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  • File : 1277760646.jpg-(146 KB, 413x500, 456941459_b622a21100.jpg)
    146 KB Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)17:30 No.1500189  
    >my face when american stationed troops in Germany call me a fag when I walk pass them with my vegetarian groceries and my ass shaking when I walk my faggy walk and I pretend I don't understand english and I walk faster and automatically faggier and they start laughing.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)17:31 No.1500196
    Wow, what a faggot.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)17:33 No.1500221
    don't be of sad OP
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)17:34 No.1500230
    Did you post this just so people on 4chan would call you a faggot?
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)17:35 No.1500240
    That's their way of showing you they'll be fapping to the thought of your delicious ass some hours later. Also known as closet fags.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)17:35 No.1500248
    Pussification of German nation is even worse than I thought. Snap out of it Germans, we need your blitzkrieg to fight enemies of Europa!
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)17:35 No.1500251
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    >American stationed troops in Germany
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)17:36 No.1500256
    I'm not sure who this thread is supposed to be trolling. Americans? Germans? Both?
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)17:36 No.1500262
    Why are Americans even still in Germany.

    I thought they were allowed to rebuild the Wehrmacht.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)17:37 No.1500265
    Don't worry, OP. Sooner or later they'll become maggot food in a surprise attack.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)17:38 No.1500277
    Joke's on them because Germans are only pretending!
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)17:39 No.1500283
    So far, it was unsuccessful.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)17:42 No.1500302
         File1277761341.jpg-(36 KB, 306x400, Bill Kaulitz long hairstyle.jpg)
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    typical german male
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)17:43 No.1500315
    Shouldn't of lost that World War then Franz.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)17:47 No.1500345
    so, what exactly are those creeps about? some kind of pseudo-german-celebs?
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)17:48 No.1500354
    >hasn't heard of Tokio Hotel yet
    >is one very lucky individual
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)17:49 No.1500361
    tokio hotel. quite popular in europe.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)17:50 No.1500362

    Which one? lol
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)17:50 No.1500368
    guess not in swinegolia then, but were not yurop anyway
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)17:50 No.1500374
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)17:52 No.1500379
    oh just checked. they also reached #6 in the Canadian album charts and a pretty high pos. in the total world charts...

    i'm quite embarrassed now
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)17:52 No.1500384
         File1277761976.png-(23 KB, 400x400, 1252878335663.png)
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    Shouldn't of
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)17:53 No.1500387
    You're not the one who should be embarrassed, bro.
    >> morten !!RE2/TEvtRNY 06/28/10(Mon)17:53 No.1500388

    >with my vegetarian groceries
    >call me a fag

    Germanfag here, you deserved it hippie scum.
    Also, american soldiers are subhuman retards who can't even change flat tires.
    I had to do that for a negro marine last year...
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)17:54 No.1500396
    >implying he didn't make you do it for the lulz
    The Kraut-one step below the negro
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)17:54 No.1500397
    Whoops forgot to greentext.
    >so embarrassed
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)17:57 No.1500416
    >implying he didn't make you do it so he could stare at your ass
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)17:59 No.1500423
    That didn't happened, now did it OP?

    Now, why did you lie?
    >> You can't call me a faggot because I am from Canada (and I'm a girl) ♀ !Iis/hu0aIk 06/28/10(Mon)18:01 No.1500431
    You sound cute
    Let us get together for coffees
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)18:02 No.1500435
    Fuck, I am German and I live in a city with an American army base. They all drive fucking big cars and pollute our environment, drive around playing their fucking American rap fucking loud and also they are fucking fat.
    >> morten !!RE2/TEvtRNY 06/28/10(Mon)18:04 No.1500450
         File1277762694.jpg-(19 KB, 400x400, 1272369178104.jpg)
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    What should I think of an american staioned in Germany who rides a used Geo Extruder here?
    Also, he looked shocked when I dropped his fake plastic rims. Most of them didn't pass high school, they're just good enough getting send home in a plastic back.
    >> morten !!RE2/TEvtRNY 06/28/10(Mon)18:05 No.1500456

    >implying OP is german.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)18:19 No.1500570

    Fucking 0/10.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)18:21 No.1500588
    what? it's really true. they drive around with pickup trucks and suv's while we europeans usually drive small cars because of the environment.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)18:24 No.1500597
    >implying white Americans listen to rap.

    Only the wiggers, friend.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)18:24 No.1500598
    every german exchange student i've ever met in the US is really nice

    you guys are truly the master race.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)18:24 No.1500601
    >implying there are not loads of african american soldiers here
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)18:25 No.1500613
    Really? All of the German students I've met are assholes.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)18:27 No.1500627
    ...and then he fucked your sister and your mother because kraut love big black cock.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)18:27 No.1500629
    >implying germans go to school/university
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)18:27 No.1500633
         File1277764076.jpg-(121 KB, 922x692, 1271708254407.jpg)
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    ITT: mad germanfags cause we are styling on them
    >resort to racism
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)18:30 No.1500649
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    >implying any of the Germans in this thread is mad
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)18:32 No.1500672
         File1277764340.jpg-(34 KB, 480x423, 1277341744708.jpg)
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    >resort to racism
    U mad?
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)18:33 No.1500687
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)18:33 No.1500692
    American trolls are really the worst. All they do is write U Mad? U Mad? I prefer when they are asleep or at school then we have at least half-decent trolling.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)18:35 No.1500706
    U SO MAD
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)18:35 No.1500709
         File1277764545.png-(590 KB, 500x835, seriousesch.png)
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    >Calling your bluff
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)18:38 No.1500731
         File1277764686.jpg-(19 KB, 468x282, medvedev_pout.jpg)
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    >mfw there are still no pictures of OP's ass
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)18:38 No.1500735
    he's mad but right nonetheless, you suck kid
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)18:39 No.1500743
    first day on 4chan huh, hows that going?

    u mad?
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)18:40 No.1500753
         File1277764854.jpg-(87 KB, 400x260, 1276872106716.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)18:42 No.1500758

    First they need to kick the americans out of their soil and restore their national sovereignity.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)18:42 No.1500759
    pig disgusting americans
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)18:44 No.1500764
    That's a very cute cat, OP.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)18:45 No.1500775
    >implying cats can be cute

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