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  • File : 1268186188.jpg-(36 KB, 457x359, aztec.jpg)
    36 KB Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:56 No.400413  
    Hey /int/ illegal immigrant here, just turned 18 five days ago and it sucks. I took IB in high school but it was useless because i can't go to college. (no money and can't get student aid because I'm illegal) Can't even get a minimum wage job because they all ask for social security and the ones that don't are already taken by other wetbacks. Also i can't get a drivers license either so if i get pulled over I'm screwed.

    I've tought about going back to Mexico (though its probably worse there) but my parents brought me to the U.S when i was 2 so i don't remember shit about Mexico and barely speak Spanish.

    Ugh my life sucks i feel like committing suicide :/
    >> From Maine !svxRtwDIeI 03/09/10(Tue)20:57 No.400422
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:57 No.400430
    not even mexicans want your kind, sorry man. :(
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:58 No.400434
    why do you want to have a job? i'm living off of unemployment and playing video games and reading books all day, it's fucking awesome
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:58 No.400437
    Take a gun. Shoot Americans. Reload. Shoot more Americans. Reload. Etc ...
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:01 No.400464

    or get some connections and get a fake social like all your wetback friends
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:02 No.400472
    Join Marines, become a citizen, go to college with the money you earned.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:02 No.400476
    OP here, I don't know i always wanted to do something with my life, i tried hard like i said i did IB but i had to be a damn illegal Mexican.

    Seeing all my friends from HS go to college and not me...just feels bad specially when you tried harder than them
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:04 No.400488
    Become an hero, blame your parents, or enlist in the army and get free citizenship.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:04 No.400492
    > Join Marines, get shot during the invasion of some hellhole.

    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:05 No.400500

    Join the Air Force, you'll get citizenship and you'll get to play video games for a living
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:07 No.400517
    Real Mexican here.

    Sorry to say this bro but your kind isnt welcome here either.

    You are not a true Mexican, it doesnt matter if you were born here, you lived in the states and we would take you as a "Pocho" or "Chicano".

    Sorry, but you wont feel welcome here.

    Suicidate, pobre diablo.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:08 No.400527
    Your parents lived here for 18 years and never bothered applying for resident status?

    Its all their fault
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:09 No.400529
    You're telling someone who actually seems to be a hard working man to an hero?
    Wow, now I understand why you're the way you are. Fucking mexican'ts.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:09 No.400532

    Yeah, that might have to be it the only problem would be is I'd probably die in training lol. Seriously I'm a nerd not a physical person :/
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:09 No.400533

    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:09 No.400537

    Air Force training is probably just a vision test.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:09 No.400538
    Mexican here, serves you right, you're fucked.
    You should come back here and work as an English teacher or something, we will treat you like pocho shit for some years until you lose the accent but you deserve it.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:10 No.400547
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    >Ugh my life sucks i feel like committing suicide :/

    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:13 No.400564
    We don't need hard working persons, we have plenty of them, we need educated faggots, he's not and is a traitor, he can go die in a fire.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:13 No.400570
    Come to Argentina. We've got free education, and we'd gladly welcome someone who actually wants to work and isn't a lazy fuck.
    Getting a place to live shouldn't be so hard, since most cities have discounts for students (even to rent aparments). Also, if you have a good average in university, you'll be able to get a job pretty much anywhere in the world.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:14 No.400571

    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:14 No.400581
    Yeah, you sure do have a lot of hard working narcos.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:15 No.400585


    Thanks for helping with the spic problem.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:15 No.400586
    lol but argentina is FAIL your average income it's laughable i prefer to stay here.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:16 No.400591
    He, being a lazy pocho, would probably join them, a lot of pochos actually work for the narco.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:16 No.400593

    You didn't read the last part, didn't you?
    And spics >>>> bolitas
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:16 No.400594
    OP here,

    I'm out going to take a shower
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:16 No.400596
    Education is free everywhere faggot, even in Mexico.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:17 No.400605
    >free everywhere

    Oh wow..
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:18 No.400611

    White American here, enjoying my 300 square foot house with massive backyard.

    feels good not having to go outside to take a dump
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:19 No.400619
    you been living there for 16 years cant you apply for citizenship or something? really you DONT want to come back to Mexico, forget about the narcos, you have a bigger problem you are a pocho people will really threat you like shit even worst than americans
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:20 No.400627
    Real Mexican here... Again.

    Actually he would do pretty well here.

    With the American Education he had would be most likely for him to succeed here.

    He would have no problem at all in getting into good State Universities like UNAM.

    Still, he would feel unwelcome and we would make fun of him calling him names, racist names.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:21 No.400630
    Hey mexifags, you can come to Chile anytime. We need to rebuild our country and we need cheap labour force.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:22 No.400632
    At least in most Latin America, I assumed that also in the rest of the world. WE have free education in Mexico FFS! Our best university (and sometimes the best in a Spanish speaking country) has a symbolic cost of about 5 cents a year.
    Where you don't get free education?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:22 No.400637
    >he still thinks most Mexicans actually live like that!
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:23 No.400641
    lol GDP per capita look it up. You make less than a Mexican.
    But we are already helping you because we aren't stuck up bitches.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:23 No.400643
    Fuck Mexicans, they make Disneyworld smell bad.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:25 No.400659
    16 years isn't even half the time an illegal alien need to get citizenship, there was a chart but I didn't save it. And yes we will treat him badly but definitly not worse than some americans. He would be able to marry blonde girl without anyone giving a shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:25 No.400660
    It isn't. A lot of countries (i.e. the US) don't have free higher education. Whatever, he seems like a dick and a nerd, so he's probably better off becoming an hero.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:26 No.400664
    ajajajajajajaja la unam la mejor universidad no mames vete a la verga pinche porro
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:26 No.400666
    >Ugh my life sucks i feel like committing suicide :/

    Fucking do it.

    We don`t want you back here in Mexico.

    Muerete perro.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:27 No.400670

    Ríete todo lo que quieras pendejo pero la UNAM es una de las mejore, sino la mejor universidad de America Latina.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:27 No.400673
    Dije State con lo que hago referencia a las de Gobierno.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:29 No.400687
    learn spanish, clean your accent hide at any cost the fact that you are a pocho and maybe you will be able to come here whitout being threated like dog shit, its awful i know it but thats how most mexicans do it
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:30 No.400697
    el TEC, la ibero, y la UP no creen lo mismo
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:31 No.400716
    Citizenship test faggot. Ever heard of it?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:33 No.400729
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    Yo voy al Tec ahí ta mi credencial y si lo digo es porque lo es. El suplemento del Times de educación superior lo dice. Fijate en el ranking del 2006.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:34 No.400730
    I'm in the same position as you OP, except I don't even know Spanish!
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:35 No.400740
    Tu culo perro. La mejor es la Unam.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:35 No.400743
    Eso es lo que estaba diciendo idiota, la mejor es la unam.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:36 No.400748
    If you get sterilized, then you're welcome to stay.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:37 No.400755
    What do you need to teach English in Mexico.
    Do you need a college degree?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:38 No.400760
    come to Slovakia, we need some spics to outbreed our gypsies
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:38 No.400764

    Get it trough your fucking head, we dont want you here!
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:39 No.400771
    so smart he has his webcam on mirror mode
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:40 No.400777
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:40 No.400778
    I love this thread.

    Chicano scum with nowhere left to go.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:41 No.400786
    Yes, more like a teacher's degree which is equivalent, but if you go to a very small town you have higher chances of being hired, also in private schools you don't need shit except to prove you know English, just don't expect the same amount of money. Also this is Mexico you don't need fucking permits for everything, you could set up an English school in you house.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:41 No.400793
    I was too lazy to change it. Sue me.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:41 No.400796

    Classic fag who just got told. You can`t possibly refute his argument so you nitpick at meaningless things.

    Comment on his speling while you`re at it.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:43 No.400810

    lrn2citizenship test, commie.

    or then go to mexico, just because alot of people talk shit about it doesn't stop thousands of tourists going over there anyway.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:43 No.400813
    >hur durr junior

    no lo dice el amigo, lo dicen las estadísticas, la UNAM la mejor universidad de Iberoamérica
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:46 No.400833

    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:49 No.400860
    PROTIP: those rankings are based on "what universities look like", "how many important persons studied there" and shit like that.
    If you have good grades, as long as it's a good university, it doesn't matter which one it is.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:50 No.400870
    Influye mucho que tienen como el 10% presupuesto de educación para ellos solos, pero si son buenos, ya cállense.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:51 No.400878
    De hecho están basados en presupuestos e investigación. Pero sí, no importa.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:58 No.400940
    butthurt sudaca is butthurt
    >> Omicron Command 03/09/10(Tue)22:19 No.401096
    OP, please do.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)22:22 No.401121
    So what you decided OP?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)22:30 No.401181
    not OP and not hispanic...

    what would it take / how easy would it be for a white gringo english speaker to immigrate to say Argentina?..

    isnt most of the population white, and would they accept me?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)22:31 No.401191
    no, we have enough, go to mexico
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)22:33 No.401209

    mexico is not even under the rule of law and is largely in chaos.. as a white guy I would only be a target there..

    is there a central/south american country that would take white guys- not neccesarily as a citizen but permanent residency?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)22:35 No.401218
    >mexico is not even under the rule of law and is largely in chaos.. as a white guy I would only be a target there..

    Mexican here, this is pretty much true, enjoy Argentina.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)22:37 No.401233
    This is now a thread about Aztec Warriors vs. Samurai
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)22:40 No.401258
    Samurai, Aztecs didn't even fought to kill, they fought to capture and then sacrifice the enemy.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)22:41 No.401261
    Puerto Rico loves the gringo cock like a baby loves its mother's tit.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)22:42 No.401272
    They must be real bad ass motherfuckers to capture people trying to kill them though. I be their shield can block tank shells.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)22:45 No.401289
    Samurai, hands down.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)22:46 No.401293
    They were.

    Despite the valiant resistance (during which the defenders cut the beating hearts from 70 Spanish prisoners-of-war at the altar to Huichilobos[12]), Tenochtitlan and Tlatelolco fell on 13 August 1521

    Because the sun would die otherwise and that was when everyone was dying from smallpox.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)22:47 No.401298
    puerto rico, costa rica, dominican republic, argentina, chile, panama are all relatively gringo safe environments. not to say they would ever fully accept you even if you blend in (in the case of argentina where most of the population is white) but provided you have enough money everything will be awwright bro
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)22:47 No.401301
    Would the Japs carry disease too then? You never hear too much about what effects they had on islands like Taiwan or the effect of the sudden foreigner presence on Japan's health.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)22:49 No.401310

    thanks, but its too crowded and no cheap land..
    PR chicks are hot, as are south american chicks,
    but I want permanent residency in a larger country that has some open space without the american crap, permits/zoning/fines/fees for breathing too much/your car exhaust does test right..type shit..

    plus south/central america is nice and temperate all year..
    I can speak some spanish and would get fluent fast. I dont intend on being a bum, I will work for the countries success..
    in america its a waste of time, the country only wants to take from you.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)22:49 No.401312
    Yes, those were old world diseases. the amerindians were pretty much doomed.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)22:50 No.401321

    also, not a insult, but just reality-
    PR is basicallu under control of the USA so you arent getting far from american bullshit
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)22:50 No.401322
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    otro illigal aqui.
    Pues me cago en la puta que los pario, que cuando "pochos" van a mexico, todas las putas andan atras de uno.

    Por eso no regreso a su puto paiz, por que todos son una bola de pendejos. Mejor me voy a vietnam o a china que regresar a esu puto pais.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)22:54 No.401338

    im a tall blonde.. definately not going to 'blend' appearance wise,
    but im not a asshole i got that going for me.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)22:54 No.401340
    Que viejas? Pinche putitas de tres pesos que no tienen que comer y estan igual de culeras que las pochas? Seguramente, pero igual se rien de tu pinche Español de esclavo.
    Vete mucho a donde chingada madre te quieran, que aquí y en el gringo, nadie.
    >> loser 03/09/10(Tue)22:55 No.401343
    > hot, as are south american chicks,
    >south/central america is nice and temperate all year..

    >large country
    > without permits/zoning/fines/fees for breathing too much/your car exhaust does test

    Have you ever been in a South American country?
    I don't think the continent you describe exists.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)22:56 No.401348
    OP, you are in a difficult position. You're culturally naturalized as a American, but you can't get legally naturalized. You should go to a immigration law office in your area for advice.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)22:58 No.401366

    there are no large south american countries..

    oh my bad?

    these countries are not less regulated than most of the USA..?

    O rly?

    you may not be from this planet.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)22:58 No.401367
    ona o dos putitas que TU no te estas cojiendo cabron, y al espanyol ablado es la misma chingadera.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)23:01 No.401387
    lol, you're like the worst of the worst

    hated by everyone, I'll recommend an hero
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)23:01 No.401390
    >pocho detectado
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)23:02 No.401401
    nah, im just moving out.
    Fuck your shit fag.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)23:04 No.401408
    but where if nobody likes you
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)23:05 No.401416
    thats not what your fucking bitch mother said last night, faggot.
    Im moving to thailand, i have some friends there.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)23:06 No.401423
    but my mom is dead
    thailand will hate you too, you're the lowest of the low
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)23:08 No.401432
    Yeah, im so lowi can buy your entire fucking cuadra with some green bills that your fuking people love so much.
    >> loser 03/09/10(Tue)23:08 No.401434
    I meant countries that meet ALL of your expectations, not just two or three.
    But I guess there are a few cities in Argentina and Brazil that could work for you.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)23:09 No.401440
    you suck loser, shut up
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)23:09 No.401441
    but your mexican, you cannot into wealth and respect
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)23:10 No.401451
    >im not black you stupid fuck.
    ah, ya no estes jodiendo.
    I just gonna go to sleep, i have to go to the fucking university tomorrow.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)23:11 No.401456
    but your mexican you cannot into education
    >> loser 03/09/10(Tue)23:12 No.401460
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)23:12 No.401461
    yeah, at least im not an illiterate fuck.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)23:13 No.401469
    at least I'm not mexican
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)23:13 No.401471
    I a bit surprise at how Mexicans are vindictive nationalist
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)23:14 No.401479
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    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)23:17 No.401495
    thats because they are a bunch of fags. But they still love the dollards and shit from the USA.
    They are worse than Koreans.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)23:17 No.401502

    this is where I think the misunderstanding lies...

    i have absolutely no interest in moving to central /south america to live in a city...

    i can do that in the USA (btw im the gringo not the mexican)

    I want to go to a rural area, where there is water, cheaper land, temperate climate, and less regulation..
    no place like that exists anymore in the usa..
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)23:18 No.401512
    boxxy is a mexi?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)23:18 No.401515
    A spanish speaking country that isn't very regulated?

    Have you tried Texas?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)23:19 No.401521
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    Move to japan and become a cholo.
    I bet they will make you their "cholo supreme" or some shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)23:20 No.401525
    mexico mexico!!

    viva mexico cabrones

    ▲ ▲
    newfag couldn't triforce. gtfo
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)23:21 No.401536
    Come to Argentina. It's supposedly strictly regulated, but getting around those regulations is so easy it's almost a joke.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)23:22 No.401553
    ok, its called uruguay, but dont tell anybody else
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)23:24 No.401565
    viva mexico

    nadamas michoacan morelia mexico waaaa

    and boxxy xd
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)23:26 No.401582
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    yes awesome and mexico city

    morelia, michoacan mexico
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)23:26 No.401586
    paraguay, faggot. it is totally ungoverned temperate cheap land.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)23:27 No.401587
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    No te entiendo. ¿Qué idioma hablas?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)23:28 No.401599
    Wow OP here,

    Decided to come back and was surprised to see my thread was still alive AND on the first page.

    But then i read through it and it looks like it just turned into a shitstorm :/
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)23:30 No.401615
    shhhh .. nobody speaks about uruguay ....
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)23:30 No.401624

    so uh how did you sneak in? what state etc.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)23:30 No.401625
    The consensus is that you should an hero ASAP.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)23:32 No.401633
    Its 4chan, of course it turns to be a SHIT STORM
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)23:34 No.401654

    gringo here again.. thanks guys I will check out the requirements for uruguay and paraguay..

    i have looked into argentina and it seems they want basically only retirees on pensions.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)23:37 No.401677
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)23:40 No.401701
    A nadie le importa uruguay
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)23:40 No.401706
    Only, you get to drive a big SUV.

    Well, you could do that in Brazil or Argentina, but they are a bit more expensive.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)23:41 No.401708

    just go to fucking Somalia if you're looking to escape those scary regulations.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)23:42 No.401720
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    That's exactly whats happening to me. When I became a junior at High School I really started thinking of moving to Sweden, since I'm not accepted in America and I probably wont be accepted back in Mexico. I've thought of committing suicide, but I'm too big of a pussy to do it, and I'm too young to end it now.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)23:44 No.401742

    Que crueldade!
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)23:48 No.401781

    I know I almost feel bad for the illegal immigrant, but I finally get what South Americans were talking about when they brought up Mexico's ego.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)23:50 No.401801
    European skinheads are krazy and will kill you quick, don't go.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)23:55 No.401849

    I hope it was your parents that thought it would be a good ideal smuggle into the US.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)23:58 No.401866
    you wont be allowed in a plane dumb dumb

    an hero nao
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)00:03 No.401903
    My plan is to go back to Mexico and get a VISA
    and for the skin heads i expect to be killed one time or an other
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)00:04 No.401915
    Mexicans live in a bubble and don't realise the rest of the world finds them pig disgusting, whether they went to el norte or not.

    Greetz from Finland, faggots.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)00:06 No.401928
    OP should team up with the gringos who want to get out of america and they start their own pocho-village..

    everyone is happy and no one can beat the shit out of you since you all watch each others backs
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)00:07 No.401935

    ah a depressed suicidal adult you'll fit right in with scandinavia.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)00:09 No.401954
    Not really, he probably doesn't have blue eyes and blonde hair. Never mind the fact that he's most likely a fat midget.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)00:09 No.401959
    >implying we mexicans care about what a bunch of drunk inbreed asians in denial think about us
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)00:10 No.401968
    >inbreed asians

    I see the Mexican education system is quite excellent.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)00:11 No.401970

    im a gringo and I can tell you honestly,.. there are many fat unattractive mexican women for sure..
    BUT.. there are a lot also of really smokin hot, huge tits, mexican hotties.. the ones who look like Julie Banderas.. it dont get any better than that..
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)00:12 No.401980
    White American devil here. I agree. Mexican women are either fat blobs form hell or gorgeous. Quite the disparity. Weird.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)00:13 No.401990
    >implying they are not asians in denial
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)00:13 No.401995
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    julie banderas posing with a italian and a jew...

    im going mexican all day LONG...
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)00:15 No.402012
    Mexican girls have really dirty assholes. Must be the food.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)00:16 No.402018

    oh ok so instead of being marginalized illegal immigrant in the US, he will be a marginalized illegal immigrant in Sweden?

    fuck I'm making myself sad.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)00:19 No.402037
    yeah thats exactly how mexico is not only whit womens but in every sense, insanely rich and african level poors, my country its the country of the fucking contrast
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)00:19 No.402040
    julie banderas is not mexican faggots
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)00:21 No.402049
    Bro, he could go to a wealthy part of Mexico City and be an Emo kid.


    In Chicago, every other "Legal" Mexican guy here is an Emo kid. There were never even many white Emo kids to begin with, where did all the Mexican ones come from!?
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)00:22 No.402060
    We have whites in Mexico too, you're not devils here, you're just dumb.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)00:22 No.402067
    look ive read the thread an ive seen people telling you to stay away from mexico and shit but they are mostly trolls, sure there are assholes here tha will threat you bad nut they are not the mayority the avergae mexican dont give a shit about ethnicity or country of origin, you should learn spanish thou its frustating seeing a guy that looks mexican but cant speak the language
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)00:23 No.402073
    Mexican whites are the failures who couldn't make it to America. No one cares about them.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)00:25 No.402087
    I know a great many White Mexicans in the States.

    They're rich as fuck and damn good looking too.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)00:25 No.402091
    well theres a famous emo band in mexico called panda thats maybe why
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)00:26 No.402095
    >White Mexicans
    >In the States

    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)00:26 No.402097

    julie banderas mother is mexican ancestry, and her fathers family is mexican mixed with early white settlers to cali actually..
    so shes mostly mexican-

    i love that look.. where they have the hair so black it looks almost blue and the rea nice figure/face-

    in america they have the same diet as food so I wonder if the ones in mexico have the hot skinny ones more than the ones who come up here...
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)00:27 No.402101
    weird most rich mexicans despite of race stay in mexico they just go to the us for shopping
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)00:28 No.402112
    Yep, that's why whites == dumb. You must be one too if you didn't get it.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)00:28 No.402113
    So what do rich mexicans do with their time? I'm assuming some of you are in here, as you're mexican and have internet connections. are you just like brown amerifags?
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)00:28 No.402114
    it's cheaper to live in mexico
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)00:28 No.402116
    Yeah man, my friend Edwardo.

    Palest fucker I know, blue eyes and black hair. Rich as fuck too, speaks Spanish better than all the other Mexicans. He is, not a failure by any account.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)00:29 No.402121
    Yes, I'm sure whites are dumb. Hence the white-invented computer you're typing on across the white-created internet through white-developed operating systems. While a Mexican cuts my grass.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)00:29 No.402124

    white guy here-

    the hot mexican ones will TOTALLY fuck you up if you piss them off..

    the lorena bobbit thing was a good example of a hot latina who gets pissed off..
    on the good side, they are better women to you than our own chicks in general..less materialistic if you are good to them
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)00:29 No.402127
    But he's in the States.

    Wasn't that against the point? White Mexicans? in Mexico?
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)00:30 No.402135

    20 bucks a week!? 30 To shovel my driveway!?

    Fuck Mexicans, I'll mow my own damn lawn and shovel my own driveway.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)00:31 No.402137
    No for the most part, but some of us are, we do the same the americans (rich ones) do. Clubs, parties, good schools, shitty people, etc.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)00:31 No.402139
    Yeah, they're greedy bastards all right.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)00:31 No.402141
    If you come back to Mexico it really depends on the looks. As long as you don't LOOK mexican you will probably be ok. But beware, being an english teacher will feed you, but that's about it.

    Just get some illegal social security number like everyone does, it's like 1500 dollars anyway.

    Wait, wtf, just marry a citizen! You mentioned friends, turn one of them into a girlfriend and marry her for fucks sake, you've lived there forever, you won't have any trouble with the papers and stuff.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)00:31 No.402142
    assuming they bleach while crossing the border
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)00:32 No.402145
    No hes born and raised in Mexico, but, just lives in the States now.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)00:32 No.402148
    Obviously he speaks spanish better. Do a redneck speak better English than you?
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)00:33 No.402155
    meh. i'm a white american and quite like mexicans.

    hard workers. smart people.

    presumably the smartest stayed in mexico because they actually had money already.

    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)00:34 No.402161
    im a middle upper class mexican and i live here in mexico, im not brown like the average mex-american im darker i mean really fucking dark ive been confused by black in the us, i know a lot of really rich mexicans and well they do average stuff clubing, going to the theaters the mall and shit
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)00:35 No.402167
    cool story troll

    enjoy your emotionless, gray country while you get dominated by your females/
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)00:35 No.402169
    Good point brah.

    But, you cannot call the whites in Mexico failures. They're better than the brown ones at least. The brown ones are all sad, depressed little (or fat) emo kids.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)00:35 No.402171
    >implying you're not a mexican living in the US
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)00:37 No.402184
    there are mexicans in mexico, both fully european descent and white looking meztisos (maybe idk 80% euro 20% native)
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)00:37 No.402187
    at last! a smart american, thanks sir

    >cuts my grass
    fake american detected
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)00:38 No.402190
    white mexicans i fortgot to add white at the beginig
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)00:38 No.402193
    Well at least this threat has taught me that a NAU would never work out.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)00:39 No.402200
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)00:39 No.402204
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    >white mexican its possible
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)00:41 No.402218
    wey ya dejen esas mamadas sabemos que existen y tambien sabemos que el tema no importa aqui, solo se lo explicamos a los gringos
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)00:44 No.402239

    Successful reverse troll is successful
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)00:46 No.402245
    Not really, we aren't really colorblind, but no one care about race that much as to add White before our nationality. I've been mistaken for white in England (while I consider myself a mestizo) most "white" mexicans aren't too sure they're really white anyway.
    Pic related, that used in another thread, my pale arm, just imagine a guy with dark brown hair and dark brown eyes.
    Also rich boy goes to expensive school.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)00:46 No.402247
    Glad someone noticed :)
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)00:47 No.402252
    wey no mames he visto tu brazo con tu tarjeta del TEC ya no se cuantas veces
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)00:50 No.402264
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    forgot pic
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)00:50 No.402268
    las mismas que yo esta foto
    ni mexicano es el pinche felipino
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)00:52 No.402278
    a verga que no la habias puesto ya en el otro post?
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)00:52 No.402282
    tus comentarios se ven bien indios jaja pinche oaxaco ardido
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)00:52 No.402285
    Wey de alguna manera hay que inspirar la unidad nacional, estoy harto de:

    >soy blanco pinches indios

    Por todos lados.
    Si a mí no me importa por que a otros sí?
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)00:53 No.402288
    w/e no es como que ser blanco me hace ser mejor. Mi dinero tal vez.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)00:53 No.402290
    tus comentarios se ven bien indios jaja pinche oaxaco ardido
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)00:54 No.402293
    meh yo soy moreno y con dinero realmente los colores ni me vienen ni me van
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)00:55 No.402295
    welp lets go guys.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)00:56 No.402303
    Era broma, pero tristemente such is life here.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)00:56 No.402311
    >white filipino its possible
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)00:59 No.402327

    I know what you mean. A friend from England came here last summer so I took him to this mall in my city, just to buy some stuff he needed while he was here, and so we go to the fast food area, we sit and order, and a bunch of girls pass by, gorgeous fucking alteña-kind-of girls (blonde and with blue/green eyes you know...), and my friends says ''Hey, it seems like there's a lot of foreigners around today huh?'' and I say, ''Errr.... those are mexicans =/''

    I'm alteño myself, but he knew it and he wasn't surprised, but I guess he never thought there was that many white-looking mexicans... Same when I go to the US (which I don't like that much anyway) some people think that just because I speak english and look kinda european I'm not mexican.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)01:01 No.402337
    ... because only brown Mexicans come to live in America. This should be pretty obvious.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)01:03 No.402349
    Yep those tourists are the worst kind, they're here in Mexico, and even then they refuse to accept there are different kind of Mexicans always asking the guys and girls where do their family came from, if they are treated differently, etc. Never understood it.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)01:03 No.402352

    Same here, but ts cool how we call each other 'güeros' and ''morenos'' without being offended (if you give a fuck just go become an hero), its just a part of our culture.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)01:04 No.402358
    But what we are wondering is why are you so conscious about it?
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)01:04 No.402359
    I stabbed a Mexican't who called me a guero just watch him die.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)01:04 No.402360
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)01:05 No.402361
    Sonora/Sinaloa>Jalisco>Nuevo Leon
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)01:06 No.402367
    Estas hablando con personas civilizadas, a nadie le importa de que estado eres, pinche naco.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)01:06 No.402368
    Are you serious? Millions of illegal immigrants - all brown, none of you white fuckers, whatever you call yourselves - crossing the border illegally in half a dozen states, draining state resources and not paying taxes? "Why are we conscious of it?" You must be some 15 year old Mexican girl to not quite get this. This is your continent. Pay attention.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)01:06 No.402369
    alteño, de que hablas we?
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)01:06 No.402371

    Nuevo Leon = jew, so it doesn't count.

    Sonora/Jalisco all the way!
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)01:08 No.402381
    emmm no disfruta tus narcos compa
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)01:08 No.402384

    nafta was a terrible ideal.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)01:09 No.402390
    calidad de viejas, guey.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)01:10 No.402391
    gente de los altos de jalisco, no habian indios en esa parte y la habitaron puros europeos hoy en dia son todos weros o al menos la gran mayoria
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)01:10 No.402393
    It was. But your government signed it. And you didn't stop them. Neither did ours. Result = low wages for Mexican workers, high wages for American business under-paying Mexican illegals, and bratty Mexican rich kids on the internet acting like they actually matter.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)01:10 No.402394

    De la región de los Altos de Jalisco. Tristemente famosa por su gente de rasgos caucasicos, generalmente de cabello café/rubio y ojos verdes o azules. De aquí sale un mito el cuál dice que un ejercito francés se perdió en la zona y he ahí la herencia europea en la región, pero en realidad se debe a que en la epoca de la colonia hubo exterminio y destierro de nativos y de indigenas por parte de los criollos de la región.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)01:13 No.402408
    Actually for the most part I think they're hard working people but uneducated, the ones who suck the state resources are the second generation mexicans who are actually americans, it's your own fault they're a burden for not integrating them properly.
    I would rather they had stayed here and worked as hard for Mexico :(
    We are upper class here, lots of self-esteem we don't like to go where we may be discriminated because of our nationality.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)01:14 No.402410
    no viejo, el exterminio fue en guadalajara yo habia entendido que hay simplemente casi no habian
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)01:14 No.402413

    Alteño fag del post de antes aquí.

    Lo curioso es que como la vida en la zona es de rancho y pueblerina la gente se broncea al grado de parecer morenos por su color de piel, pero manteniendo los ojos verdes/azules y el cabello claro. Por eso cuando vas a algún pueblo de por ahí vez viejitos rancherones morenos con ojos azules y facciones europeas.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)01:15 No.402416
    Pero estarás de acuerdo en que no completamente y que tenemos una cultura mestiza, que es lo que importa al fin y al cabo.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)01:16 No.402420
    Los de Jalisco hablan casi como chilangos :(
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)01:16 No.402421

    Es cierto lo que mencionas, pero sin embargo esto fue una especie de moda en el estado hacia esa época, de ahí qu los pocos que habia fueran desterrados, actualmente la población está mucho más diversificada.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)01:16 No.402425
    I'm pretty much predestined for high charge here, I do matter.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)01:16 No.402427
    Eso y los judeofranceses que trajo Maximiliano. No es un dato muy conocido, pues fueron obligados a adoptar el catolicismo y un apellido en español (la mayoría eligieron Naranjo o Limón).
    Un profesor alteño de apellido Limón me terminó odiando cuando le pregunté sobre sus antepasados judíos (odio que se vio reflejado en mis notas claro), pero haber visto aquella expresión bien lo vale.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)01:17 No.402430
    reace its not as linked to poverty as in the USA, itjust happens that msto inmigrants are from brow states, but as an example somebody mentioned los altos earlier this region although being populated almost entirely by white people its quite poor, browns are the mayority in all social clases here thats why you see them the most
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)01:17 No.402433
    Americans integrate quite well, actually. Which is why we don't have Muslims on the street like Europe. Mexicans find their own place here. But most are illegal, it seems. And people don't want to pay for illegals. Imagine a country that illegally, by the millions, crosses into yours. And works low-wage jobs in your country, under-cutting the Mexican workers. And want your free education. And government support. And don't learn Spanish, but prefer to speak - I don't know? - Chinese. And demand equal rights. They're illegal. They don't pay taxes. They don't speak Spanish. You find this okay? Most of you wouldn't. Most Americans don't.

    This is not to say the Mexican people as A WHOLE are bad, I don't think that at all. But the illegal immigrants are. They're driven to it by NAFTA, yes, but they should expect to be treated poorly when they illegally emigrate.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)01:18 No.402438
    >viejitos rancherones morenos con ojos azules y facciones europeas
    me recordaste a mi abuelo en paz descanse
    aunque no era alteño, sino potosino de alla del desierto
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)01:19 No.402440
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)01:19 No.402442
    yo soy tapation y si la cosa se ha diversificado aqui (aunque sigue siendo un poco mas cargada a los rasgos caucasicos) pero las veces que he ido a ojuelos y esos lados yo veo puro wero
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)01:21 No.402455
    we have central american inmigrants but they go unnoticed because they speak spanish and are only in their way to the USA
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)01:22 No.402457
    You're right, that's true. Many are from outside Mexico, but most are from Mexico.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)01:22 No.402458
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)01:23 No.402460
    bueno acá en GDL pues ya hay muchos morenos sobre todo de Michoacan
    pero hay que recordar que asi como hubo exterminio de los indios de la region, tambien hubo asentamientos de indigenas del valle de méxico y alrededores que venian con los españoles desde aquellos años, los mas importantes pues el barrio de Analco y el de Mezquitán
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)01:24 No.402465
    we have a 110 millon population thats almost the same as all central america i dont know in proportion who emigrates the most
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)01:26 No.402476
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)01:26 No.402477

    We'll hi there beauty! :)
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)01:26 No.402478
    y en la colonia indigena 1, mas que nada la ciudad ha crecido y hemos alcanzado esas partes que antes no eran GDL, y eres el primer wey que tambien es tapatio que hayo aqui bro, Jalisco es Mexico!
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)01:27 No.402481

    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)01:27 No.402485
    no, elacento y las palabras que usamos son muy diferentes ellos dicen chale nosotros decimos pos
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)01:28 No.402487
    Pues según yo somos cómo 4 en este thread.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)01:30 No.402495
    I approve this message
    Going back to you, you can go to Mexico and request student aid by saying you are mexican, theres plenty because the goverment never says there is, go to a shit college (but its a college anyways), get good grades, request an aid to go to a better college.
    The problem would be... uhmmm, you can't speak spanish, so you are quite fucked, ok, not quite, you are very fucked, but if you pass a spanish-course, everything would be excellent because i suppose you are great in english, a very important skill in Mexico.
    The other problem would be where would you live?, and how?, you can request some family a corner to sleep but people in general are assholes so i think you should live in a college room, but that costs monies, and student aid will not make it.
    You know what, you are really fucked, that happens when your parents are renegade assholes.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)01:31 No.402499
    Suena casi igual para oidos norteños.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)01:33 No.402512
    pues a lo mejor si,los de culiacan, chiuahua, monterrey y demas suenan igual para mi, los unicos que hablan diferente son los de mazatlan no se por que
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)01:35 No.402526
    Cualiacan y Monterrey tienen acentos muy diferentes
    >> !NEKOKO8766 03/10/10(Wed)01:36 No.402529
    >Come to argentina
    Fuck you
    The last thing we need is more brown people
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)01:36 No.402530
    suena casi igual para oidos tapatios
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)01:39 No.402542
    Like you weren't all brown outside Buenos Aires, like chileans.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)01:41 No.402551
    creanme, mas de una vez me ha tocado ver chilangos que clasifican a los tapatios como "acento norteño" asi que ya calmenla
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)01:42 No.402556
    Oh wow, por eso nadie los quiere.
    Disfruten sus judios y sus inmigrantes africanos con sida, seguro que su presidenta puede arreglar ese problema.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)01:42 No.402558

    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)01:44 No.402567
    Y el hecho de que Argentina está estancado desde los años 40.

    Argentina the great country of fail, the only one to have gone from first world to third world, in 30 fucking years, LOL.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)01:45 No.402571
    argentino lurkeando thread mexicano
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)01:46 No.402577
    >the only one to have gone from first world to third world
    thi is actally what argies believe.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)01:47 No.402581
    >first world
    >before the cold war
    We were an European level nation under Porfirio Diaz too. Still many indigenous peoples were suffering, so the revolution was kinda ok, if only Madero had not been killed...
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)01:47 No.402582
    para nada, pero me daria flojera ver un thread de weyes peleando porque les dicen que hablan igual que los del rancho de al lado
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)01:51 No.402593
    Entonces, aprovechando, que hacemos con este país con potencial?
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)01:54 No.402603
    Meter el Islam, progresar y trollear a USA.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)01:56 No.402612
    Estoy de acuerdo con las dos ultimas, pero para progresar creo que deberíamos unificar la identidad nacional, si no hay demasiada desconfianza para hacer algo al respecto, me parece que este 200 aniversario es una buena oportunidad para lograrlo.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)01:57 No.402615

    Le damos una mayor producción industrial, impulsamos la tecnología, sacamos adelante reformas para la educación y reformas económicas, esperamos un sexenio con crecimiento anual arriba de 6%, cambiamos la mentalidad conformista y dogmática del mexicano promedio y vualá! Tendremos un México moderadamente 'primermundista' en unos 15 años.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)01:59 No.402622
    >Implicando que necesitamos progresar y meter musulmanes locos para trollear a EUA
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)02:00 No.402626
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    I'm 6'1 and 175lbm and people say i look a little asian and a little italian
    don't be so fucking stereotypical. not every Mexican looks the same
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)02:00 No.402628

    chingado, por que usan esta pinche palabra, que estan pendejos o que?

    >insinuando que no estan
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)02:03 No.402637
    chinga a tu puta madre, implicando se ve mejor y se parece mas a implying asi que te jodes
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)02:04 No.402639
    debemos hacer una nueva identidad nacional, basada en el Corán
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)02:04 No.402640
    To a certain point, I could understand mexicans fighting against other countries, even South American ones, but why do you have to fight between yourselves?
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)02:04 No.402641
    Extreme facepalm is extreme.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)02:07 No.402654
    15 años es completamente irreal. Los mexicanos adultos no van a cambiar su mentalidad. Hay que lavarle la cabeza a los niños desde la escuela, yo opino que se necesitan esos 15 años de después de una reforma educativa de fondo más unos 20 para ver los frutos del esfuerzo, el problema es que la pinche gente no tiene paciencia para una inversión educativa de calidad.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)02:09 No.402665
    mejor hay que irnos todos a otros paises y ya
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)02:09 No.402670
    I feel bad for you OP. Don't know what to tell you but maybe there is amnesty for kids in your situation? Oh, about the faggots telling you about joining the military to get your citizenship, you need a Green Card to enlist.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)02:10 No.402673
    We're only fighting pochos and chicanos because they are doing in the States what they could have done in Mexico work hard. We're having a hard time with NAFTA and they go a give cheap labor to the rival country.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)02:11 No.402681
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)02:12 No.402690
    No pendejo, esa es la actitud de un mojado, quieres ser un mojado? Adelante. A mí si me gusta aquí, tengo una muy buena vida aquí.
    Pero también quiero poder estar orgulloso de mi país y no sentirme culpable de tener más que los pinches niños del semáforo.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)02:14 No.402701
    Cierto, dije 15 años sólo por dar un lapso de tiempo, pero lo demás es correcto, es lo que necesitamos. Demonios, como quisiera que todos los que pensamos así tomaramos el poder, estoy cansado de estúpidos de 40 años en adelante con las riendas del país atrasándolo y estropeando lo que queda bueno en él.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)02:18 No.402723
    De hecho yo estoy más a favor de influenciar desde la iniciativa privada o grupos ciudadanos, la política te corrompe por más buenas intenciones que tengas.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)02:19 No.402727
    ¿Y por qué no hacer ambas cosas? Resultaría incluso mejor...
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)02:21 No.402738
    Pue que, pue que. Me da gusto que al menos haya personas con ideas similares, empezaba a sentirme solo. Como sea me tengo que despertar tempra mañana, se ven.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)02:23 No.402743
    Y qué hay de la mentalidad de la gente ¿Qué pasa con el habla y escritura del español de adultos que parecen niños de primaria, de las mierdas de perro en las banquetas, de que los automovilistas aceleren en vez de frenar cuando ven un peatón, de los mandriles que hacen fiestas con música estilo orangután (aka reaggueton) hasta las 3 de la mañana sin dejarte dormir?

    México no puede entrar en primero mundo si primero no dejamos de actuar como uno. Si no, vean a Failgentina.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)02:31 No.402771
    Para empezar tu deberías comenzar a ser un poco más tolerante. Te aseguro que esas personas hacen eso por lo mismo que tu te enojas tanto, por no ponerse en los zapatos del otro.
    Me parece muy mal que quieras cambiar completamente al mexicano, yo no quiero que este país se convierta en una copia de Estados Unidos o incluso de Suecia, hay muchísimas cosas que vale la pena apreciar y rescatar además de que lo que es considerado desarrollo cambia de un país a otro.
    Por último nuca seremos del primer mundo porque la guerra fria ya termino y esos términos no tiene relevancia, utiliza algunos más actuales como país desarrollado o pis de de altos ingresos.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)02:31 No.402773

    Join the military, or get married to a citizen, or go to Mexico and apply for legit citizenship in the US. Mexicans are assholes and don't want you, it seems.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)02:34 No.402780
    >pis de altos ingresos
    jajaja mear después de haber tomado una botella de johnny walker blue label?
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)02:38 No.402799
    Buchanan's 18 :P
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)02:43 No.402810
    No hablo de cambiar a la gente en sus raices, hablo de cambiar la mentalidad de la gente, y con eso me refiero a la falta de responsabilidad y de respeto al prógimo básico, la corrupción y la apatía. Para tí es fácil ser tolerante porque seguramente no vivies en alguna región en donde cada año llegan peregrinos y después de quedarse en el parque a dormir lo encuentras al otro día repleto de basura y hasta deshechos humanos. Por eso es que me da rabia que los putos gringos nos tengan estereotipados, pero muchas veces lo peor de todo es que a muchos mexicanos les queda el chaleco.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)02:52 No.402851
    Que quieres que te diga? aquí hay gente proponiendo y tu solo te vienes a quejar :/
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)03:10 No.402928
    Chinos e inmigrantes hay en todos lados
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)03:16 No.402948
    No es queja, propongo cambiar nuestos habitos y pensamientos tercermundistas para tener un buen inicio, lo que sigue es desarrollo industrial y económico para dentro de 15 años. Sin eso seríamos como china o corea del norte: rápido desarrollo, pero el resto de la pobliación seguiría jodida.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)03:27 No.402980

    Por eso propuse las reformas educativas... por ahí se empieza por civilizar al pueblo, la familia tal vez sea la base de las costumbres pero le vas a pedir a una familia de clase media baja o baja que se comporte como una de clase alta y vaya a eventos culturales y actué con modales dignos de la realeza. Y sé que estoy generalizando pero no deja de ser cierto, por eso primero reformas educativas y económicas mientras exterminamos los dogmas conformistas que nos persiguen desde la revolución. Un desarrollo desde todos los ámbitos y equilibrado, es la mejor solución y también la más rápida.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)03:28 No.402988
    Y duradera.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)03:54 No.403082
    Bump a este pinche thread de mierda.

    No mamen que culero devoluciono esto.

    Sigan tirando mierda al cabo que hay mucha!
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)04:03 No.403120
    No tirar mierda es culero? No mames.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)04:03 No.403122
    Simon mejor propon algo.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)04:08 No.403137
    Guanajuato con los queseros.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)04:19 No.403174
    They're called Gringos, brah. 1 million of them in Mexico.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)04:22 No.403178
    Community college. &
    Ask others in family for work.

    Obama has some immigrant legislation coming up soon bud. Hope it all works out for you.

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