post ending 56 decides which book i burn in a fire tonight
Catcher in the Rye
Burning a book?What do you have to prove?Fucking beatnik.
The Bible
Why, why would anyone do such a horrifying thing?
anything by a russian
Fahrenheit 451
>>148236catcher in the rye
>>148236teh lulz. welcome to teh interwebz
>>148257So close.The Bible.
the lovely bones
New Moon, yes you have to go out and buy it just to burn it. Pics or it didn't happen too.
Glenn Beck's book
whichever book's your favorite
the bible
Choose your own adventure book
A Game of Thrones
anything by bill o' reilly
The Quran, use a bible as kindling.
Forrest Gump.
Lol at the edgy niggers saying to burn The Bible like it would make some kind of revolutionary statement.
Gamer Girl
The Yellow Pages
>>148369Oh you.
From A Buick 8
Going Rogue.
The Communist Manifesto
>>148441THISThat was the worst fucking King book ever.
I think that the word "Twilight" should filter to "Ulysses by James Joyce"sage for "post ending in xx" bullshit
>>148485>I think that the word "Twilight" should filter to "Ulysses by James Joyce"Both are equally horrifying in very different ways.
the Koran