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    in other news: server upgrades and additional moderators coming soon (delayed a few days)

    File : 1280073861.jpg-(664 KB, 369x2743, 1197973164337.jpg)
    664 KB Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:04 No.1750154  
    Want moar?
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:06 No.1750183
    Seen em all. That dude needs to make new ones.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:07 No.1750192
    fuck yeah.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:09 No.1750209
         File1280074188.jpg-(195 KB, 330x1760, 1shot4kill.jpg)
    195 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:10 No.1750217
         File1280074225.jpg-(277 KB, 406x2204, 1197970715989.jpg)
    277 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:10 No.1750219
    man i miss this thread, please post!
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:11 No.1750226
         File1280074275.jpg-(241 KB, 400x2143, 1197971277474.jpg)
    241 KB
    How long is the flood detection? A minute?
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:11 No.1750233
         File1280074314.jpg-(136 KB, 279x1500, aliens.jpg)
    136 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:12 No.1750236
         File1280074350.jpg-(223 KB, 380x2122, ann2.jpg)
    223 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:13 No.1750241
         File1280074390.jpg-(190 KB, 380x2116, ann.jpg)
    190 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:13 No.1750244
    45 secs i think
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:13 No.1750250
         File1280074430.jpg-(373 KB, 490x2648, barber.jpg)
    373 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:14 No.1750251
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:15 No.1750258
    like 45 secs
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:15 No.1750259
         File1280074539.jpg-(332 KB, 490x2658, boob.jpg)
    332 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:16 No.1750268
         File1280074594.jpg-(339 KB, 490x2651, bruce.jpg)
    339 KB
    Duplicates piss me off.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:17 No.1750273
         File1280074631.jpg-(364 KB, 516x2796, cafehandkerchief.jpg)
    364 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:17 No.1750280
         File1280074676.jpg-(189 KB, 380x2085, catscradle.jpg)
    189 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:18 No.1750286
         File1280074715.jpg-(222 KB, 360x1952, catscradle2.jpg)
    222 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:20 No.1750294
         File1280074803.jpg-(322 KB, 490x2648, ceo.jpg)
    322 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:21 No.1750304
         File1280074865.jpg-(217 KB, 400x2231, bigguy.jpg)
    217 KB
    And there is a total of 75 images.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:22 No.1750312
         File1280074921.jpg-(235 KB, 422x2289, couples.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:22 No.1750317
         File1280074953.jpg-(228 KB, 359x1928, couples2.jpg)
    228 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:23 No.1750323
         File1280075002.jpg-(311 KB, 400x2175, crouchingtiger.jpg)
    311 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:24 No.1750330
         File1280075064.jpg-(229 KB, 360x1947, deathbed.jpg)
    229 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:24 No.1750339
         File1280075097.jpg-(204 KB, 380x2085, dinner.jpg)
    204 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:25 No.1750345
         File1280075140.jpg-(314 KB, 360x1943, dinner2.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:26 No.1750348
    For the love of god moar
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:26 No.1750350
    WTF is this shit?
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:26 No.1750351
         File1280075188.jpg-(316 KB, 360x1950, directions.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:27 No.1750357
         File1280075230.jpg-(185 KB, 380x2122, dooly.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:27 No.1750364
         File1280075271.jpg-(294 KB, 480x2572, dream.jpg)
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    This one is for you 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:28 No.1750370
         File1280075309.jpg-(385 KB, 490x2658, emergency.jpg)
    385 KB
    If only guys.. if only...
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:28 No.1750372
    Is that Kimchi and PuertoricanDudewithafro?
    Also. lold at the subtle racism.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:28 No.1750374
    How is it related to /int/? Can anyone explain?
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:29 No.1750380
         File1280075344.jpg-(196 KB, 380x2114, emperorsnewclothes.jpg)
    196 KB

    It's Korean therefore international.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:29 No.1750385
    Take your anime shit to >>>/co/, stupid twat
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:29 No.1750386
         File1280075385.jpg-(312 KB, 400x2227, fan.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:30 No.1750387
    It's a korean comic. And i think it's okay to show stuff like this from other countries.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:30 No.1750389
    Ha, thought I had seen Inception somewhere before.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:30 No.1750390
         File1280075436.jpg-(223 KB, 360x1934, foodtest.jpg)
    223 KB

    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:31 No.1750399
         File1280075486.jpg-(228 KB, 360x1954, free.jpg)
    228 KB
    Free does not mean it's free.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:32 No.1750407
    It's okay to show stuff like that on /co/, stupid dumbfuck
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:32 No.1750409
         File1280075558.jpg-(167 KB, 296x1600, funny+comic.jpg)
    167 KB
    And the usefulness of cartoons is that you don't need to learn the language in order to understand the situation.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:33 No.1750414
    Why so angry?

    But you are right! Here we should only talk about who's white and post pics of white people!
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:33 No.1750416
         File1280075618.jpg-(335 KB, 490x2658, genitals.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:33 No.1750418
    This board is not for discussing comics
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:34 No.1750424
         File1280075682.jpg-(149 KB, 285x1500, ghost.jpg)
    149 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:35 No.1750427
    fucking gook/weeaboo shit
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:35 No.1750431
         File1280075732.jpg-(240 KB, 390x2087, grandma.jpg)
    240 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:36 No.1750434
    Very morbid comic.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:36 No.1750436
         File1280075780.jpg-(225 KB, 400x2193, hairtagteam.jpg)
    225 KB
    Haters gonna hate.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:37 No.1750440
    Dude, take a quick look at the other topics

    >Is it true that Asian dudes have small dicks?

    >Couples like this are becoming more and more typical in Swinegolia.

    >Why are British women so fucking ugly?

    And so on. I rather have this thread than those.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:37 No.1750441
         File1280075824.jpg-(184 KB, 360x1929, happylovehouse.jpg)
    184 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:37 No.1750445
         File1280075874.jpg-(833 KB, 488x2690, idunno.jpg)
    833 KB
    Thank you kind sir.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:38 No.1750449
         File1280075922.jpg-(365 KB, 480x2571, insteadman1.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:39 No.1750453
         File1280075965.jpg-(369 KB, 480x2592, insteadman2.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:40 No.1750457
         File1280076000.jpg-(297 KB, 490x2648, kiss.jpg)
    297 KB
    Good news: we're halfway there!
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:40 No.1750460

    This is the best.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:40 No.1750464
         File1280076049.jpg-(192 KB, 360x1929, kitty.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:41 No.1750469
         File1280076114.jpg-(342 KB, 490x2648, lineup.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:42 No.1750478
         File1280076148.jpg-(346 KB, 520x2779, lunchmoney.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:43 No.1750483
    Funny Korean comic strips? Korea is not always bad.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:43 No.1750484
         File1280076185.jpg-(206 KB, 400x2149, marathon.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:43 No.1750487
         File1280076219.jpg-(191 KB, 330x1750, menu.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:44 No.1750490
    Not funnt at all, stupid samefag
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:44 No.1750491
         File1280076253.jpg-(258 KB, 399x2145, milk.jpg)
    258 KB
    Math skill needed with this one.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:45 No.1750497
         File1280076318.jpg-(179 KB, 380x2126, misjudge.jpg)
    179 KB

    Samefagging with three posts in one minute? I think not ^_^
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:45 No.1750499
         File1280076359.jpg-(222 KB, 380x2088, misunderstanding.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:46 No.1750505
         File1280076390.jpg-(242 KB, 360x1946, money.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:47 No.1750508
    Agree, Swinegolia threads and the like are so much funnier.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:47 No.1750509
         File1280076436.jpg-(363 KB, 490x2648, murder.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:47 No.1750510
    go to >>>/co/, damned twat
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:48 No.1750513
         File1280076485.jpg-(171 KB, 380x2127, nohands.jpg)
    171 KB
    Some thought required.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:48 No.1750517
         File1280076537.jpg-(345 KB, 490x2648, noodles.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:49 No.1750521
         File1280076582.jpg-(308 KB, 360x1936, passcode.jpg)
    308 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:50 No.1750528
         File1280076634.jpg-(335 KB, 490x2651, pickpocket.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:51 No.1750536
         File1280076691.jpg-(273 KB, 380x2080, possessed.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:52 No.1750539
         File1280076734.jpg-(387 KB, 480x2609, prisonriot.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:52 No.1750544
         File1280076772.jpg-(219 KB, 395x2139, promotion.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:53 No.1750546
         File1280076818.jpg-(100 KB, 380x2117, ringu.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:54 No.1750553
    I can't imagine what an idiot was posting these comics for almost an hour, when no one will even read them

    Needless loss of time
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:54 No.1750555
         File1280076874.jpg-(226 KB, 633x1076, shot.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:55 No.1750562
    I've been reading every single one of them.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:55 No.1750567

    I read them
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:56 No.1750572

    Why don't you go to /co/ then?
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:57 No.1750578

    Why so angry?
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:57 No.1750579

    Fucking amazing comics i saved every one.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:57 No.1750581
    Why don't you hide this thread if it bothers you so much?
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:58 No.1750584
    Was that it, OP?
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:58 No.1750586
    Sure two samefags are around. The comics are neither funny nor interesting

    This is my /int/
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)13:01 No.1750594
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)13:04 No.1750626
    you are a total faggot.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)13:05 No.1750630
    hey cunt, ever think about the time you wasted here heckling OP repeatedly?
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)13:07 No.1750641
    Just to see how you get mad, stupid slant
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)13:07 No.1750645

    I read them, and they were all pretty funny.
    Pretty good day. :)
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)13:09 No.1750657
    >The comics are neither funny nor interesting

    Sure is opinions around here.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)13:09 No.1750661
    But I know that you're a samefag
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)13:10 No.1750667
    The irony in your statement is great!
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)13:10 No.1750673

    epic win
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)13:24 No.1750770
    this one is my favorite
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)13:25 No.1750780
    mine too

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