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  • Testing these changes: page limit raised from 11 pages to 16, max bumps set to 250, image replies set to 125.
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    File : 1268078852.jpg-(14 KB, 327x216, _.jpg)
    14 KB Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)15:07 No.387921  
    What do you think of Krautchan's /int/, 4chan /int/?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)15:08 No.387931
    it's quite boring
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)15:08 No.387942
    it's cool
    >> Salkin !SnoWNigarU 03/08/10(Mon)15:09 No.387944
    Let's send all the balkans to them.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)15:09 No.387948
    full of fucking russiaballs EVERYWHERE
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)15:09 No.387952
    WTF is Krautchan???
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)15:10 No.387957
    never been there. worth trolling?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)15:20 No.388083
    why so butthurt about russianballs?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)15:29 No.388212
    cyrillic spam shits up the board every night
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)15:32 No.388256
    what the fuck is KYADCTSNDI?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)15:36 No.388297
    Krautchan = Hauptschüler und Kellerkinder mit'm Kopf voller Verschwörungstheorien.
    Worth trolling: 110%
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)15:41 No.388346
    I like the flagballs.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:02 No.388603
         File1268082171.jpg-(47 KB, 604x468, Polandball Title.jpg)
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    Polandball was invented in Krautchan.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:06 No.388647
    This. Been there once, couldn't stand the faggotry. And what's the deadl with "their" memes? They copied every single one of 4chan's memes and translated them in the most retarded way, yet they claim that 4chan is so much worse than them. They also speak this "trying way too hard to sound sophisticated" German.

    Drecksnutten, allesamt.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:08 No.388673
    nazi mods

    psuedo-intellectual slavophilic community which hates original content and loves trolls.

    more recently has resembled 4chan in that it has became a place reserved for americans to blow europe and anyone who isn't from europe is trivialised and eventually made into a joke.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:10 No.388685
         File1268082649.jpg-(120 KB, 570x800, Traumschiff Surprise.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:12 No.388703
         File1268082748.gif-(21 KB, 1024x640, 1267919574909.gif)
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    Polandball and variations (peruball, Filipinesballwhatever) are nice, imo.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:12 No.388704
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:15 No.388736
    Why is 4chan so faggy?
    >> Loserbernd 03/08/10(Mon)16:19 No.388777
         File1268083171.jpg-(23 KB, 500x363, whatdoyouwant.jpg)
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    Geht doch einfach alle Grillen....(-__-)^
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:21 No.388803
    Keiner mag dich.
    >> Loserbernd 03/08/10(Mon)16:24 No.388845
         File1268083477.jpg-(19 KB, 704x400, satou.jpg)
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    Ich mag mich selbst nicht (T_T).
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:25 No.388850
    Wieso bringst du dich nicht um?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:27 No.388876
    Weil er keine Lust hat sich zu ne blöde Frage.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:27 No.388881
         File1268083634.jpg-(75 KB, 500x339, 1266881110003.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:29 No.388899
    Hou je schijtebek
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:29 No.388901
    anyone got a list of every countries own fagchan?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:29 No.388902
    stop using 4chan memes. I hope many Americans invade your board
    >> Loserbernd 03/08/10(Mon)16:30 No.388916
         File1268083840.jpg-(20 KB, 400x225, Izaya2.jpg)
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    Noch nicht.

    Erst wenn ich aus der Wohnung rausgeschmissen werde oder meine Mutter einfach umzieht und ich mein Geld aufgebraucht habe, sodass ich vor der Wahl stehe "Bettler oder Grill"....dann ist es wirklich so weit.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:33 No.388947

    natsbols are not a 4chan meme.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:34 No.388960
    erfreulich, dass deppen wie du den vierkanal bevorzugen --> weniger krebs auf kc
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:38 No.389006
         File1268084298.gif-(36 KB, 679x604, cirnobig.gif)
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    /int/ is kinda nice. great international community without the usual bullshit.

    /b/ and the rest are pure stupid faggotry. kinda a cesspool for the unterschicht (which they desperately claim they aren't) retards who cannot into english.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:39 No.389022
         File1268084347.jpg-(493 KB, 1280x800, _.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:40 No.389038
    >retards who cannot into english.
    its a german board, you dumb fuck.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:40 No.389040
    kein untermenschen please
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:40 No.389049

    commies and russians. great comunity.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:41 No.389059
    Right...except there are many Asians and South Americans living in America.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:43 No.389082
    stupid fucking maerifags
    they think other people live in their shitty country!
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:44 No.389096
    See: San Diego for real beaners
    See: West coast cities for real FOB chinks.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:47 No.389131
         File1268084850.jpg-(12 KB, 240x283, enchantment.jpg)
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    >my face when I tried to read the Krautchan logo as Cyrillic
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:47 No.389134
         File1268084868.png-(26 KB, 1000x667, 1000px-Flag_of_Europe.svg.png)
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    It's only a matter of time.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:49 No.389151
         File1268084971.gif-(19 KB, 171x216, yu)sr947.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:50 No.389158
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:50 No.389164
    >Implying it's not already the case.

    At least EU citizens got to vote for their new EU President and Top Diplomat. Oh wait...NM.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:51 No.389173
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:51 No.389185
         File1268085115.png-(141 KB, 1089x533, huehue.png)
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    >South Americans
    LOL krautchan wants BRs to invade their board
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:53 No.389200
    Wasn't referring to the image
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:56 No.389223
    >implying an eurovision type of vote would be better
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:56 No.389224

    There are plenty of Brs around.

    And the "AHEUAHEUAH" shit are all by trolls.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:56 No.389229
    Entschuldigung, aber ich glaube da guckt ein ziemlich dicker Stock aus Ihrem Hinterteil.

    Wenn 4chan so scheiße ist, was willst du Spaten hier überhaupt? Geh Kreiswichsen mit deinen Leuten von KC.

    Some people!
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:57 No.389238
    >Implying any vote by the people in every area on Earth isn't a dressed up popularity contest.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:57 No.389240
         File1268085452.png-(5 KB, 800x800, CountryDots.png)
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    we are sooo past pollandball.
    >> oranmor.GSELLA !FOtzET4WrU 03/08/10(Mon)16:58 No.389256
         File1268085511.jpg-(51 KB, 707x600, 4_cool_eye_makeup_6_1.jpg)
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    noch so ein thread und es gibt bann
    99% fail in einem thread nice ahben wir selten hier
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:58 No.389259
    Ist das Hassen von Amis immer noch cool? Bist bestimmt der krasseste aus deiner Clique.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)17:00 No.389284
         File1268085609.jpg-(18 KB, 426x304, Seriously.jpg)
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    Countrydots are poop.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)17:01 No.389304
    Don't forget to go behind foreign proxies for maximum trollin
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)17:01 No.389311
    >Hating Americans is most popular amongst unsecure teenagers worldwide.

    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)17:02 No.389323
    amerifag spotted
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)17:03 No.389330
    Americunts are shit and the country should be nuked!


    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)17:03 No.389331
    Of course, stupid butthurt amerifags like to make everyone think that they hate them.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)17:03 No.389333
    >Hating Americans is most popular amongst unsecure american-cultured teenagers worldwide.

    Actually, Hating anything you only know through books or media is retardness.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)17:07 No.389381
    everyone hates amerifags and want to kill them
    you are just butthurt because you are amerifag and should die
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)17:10 No.389412
         File1268086231.jpg-(15 KB, 577x392, Brasil flag.jpg)
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    I'm not americunt lol

    I think we know some butthurts now. :D
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)18:19 No.390030
         File1268090355.png-(6 KB, 500x500, Tringapore Happy.png)
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    Yay for Tringapore!
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)18:23 No.390084
         File1268090627.png-(22 KB, 1000x1400, Cheese.png)
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)18:24 No.390090
    the peruball variation was invented here though.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)18:39 No.390249
    it's pretty much implied in the versatility of the COUNTRYballs meme.
    "Polandball" is just what 4chan was able to understand, most other strips are based on krautchan /int/ threads about politics, news, or whatever.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)18:42 No.390268
    We had a really nice chat yesterday, fellow balls.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)18:43 No.390280
    No traffic whatsoever, boring, full of ruskies.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)18:51 No.390356
         File1268092309.png-(10 KB, 391x360, NorthKorea.png)
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    Krautchan made this one
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)18:57 No.390407
    Actually, no.
    I can tell from lurking TEH REAL INT.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)18:57 No.390411
         File1268092678.png-(749 KB, 1920x1080, 1266953894599.png)
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    posting epic balls
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)18:58 No.390419
    the guy posted it on /int/ but he was from krautchan. Also complained about the lack of OC
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)19:04 No.390469
    Germanic chan, fuck no
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)19:14 No.390557
    Nazichan is best chan.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)19:15 No.390561
    Every good "Polandball" an 4c/int/ is a repost from kc/int/.
    No exceptions.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)19:18 No.390580
    Truthful post speaks truth.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)19:20 No.390596
    I wish 4chan /int/ had country balls in name field too.
    >> i_liek_bernkastel's_tail !NYA.CCQOt. 03/08/10(Mon)19:22 No.390610
    for me it's embarassing a bit to be a namefag there (dunno why) so i prefer not to visit it at all
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)19:23 No.390619

    I don't go there because of all the CP.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)19:23 No.390620
    Give it a while. It's a relatively new board. Only about 2 months old
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)19:24 No.390636
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)19:26 No.390654

    Yeah I went there once and there were a bunch of Russians posting it.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)19:32 No.390703
    always dem damned communists its because they dont accept christ into their hearts
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)19:36 No.390735
    Well, the thing is the only tripfag KC /int/ has is an American dickwad, so naturally they don't like tripfriends.

    It's ok though, I like you :3
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)19:41 No.390788
    I've been regularing /int/ for about 6 or 7 months. I like it, mostly because I like trolling Europeans.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)19:42 No.390793
    Fuck off, I go there every day and I've never seen cp.
    >> Krautfag 03/08/10(Mon)19:44 No.390801
    Yeah, if you really want to meet Russians, instead of Amerifail pretending to be Russian, KC /int/ is better than 4c /int/. People are also generally more helpful, have a more thightly knit community and don't repeat the same fucking copypasta every day. On the other hand, it's not as much action as this here /int/.

    I browse both.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)20:19 No.391095
         File1268097598.jpg-(658 KB, 1000x2260, 1267039981556.jpg)
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    Is this OC? The one where they replace Finland with Poland
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)20:55 No.391427
    actually i enjoy my country bodies and country butts, especially romania jokes
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)21:32 No.391660
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)21:37 No.391692
         File1268102226.png-(312 KB, 344x435, dunnolol.png)
    312 KB
    Krautchan is a very good
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)21:40 No.391716
         File1268102457.jpg-(60 KB, 700x933, moot_krautchan.jpg)
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    >> Bernd 03/08/10(Mon)21:41 No.391719
         File1268102466.jpg-(152 KB, 712x767, 4kanal_tritt.jpg)
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    Hallo Vierkanal-Schwuchteln! Geniesst eure Memes erfunden von 13-jährigen.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)21:41 No.391722
         File1268102475.jpg-(88 KB, 652x416, avisrecherchepolice2if4.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)21:44 No.391741
    I hope that KIMCHI faggot stays on your board
    >> Bernd 03/08/10(Mon)21:48 No.391768
         File1268102889.png-(53 KB, 750x600, kc kaff.png)
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)21:53 No.391815
         File1268103238.jpg-(718 KB, 2272x1704, ohai.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)21:54 No.391821
         File1268103293.png-(267 KB, 704x410, train.png)
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)21:55 No.391826
         File1268103320.jpg-(101 KB, 551x399, 1267951525001.jpg)
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    süüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüße Mädchen
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)21:56 No.391837
         File1268103419.jpg-(110 KB, 671x1042, langenscheidt-krautchan.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)22:00 No.391856
         File1268103629.png-(87 KB, 468x429, kipotaussbild.png)
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)22:00 No.391858
         File1268103643.png-(83 KB, 640x480, fags_o.png)
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    yay! /int/
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)22:03 No.391870
    I made that, and I posted it on 4chan first
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)22:08 No.391892
         File1268104100.gif-(389 KB, 372x500, Deutschland brenne.gif)
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    I'm German, and I hate Germany
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)22:09 No.391901
    it's true, the words say north korea is best korea in broken korean because the joke was that north korans can't speak korean. And the only north korean on the internet is Kim Jong-il hence the ball resembles him.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)22:11 No.391921
    why so many kazahk flags
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)22:14 No.391937
         File1268104496.png-(49 KB, 749x940, 1257115520001.png)
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)22:21 No.391971
         File1268104883.png-(424 KB, 800x600, polandball führer.png)
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    HUEHUA kc int prevails!
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)22:31 No.392030
    fucking cowards, die in a fire.
    >> derpa !ccqXAQxUxI 03/08/10(Mon)22:47 No.392127
         File1268106454.jpg-(32 KB, 479x571, raep face.jpg)
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    hey there Horo, guess what time it is?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)22:49 No.392137
         File1268106549.jpg-(209 KB, 501x418, horoblender1.jpg)
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    Time for blender Horo
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)22:50 No.392143
         File1268106605.jpg-(74 KB, 550x500, verysadlyhoro.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)22:50 No.392149
    her expression...
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)22:50 No.392150
         File1268106646.jpg-(50 KB, 450x420, horoblender2.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)22:54 No.392167
    is it bad that i kinda like it?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)23:52 No.392494
    Krautchan = 4chan but Every Meme translated in german.

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