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  • File : 1312840329.jpg-(32 KB, 333x333, x2_79f07df..jpg)
    32 KB Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:52 No.4147965  
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:53 No.4147977
    There are not enough lols in the internet.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:54 No.4147989
    Fuck man, my first response to seeing one of the looted pc shops was "Shit, I could have got a new graphics card."
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:54 No.4147990
    What on earth.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:11 No.4148142
    I lived in LA during the King riots.
    I was too young to loot back then though, and also too white.
    I really hope we have an actual crisis so I can have the experience once in my life.
    (although I only want to loot big stores like walmart, no fucking with mom&pop stores.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:13 No.4148171
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:15 No.4148201
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    Oh I hope she's joking.
    Otherwise that's sad.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:15 No.4148209
    >remi weave?
    >google it

    oh u brits
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:20 No.4148257
    >50 inch tv
    Not sure but do they measure tv's in inches over there? I know Britain has some several different systems for several different things.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:23 No.4148277
    For the most part both systems are widely used, metric probably a little less.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:23 No.4148278
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    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:23 No.4148283

    Yes we do. Our measuring system's fucked.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:23 No.4148284
    Is anyone measuring TVs with cm's at all?
    >> blackbeard !!8Iq1i5kJgQH 08/08/11(Mon)18:24 No.4148295

    television is an american invention, obviously we would measure them using american units.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:25 No.4148300
    Not in the UK,
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:25 No.4148304
    same in Canada. Imperial units make me rage but im ok when it comes to screens
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:25 No.4148308
    I certainly hope you're trolling friend
    >> blackbeard !!8Iq1i5kJgQH 08/08/11(Mon)18:26 No.4148311

    If i'm wrong state the actual inventor and i'll shut up.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:27 No.4148319


    Logie Baird was Scottish.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:30 No.4148337
    John Logie Baird, scottish, regardless imperial measurements were originally British, metric is used here because its superior to imperial, but people are too reluctant to change, so both systems are used.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:31 No.4148343
    I live in glorious Sweden. We will never have a riot outside the muslim communities, and I refuse to live with them.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:31 No.4148345
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    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:31 No.4148347

    I hope you riot and get shot and die a slow death. I won't even begin to inform you of how laughably retarded your comment is. It will go way too far over your head.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:32 No.4148351
    >go onto BBC
    >watch about 10 minutes of the riots in England
    > Every single rioter and looter is black
    > see them freely attacking metro police, swinging at them with makeshift blunt weapons

    You want to know why they fucking do this England?

    Here i will tell you why, Because they aren't scared.

    They know they can get away.

    You see you can trash talk America all you want but at the end of the day, The sub 'hip-hop' culture in America, they know that if they attack a police man like that they are getting tazed or shot.
    And sadly, police officers shoot to kill in America but i think in England it would be a welcome change.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:32 No.4148353
    10.47pm: Barry Neild is now in Dalston:

    We've detoured to Dalston where a bus was set on fire in shacklewell lane earlier. The single deck bus is now cordoned off and there doesn't seem to be much damage, but the incident has clearly shaken the large Turkish community here. Many shopkeepers are on the street talking about how they chased away the gang of youths behind the bus fire.

    "We beat up four of them quite badly and they ran off," one man, who wouldn't give his name, said. Another said: "this is not justice, coming here and trying to attack us." Notably several businesses are still open ascot usual here, unlike other violence hit areas.

    We've just watched a mob of locals chase a gang of hoodies down the main road, with police vans on full siren in pursuit.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:32 No.4148355
    Please, enlighten me, I highly doubt it will "go over my head"
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:33 No.4148361
    Those policemen are faggots. Why they don't do nothing?
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:35 No.4148374
    >.Why they don't do nothing?

    What? Fucks sake stop using double negatives.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:35 No.4148376
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    Lol no, I'd rather not educate you, lest people may begin to take you seriously someday.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:38 No.4148387

    Stealing from stores because of some imagined social issue not justified. You don't even get back at the social institution which wronged you.

    Different guy BTW
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:39 No.4148395
    >And sadly, police officers shoot to kill in America but i think in England it would be a welcome change.

    Do you even know the catalyst for these riots?
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:41 No.4148406
    it shows how turks have some sort of affinity with their countrymen.Dont any brits stick together yet to repel the looters?
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:41 No.4148407
    >implying that shot ni99a is related...
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:42 No.4148413
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:42 No.4148418
    This is what humanity has to show.
    I didn't use greentext because I wasn't trying to be funny.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:43 No.4148425
    like all those looters give a fuck about that guy.They just seize the opportunity to get those new jeans, plasma tv etc for free.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:43 No.4148427

    >he thinks human nature changes over time

    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:44 No.4148430
    >Be English
    >See paper
    >Pictures of people being arrested
    >All are black

    I think black crime rates are higher purely because they aren't smart enough to not get caught.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:44 No.4148433
    I know. I should stop getting my hopes up.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:44 No.4148435
    Oh, I'm not trying to justify it.
    There's no social issue that I want to right.
    I just want the experience of looting.
    It's (I imagine) a unique opportunity that I'll probably only get to experience once in a lifetime.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:45 No.4148441
    You are the problem.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:46 No.4148447

    You think they'd keep rioting if the police went in all guns blazing?
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:46 No.4148449
    Is there anyone in london who can (and is brave enough) to go out there and get pics and videos.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:47 No.4148455
    >Believes firing on civilians who lack firearms of their own en masse is acceptable by any government under any circumstance

    I thought that was more or less the exact opposite of the whole land of freedom and constitution thing you guys love so much.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:47 No.4148458
    It's the mass rape and murder spree after the looting that you have to watch out for with blacks. Just like new orleans.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:47 No.4148460
    Should the government send in the army?

    I vote yes.
    >> blackbeard !!8Iq1i5kJgQH 08/08/11(Mon)18:48 No.4148462

    Ahhh. Now they begin to understand.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:48 No.4148463
    Considering this is england, that'll only result in the police force getting decimated politcally and probably physically harmed when that lone cop that shot too many people enters the wrong neighbourhood.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:48 No.4148464
    Hello, im watching the Ealing Broadway riots from a distance right now out of curiosity.

    Theres only a couple of blacks and pakis, most of them are Polish.

    Pretty surprising.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:48 No.4148465
    I said it was a catalyst, not the cause of the riots. The post i quoted implied these riots wouldn't have happened if police shot to kill in England, i responded by pointing out that not only do they shoot to kill, but an officer shooting to kill was a catalyst for the event he;s commenting on.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:48 No.4148466
    it does. this is what happens when the average human nature changes for one group but not another, then the changed group allows the the still primitive group in, believing they will act the same.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:48 No.4148470
    You don't think that's an atrocity?
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:49 No.4148475
    I don't think it's right under any circumstance.
    Only certain circumstances (i.e. people are unjustly causing damage and every other method to stop them has failed)
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:49 No.4148476
    You met the British army? Send them into London and there wont be a fucking London when they leave. Hell a lot of the kids rioting probably have family serving in Afghanistan.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:49 No.4148479
    why would firing on these scum be considered wrong.
    The arguement they are people doesn't apply.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:50 No.4148484
    I'm in brixton in an estate at the moment, as it is, form what i hear, it'll be pretty damn hard to get in to the places at this point, the plice seem to be blockading entrances and exits, but not really doing anything within the few hundred meters that it's going on in.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:50 No.4148489
    There's not going to be much of a London left if they don't.

    If they do, we at least get to see tanks driving over chavs.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:50 No.4148491

    How about "They're kids"
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:50 No.4148495
    Personally I would rather see a few criminals die than innocent people be put at risk.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:51 No.4148498
    what do those guys want?what are they even rioting against?
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:51 No.4148499
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    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:51 No.4148501
    different guy, but if committing one atrocity and keeping people afraid of it prevents future atrocities i think it'd be a-ok.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:53 No.4148513
    They are rioting because they want compensation for being black.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:53 No.4148518
    That makes no difference to me. They still know the difference between right and wrong.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:57 No.4148543
    Fairly certain we do to, hence "no shooting unarmed kids."
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:59 No.4148555
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    In Spain, those kids would be now in the hospital
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:59 No.4148559
    some of these "kids" are in their 30s
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:59 No.4148560
    Cops unjustly shot someone. Peaceful protest was staged, police try usual "kettling" and "grabbing random people from the crowd and arresting them to make the rest too scared to do anything" that police around the world do. Intended effect is not achieved, people sod calm and get angry, riot occurs. After riot occurs, african gentlemen emerge and start stealing shit. Same thing for the LA riots.
    >different guy, but if committing one atrocity and keeping people afraid of it prevents future atrocities i think it'd be a-ok.

    Fuck it, I'm out.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)19:00 No.4148571
    Well these 'unarmed kids' are trying to hurt police officers, firefighters and civilians. Kids or not they are violent criminals.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)19:01 No.4148578
    Is it proven he was shot unjustly?
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)19:02 No.4148588
    Which is why, last I checked, the police are given riot shields and batons to beat the shit out of them. Are we watching the same reports, because the police aren't exactly going out and hugging the rioters.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)19:02 No.4148590
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    Where's the army?

    The police obviously isn't going to do anything. Shoot them from the ground, bomb them from the air, all with naval artillery support to top it off.

    Crush the revolters!
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)19:04 No.4148603
    Considering all reports indicate he had cuffs on, the round lodged in the cops radio was actually fired by the police and it is definitely not standard police procedure to shoot handcuffed people, because it's not even standard police procedure to carry firearms, and the black youth was hassled because of operation Trident, so literally just because he was black...

    I'm sure you can see why people where a little tense over it.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)19:04 No.4148604
    Not officially yet (gotta wait for full enquiry of course) but a forensics report has shown the bullet lodged in the police radio was police issue. It was thought that the guy shot at police then the police shot to kill, but if the bullet turns out to be from a police gun that turns it on its' head.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)19:04 No.4148605
    pretty sure knifes and missiles count
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)19:05 No.4148615

    >he had a gun
    >Police shot him first becuase he refused to drop his firearm
    >he shot as he went down and it hit the cops radio

    Deserved it for not following the law.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)19:06 No.4148624
    Will this generate more right wing support?
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)19:07 No.4148629
    2302: Via Email Ashley Retter in Clapham Junction

    writes: Just been watching a BMW x5 pull up, eight guys congregate around it for five mins putting their hoodies on and then they have run off to Battersea Rise to rob stuff. People been running up our road with televisions, hiding nicked stuff in gardens and under cars and then running back down for more. So many cars and vans are turning up with people just loading up. I can hear the alarms going off at the end of the road. All the people sound young, and they are laughing and enjoying themselves.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)19:08 No.4148640
    It will certainly sour the UK's image worldwide
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)19:08 No.4148642
    No one but the police themselves have come out with that. If a firearms officer got twitchy and a little scared, and it sparked a city wide riots, what do you think they would do?
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)19:08 No.4148644
    >Fuck it, I'm out.

    does that mean i win??
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)19:09 No.4148650

    It'll generate more hatred for uk police, thats for certain

    >Peacful protest
    > Rioting and arson
    > Lol we'll just stand here
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)19:10 No.4148655
    Bastards between 14-15 yo. Good grief, they let /b/ out in the streets.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)19:11 No.4148662
    hm yeah they fucked up handling the protest.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)19:11 No.4148664
    A fucking wooden spoon, maybe. Re examine your sentence.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)19:11 No.4148665
    i think they are actually embracing a long and rich English culture of defying authority, I think this riot make them more English not less
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)19:11 No.4148669
    What kind of fucking idiots would hate the police more after this? Everything these rioters are doing is unjustifiable and they all deserve to be locked up for putting innocent people at risk. Same for the pathetic scum using it as an excuse to steal stuff.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)19:12 No.4148672
    hm i never had this kind of aggression.
    feels bad and good man at the same time.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)19:12 No.4148674
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    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)19:12 No.4148676
    I'm in Clapham now. They set fire to the fancy dress shop ;_;
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)19:13 No.4148682
    unlike the english nothing will come of this riot. Negroids are only good for banging rocks together. They need to be assisted with everything including being made president.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)19:13 No.4148684
    You've not met a lot of people have you? Emotional states such as hate aren't known for being logical.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)19:13 No.4148686
    It's ok. It's England. They'll just raise the tv license a few pounds to make up for all the stolen televisions. Sucks for the legitimate owners, but that's life when you refuse to exterminate lesser races because "you're too good for it".
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)19:13 No.4148689
    how?is he going to shoot some labour kids?
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)19:15 No.4148697
    That's what happens when pussies become police.
    Blame the uk for being made up of pussies.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)19:15 No.4148701
    You're a fucking idiot. And probably 12 years old.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)19:15 No.4148702
    Not an excuse in the slightest. I would NEVER lower myself to going out on the streets like a thug, attacking people who did nothing wrong and stealing things, why the hell should these people do it? Do not try to justify the actions of criminals like these.

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