it like living amongst a overwhelming majority of absolute morons, who also happen to be sadistic, violent and usless at the same time?

    is it sometimes hard to get to sleep at night?

    have you ever in your life been able to once go camping and sleep in thee open without fear of these valueless predatory negor animals?

    >>Hilda Fourie, Beeld (South Africa), March 12, 2010

    >>Blonde teenager Anika Smit, (17) was found murdered at her Pretoria home on March 11, 2010—with her hands and forearms chopped off.

    >>The girl’s limbs are missing—cut off just below the elbows—said South African police constable William Mahlaole. Nothing else was robbed. Body-parts have great value in South Africa: there is a flourishing trade in human body-parts for the lucrative ‘traditional medicine’ (muti) market in South Africa. People often are found mutilated—and usually body parts are cut off while the victims were still alive to ‘increase the power of the medicine’.

    >>The girl had stayed home from her Gerrit Maritz Afrikaans High School with an ear-infection that day and was feeling unwell, said her father Johan, 54. Her parents are divorced and she lived with her dad.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)20:37 No.468248
    >what is it like living amongst a overwhelming majority of absolute morons, who also happen to be sadistic, violent and usless at the same time?

    This thread isn't about Americans
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)20:37 No.468251
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    >>“She was lying on the floor without clothes on. Both her hands were cut off and missing. There also were six cuts in her neck police told me. The people (her murderers) must have taken the limbs along with them,’ he said. “Police examiners will still have to determine whether she was raped.’

    >>From the crime scene it appeared that she had either fought back or tried to run away, police said. The father had tried phoning her earlier in the day but received no reply—however he believed she probably wasn’t feeling well enough to talk on the phone. He had also arranged for medicine to be delivered to the house—but around noon the pharmacy phoned him with the news that no-one had opened the door.’
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)20:38 No.468258

    what kind of foolish beast in 2010 thinks you get magic powers from a white childs decapitated hands?
    these people are a pestilence that should be exterminated so the rest of the world can do something of value..
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)20:41 No.468270

    can you imagine the outcry in..anywhere in the world a white had done something this horrific to a black?..
    before it was over there would be a national holiday named ''kill all whites'' day in honor of the victim..
    this is beyond twisted-this is actually NORMAL nigger 'culture' without whites..

    theres majic in dem white gurl handz... idiots
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)20:43 No.468282
    >> WhiteS'thAfrican !Jz5XhIZE4Q 03/17/10(Wed)20:44 No.468283
    Lol. Don't. You don't want to be up there. For any reason.
    Yeah we get a lot of Americans coming over.
    We like you. We're p. competitive when it comes to sports but we'd always rather you or NZ win that some northern country. You alse have less abos.
    Yeah I sleep fine. I've been campin many times and always been safe. That story's pretty horrifying -- but it wouldn't happen in CT
    Yeha it sounds like a mutu. Fucking superstitious dumbasses.
    Some black girls are really really fucking hot.. but no. I haven't.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)20:45 No.468289
    Here I was thinking I could ask a question before the storm/samefags nuked the thread.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)20:47 No.468299
    >Turns trollery into something positive

    I like you OP

    What do you think of britfags? most of our former colonies hate us with a passion.
    >> WhiteS'thAfrican !Jz5XhIZE4Q 03/17/10(Wed)20:47 No.468300
    Ask away brotherman
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)20:59 No.468314
    OP what is the going rate for a pair of dutch-origin white girl hands in your area?
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)20:59 No.468315

    Positive points of UCT over UWJ (besides location)?
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)21:01 No.468322

    OP.. will you join in on a effort by your mates to seek vengeance for the pitiless, vile, and yet full-on retarded attack of niggers on your fellow white SA female (to steal her disembodied HANDS?.. FUCKING SUB-HUMAN IDIOTS!!)
    if this was the US we would be teaching these animals a lesson that even their black pea-brains could not forget..
    >> WhiteS'thAfrican !Jz5XhIZE4Q 03/17/10(Wed)21:01 No.468325
    We've gone through phases. We loved you (under brit rule) then we couldn't get far enough away from you (under National Party/Dutch/Apartheid rule) and then we couldn't try hard enough to get back into your good graces (under Mandela rule) and now we just want your money (under Zuma rule)

    I, however, regard Britain as my ancestral homeland and long to live there. I'm pissed you want us to get visa's now (since less than a year ago) but I'm actually employable so it won't be too hard for me.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)21:02 No.468329
    Its a troll, you stupid mutt.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)21:03 No.468331
    American here. USA>South Africa
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)21:03 No.468332
    i love S.A boys ek es lief vir jou :P
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)21:04 No.468337

    >>I'm pissed you want us to get visa's now (since less than a year ago) but I'm actually employable so it won't be too hard for me

    BUT FUCK all the old whites, young whites, unskilled whites..stuck with tribes of limb-eating nigger maniacs..
    fuck all your mates cause its all about you..right OP?
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)21:04 No.468340
    enjoy your aids from sucking off the white mutts, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)21:06 No.468346
    I never knew that South Africa had internet let alone electricity.
    >> WhiteS'thAfrican !Jz5XhIZE4Q 03/17/10(Wed)21:06 No.468349
    I don't think race makes a difference to the value of the hands. I don't know prices man, I've never been to a sangoma.
    >The University of Cape Town is the highest ranking African university in both the THES - QS World University Rankings and the Shanghai Jiao Tong Academic Ranking of World Universities. It achieved a rank of 146 in the 2009 THES-QS, making it the only African university in the top 200.[8][9] UCT's MBA programme was globally ranked at 89 in 2010 by the Financial Times, and was ranked second in the "value for money" category.[10]
    lol no. grow up kiddy
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)21:07 No.468355
    your so fucking gay south africans boy are nice and ive only know a bunch of white ones and the ones ive met got tested before they came here so they could work so stop being an ignorant fuck.AFRICA DOESNT ALWAYS MEAN AIDS FUCKING TROLLLLLLL
    >> WhiteS'thAfrican !Jz5XhIZE4Q 03/17/10(Wed)21:27 No.468376
    I honestly think you're wrong. And I'm no patriot. Europe, sure.
    baie dankie, ek's lief vir jou ook
    did you not do reading comprehension where you were brought up?
    You didn't know a lot of things.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)21:27 No.468378

    pussy.. you let them nigger animals get away with taking this white girls hands for their dinner menu,
    and next time it might be your sister, wife or mum
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)21:30 No.468387

    why are you tellin this faggot malay that you love him?
    you are gay now?
    >> WhiteS'thAfrican !Jz5XhIZE4Q 03/17/10(Wed)21:42 No.468404
    what the fuck should I do? let's be realistic here. Whoever might have been the culprit in on the opposite side of the country hidden in some crowded slum. I'll let the police try and deal with it, thanks
    >> WhiteS'thAfrican !Jz5XhIZE4Q 03/17/10(Wed)21:45 No.468427
    Who said he was Malay?
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)21:49 No.468442
    lol 3rd world country.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)22:10 No.468467
    your welcome :P what part of S.A are you from?
    >> Gunshark !!4TUBdxqoD5e 03/17/10(Wed)22:11 No.468471
    fookin prawns, next level beats etc
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)23:35 No.468554
    do you stop your lekker bakkie at every robot on the way to the braai?
    >> WhiteS'thAfrican !Jz5XhIZE4Q 03/18/10(Thu)06:04 No.470043
    sick burn brewski
    sup ben, how's dat kanada?
    Nee bra, ek het die lekker braai by my huis
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)08:16 No.470584
    Is your family mixed? Are any of your friends families mixed? Are mixed people rejected by both sides of the family?

    Have any of your friends been beaten up/robbed/raped/etc? Could you describe in depth what happened each time you were robbed?

    How do people think of East Asians? (smart?, nerdy?, etc...)
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)08:19 No.470594
    holy fucking christ i can not beleive this thread is still alive i posted in here long ago
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)08:24 No.470614
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    Only this man can save SA!
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)08:28 No.470631
    yea, he'll show whitey.
    >> WhiteS'thAfrican !Jz5XhIZE4Q 03/18/10(Thu)08:28 No.470633
    I take it you're East Asian? We think you're cute.

    I think I've already talked about racial mixing in this thread but I'll go into it again lightly.

    No. No. No.

    We have a separate race of 'coloureds' but generally coloureds intermarry. The only mixed family I know is Black British man with a white SA woman. He fucked off to the UK with his new wife and left her with the kids.

    A while ago my best friend spent 6 months in ICU after he got stabbed during a mugging and later reacted badly to the medication he was given. He peppersprayed his attackers but they stabbed blindly at him and got one in on his shoulder.

    I don't have time to go into depth about my own muggings but I'll try

    #1 : smoking by the river with 3 friends after school, approached by 2 streetkids and one older guy who stands back. they pull out a long screwdriver, search us and run away. we give chase, alert a security guard who chases them down and gets our shit back.

    #2 getting off a train in Newlands, 3 guys walking towards me suddenly surround me holding knifes. they search me and take my phone and 'ask' for my wallet. i tell them i dont have one but its in my back pocket. dumbasses. they dont search my backpack

    #3 ---

    oh fuck i gotta go
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)08:28 No.470634
    OP do you speak Afrikaans?
    >> WhiteS'thAfrican !Jz5XhIZE4Q 03/18/10(Thu)08:52 No.470704
    I can. Afrikaners speak to me in English though.
    #3 : I miss my lift home from observatory from a night out so decide to walk home (at 4am). On the road a meet a coloured guy who says he's also walking home. i try to be nice to him cause I'm a nice guy when all of a sudden he clubs me with something glass twice on the side of my head. I rip myself lose and swear at him a bit, then I run away down the road. I'm bleeding to shit and trying to wave down a car but it doesn't happen (would you stop?). I take out my phone as I'm running and call my dad. He comes to pick me up and takes me to emergency. I get five staples and go home. My eardrum is burst and it bleeds for a few days before it sorts itself out. That was by far my worst criminal experience.

    #4: shit I can't remember right now

    #5: just two weeks ago. also in Obs. I'm walking to my car to go home when two guys whip out knives. My friend is behind me so he manages to run away but they get me. There are fucking yellow racing stripes on their knives and they're shouting at me and being cunts. They're all like "WHERE'S THE CELLPHONE" and I'm all like "I DONT HAVE ONE YOU CUNT" eventually he digs deep in my pocket and finds me car keys. he grins at me as he pockets it and gets into the getaway car - a white corsa. They make off with my keys and a new ten pack of malboro.

    Soon after some cops show up. (My friend who ran away found them) I tell them I've been mugged and I've lost my car keys. They give me the most uncomfortable ride home I've ever had so I can fetch my spare keys. I tell them thanks for the ride but I'm gonna drive my scooter back. I do.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)08:58 No.470725
    Nah, I'm just your typical American with Western European heritage. (I do have two cousins that're 1/4 Korean though.)

    I'm just wondering because lots of mixed race people I know are attention whores about their identity crises, and I find it ridiculous.

    Case in point: Half white half vietnamese girl I know (who's super cute btw (but hard core conservative christian (a shame, i know))) is always trying to act vietnamese and/or do vietnamese things thinking it'll make her feel better about herself or boost her self confidence. She's never even been to Vietnam (father fought for South Vietnam in the war, had to evacute when it was clear they would lose, so he hasn't been there for at least 30 years), knows only basic words and phrases in Vietnamese, and yet calls herself Vietnamese. Isn't that silly in the slightest? Eating with chop sticks every once in a while and knowing basic stuff about Vietnamese New Years doesn't make one Vietnamese. It baffles me why she just can't accept that she's American. =/ Anyways, I've rambled on for too long.

    Sorry about asking questions that've already been answered. I'm reading my way through the thread right now.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)09:01 No.470741
    hey white imperial what will you do when me and my brothers come to exterminate your family?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)09:03 No.470753
    The day will come when you arrogant white south africans will be Zimbabwe'd. You guys are the Nazis 2.0 no matter how much you try to cover it up.
    >> WhiteS'thAfrican !Jz5XhIZE4Q 03/18/10(Thu)09:05 No.470760
    Yeah like you ever fucking get around to anything
    Cool bro. And then what are you?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)09:10 No.470778
    Is afrikaans (or however it's spelt) still spoken there?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)09:11 No.470781
    Would you like a new apartheid movement?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)09:27 No.470849

    One day the Cape Flats gangsters will form a revolutionary army and wipe out you racist faggots. You are the same as those Israeli Zionists except you are vastly outnumbered.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)09:28 No.470851
    How bad are the niggers?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)09:32 No.470861
    OP name SA's issues
    that shit
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)09:33 No.470868

    how niggers are the bad?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)09:35 No.470873
    Why do you worship Mandela when really he has been quite shitty for your country?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)09:39 No.470883
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)10:15 No.471030
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    okay you hate america, that's understandable, everyone does, even americans to some extent

    what do you think about the people though? :D
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)15:12 No.472447
    WhiteS'thAfrican is a spoiled white rich boy from all his answers. Where the fuck did you grow up in SA where you have never shot a gun? I am a working class white dude from Johannesburg and I was stripping and cleaning guns(4 pistols 2 rifles 1 shotgun) by the time I was 8. Loading(making ammo by hand)ammo on my own for my dad by 10. Walking around my uncles farm shooting at random animals with the shotgun and .303 by 12.

    You are here name whoring and frankly I would prefer if you would fucking stop or change your name to something that doesn't have you "representing" my fucking country because you sound super fucking gay.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)18:08 No.473432
    Hey, that doesn't mean he has no right to give his point of view on his country and where he live.
    >> WhiteS'thAfrican !Jz5XhIZE4Q 03/18/10(Thu)19:14 No.473825
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    Yes. Widely.
    Corruption. Lack of skills. Lack of people giving a shit. Location - tip of Africa etc. ex-slaves who are now residents.
    Noone worships Mandela. I like him because he prevented a civil war/SA going the same way as zimbabwe. Most of the black masses hate/resent him because of that.
    We think you're ignorant, stubborn, spoilt, whiny, overpowering, condescending, unnecessarily patriotic (yes that's definitely a bad thing). I could go on.
    So you're proud of being a whitetrash redneck boerseun? I honestly can't think of a worse place to live than Jo'burg. I've always made it clear I represent Cape Town and up north can get fucked.

    How old are you anyway?

    Pic related, it's you
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)19:18 No.473848
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    Why do you look like a fookin' prawn?

    >> WhiteS'thAfrican !Jz5XhIZE4Q 03/18/10(Thu)19:27 No.473899
    It's 'fokken'

    it doesn't even sound like fook
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)19:28 No.473903
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    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)19:49 No.474019

    Change your name, you are not special.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)19:53 No.474047


    also, butthurt
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)19:53 No.474049
    my sister is married to a white south african.

    >> WhiteS'thAfrican !Jz5XhIZE4Q 03/18/10(Thu)19:54 No.474051
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    >> WhiteS'thAfrican !Jz5XhIZE4Q 03/18/10(Thu)19:54 No.474054
    Where do you live?

    I also plan to marry a foreigner (ie. a European)
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)19:56 No.474064
    i'm canadian but my sister lives in cape town(not sure exactly where though)
    >> WhiteS'thAfrican !Jz5XhIZE4Q 03/18/10(Thu)19:58 No.474071
    What a waste of a good passport
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)19:59 No.474082
    Post yourself
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)20:07 No.474147
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    cool accent bro
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)20:27 No.474341

    If you want to leave SA and you want to marry a foreigner so badly change your fucking name. Oh no but wait, "it so exotic, look a white south african". I see through you, you're like see through.
    >> WhiteS'thAfrican !Jz5XhIZE4Q 03/18/10(Thu)20:59 No.474644
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