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  • File : 1305141653.jpg-(68 KB, 600x562, totally-president.jpg)
    68 KB Your First "7" in Your Nation's Office Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)15:20 No.3581828  
    Let's say....if you were elected or seized the office of your nation, what would be the first 7 laws or edicts of your choice that you'd want to be executed?

    Country: UK

    1) Put an immediate halt to immigration (illegal and legal) and review the nation's policy on it.

    2) Withdraw from the EU in most aspects, keeping standardization and Trade within the UK intact.

    3) Reintroduce Clause/Section 28 and Repeal any Discrimination Acts and Abolish the Sexuality and Race Relations Industry

    4) Legalize Lower Level Drugs (with adequate regulation)

    5) Bring back Capital & Corporal Punishment (might sound barbaric, but when you see the injustice that happens in the UK due to common law, you'd be in favour of it). Plus we have enough CCTVs and DNA analysis is much better at catching culprits now.

    6) Harmonize Taxes and make them lower, make it easier and simpler for people to understand, make it low enough to let people have enough in there pockets but high enough to be used for investing in the nation.

    7) Reintroduce a sense of national pride, through culture, religion or atheism take your pick, ethics, education & civil/military duty.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)15:31 No.3581937
    1) Every person who is more than 25 percent African American and earns less than 30,000 USD a year will be immediately extradited to Liberia.

    2) The top marginal tax rate is now 90 percent on all income over 1,000,000 USD a year. Also there is a one percent asset tax assessed yearly.

    3) All drugs are legalized and we will no longer pretend that there is any real difference between heroin and vicodin. Alcohol and cigarettes will be taxed out of reach of the average person to encourage alcoholics and smokers to switch to safer drugs that were formerly illegal.

    4) Universal Health Care. Private insurers will be nationalized and their infrastructure used as the basis of the new system.

    5) Strong protectionist policies along the lines of Brazil's will be implemented to bring manufacturing jobs back to the US. If a company doesn't want to employ workers here, they obviously don't deserve access to our market.

    6) A top to bottom rehaul of the education system, with separate tracks for smart students, average students, and future criminals and free education at every level.

    7) No more negroes? Jobs and wealth restored to the working and middle classes? The beginnings of a robust social welfare net? Sounds good. I'll have a coke.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)15:35 No.3581963

    can think of 3 things

    1) deport criminals
    2) lower tax on beer
    3) tax the bankers
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)15:38 No.3581986
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    Country: Iceland

    1) Become a monarch
    2)Withdraw from EEA and EFTA
    3) invade and conquer Faroe Isles
    4)lower taxes
    5)destroy criminals
    6)make owning guns obligatory for citizens
    7)restart Viking raids
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)15:39 No.3581988

    That's a great idea Mr President, why look over there is that a CIA sni-
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)15:39 No.3581991

    - no muslims and blackies
    - no more fuckin toll roads
    - Front national for power
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)15:41 No.3581999
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    B00M H34DSH0T
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)15:45 No.3582022
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    Bundesrepublik Deutschland
    no fuckin turkis
    no fuckin muzzie
    no fuckin poles
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)15:51 No.3582052

    1. End the goddamn Federal Reserve. Replace currency with one backed by nonperishable commodity.
    2. Remove all troops from international bases. Put some on border patrol, put others on reserve.
    3. Repeal the affordable care act and introduce each section of bill into congress separately.
    4. Repeal DOMA, replace it with a law that initially legalizes gay marriage for all states. Under this law, states will be allow to ban gay marriage.
    5. Do something similar with all drugs.
    6. Repeal the Departments of Education, Homeland Security, and Energy.
    7. Repeal the PATRIOT Act.
    And as a bonus...
    8. Increase the SS retirement age to 80.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)15:51 No.3582060
         File1305143515.jpg-(46 KB, 500x280, 500px-Batman-JokerRevolver3.jpg)
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    1. Pull out of iraq and Afghanistan. Our military is too good to be picking fights with farmers.
    2. Strong arm Mexico into allowing US military to hunt cartels/ fight drug syndicates
    3. DREAM Act
    4. Reform tax code and eliminate ancient subsides. Tax code stays progressive
    5. Free education through Bachelor's level.
    6. Turn the Army core of engineers loose on our infrastructure. maybe fix a couple of the potholes
    7. Legalize steroids and pot.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)15:55 No.3582082
    >Viking raids

    You're not badass enough anymore for that. you've become a bunch of wet vagoos ready for a fucking.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)15:58 No.3582097
         File1305143935.jpg-(1.36 MB, 3279x2436, vik_vikings1.jpg)
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    are you getting an erection over there?

    I know we are very beautiful and genetically perfect, but still....
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)15:59 No.3582103

    1. legalize and tax all illegal drugs
    2. legalize gay marriage
    3. remove all federal restrictions on handguns/rifles and prevent states from banning concealed carry
    4. bring home all US troops on foreign soil
    5. create public option health insurance, along with specialized health courts
    6. end welfare and social security
    7. huge revamp of national infrastructure and education systems
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)16:01 No.3582108

    Make Justice completely independant
    Legalize and tax Weed
    Legalize and tax prostitution
    Make a subway system in the two major cities
    Open the tv network to the market (we only have propaganda tv channels)
    Give Sahara some independency with their own flag and government like in Quebec
    Totally reform the education system
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)16:04 No.3582121
    1. Everyone must pay 10% of his earnings to me.
    2. Everyone must address me as the Supreme Leader Your August Excellency or just "Your August Excellency."
    3. No woman may refuse consent to sexual intercourse or otherwise sexual contact with the Supreme Leader His August Excellency.
    4. Every municipality larger than 2000 inhabitants must erect one statue of the Supreme Leader His August Excellency per 2000 inhabitants.
    5. Replace the Pledge of Allegiance to Pledge of Allegiance to His August Excellency the Supreme Leader.
    6. Creation of an elite corp of women soldiers as the personal guard.
    7. Scrap the space program and replace it with Gundam research.
    >> Canada Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)16:08 No.3582139
    1. Gain control of all Oil fields in the country
    2. get rid the Human rights act( aka you can't make fun of him because he's different, LOL JAIL TIME FOR YOU.
    3. Make pot legal tax and it( Only the government can sell and grow it).
    4 .Make prostitution legal
    5. Stop immigration form 3rd and 2'd world countries unless you're a Doctor etc...
    6. Increase military budget, make new ships new jets etc..
    7. Start making more crown corporations
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)16:09 No.3582144
         File1305144583.png-(84 KB, 705x599, Canada-flag.png)
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    1. Cut military spending, pull out of Afghanistan except for training personnel, over a few years.
    2. Cut government contributions to cancer research (we have more important issues to resolve).
    3. Free education for all up to undergraduate.
    4. Increase taxes on wealthy, but allow for increased tax incentives for those who create jobs. Also many more tax incentive programs for middle and lower classes.
    5. Reorganize welfare system, offer more for those who work harder to get out of poverty, (The more you work, the more you get paid durr)
    6. Public deficit is now obsolete, work towards brining debt levels down again, invest in long-term infrastructure and institutions.
    7. Abolish Senate.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)16:10 No.3582146
         File1305144626.jpg-(32 KB, 300x450, CanadaFlagGirl.jpg)
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    Ban Gay Marriage
    No more immigrants please
    kick out refugees
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)16:12 No.3582156
    1) I put an immediate stop to immigration (illegal and legal), review the nation's policy on it, abolish the family regroupment, remove the double nationality, arrest all the illegals (millions) and send them back to Africa.

    2) I welcome back the death penalty with the guillotine in order to have a better ladder of sentences. I take all foreigners in French prisons and send them in Africa in order to prevent the French citizens from paying for people who feel better in a cell than in their shity desert.

    3) I make a universal referendum on this question : "Should we reopen the Bagne of Guyana and send the worst criminals on the Île du Diable" (devil's island).

    4) I get out of European Union in order to give back full power to my country, the ability to control our borders, to choose what is good for the French instead of what the French can give to the third world.

    5) After 30 years of multiculturalism propaganda, I reveal to the French the true ethnic and economic statistics of France, and I stop the multiculturalism shit.

    6) I give order to the Army to shot on sight any brazilians destroying our forests while searching gold in French Guyana.

    7) I give order to the Army to take every Comorrians living in La Réunion and Mayotte to put them in Ferries and bring them back in Comorros. ( Mayotte is a huge Lampedusa currently)

    8) I suppress or lower or restrict several social helps like CMU (free medical service for foreigners), RSA (500€ every month for non working people), APL (free € for people living in flats they can't afford), and many more social services which now allow any african to live in France without working.

    9) I talk to Germany and tell them we have too solutions, we can leave € and get back our Franc Français and DeutschMark, or we exclude Greece (Papandreous is a fucking liar) and eastern E.U colonies from €zone.

    10) I enjoy being a French living in France.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)16:21 No.3582206
         File1305145311.png-(59 KB, 375x434, red.png)
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    1) Offer re-negotiations with the now unified Palestinian authority. Agree to evacuate the smaller settlements in the heart of the West Bank, try to make the border similar to the pre-1967 one, landswaps etc'.

    If they disagree, Israel retreats from the West Bank unilaterally (except the larger settlements, which are towards the 1967 border), and keeps control over the whole of Jerusalem. From that point on, what was retreated of is theirs and they now must STFU.

    2) Stop the Gaza Blockade, hermetically closing the border and stop providing any goods (foods, electricity, fuel) to the Gaza Strip. Fuck em.

    3) Separate religion and the state. Abolish all religious laws, keep the overall Jewish 'theme' of the country (Jewish holidays are national holidays etc').

    4) Change Israel's system to a presidential democracy.

    5) Fluency in Hebrew for all of the students in the Arab education branch becomes a must in order to graduate high school. Oral exam and a written exam are required.

    6) Burst the real estate bubble. Make the economy much more democrat-socialist. Make the teachers' and M.Ds' salary higher.

    7) Negotiate for the return of Gilad Shalit. Release the prisoners the Hamas demands.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)16:24 No.3582227
    I would also ad taxing top 10%, 90%.
    If the owner of the company is an asshole(the lot of them) and moves to a lower tax rate for the rich country(USA for example). the Government will take full control over the corporation, making it a crown corporation.

    Wouldn't get the rid of the Senate . I would make a House of Lords. The PM can not elect new Lords, only the Queen can because she is neutral.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)16:27 No.3582244
    >deport criminals
    You mean, Tony Blair, right?
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)16:45 No.3582321
    America (California)

    1. Balkanize
    2. Balkanize
    3. Balkanize
    4. Balkanize
    5. Balkanize
    6. Balkanize
    7. Ctrl+v
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)17:00 No.3582381
         File1305147645.png-(14 KB, 320x200, Israel_Palestine_Flag.png)
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    I would keep the jewishness of the state in it's religion aswell.

    However, I would want Jerusalem to become it's own city state and not controlled by anyone perhaps having a UN force protecting the city.

    Israeli Settlements will become a part of Palestine in the West Bank, if they want to be israeli they come back to israel.

    Israel should give up some land for a unified palestine, i.e. being able to get to Gaza to West Bank without leaving there territory.

    Israel should federalise itself, but maintain it's current system of central governance.

    Conscription is phased out, we don't need an overly militarised nation, it always leads to itchy trigger fingers.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)17:02 No.3582396
         File1305147768.jpg-(42 KB, 420x306, 1241062358028.jpg)
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    Country: America
    1. Restrict voting rights, only those who have served two or more years in the military can vote. A few exceptions for the disabeled if they can find another way to demonstrate duty to the state.
    2. Replace senate with military council with twleve members. Six chosen by me, the other six by the house or reps.
    3. Fund Fascist movements in South America.
    4. Bring back the War Powers Act of 1941
    5. Intiate "humanitarian" interventions in the Pacific and the Caribbean.
    6. Change the tax structure to promote the extended family and discourage non-traditional family units like single aprents or the nuclear unit.
    7. Change the anthem to America fuck yeah
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)17:04 No.3582402

    1. Outlaw abortion
    2. Outlaw atheism
    3. Creationism teaching is mandatory in every school
    4. Nuke the fuckin Middle East
    5. Kill all Muslims in America
    6. Christianity is officiel state religion
    7. People are allowed to shoot Mexicans
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)17:05 No.3582406
    >6. Christianity is officiel state religion
    Which sect?
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)17:07 No.3582414
    Southern Baptism. The other sects are not real Christians, and I shall put them in jail.

    And I forgot to mention gays: in prison.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)17:07 No.3582416
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    I want lower taxes
    no more multiculturalism, kick out all the non swedish ethnics
    I prime minister of sweden gets to fuck hot swede babes anytime i want
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)17:10 No.3582425
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    I'd vote for you!
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)17:11 No.3582429
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    Something similar to this. I'll worry about real laws and shit later.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)17:11 No.3582430
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    >Real Christians
    >Not Lutherans
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)17:11 No.3582431

    State religion: Christianity
    Kick out non whities
    Lower taxes
    Liberate Flanders -> Form a glorious Dutch nation
    fund Christian terrorist in the middle with chemical weapons.
    Acquire nukes : nuke mecca.
    Beter social services & voting rights. only those who work are allowed to vote
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)17:13 No.3582438

    1-Coup d'état
    2-Genocide those who can't prove they aren't mixed with arabs.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)17:14 No.3582444
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    You've been doing that for 400 years.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)17:14 No.3582445
    wow, your life must suck
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)17:17 No.3582453
    >100% of spanish population is dead
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)17:18 No.3582454

    1- I'd kill anyone in any country when I want how I want and noone can stop me.
    >> [spoiler][/spoiler] 05/11/11(Wed)17:19 No.3582468

    Have a nice day, /new/.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)17:22 No.3582482
    I'm a UK National, OP and I agree with everything you said. Also I think it's appalling that we're not allowed to defend ourselves if we're being attacked in our houses. We can be jailed for defending ourselves.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)17:35 No.3582538

    OP Here, yes, I completely agree with your post, that's the liberal elite destroying every aspect of your lives for you.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)17:35 No.3582542

    1) Abolish the current form of government, in favor of a parliamentary, proportional, instant-runoff system.
    2) Establish a political system where you can't have two drastically different political systems alternating every few years. Political parties should be used for prioritizing issues not undermining each other and creating chaos.
    3) Make education a national issue. Mandate the states to raise the standards dramatically. Rework the system so it teaches the subjects more thoroughly and in depth. Make military-tier psychical fitness a graduation requirement unless a medical condition is present.
    4) Require a literacy test to be allowed to vote, study materials and courses being supplied by the government. Nothing to do with indoctrination just general education in the subjects relevant to the political process.
    5) Create a opensource resources for industry. So entrepreneurs can easily access knowledge about or of a particular industry or service. Putting the fate of our economy in many hands as opposed to a knowledgeable few.
    6) Encourage, smart growth and reduce urban sprawl. Provide mass transit. Invest in cities to make them world class and immaculate. They should be vary livable and desirable but also effectively allocate resources and lower infrastructure costs.
    7) Boot out the Africans and the Mexicans. Encourage the birth rate at home and allow regulated immigration from other Western nations.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)17:38 No.3582553
    1) Presidential system is eliminated, Congress must choose a Head of Government
    2) FPTP is replaced by instant-runoff
    3) Congressional districts are done by a non-partisan federal office instead of by states and districts can cross state lines (states are already represented by 2 Senators, House needs to truly be based on population)
    4) Cut military spending by half, pull out of our wars, sell our bases and scuttle half of the navy
    5) Reform tax law so that there is a minimum tax level that corporations and people must pay. No more deducting so much that you end up being paid by the government to run a fortune 500 company
    6) Single payer health care for yearly checkups, routine preventive care and most emergency situations
    7) Give the federal Dept. of Education actual power to make a national curriculum and enforce it
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)17:41 No.3582565
    Any us republicans are the racist ones.
    Boy, that sure would stimulate economic growth!
    >All drugs are legalized and we will no longer pretend that there is any real difference between heroin and vicodin
    >Alcohol and cigarettes will be taxed out of reach of the average person to encourage alcoholics and smokers to switch to safer drugs that were formerly illegal.
    So you think the government should have the power to influence your personal lives? What about those already addicted to cigarettes or alcohol? Tax them into poverty? How about you let people live their own lives without some bureaucrat fuck mandating what they can eat or drink.
    Oh god no, the U.S. has been the best place to receive medical care for years. We don't need socialist policies that lead to a lower standard of living for everyone who isn't a lazy bum.
    We don't WANT manufacturing jobs. The more money we save outsourcing them, the more money we have to start new businesses and discover new technology.
    That's what we need, more teachers, more unions, and more bad schools.
    Now here is a man I can agree with.
    >> anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)17:50 No.3582609
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)17:52 No.3582620

    How do you save money from outsourcing them?

    Sure you might if your the company itself or something. But for example, you can get a 14 to 25$ an hour manufacturing job here in the USA. 25 to 30$ if your an Industrial Maintenance Technician. Which these places typically higher between 300 or more to upwards of 2000 people.

    How does that harm a city any? Versus, if you take those jobs away. What to the people in the cities of 10,000 to 70,000 do? Not every where is a hub of office cubicles. You've just took all their jobs. Tossed them overseas to China or somewhere.

    Yes, the stuff in the store might be 10$ cheaper. But now you're stuck settling for a minimum wage to maybe $10 or 12 dollar an hour job. With crappy benefits, where with the factory you had EXCELLENT healthcare, etc. You didn't pay a dime for.

    You're salary has just been chopped in half along with hundreds of thousands of other people. For the sake of a "cheaper" product. You've killed the hardworking people that bankrolled entire towns. Now your precious service jobs are folding because no one can afford to use these services.

    Because they don't follow Henry Fords principle of, pay your people well enough so they can buy your product. They don't even pay well enough to live on! Sure you can go to college I guess. But there must be a demand for what you are taking. And unless you live in Metropolis, USA. YOUR FUCKED.

    Have fun putting up stock at Target, because thats all your getting.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)17:56 No.3582633
    >Halt illegal immigration
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)18:02 No.3582649
    it's /new/! It's alive! ALIVE!
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)22:29 No.3584083

    1) Take back the whole of Cyprus
    2) Deport all illegals, no exceptions
    3) arrest and jail corrupt politicians
    4) fuck EU
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)22:35 No.3584109
         File1305167701.jpg-(78 KB, 594x405, England+Women+v+Norway+Women+I(...).jpg)
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    i take norway women over english any day
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)22:39 No.3584130
         File1305167945.jpg-(39 KB, 400x300, Miss-paxkistan-group-photo.jpg)
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    I dont think anyone wants Pakistan now do they?
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)22:48 No.3584161
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    Wow, this thread is full of 12 year olds.
    >> USA Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)22:51 No.3584176
    1) Close all borders, cease all trade.
    2) Deport all citizens who cannot establish birth or parentage in America.
    3) Focus on internal economy, become self sufficient to the point where when we DO open our borders, we can tell the rest of the world to go fuck themselves.
    4) Abolish current government. Amend current requirements for serving in office to require parentage in USA, doctorate level. Government is now a 4 tier system. Topmost level is military admirals, they hold NO POWER in creating affairs of state. Their sole ability is oversight, and veto. This panel is 3 people at any time. If an admiral cannot be found to replace one who has used their right of veto, one will be chosen at random.
    They may veto ANYTHING and repeal ANY LAW.
    In doing so, they give up their right for them and their family to hold office for 3 generations.
    Second tier is elected senate. Each state has ONE representative. This senate decides federal affairs, budget, war declarations, etc.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)22:59 No.3584222
    2/3 good things, the others show complete idiocy and lack of comprehension of global economics
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)23:15 No.3584322
    As an Australian, I'm going to do Australia of course but firstly I'd like to help out the Ameribros with their border policy:
    On the mexican border, make a 100m "dead zone" between 2 separate fenced borders. With high tech surveillance (drones etc) anything that is human that crosses the 100m is shot as "illegal invasion". Problem solved.
    Back to ausland:
    1) halt immigration from any country not within a similar GDP range (give/take 5k per annum).
    2) to keep the left wing happy, provide huge support for aboriginal communities, making lots of farm jobs for them etc
    3) completely reform educational system so that teachers are as respected as doctors, and exams can be taken when ready instead of at the end of the year, leaving it up to children and their teachers to prepare for exams as soon as they can. Make university courses have to relate to a job, and have business design the courses for that job. Except for extensive theoretical degrees obviously. Put the more general subjects into highschool as optional extras.
    4) Acquire aircraft carrier + 20 carrier based f-35's for australia. Bid for 10 F-22's.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)23:16 No.3584327

    5) Encourage the mining boom via new social incentives to live in mining areas (build resorts, lots of swimming pools, nice place to live etc), and invest the revenue gained in mechatronics/robotics and new energy industries. Ensure the employees of new industries are paid on a product-commision based system to avoid becoming a crappy government funded commie workplace.

    6) remove significant government regulation on land ownership etc, set (large) zones that are exclusively national park but allow all other places to be built on.

    7) set up "rule of law" except for media. 2 Government funded channels where left/right wing journalists explore/explain government economics, social issues, new laws etc, parliamentary debates - even bring on lots of scientists to discuss climate change scientific theory. Very strict neutrality enforced OR if opinion based, ensure equal representation from both sides. This would effectively curb the hoardes of uneducated hippies protesting about shit they don't understand (see: idiots signing petition to ban di-hydrogen oxide i.e. water)
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)23:18 No.3584341
    >The top marginal tax rate is now 90 percent on all income over 1,000,000 USD a year. Also there is a one percent asset tax assessed yearly.

    You know this means all the rich people will leave, or at least take all of their money over seas, right?
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)23:18 No.3584343
    >1) halt immigration from any country not within a similar GDP range (give/take 5k per annum)

    you do realize no one would actually immigrate to australia then? if the US did a policy like that, there would still be immigration because of the allure of america and its cultural influence. why would anyone living a decent life in their own country move to a giant spider infested prison colony?
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)23:20 No.3584356
    1) Non-European immigration into the US will stop. Immediately.
    2) US Marines WILL be deployed to the border. Rules of engagement, well, there are none. Fire at will gentlemen.
    3) Blacks/joos/non-whites will become 2nd class citizens, and will be forced to work in the mines (or cotton fields XD)
    4) Cease trade with India and China. No more jobs to those shit holes.
    5) Reestablish our industrial base by giving incentives to local companys. The American-style Mom & Pop stores will come back.
    6) Throw shit tons of money at military R&D, while also giving NASA more money and more autonomy.
    7) Invade Canada.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)23:35 No.3584440
    12 year old with asspergers.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)23:52 No.3584503
    lol u troll me
    nah ausland is pretty sweet. if more eurobros wanted to come here and get out of their vastly overpopulated cities that'd be fine with me.
    just don't want neggers/water neggers/sand neggers, and although i don't mind asians i think they're immigrating here too much
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)00:00 No.3584530
         File1305172848.jpg-(33 KB, 588x473, smokeweedeveryday.jpg)
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    Country: Canada

    1) Stop all muslims and anytype of person from the middle east/terroristy areas from immigrating.

    2) Focus more of our funds on Military and research for the military. Purchase those 65 F-35s from the states( I don't know if thats still on, i think it is)

    3) Stop giving money to the FUCKING NATIVES!

    4) Get rid of the human rights act.

    5) Leave britains monarchy or whatever

    6) Stop being pussies and letting the US boss us around all the time

    7) smoke weed erryday
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)00:05 No.3584551
    >cease all trade.
    Looks like canada will have a shit ton of stuff and nobody to give it to haha.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)00:14 No.3584574
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    Country: United States of America

    1. Annex Canada and Greenland
    2. Ban all foreign aid, both federal and private
    3. Raise the voting age to 21
    4. Capital punishment must be carried out within three days of conviction
    5. Abortion made illegal, with morning after pills that work up to a week after intercourse, no excuses.
    6. Bring all military home and garrison them along the Mexican border
    7. Abolish a majority of the Federal departments and social programs, transferring those rights and responsibilities to the states.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)00:18 No.3584585
    >implying canada needs anything you have. Haha its not like we dont have over 900000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 bajillion of every single resource known to man.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)00:21 No.3584598
    1. bring the troops home

    2. secure the border

    3. veto the fuck out of everything until the budget is balanced

    that's it, pres of the usa doesnt have much power
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)00:24 No.3584614
    1. dismantle military-industrial complex
    2. institute universal health care
    3. constitutional amendment to get rid of corporate personhood
    4. replace FPTP voting system with something that will allow third parties to arise
    5. re-regulate banks
    6. end drug war
    7. carbon regulation
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)00:31 No.3584641
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    >regulate carbon

    lol, nigga u for real? That shit was proven junk science last decade. Get with the fucking times, "global warming" was a scam.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)00:31 No.3584644
    So you'll bankrupt the country in a week then?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)00:48 No.3584745
    Country: Canada
    1. Increase funding for preventative healthcare
    2. Normalize tuition fees across provinces
    3. Institute a progressive tax plan that eliminates sales tax while reducing the burden on the poorest and increasing it on the richest. Eliminate property tax.
    4. Regulate fuel prices
    5. Invest heavily in geothermal energy and invest in other research, particularly biomedical
    6. Declare Canada a republic with an indirectly elected Senate and President
    7. Eliminate welfare handouts, instead have welfare recipients become government workers who build infrastructure in the far north.

    >Canada is STRONG!
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)01:12 No.3584853
    1. change national language to american
    2. create a copy of the statue of liberty and replace the original with that one
    3. invade mexico and reunite baja with alta California
    4. lace the cocaine we're cooking in the CIA bunkers with cyanide
    5. covertly assassinate kate middleton in a train tunnel so as to induce a fear of trains in the Brits
    6. invade north korea while we're doing this we should also annex canada,it's not like anyone pays attention to their politics when we do shit
    7. change national anthem to "America fuck yeah"
    8. imma do more because this is America and we don't listen to the international community
    9. go to the moon, find the water, bottle it, sell it
    10. offer free dental care to brits( it's the least we could do)
    11. free France
    12. fire missiles at the sun to stop global warming
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)01:16 No.3584874
    >free France
    Et ta soeur, gros con ? Tu veux que je la libère ?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)01:22 No.3584903
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    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)01:25 No.3584914
    Country: USA

    1. Repeal affordable care act.
    2. Replace current medicare system with block grants for states, raise social security retirement age to 70, 10 year grandfathering period for those soon to retire
    3. Restrict EPA from regulating carbon emissions, pull California's EPA waiver that allows CARB to fuck everything up
    4. Grant drilling/nat gas and nuke power plant permits that current administration has been dragging its feet on
    5. Reform income tax, personal and corporate. lower marginal rates and eliminate loopholes
    6. Offer temporary federal incentives to bring the cost of natural gas vehicles (and NG stations) down to the cost of gasoline vehicles
    7. Pass constitutional carry as a federal law, instruct DOJ to aggressively prosecute localities that continue to infringe upon rights

    so we've fixed the tax system, we have a comprehensive energy policy, lowered spending by reforming entitlements (without getting rid) and restored rights enumerated in the bill of rights for ALL american citizens, not those lucky enough to live in red states.

    not bad, could do more though. didn't want to do anything too radical that would fuck with the already fragile economy.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)01:26 No.3584915
    Que dirais-tu d'aller te faire mettre ? Tu crois vraiment que je vais me salir les doigts à taper en "américain" (au fait, tu parles anglais pauvre idiot, pas americain). Viens me liberer si tu l'oses, salope.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)01:33 No.3584949
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    been there, done that
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)01:38 No.3584976
    Ouais et ben ne te confonds pas avec ton grand père, c'est lui manquer de respect. Je ne te dis pas que j'ai aidé l'Amérique a être libérée des rosbifs, non ? Et puis ça m'étonnerais que tu puisses partir à la guerre avec tes 150 kg.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)01:42 No.3585005
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    1. Completely amend the constitution, stating that Canada is an English country, and English is to be the only official language spoken within the country.

    2. Stage an civil Coup d'état and force Quebec to sign the constitution. As it should have been at the end of the seven years war, Quebec shall recognize the English rule over the country.

    3. Impose an immediate and permanent moratorium on immigration from third world country's and only allow ethnic Europeans to immigrate to Canada.

    4. Nationalize the oil and gas industry in the country, and use profits to develop a cross country train system, as well as redesigned infrastructure in every major city to replace motor vehicles as a means of transportation with well designed train systems and bikeways.

    5. Take advanced measures to ensure proper education and well being off all Canadian citizens. This would include: better health and fitness education in schools from K-9 and highschool, a national weightloss program which participants are completely isolated from the outside world in order to attain proper bodyweight and/or recover from drug addictions.

    6. Heavily fund greenhouse technology so the country can become completely self sufficient in regard to resources.

    7. Take Family Guy off the air
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)01:43 No.3585012
    i'm sorry that you don't have a proud military history to revel in and it must make you feel bad knowing that the most recent war you got involved in is just another stalemate(Libya). But hey at least you guys haven't surrendered yet, that's a start
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)01:43 No.3585014

    1) Stop the specific tax for oils. People need cheaper gas, yo.
    2) Municipal education? More bullshit. Schools shouldn't be managed by the majors. Let the ministry of education take the control of the public and subventioned schools.
    3) Take the control of "public" universities. Prices should lower from there (in fact, Chile is the most expensive country to study in latin america, and the quality isn't even decent).
    4) Free medical stuff for the poor? Stop that shit, make it free for poor and middle classes. High classes can pay their shit.
    5) Everything happens in Santiago. So let's give regions more stuff so they can have fun and so they can progress better. Actually, stop centralization in every possible way.
    6) Call for a rewriting of the constitution. It was made during the time of Pinochet, and since we're not in a dictadure we need one that represents the people better.
    7) Make public institutions less burocratic and more practical. People are doing their job well? Fucking keep them. People are doing their job badly? Kick them out. The actual degree system is bullshit since you can assign in a position someone who doesn't know how to do their job, just because of the degree.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)01:45 No.3585028
    you mad that everything France starts, such as the Olympics, gets dominated by America? how many gold medals does France have?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)01:50 No.3585056
    Aucune fierté militaire ? J'ai jamais la guerre, petite pute, comment je pourrais en tirer de la fierté ? Par contre, je pense que tu devrais t'intéresser à autre chose que ton nombril puisque la France a tout de même quelques guerres de gagnées. Mais bon apparemment vous ne digérez pas encore le refus de notre pays d'envahir illégitimement l'Iraq. Alors bon, ta mauvaise fois, tu sais ou tu peux te la carrer, vieille catin.

    Qui en a quelque chose à foutre du sport à part des gros débiles d'Américains ? J'ai autre chose à foutre qu'à grossir dans mon canapé en regardant des athlètes faire du sport.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)01:58 No.3585101
    like they did in the 50s? lolno. No one is going anywhere, despite their threats.

    (and if they try we'll nationalize their property.)
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)02:02 No.3585128
    I think you're mad, bro
    also,to throw salt on the wound that is France's military history, it's too bad your pussy little country couldn't beat the Vietnamese.

    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)02:05 No.3585141
    Methinks OP should read "Little Bee"...
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)02:08 No.3585159
    at the battle of Dien Bien Phu we had to hold their sissy girly hands while they tried, not very hard apparently, to defend their own territory. Come on France, you still can't do anything without American support
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)02:08 No.3585163
    Pourquoi ? Parce que tu crois que le vietnam a été une grande victoire pour les États-Unis ? Et puis bon, dans le contexte de la décolonisation, hein, mais c'est sûr, c'est pas un gros con de ton genre qui va s'intéresser à ce genres de "détails", puisqu'ils en parlent pas sur la fox. Enfin bref, va te faire mettre, espèce de gros porc. J'espère que tu mourras étouffé par ta graisse.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)02:17 No.3585207
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    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)02:20 No.3585221
    Eh ben... Quelle répartie. Bon allez, je n'ai pas que ça a branler que de discuter avec un crétin. Bonne journée à toi quand même.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)02:24 No.3585240
    also, it would appear the french have surrendered again
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)02:25 No.3585248
    Whatever makes you feel good.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)02:39 No.3585285
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    >real Christians
    >not the original, true sect, Catholicism
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)02:42 No.3585297
    >not the orthodox
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)02:45 No.3585304

    1 - if someone is in your house illegally it is legal to kill them in any way, protection of yourself is more important than any criminal.#

    2 - stop immigration

    3 - improve the road and rail system drastically

    4 - Bring back capital punishment

    5 - Anyone accused of non violent crimes should help out in factories, farms etc instead of adding to the prison population

    6 - give tax breaks to smaller businesses

    7 - every illegal immigrant must wear a top hat and monocle plus drink tea and play cricket for a term of 5 years before getting british citizenship
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)05:43 No.3585737
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    Argentina Please
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)06:08 No.3585801

    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)06:18 No.3585834
    >1) deport criminals
    to where though?
    Because Australia certainly isn't taken them again.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)06:22 No.3585840
    >no fuckin turkis
    >no fuckin poles

    lol then you can say bye bye to your best football players
    do you really want that ?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)06:25 No.3585846
    Statue of El Presidente
    Statue of El Presidente
    Statue of El Presidente
    Statue of El Presidente
    Statue of El Presidente
    Statue of El Presidente
    Statue of El Presidente
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)07:42 No.3586027

    1. Form the Czech-Norwegian friendship union
    2. Abolish and make religion illegal
    3. Accept immigrants from: Sweden, Denmark, Poland (carpenters), Iran, Germany, USA and England
    4. Ban long hair on women and short hair on men
    5. Legalize cannabis
    6. Ban Russian automobiles
    7. Allow graffiti to be painted on the government building
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)07:48 No.3586036


    lemme guess,youre an iranian sadn1gger
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)07:51 No.3586042

    -Kill the entire population
    -Bring real white people
    -No more white jokes on /int/
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)07:52 No.3586044
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    I'd vote for you.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)11:20 No.3586789
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    >> uuuuhhhh 05/12/11(Thu)11:28 No.3586817
    1. Legalise and tax ALL drugs
    2. Establish a bill of rights that ensures complete freedom of speech, threat being the only exception
    3. Try and mediate between China and the USA to increase relationships
    4. Make religion taxable
    5. Withdraw from overseas and use troops to police shitty areas (See: Western Sydney)
    6. Leave the UN
    7. Increase ties with South America
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)11:38 No.3586863
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    1) End restrictions on speech, press, media or Internet and support privacy and property rights
    2) Give all individuals right to bear arms
    3) End corporate welfare and barriers to international free trade
    4) Cut taxes and spending by 50% or more
    5) Negative income tax to overhaul over 200 social programs
    6) Legalize victimless crimes (drug use, prostitution etc.)
    7) Privatize everything but courts, military and police
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)11:44 No.3586889

    make a speech like this

    2. secure our borders and not this pussy 12 foot high wooden posts with plastic cover. Something like the berlin wall.

    3. While doing that, I'd give every illegal here the oppritunity to get a workers licence.

    4. Fix our infastructure. build new rail.

    5. Bring home all of our troops and fix our foreign policy. You know, stop giving billions to a country because- I don't even know why we give billions away.

    7. Reform our tax system. It is horrible.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)11:51 No.3586924
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    Reagan and Thatcher would be proud!
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)11:52 No.3586937
    1. Universal healtcare
    2. Legalize certain drugs
    3. No affirmative action
    4. Make illegals work extra for their citizenship
    5. Only evolution can be taught in the classroom
    6. No tax exemptions for religious organizations
    7. Those with violent crime on their record must live in a certain area of a city and work their way into general population.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)11:54 No.3586944
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)11:54 No.3586947
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    Which Country?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)11:58 No.3586964
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    ... because the concertation did exactly what they said they were going to do on the last 20+ years.

    Fuck this.


    1.- Cut the crap with the stupid large goverment cemented by the left wing. FIRE ANYONE WHO IS NOT NECESARY. that will give the state enough money to produce a real social agenda.
    2.- Produce a social agenda based on capacitation and development and not on "giving money and things" to people who will not work and just stay feeding of the state's tit. Make work, not give bread.
    3.- Make a constitution amendment so the parlament can actually promote projects instead of depending of the president, heck, let ANY CITICEN propose a project on the parlament with due formats and regulations.
    4.- 4 years with ONE re-election. only for the sake of seeying if ANY president can finish a project.
    5.- Fuck this "they are using unnecesary strength" ... ZERO tolerance, carabineros should be able to stop assholes who are damaging the country, perdiod. In the meanwhile finish a proper carcelary reform.
    6.- Double the tax to the big mining enterprices... fire all the upper heads of Codelco and replace them with real confidence people.
    7.- NEVER EVER let someone who has been living outside the country for more than 2 years vote. Fucking assholes have no idea whats going on here. Want to vote? return to the country and LIVE here instead of claiming to be chileans and living under european conditions.

    Extra: Get all the universities to focus every single of their science depts. into developing the best way to generate sea-based energy in less than 10 years. Afterwards promote a University race system for them to solve every mayor technical problem the country may face, granting them funds for that.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)11:59 No.3586967
    1. Whole parliament is sent before the deathsquad(except me), their heads are put on stakes before the parliament. the limit to be elected to a parliament is to have a doctorate in any field(except lolart or something similar). Ministers have to be proven experts in their fields. Politicians are not bound by their parties and they can vote as they see fit

    2. Lower taxes by A LOT, REAL FREE TRADE, put money into innovation

    3. Throw a lot of money for fighting white collar crime
    4. Capital punishment for serious crimes(murder, rape, paedophilia) and the excecution of the whole family if one of them took part in a white collar crime

    5. Sell all public companies, retaining shares only in the most important ones7

    6. Disband the army, redirect them to the police

    7. School system is reformed to eject each lazy, dumb person into a factory, the smart ones lead the country.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)12:00 No.3586973
    now that I think about it. I gotta add one more thing

    Extra 2: YOU MISS A SESSION ON THE PARLAMENT, YOU MISS THAT DAY OF PAYMENT. Fucking political class must learn what working really means. miss a day of work? miss a day of payment.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)12:01 No.3586977
    ship all nigras back to africa!
    country: ALL
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)12:09 No.3587011
    >create a copy of the statue of liberty and replace the original with that one

    U so mad!
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)12:18 No.3587054
    Iran (Good post btw OP)

    After I ran some purges (removal of Theocracy Loyalists) I would do these

    1) Allow abortion. Don't like one, don't get one.
    2) De-Criminalize Gays. Under that would also come legalizing of gay marriage
    3) Legalize Alcohol and Marijuana
    4) Criminalize Cigarettes, introducing free rehabilitation programs nationwide.
    5) Make it law that children between the ages of 5-18 have to go to school.
    6)Put an end to Hijab b.s
    7)Remove conscription.

    Theres honestly too many to write. 7 isn't enough.

    Australia ( I live here btw)

    1) Legalize gay marriage nation wide
    2) Make Marijuanna legal
    3) Limited immigration
    4) Flat Tax
    5) Ban all fast food.
    6) Criminalize Cigarettes, introducing free rehabilitation programs nationwide.
    7) Drop out of NATO and anything else that Australia follows Britain and USA in. Also, become a Republic.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)12:28 No.3587092
    >lose a third of our GPs, without taking dentists or surgeons into consideration, careers in which there is also a high immigrant factor. Enjoy your noNHS.

    >you do realise we have to ally with Europe or USA? Geographical position aside, I would MUCH rather we got fucked in the arse by Europe than the USA, because the USA won't even lube.

    >some of those laws aren't bullshit. You don't want equality for women? Funny how you sound exactly like those muslims you hate so much.

    >hahaha oh wow. I'm finding it hard to believe this isn't a troll post now. You think our youth isn't shitty enough as it is?

    >actually wholeheartedly agree with capital punishment. throw in castration for sex crimes.

    >lowering taxes won't get us out of this economic shit heap. You want to know what happens when you fuck around with taxes, look at Greece.

    >compulsory military service, or at least a similar system to Germany, where some form of service for your country is required

    OP is a faggot.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)12:31 No.3587096
    St Kilda would be a good place for us to use, its about 100 or so miles of the west coast off the Outer Hebrides, no shelter really, horrific weather, sounds ideal for the scumbags of british society. We could also use it for target practice for the RN.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)12:33 No.3587100
    Why would you crimanalize cigarettes THEN legalize weed? Weed has 5 times as much tar than cigarettes. Tar is the toxin that causes lung cancer
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)12:33 No.3587102

    1.) Secede

    2.) Stop immigration. Suggest an international volunteer corps dedicated towards improving the nations that these people come from, so that a difference can actually be made.

    3.) Criminals, junkies and people too poor to provide for their children should be given tax incentives not to reproduce. Break the law while receiving the tax breaks and the child will be confiscated and sent to live with a different family on the other side of the country, to give them a better chance in life.

    4.) Implement a fairer voting system. AV or Proportional Representation. Make every party manifesto available to every citizen, written in such a way that it is readable to anyone.

    5.) Educate the youth on civic responsibility, and community cohesion. Give mandatory Political Ed classes, which offer a fair and even view on every ideology.

    6.) We only need an army of about 15,000 volunteers. Any more than that is excessive.

    7.) Energy independence. Our wind power program is already quite large, but we can make it larger.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)12:39 No.3587122

    Weed doesn't have tar in it, you fool. Its the tobacco it is rolled with that has the tar.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)12:49 No.3587174
    scotfag here, we already have PR herp derp
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)12:50 No.3587177
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    1) Leave EU
    2) Restore Civic Pride in being British
    3) Federalize Britain (by giving more power to each of 4 nations more devolved power and creating an English Assembly too) however political system is to be kept as Unitary parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy
    4) Build better relations with the Commonwealth and distance our political and military links with the USA, we should especially build relations with the most developed nations within the commonwealth such as Australia, New Zealand, Canada, etc, and build better economic, social, political and military ties with them.
    5) Flat rate tax system of 10% on everything (corporate tax, income, council, VAT, you name it!)
    6) Bring in Proportional Representation, which prevents large parties dominating politics for decades.
    7) Review immigration and citizenship policy, and forcibly eject illegals and those who are deemed to be nuisance to Britain (even if you were born in the UK and lived here, you mess about you get kicked out).
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)12:54 No.3587197
         File1305219277.jpg-(49 KB, 450x571, butthurt2_Random_Demotes-s450x(...).jpg)
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    Liberal Junkie Butthurt much?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)12:55 No.3587200
    ITT: neo nazis
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)13:02 No.3587223
    >You want to know what happens when you fuck around with taxes, look at Greece

    You want to know what happens when government fucks around with the economy, look at our economic crisis.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)13:05 No.3587233
    great thread!


    1. Single payer health care (with optional "cadillac" private plans)
    2. Raise retirement age to 75
    3. More nuclear power (cuz the oil's gonna peak)
    4. Cut 5% of Defense budget & put it into renewable energy
    5. Kill tax subsidies for big biz
    6. Expanded public financing for elections
    7. Decriminalize drugs, prostitution, online gambling
    8. Expand Earned Income Tax Credit
    9. Recognize Hamas as a legitimate player in Palestine
    10. Another $500BN in short-term stimulus $$
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)13:30 No.3587366
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    1. Great purge in the military, or have a real guarantee of their loyalty towards me.
    2. Dissolve the federal police.
    3. Execute every former member of the federal police.
    4. Send the dissidents to concentration camps.
    5. Execute every wetback that is deported back from America. Let's solve the problem of migration for once. Our relationship is bilateral.
    6. Destroy the corrupt worker's unions with great fury and anger.
    7. Peace with the drug lords. Drug consumption is a problem of America, not ours.

    Order can be interchangeable. Also, fuck civil and human rights.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)13:35 No.3587400

    1. kick out all the black people
    2. slaughter all the muslims
    3. close the borders
    4. nuclear war with usa
    5. ...
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)13:47 No.3587460
    Country: Poland

    1. Abortion is now optional
    2. Salaries are increased by 30%. No questions asked.
    3. Bring back death penalty for murder crimes.
    4. Any immigrant coming to Poland will have to take a language test to verify that he/she knows the language first.
    5. Any illegal immigrants refusing to leave the country will be shot.
    6. All workers HAVE TO get paid every week. Failure to do so will result in shut-down of the business.
    7. Racism will be ignored by the authority.
    8. If an immigrant has committed a crime, he/she will get deported.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)13:52 No.3587479

    You are forgetting about the poor!

    they should be spayed and neutered :)
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)13:52 No.3587481

    >> abortion is now optional.

    This kinda sounds as if it was mandatory beforehand.
    wtf poland Oo
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)14:02 No.3587527

    1.Nationalise public transport, (there's no drive by the companies to improve the system, no competition between train lines and bus services.
    2. Nationalise one or two banks whilst pushing for smaller mutuals and draw away from the state capitalism with the financial industry so they are no longer protected when they start to collapse.
    3.Restart the manufacturing business in this country again, heavily subsidised for the first few stages to give it a kick in the right direction.
    4.Closer ties with Europe without joining the euro or accepting silly EU laws (maybe not too easy)
    5.Regional parliaments to match Scotland and Wales
    6. Install Nuclear plants around the country and off shore wind farms to decrease our reliance on oil
    7. Withdraw forces from Iraq and Afghanistan while keeping major diplomatic relations within Afghanistan to help create a smooth peace process among it's people and try and secure a strong economy
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)15:55 No.3588628

    1) Accepted Wallonia and Brussels in France.
    2) Reduce the immigration rate and mainly accepted white people.
    3) Spend more money in research.
    4) Spend less money in the economic aid.
    5) Building new monuments in each big cities.
    6) Increase a bit the fertility rate for prevent the death of the baby-boomers.
    7) Improve the suburbs in Paris.
    8) Take off the nationality for the French of foreign origin who get a police record.
    >> Canada Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)16:21 No.3588950
    1.Take over all res
    2. Improve are military
    3. Stronger ties with the Commonwealth
    4. English is the official langue
    5. Stop funding Quebec
    6. More Taxes for the rich, less taxes less for the poor
    7. If the company doesn't agree with the tax rate the Government takes over the company. So no jobs will leave.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)16:22 No.3588972
    >> noko 05/12/11(Thu)16:42 No.3589167
    1) restore terror (and you'll see that Oussama is a pussy), kill all who loves "Jus sanguinis", and those who doesn't want to kill them. The ennemy of the French Republic.
    2) restore power of public school, and banned private school. Mix the research and the school ministers
    3) restore "Conscription"
    4) say to the world that there is a guillotine fore each people of the earth who likes "Jus sanguinis"
    5) disable president immunity
    6) put a big statue of Robespierre in a big place in Paris
    7) say to Europe that things must change and that democracy must be restored in EU
    8) ban UK from EU
    9) say to rich people that they can't fool us saying that they didn't steal it
    >> Canada Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)17:01 No.3589370
    Holy Fuck, Canada is full of fucking dillholes.
    You want real change you ontarian fucks?

    1) Democratically elected, regional, PR Senate and an elected governor-general. Keep the monarchy because it still is useful.

    2) strike down the act of settlement 1701 and allow Catholics and Women to monarchs based on age alone.

    3) Two-Tier Healthcare system to allow for pressure relief from the Public system.

    4) Greater investment in Green energy projects and forcing the oil sands to use ionic liquids in oil extracting and replacing all soil and trees.

    5) Opening up immigration from European Countries. Fuck our diversity, we need people who can contribute to stay here.

    6) Assert our Arctic sovereignty, increase funding for northern development and northern military forces.

    7) Mandatory military service from 18-45 barring incapabilities. If you're on welfare, you go to the military and work for that cheque, even if it means being deployed to the arctic.

    That's some real change for Canada. we have tons of opportunity for resource development.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)17:31 No.3589709
    This thread is full of nazis
    >> THE TRUE NORTH STRONG AND FREE Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)17:56 No.3589887
         File1305237400.png-(30 KB, 497x501, reaction canadaball is amazed.png)
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    1. Everyone will have a right to shelter and a hot meal. Nobody will be homeless in Canada.

    2. Permanent naval bases all across the Arctic and a great increase in the military budget, mostly towards naval equipment.

    3. "Arctic Colonization Project" will be established as an incentive for people to live in the North. This project will also involve developing technology for extreme weather colonization as well as undersea and space colonization.

    4. More money into the space program, and taking a proactive role in the development of space technology. This is also involve pushing for the annexation of Turks and Caicos (with local support, of course) so we can establish our own launch pad closer to the equator. Our goal is for spearheading the first permanent lunar moon base.

    5. We will have a strict zero-tolerance policy against criminal immigrants. Reinstatement of the death penalty for Chinese spies and triads, and foreign Islamic militants, etc.

    6. I would abolish of the Senate and turn the House of Commons into the "House of Advisors". All laws would have to be passed by me and me alone, but the now powerless MPs will serve to advise me on local and national issues.

    7. The development of our own chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons as a deterrent against all who would dare exploit, subvert, or conquer our vast and beautiful homeland.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)18:36 No.3590171

    >strike down the act of settlement 1701 and allow Catholics and Women to monarchs based on age alone.

    Good luck getting that one through the House of Lords.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)18:40 No.3590199

    kill the faggots like him.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)18:42 No.3590221

    Abso-fucking-lutely man. More order and support for the territories too, Nunavut is hellish these days.

    Not death penalty but rather deportation. Just remove them from the country.
    >> noko 05/12/11(Thu)18:50 No.3590270
    People like me rules the country. Ignorant.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)18:54 No.3590301
    that's why it's a shithole. you think you're cool by praising robespierre the little faggot?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)20:53 No.3591124
    I didn't say shit about the UK did I?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)20:59 No.3591173
    That's fucking stupid.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)21:00 No.3591181

    So you'll have a different monarch to the rest of the commonwealth and expect the UK not to be involved?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)21:23 No.3591329

    1 kick out non natives; that means whites, mexicans, chinese and blacks
    2 outlaw immigration to the continent, violators will be shot or axed or both
    3 tree planting programs, buffalo breeding programs, banning of GMOs,
    4 create educational programs (NOT western style schools) with emphasis on mathmatics, science, music, and altruistic governing
    5 fund weapon and energy research and create datamining, computing, and courier programs to catch up to the rest of
    6 mandate a maximum of 300 million population maximum
    7 hospitals and alcoholic outreach programs operated by local doctors
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)21:23 No.3591330
         File1305249791.jpg-(71 KB, 323x400, 1295254607810.jpg)
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    1) Remove minimum Wage
    2) Withdraw from the UN
    3) End Medicare Medicaid and Social Security
    4) Privatize Education
    5) Withdraw from Afghanistan and Iraq; end most military bases
    6) Legalize all drugs
    7) End the AMA
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)21:26 No.3591349
    Essentially, especially since it violates charter rights.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)21:27 No.3591356
    also the house of lords won't be around much longer.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)21:35 No.3591421
    > 8) be invaded by russia
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)21:37 No.3591430
    Oh so edgy.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)21:38 No.3591440
    USA here
    1)Introduce a fair flat tax rate for everyone

    2)Slash the far to high corporate Tax rate

    3)Cut back on the welfare state

    4)Spend 20% of government revenue and Science, technology, R@D

    5)Spend 5% of that 20% on space

    6)Get NASA is partnership with private industry to colonize the moon, Then mars, so on and so forth

    7)Withdraw from Iraq and Afghanistan for monetary reasons, But keep fucking Terrorists up with Special forces and Drones
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)21:48 No.3591508

    Good luck with that...


    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)21:59 No.3591580

    I. Sexual and Reproductive Rights amendment
    II. Severely cap amount of money that can be spend on political campaigns and close PAC loophole
    III. Completely overhaul federal tax code to simplify it, close loopholes, and perhaps increase progressiveness
    IV. Financial reform, including reinstating some New Deal era legislations
    V. Remove social security tax cap
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)22:01 No.3591591
    >implying regressive tax rate is fair
    >> !BObh1XChLQ 05/12/11(Thu)22:03 No.3591605

    1)Use 40% of the Income for Military
    2)30% for Education
    3)"Plan Inca"
    4)Reorganize the country (New capital Cuzco, Arequipa, Loreto or La Libertad ; Lima central harbor)
    5)"Nuevo Tahuantisuyo"
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)22:03 No.3591608
    Wow looks like /int/ is full of American conservatards
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)22:05 No.3591614
    Country: US

    1.) Pull out all troops and military bases.
    2.) Disband all government involvement in other nations and end all embassies.
    3.) End all social programs.
    4.) Abolish capitalism.
    5.) Organize the nation into various trade syndicates.
    6.) Lay off all government personnel.
    7.) Abolish the state.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)22:24 No.3591714
    Canadians support it, no one is doing anything about it though.

    >check most recent on the right

    Of course your lords are resisting. Canada is going to have Senate reform in the next 4 years.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)06:41 No.3593885

    Abolish capitalism?


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