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    They all have shitty canned "anon delivers" type responses. We're working to block it, but for now, stop being idiots!

    New boards launched! Advice, Literature, News, International, Science & Math, 3DCG.

    File : 1265142842.jpg-(316 KB, 1100x1494, 1264878796643.jpg)
    316 KB Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)15:34 No.109528  
    >> !NACK.rrrr. 02/02/10(Tue)15:35 No.109553
         File1265142954.png-(1.54 MB, 1100x1494, south american mechas.png)
    1.54 MB
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)15:36 No.109558
         File1265142966.png-(22 KB, 640x455, espanol7.png)
    22 KB
    poor polandball
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)15:36 No.109559
         File1265142970.gif-(19 KB, 1024x640, 1264683768048.gif)
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    >> Soran Ibrahim 02/02/10(Tue)15:36 No.109564
         File1265142982.jpg-(387 KB, 450x3450, 1256349007154.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)15:38 No.109586
         File1265143109.png-(22 KB, 640x455, espanol8.png)
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    oh god I love lego robot comics, and that's one of my favorites.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)15:38 No.109593
         File1265143128.jpg-(85 KB, 682x475, cannot into 4chan.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)15:42 No.109647
         File1265143350.png-(71 KB, 711x989, polball.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)15:44 No.109675
         File1265143468.png-(423 KB, 1112x936, 1264742017887.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)15:44 No.109676

    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)15:45 No.109698

    Peru Ball is sad but Bolivia ball is truly fucked.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)15:46 No.109709
         File1265143588.png-(90 KB, 1313x753, maxball1.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)15:47 No.109734

    BRILLIANT! I had the Max Payne Narrator with a crappy accent in my ears at once!

    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)15:54 No.109835
         File1265144070.png-(177 KB, 1317x2613, peruball2eng.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)15:54 No.109836
         File1265144072.jpg-(45 KB, 444x429, 1261138231489.jpg)
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    >someone appreciates my work
    oh thank you, good sir!
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)15:56 No.109858
         File1265144186.png-(199 KB, 1599x659, 2czptmb.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)15:58 No.109885
         File1265144294.png-(34 KB, 928x566, 2vknspg.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)15:58 No.109890
         File1265144325.png-(19 KB, 749x470, 10zml5k.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)16:00 No.109905
         File1265144418.png-(24 KB, 862x593, 1264188501001.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)16:01 No.109927
         File1265144515.png-(49 KB, 1269x579, xboxk.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)16:03 No.109939
    Polandball is only funny when it relates to real world geopolitics.

    Lollipops and techno music = not funny
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)16:03 No.109948
         File1265144613.png-(57 KB, 1060x660, nepotismkills.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)16:05 No.109966
    >doesnt know where polandball originates from and thus doesnt comprehend the joke
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)16:06 No.109977
    ahh it makes me happy that even /int/ hates poland
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)16:07 No.109993
         File1265144872.gif-(38 KB, 700x1713, polandball.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)16:08 No.110002
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)16:08 No.110003
         File1265144919.jpg-(143 KB, 832x1294, 1263055698933.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)16:11 No.110032
    There's a difference between not comprehending a joke and just thinking its stupid.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)16:11 No.110033
         File1265145081.png-(421 KB, 550x800, 1263584509001.png)
    421 KB
    i see what i can do, but it takes a long time
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)16:12 No.110042
    no there isnt, you just dont get it
    >> no fumar me espanol 02/02/10(Tue)16:13 No.110061
         File1265145192.png-(24 KB, 749x470, poland space.png)
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    I've got a few polandballs
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)16:13 No.110064
         File1265145198.png-(54 KB, 1300x900, latviantales.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)16:13 No.110071
         File1265145234.png-(62 KB, 853x554, ckrxl.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)16:14 No.110081
         File1265145282.png-(23 KB, 749x470, 6p7qsm.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)16:15 No.110093
         File1265145347.png-(16 KB, 496x899, 1256075488373.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)16:16 No.110103
         File1265145398.png-(18 KB, 602x453, 12569120411401.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)16:17 No.110119
         File1265145468.png-(62 KB, 449x504, 1264536336001.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)16:18 No.110135
         File1265145534.png-(31 KB, 749x470, 1263174415001.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)16:19 No.110147
         File1265145594.jpg-(74 KB, 823x1289, 1263582188674.jpg)
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    >> no fumar me espanol 02/02/10(Tue)16:20 No.110149
         File1265145604.png-(20 KB, 749x470, germany ice cream bully.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)16:20 No.110154
         File1265145647.png-(26 KB, 930x593, polandhelpful.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)16:21 No.110158
         File1265145665.png-(219 KB, 400x2412, Polandball.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)16:22 No.110168
         File1265145730.png-(31 KB, 836x850, carvn.png)
    31 KB
    >> no fumar me espanol 02/02/10(Tue)16:22 No.110175
         File1265145758.png-(24 KB, 749x470, trampoline.png)
    24 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)16:23 No.110186
         File1265145818.jpg-(92 KB, 586x888, 1264961893001.jpg)
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    >> no fumar me espanol 02/02/10(Tue)16:24 No.110191
         File1265145841.png-(21 KB, 800x426, switzerland neutral.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)16:25 No.110207
         File1265145946.png-(41 KB, 640x480, 1261408357001.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)16:27 No.110220
    because Austrians and Czechs won.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)16:30 No.110254
    Austrian didnt give a fuck they wanted revenge for WW1 unfair peace treaties
    Czechoslovaka was downright betrayed by France and England.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)16:30 No.110257
    >implying austria wasnt pro-german anyway
    >implying the czechs didnt want to be assimilated
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)16:31 No.110262
         File1265146308.png-(18 KB, 357x226, 1263406063001.png)
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    >> Sergeant Major Alexandros III !PhseAMrpPY 02/02/10(Tue)16:33 No.110278
    Any netherlandsball?
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)16:36 No.110306
    austrians saw themselves as germans before ww2. as a special kind of germans like bavarians, hessians, saxons, whatever. they just had their own state for political reasons.
    of course, after ww2, they would deny that.

    and the czechs didn't fight back. so that doesn't count.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)16:38 No.110316
    man i love polandball
    and peruball
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)16:38 No.110322
         File1265146739.png-(135 KB, 801x481, Part1.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)16:39 No.110333
         File1265146776.png-(160 KB, 802x482, Part2.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)16:41 No.110355
    I guess Netherlandsball has to carry a tulip, and everyone is teasing him with the usual Holland = Netherlands.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)16:43 No.110376
         File1265147034.jpg-(179 KB, 700x1179, Polandball.jpg)
    179 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)16:46 No.110403
         File1265147165.jpg-(94 KB, 400x400, Polandball8.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)16:54 No.110510
         File1265147657.jpg-(203 KB, 884x1500, peruballmusiceng2.jpg)
    203 KB
    >> JWhitt !!JzMg2xVpOrV 02/02/10(Tue)16:56 No.110539
    These made me laugh so very hard.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)17:02 No.110604
         File1265148177.png-(15 KB, 611x315, texasballandthebavarianbastard.png)
    15 KB
    4chan is of /int/ nao also? didn't know.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)17:07 No.110654
         File1265148471.gif-(84 KB, 1024x640, peruballmusiceng1.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)17:09 No.110679
         File1265148583.jpg-(204 KB, 1400x800, 1265148335001.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)17:10 No.110685
         File1265148629.jpg-(38 KB, 452x500, i-i09-05-013razon.jpg)
    38 KB
    good tank, you buy, peruball.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)17:12 No.110700
    a lot of monaco here
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)17:12 No.110702
         File1265148755.png-(19 KB, 640x455, espanol27.png)
    19 KB
    What's up with the big pile of... slime? I don't have any idea what that is.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)17:12 No.110707
    Actually, they're getting even better deal, they're buing chink tanks. Also based on T-72, but without western FireCon and commo.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)17:16 No.110738
         File1265148982.png-(41 KB, 769x594, 1.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)17:19 No.110775
         File1265149195.jpg-(148 KB, 1200x900, Polandball Snowfun1.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)17:19 No.110776
         File1265149199.gif-(20 KB, 1024x640, 1264682476362.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)17:22 No.110799

    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)17:25 No.110828
    its africa
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)17:31 No.110877
         File1265149888.png-(31 KB, 616x309, Capture.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)17:32 No.110887
    >poland is in which country
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)17:34 No.110914
         File1265150090.jpg-(154 KB, 1366x768, lol.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)17:37 No.110932
         File1265150230.jpg-(275 KB, 600x2600, 1264815506427.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)17:37 No.110933
         File1265150238.jpg-(32 KB, 685x612, googlepoland.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)17:56 No.111113
         File1265151418.png-(11 KB, 1038x612, Venezuelaball.png)
    11 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)17:59 No.111135
         File1265151594.jpg-(28 KB, 636x355, ohwow.jpg)
    28 KB
    >> From Maine 02/02/10(Tue)17:59 No.111136
    /r/ing canadaball
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)18:02 No.111152
    any ideas?
    >> From Maine 02/02/10(Tue)18:03 No.111160
    It's just a friend asked me for some. What kind of shenanigans do canucks can into on the international level anyway?
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)18:09 No.111213

    i like this one
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)18:12 No.111234
         File1265152328.png-(323 KB, 500x500, 1255363473670.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)18:13 No.111240
    In canada milk come in bags
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)18:19 No.111286
    they used to come in bags in yugoslavia too... but even we figured out it was a dumb idea
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)18:21 No.111296
    in Argentina milk come in bags

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