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    File : 1280056424.jpg-(9 KB, 166x169, €2_commemorative_coin_Slovenia_2009_EM(...).jpg)
    9 KB Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)07:13 No.1748513  
    Hey Eurofags... this is a joke, right?
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)07:16 No.1748526
    Oh shit, that giant cat paw is gonna kill that poor man!
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)07:18 No.1748536
    "an hero" with an arc ? Yurop , strong !
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)07:21 No.1748548
    Was that drawn by a 9-year old?
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)07:21 No.1748552
    I'm from Slovenia.

    Feels bad man.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)07:22 No.1748555
    It's better than the coins with faces on them, especially the belgian one, where they have a portrait of a fat pig.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)07:23 No.1748563
    Russia here

    I lol'd, poor Europe worst country
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)07:23 No.1748565
         File1280057007.jpg-(6 KB, 136x164, reaction bush.jpg)
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    >my face when Europeons actually VOTED for this shit
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)07:25 No.1748573
    Certainly not in my country.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)07:25 No.1748576
    ahahah what the fuck???
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)07:26 No.1748577
         File1280057176.jpg-(34 KB, 505x359, Aboriginal Jimmy Walkabout_ pi(...).jpg)
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    nice painting ugabuga lakawaka
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)07:26 No.1748578
         File1280057177.jpg-(10 KB, 251x171, 1246.jpg)
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    >Europe worst country
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)07:27 No.1748585

    Never seen any of those in italy.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)07:28 No.1748590
         File1280057286.jpg-(61 KB, 469x428, greek trollface.jpg)
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    >designed by a Greek artist
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)07:32 No.1748610
    I always get the same old coins, mostly german.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)07:32 No.1748613
    It looks like some rock carving or something. I think it's cool.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)07:33 No.1748615
         File1280057584.jpg-(53 KB, 336x336, €2_commemorative_coin_Finlan(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)07:35 No.1748626
    Wait, are they supposed to exist right now? Because I haven't seen one of them so far. I get some special coins now and then, but they have motives of cities and the like.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)07:37 No.1748633

    Same.. around italy i saw some euros with weird carvings but never the ones as in OP
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)07:39 No.1748645
    havent seen those either. I bet they have only made a small amount of them
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)07:44 No.1748670
    Italy :2.5 million coins
    That's a lot !
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)07:47 No.1748683
    And 30 million in Germany. Yet I never came across one.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)07:48 No.1748690
    it is a conspiracy!
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)07:51 No.1748701
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)07:51 No.1748704
    I think I have seen it but not sure about it
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)07:52 No.1748710
         File1280058755.jpg-(68 KB, 992x570, finn.jpg)
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    Some finnish special coins from 2008 and 2009. They made 1.6 million of the left one and 1.5 million of the one on the right.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)07:53 No.1748712
    Now that you say it, the stick-figures legs clearly symbolise a pyramid while its head could count as eye.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)07:56 No.1748725
         File1280058983.jpg-(38 KB, 575x292, 5_mark.jpg)
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    This is a special coin, however I havent seen one in quite some time.

    I remember when I got 10 thousand italian coins for one of these.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)07:58 No.1748735
    Oh god, dear D-Mark... I miss you so much. ;__;
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)07:58 No.1748740
    I don't, Euro looks much better
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)07:59 No.1748745
    I don't care about looks...
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)07:59 No.1748748
         File1280059198.jpg-(63 KB, 492x464, 324411627938165.jpg)
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    This is a special coin.
    And I have one of those.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)08:01 No.1748760
         File1280059317.jpg-(95 KB, 863x425, 1000 dm.jpg)
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    I heard you could buy whole countries with this bill
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)08:01 No.1748761
    Question to Eurobros !
    What kind of coins do you usually have ?
    I leave near Paris : French 75% , Spain/germany/Belgium 20% , other country 5%
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)08:09 No.1748807
    What did you say about his majesty?
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)08:09 No.1748810
    I live in a Bavarian town with lots of tourists and right now I have coins from Germany, France, Netherlands and Spain in my wallet
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)08:10 No.1748817

    Well, i live in western Finland and right now i have very few coins in my pocket, but they are mostly finnish, with a few irish euros. Eine is Irish euro right?
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)08:12 No.1748824
    German here, about 70% german, 15% french, 10% austrian, rest mostly spanish, others are pretty rare.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)08:13 No.1748833
    belgianfag here
    have some coins in my pocket
    belgian, 3 french, german, 2 espana, greek one too

    and the fat pig on the coin of belgium is our king, so stfu
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)08:13 No.1748834

    Sorry i meant "Eire".
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)08:14 No.1748837

    Greek here; mostly Greek (~70%), then German (~15%), then French and Italian (~10%) and the rest are from other Euro countries.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)08:14 No.1748839
    Northwest of Spain
    60% Spain, 10% German 30% Other Countries.

    But i live in a turistic zone. Today must be more than a million turist here. And for a city that have less than 100k locals its a very large number.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)08:14 No.1748840
    i think its eire (irish) of eypo (which is greek)
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)08:14 No.1748842
    Gerfag here, besides German coins I have some Spanish, Irish, Dutch, Greek and Italian coins. Those are the ones that usually find their way into my wallet. Had one from Finland once.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)08:14 No.1748845
    Sweden here

    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)08:19 No.1748874
         File1280060355.png-(50 KB, 213x215, British_fifty_pence_coin_2010_(...).png)
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    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)08:20 No.1748879
    The golden colour on the Euro was designed by Swedes, kinda ironic that we don't use the currency ourselves.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)08:21 No.1748886

    special Olympics?
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)08:21 No.1748888

    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)08:22 No.1748892
    I live in France and there are millions of Spanish and German coins. What the fuck.
    I have never seen a finnish coin so far.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)08:24 No.1748901
    From my wallet:
    3 austrian, 3 slovenian, 1 french, 1 italian and 1 german
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)08:25 No.1748905
    I'm from Slovenia. Couldn't care less what is on my money, TBH. I'll spend it regardless what is on a back of the coin. So long as this coin gets me a cold beer and I'm happy...
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)08:27 No.1748911
    slovenia cannot into euro
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)08:29 No.1748922
    You're thinking of slovakia buddy.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)08:32 No.1748940
    slovenia, slovakia.. same shit
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)08:33 No.1748946
    As an Estfag I'm still waiting for January.

    I wonder how much Finnish coins are going to end up in my pocket. 'Cause I live in Tallinn and it's overrun by Finns every weekend. Plus I already have a bunch of leftover coins from my trips to Finland.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)08:34 No.1748950
    You're thinking of crap, pal.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)08:40 No.1748968

    Kanske om 5 - 10 år, men bara kanske.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)08:57 No.1749048
    Actually they both have Euros...
    So yeah...
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)09:09 No.1749136
         File1280063372.jpg-(197 KB, 768x576, Helleristning.jpg)
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    Rock carvings are cool and some of the first signs of culture in Europe.

    Picture related, Rock carvings from Norway about 6600 or something years old.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)09:13 No.1749162
    6600 bc...
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)09:18 No.1749189
    No not that old. 4600 bc I think
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)09:20 No.1749202
    Och det är ett jävla stort kanske. Skulle vilja ha en opinionsmätning om Euron nu efter Grekland
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)09:24 No.1749233
         File1280064289.png-(560 KB, 652x567, Bradshaws.png)
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    rock paintings in australia, some are potentially 70,000 years old

    lol europe has no history
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)09:28 No.1749246
         File1280064500.jpg-(68 KB, 400x310, GroupChoreographyFull.jpg)
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    The Bradshaw Pictures of the Kimberlies (North-western Australia) are a fresh and compelling addition to The Seven Wonders of Earth.
    Chronologically they predate the pyramids of Egypt and the Palaeolithic cave paintings of Europe. The broad-shouldered, realistic representation of humans infers the origin of Egyptian Culture in the Kimberlies, while the slanted profilic features of the human face, reminiscent of Mayan pictures, suggest that the Kimberlies were the cradle of all pyramidal cultures.

    The early paintings are postulated as extremely old; 60,000 years or probably much more, but their absolute age can not be determined. The iron oxide pigments have lithified, mineralogically assimilated into the rock.

    The esthetical composition, artistic skills of presentation and the highly choreographed themes indicate the existence of an advanced culture with sophisticated intellect and social organization well before the history of civilization as we know it.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)09:29 No.1749254
    >The Bradshaw art can't be dated in the same way (radio carbon)
    kthxbye abbo
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)09:59 No.1749418
    relevant to this thread:
    follow the money ->
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)10:01 No.1749431
    interesting , thx for the link
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)10:09 No.1749469
    Those pictures are pre-historic. The historic period started with the arrival of the Europeans in Australia.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)10:10 No.1749471
    Those drawings that is.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)13:00 No.1750589
    From Norway? Well, it's dubious that they were painted by Indo-Europeans (the Viking ancestors)
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)13:04 No.1750627
         File1280077476.jpg-(48 KB, 510x289, 2008-4th-Olympiad-London-Anniv(...).jpg)
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    > My face when Britain will continue to use it's glorious unfailing currency
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)13:22 No.1750754
    Oh god, this thread is damn interesting
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)13:24 No.1750772
    i like special edition coins. the slovenia one is silly but it's still rather cute. no raisen to chastise urup for it.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)13:25 No.1750786
         File1280078738.gif-(110 KB, 525x525, $10000coin_front.gif)
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    Legal tender
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)13:29 No.1750817
         File1280078973.png-(209 KB, 393x393, 2_euro_coin_Cy_serie_1.png)
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    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)13:29 No.1750820

    /int/ is extremely informative today, thanks
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)13:29 No.1750824
    Fuck we're awesome aren't we? Jolly good.

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