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    File : 1267094240.jpg-(1.88 MB, 2816x2112, PICT1998.jpg)
    1.88 MB Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)05:37 No.291991  
    ITT: beautiful sceneries from your country.

    I'll start, this is Israel
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)05:40 No.292003
    Correction: Palestine
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)05:42 No.292009

    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)05:42 No.292013
    boring pic
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)05:44 No.292019
    If you got something better post it

    Just STFU & GTFO
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)05:45 No.292021
    That's not israel, that's palestine you dirty kike
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)05:46 No.292023
         File1267094764.jpg-(114 KB, 640x480, sataf.jpg)
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    Is that some Jezreel Valley?
    Sataf-fag here.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)05:47 No.292028
    IS that beautiful pic? Don't you have beutiful nature in Palestine?
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)05:48 No.292031
         File1267094892.jpg-(75 KB, 450x336, ifo-group-alamos-october-2007-(...).jpg)
    75 KB
    murrikans in my Alamos.

    Notice: 7 out of 10 are fat ;_;
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)05:48 No.292032
    No, but it's close, it's the Golan
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)05:55 No.292069
         File1267095332.jpg-(26 KB, 500x375, img_26871.jpg)
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    -shit brix-
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)05:56 No.292072
         File1267095377.jpg-(42 KB, 480x360, GazaRuins1.jpg)
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    No, THIS is palestine
    It had to be this way because of the Hamas terrorists who fire rockets on Israel from civilian neighbourhoods
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)05:57 No.292075
         File1267095446.jpg-(57 KB, 576x432, lake district..jpg)
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    lake district

    also the part of the country I live in
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)05:57 No.292076

    the ratio in civilian deaths are 25/1 , just GTFO
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)05:58 No.292077
         File1267095497.jpg-(76 KB, 435x286, plitvice-lakes.jpg)
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    I don't get why the Israelis wanted to steal land from the Palestinians so bad. I mean I could understand if they wanted to steal land from Croatia but not Palestine.

    Plitvice Lakes, Croatia
    >> XEN !SrRQ80lvII 02/25/10(Thu)05:59 No.292082
         File1267095544.jpg-(622 KB, 1460x1095, CIMG2184.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)06:00 No.292087
         File1267095614.jpg-(9 KB, 400x258, sotano de las golondrinas.jpg)
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    Shit brix
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)06:03 No.292098
         File1267095835.jpg-(130 KB, 809x539, PAL_palestinian-loss-of-land.jpg)
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    How would Americans feel if a bunch of Muslims came over and started stealing States like Florida from Americans? Would they just sit there and do nothing while other Americans are systematically being beaten, humiliated, and killed?
    >> ‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ 02/25/10(Thu)06:04 No.292099
    Palestine looks nice.

    I wanna go there once, once all the kikes have been thrown out
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)06:04 No.292100
         File1267095875.jpg-(17 KB, 303x448, bled1.jpg)
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    Bled, Slovenia
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)06:04 No.292102
    Israel/Palestine was a desert before Jews came. Now Israel is a beautiful country.
    And Jews didn't steal anything, the UK divided the land between Arabs and Jews, but the Arabs wanted to kill the Jews and started a war, in which they lost and the Jews got the rest of the land.
    That's it. The Arabs tried to kill us over and over again, and they still try to do this, but they fail.
    What happened in Gaza in 2009 is the result of the attacks of Hamas on Israel in 200-2008. The people of a settlement called Sderot pretty much had to live their lives in bomb shelters during that time. In 2008 Hamas started bombing other cities, so Israel had to go in and stop them. Hamas was using women and children as human shields and were firing rockets from civilian neighborhoods, so unfortunately, civilian casualties could not be avoided.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)06:05 No.292103
    Now Israel is a desert with nazi-zionists
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)06:05 No.292104
         File1267095944.jpg-(85 KB, 500x375, banff-moraine-lake.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)06:06 No.292107
    Correction: Inuit land
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)06:06 No.292108
    This map is wrong, I can also color the Arab parts with a few dots and leave the rest for the Jews prior to 1948, doesn't make it right, it belonged to the British. Also, why doesn't 1948 appears there? What happened then? You know it yourself. Arabs tried to steal Jewish property even though they got 85% of the British mandate, sadly, they got their ass raped, learn to live with it.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)06:06 No.292110

    besides, Americans stole their lands from Indians(Native Americans) so they have no right to say or do anything about that at all
    >> ‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ 02/25/10(Thu)06:06 No.292111
         File1267096007.jpg-(8 KB, 300x288, 1265851212911.jpg)
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    >Hamas was using women and children as human shields
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)06:08 No.292119
         File1267096091.jpg-(36 KB, 476x300, lake-titicaca.jpg)
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    lake titicaca
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)06:08 No.292121
         File1267096120.jpg-(69 KB, 800x548, bohinj-meer-mooi.jpg)
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    Bohinj, Slovenia
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)06:09 No.292123
         File1267096140.jpg-(107 KB, 1024x768, 04072009114 (Large).jpg)
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    Switzerland, around Interlaken where I went for parachuting.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)06:09 No.292124
         File1267096163.jpg-(70 KB, 500x369, arabsgas01.jpg)
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    this is israel
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)06:09 No.292125
         File1267096182.jpg-(141 KB, 640x480, Ao-Ton-Sai-and-Ao-Lo-Dalam_-Ko(...).jpg)
    141 KB

    Now that is a beautiful scene.

    <----Also, Thailand.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)06:09 No.292128
         File1267096191.jpg-(2.97 MB, 3072x2304, 9860384.jpg)
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    Zuma Rock
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)06:10 No.292130
         File1267096227.jpg-(24 KB, 240x339, PDFLP.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)06:10 No.292132
         File1267096257.jpg-(87 KB, 550x351, k-bridge-Bulgaria-пейзаж(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)06:13 No.292147
         File1267096437.jpg-(46 KB, 369x768, dsc_0012 (5) (Large).jpg)
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    Stockhorn, same area.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)06:15 No.292150
    Israeli civilians killed by palestinians in terrorist attacks in 2000-2008: 724

    Civilians killed in gaza by the IDF: 429-926

    and once again I say, Hamas was using women and children as human shields, and firing rockets from civilian neighborhoods
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)06:16 No.292155

    If the U.S was the same size as the combined muslim countries of the world it would be the equivalent of them losing half of Rhode Island or something and I'd imagine they'd deal with it a bit better than the Palistians have. Of course it might be different becuase it's muslims moving there. I mean, no sane human being wants muslims for neighbours do they?
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)06:17 No.292158
         File1267096624.jpg-(26 KB, 400x294, i am jewish.jpg)
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    >but the Arabs wanted to kill the Jews and started a war

    That might have something to do with the fact that you are on THEIR land. Imagine how butthurt Swedes or any other European country would get if half of their land was divided between them and the Muslims. They already bitch about a small amount of immigrants.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)06:17 No.292159

    Yeah, sure, prove it, faggot.
    IDF killed WAY more civilians that Hamas, but they have ways to control the media and therefore the numbers don't get published.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)06:17 No.292160
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)06:20 No.292167
         File1267096820.jpg-(61 KB, 800x533, 83512.jpg)
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    Mount Kinabalu
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)06:20 No.292168
         File1267096858.jpg-(103 KB, 329x500, 1266301297946.jpg)
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    >waaah it's not our fault we killed women and children they were in our way.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)06:22 No.292173
    How do you justify Israel dropping White Phosphorous(banned by the UN) on unarmed civilians?
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)06:22 No.292175
    You idiot!!!
    It was not their land. It was the land of the ottoman empire until 1917, when the UK conquered it during WW1. In 1947, when the UK was withdrawing from the land, they divided it between the Jews and the Arabs(BTW the Arab part was bigger), but the Arabs who thought they owned the land didn't want that.

    tl;dr: it was British land, not Arab land,and the brits gave part of it to the Jews
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)06:24 No.292179
    >How do you justify Israel dropping White Phosphorous(banned by the UN) on UN compound.

    Question enhanced.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)06:25 No.292185

    l2history, before you tell Zionist lies, better get your facts straight.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)06:25 No.292187
    I could show you the wikipedia page listing all the suicide terrorists attacks on Israel, but it's in Hebrew and you'll probably say it's made up by Jews anyway.

    but still, here you go:

    BTW, I was wrong, it's not 2000-2008, it's 1993-2009, My whole life
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)06:26 No.292189
    You can tell this guy watches the Israeli version of Fox News.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)06:26 No.292190
         File1267097192.jpg-(315 KB, 1300x767, fosforgroot.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)06:27 No.292193
    No, I just know history better than you
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)06:27 No.292195

    Ok, first you get the years wrong, then you get the numbers wrong and now you want me to click on some link you provide?
    Sure, try your Zionist plot on someone else, but not ME!
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)06:28 No.292197
         File1267097281.jpg-(77 KB, 412x600, Noseknows.jpg)
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    >British land
    are you really that dumb?
    Oh wait you are a jew.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)06:28 No.292199
    >No, I just know how to bend history better than you

    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)06:29 No.292206
    The years were wrong, but the numbers are right
    And STFU, I know it better than you because I LIVE HERE, I saw some of these attacks in my own eyes
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)06:30 No.292209
         File1267097401.jpg-(659 KB, 800x545, Bayburt_Kalesi_1.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)06:31 No.292216
    No, you just lie to yourself so you can sleep comfortable on the graves of innocent children.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)06:31 No.292217

    Haha, and because you live there you know everything about it? Yeah, right, I lived in Germany so I know everything about the "Holocaust", too...
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)06:32 No.292220
    ITT: pics from the ministry of tourism
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)06:33 No.292226
    Alright, Fuck you people, talking to you is like talking to a wall, because you're all like "Hurr durr, jews stole land" And wouldn't listen to anything I say because you think it's all lies anyway...You don't know shit because you've never been here and you don't know what it's like. I've lived here all my life, so why don't you open your mind a little and listen to what I have to say, because I've seen stuff first hand
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)06:33 No.292227

    Hey! I actually posted pics I took myself :-(
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)06:34 No.292229
    So did I
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)06:34 No.292231

    You lived there all your life and think you can still argue objectively? Don't you think all your books and media is biased? Do you think there are media that badmouth their own country?
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)06:34 No.292234

    Right... so if I drove a Rover for a while that makes me British, too?
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)06:34 No.292235
    Swiss guy, right? OK, that's one, that's one, rest=fags.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)06:35 No.292236

    Prove it!
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)06:36 No.292241

    Thank you, that's very nice :-)
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)06:36 No.292242
    I didn't say I know everything, but there's stuff I know that you don't, so it wouldn't hurt to STFU and listen, but fuck it, you people are all closed minded and anti-semitist anyway, and rather stick to your opinions than face some facts. I wouldn't be surprised if you're religious too
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)06:37 No.292243
         File1267097840.jpg-(1.17 MB, 1600x1064, 2rgi1l0.jpg)
    1.17 MB
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)06:37 No.292244
         File1267097844.jpg-(84 KB, 400x274, zurich-main.jpg)
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    >implying they care about palestinians and they aren't just trolling you

    if arabs actually cared about palestinians they wouldn't let them live in camps in syria and lebanon and jordan and let them have basic rights, and wouldn't slaughter them by the thousands (more than israel), and woudln't build walls around them.
    note: those are arab countries.

    anyway, pic related.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)06:37 No.292245
         File1267097856.jpg-(124 KB, 543x817, star-of-david-in-children-lood(...).jpg)
    124 KB

    Stuff like this?
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)06:37 No.292246
    Look at the date on the 1st pic ITT
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)06:37 No.292248
         File1267097871.jpg-(34 KB, 398x261, phosphorus-bomb-victim1.jpg)
    34 KB
    >cruel, greedy zionist is butthurt b/c Palestinians are hostile towards him for stealing their country and inhuman oppression
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)06:37 No.292249
         File1267097872.jpg-(225 KB, 385x600, normal_romania_landscape_1.jpg)
    225 KB
    Romania...ok, so it is a little shoped
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)06:38 No.292253

    Yeah, and in Germany there weren't any Concentration Camps! I know it because I lived there and therefore I know more than you!!!!
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)06:38 No.292254
         File1267097923.png-(96 KB, 450x450, mkii.png)
    96 KB
    TOASTY !!
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)06:39 No.292261

    Pfff, EVERYBODY can argue that way.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)06:40 No.292266
    this thread was supposed to be pics of beautiful sceneries and not the Arab-Israeli conflict?
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)06:41 No.292272
    when op said israel all the sandniggers became butthurt.
    at least they should post some pictures from europe where they belong
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)06:42 No.292273
         File1267098131.jpg-(974 KB, 1280x857, 1266637466161.jpg)
    974 KB
    fuck you, /int/. if you wanna be butthurt about the isreal/palestine bullshit, go right ahead, but don't shit up a fantastic thread about beautiful scenery.

    you fucking asshats.

    picture unrelated, but awesome. i think it's rural japan.

    also, if anyone has more of slovenia and/or croatia, i'm very interested.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)06:42 No.292278
    Nope. The point is that the pic that OP had posted is not Israel. We are to educate idiots like that.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)06:43 No.292280

    Oh shut up, Croatia is just the same as Israel, they killed innocent Bosnians and Serbs and still won't let Kosovo go to Independence.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)06:44 No.292281
         File1267098257.jpg-(106 KB, 600x405, 2826.3.jpg)
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    Yes, Germans were kind enough to build most of their death camps in Poland so now we have to take shit from visiting Jews.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)06:45 No.292285

    We are truly sorry for that! Accept my apologies.

    But after all, it was your own fault, I mean, hadn't you provoked us, we would never had invaded your "beautiful" country.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)06:45 No.292287
         File1267098337.jpg-(72 KB, 998x695, 126709883154.jpg)
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    this is flamoot. (ilu) it's 2010 and i have a brain implant because i use drugs. i mean they chose me for it because as a "drug user" i'm already almost invisible in society and people could easily assume i'm just crazy because of all the straight up lies about drugs and mental illness

    i'm talking about VR-telepresence torture-porn. someone gave me an implant when i camped out alone. i thought it was aliens at first but it's mean as hell to me. it makes sarcastic faces at bad times, i 'see' them in my head but not in colour. i just know what face it's making. i couldn't draw it

    maybe there is some human space empire hidden from us which is using our planet for only that, trickling us technology just to see what we do with it... i wouldn't think anything so insane if not for the technology they had in my brain right now. it's dead real and annoying as fuck. they use it to bug my ass and see what i do under this special stress. i just stay calm. it's only torture-porn if i freak out, amirite? yes

    i know how this sounds. but stories of going schizo from hallucinogens are only myths. and schizophrenia isn't like this
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)06:46 No.292289

    IMO those camps should be destroyed, that's a waste of space now. there could be a really big park there for mothers with children or oldfags who retire and the likes.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)06:46 No.292290
         File1267098369.jpg-(152 KB, 550x654, qudsday2009-1851.jpg)
    152 KB
    I'm Jewish and I walked down the streets of Gaza. I wish I could of poor every drop of Jewish blood after I saw the horrors you've subjected onto those people.

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