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I spent the day sorting through and re-reading a few thousand e-mails from 2010, and it was really a blast from the past. What a year it was.
Thanks for an awesome 9 years, and for some great e-mails along the way.

As always, I read all of my e-mail and can be reached with questions/comments/concerns/hate mail/and plain ol' hellos at moot@4chan.org (or on AIM at MOOTCHAT).
tl;dr version of 2010: "SPAM, SPAM, SPAM, and VIRUSES: The Movie"

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show off your gains.
>dat chromatic aberration

these gains are 2sick4me
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I'll go. Right is 2006, left is now.
How did you manage to get worse?


/ic/ never shuts up about how to improve, yet you are still lacking this much.

Dear lorn, anon. ..Just... wat
Too much masturbating, probably.
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I got a little better with fur and colored pencils
>>1381914 (OP)
sir you sure know how to skintone
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I'm hella lonely, y'all
I was 12 when i made that come get a taste!
do you paint fluffy chickens? you should paint fluffy chickens.
for you anything
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paint a fluffy chicken. They're called Silkies. They'll make you smile.
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thanks anon, that was one hell of a chicken
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Haven't finished anything properly since the last portrait study thread some weeks ago.
haha from animu loli girls to old men. Love you /ic/
Not Zun?
Cute Nitori, dude
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Use what you learned to go back and reinvent the first image! It's a cool idea bro, you just didn't have the skill to do it!
Love the amount of improvement that can be seen in this thread. OP you have wonderful skin rendering and I'm digging those values.
this made me smile. I love that actor.
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been trying to simplify my anatomy/style and make it more moe~
>comparing imagination work to studies

fuckin idiots.
I wish I was him
I will draw her again sometime
I love him too
Anon wot r u doin'? Stahp!

No seriously, strive to make things more complicated in less time. What you're doing here is just plain bad.
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>Inb4 Miku animu
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reposting from the last time we did this
lefty, I didn't know your early pieces were that bad.

Though I see your feet haven't improved at all from back then
Yeah I know, it's hard to believe, because my current art is pretty much perfect but hey, we all gotta start somewhere ~
Never change, Lefty.
You are /ic/ namefag (I wish you don't use you trip, but meh).
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Progress ever since I became serious about art.
It wouldn't be the same without the ! Is MOE trip
still, you get the idea of their improvement, I think.
heheh nice auto, fatty
I love how almost every phenomenal progress pic in this thread has no responses, but all the shit ones have halfassed insults heaved at them.

Never change, /ic/, you completely predictable pieces of shit.
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are you here to fish for compliments, son?
Love ya toastcrumbs, you just keep getting better and better.
I like your drawing from 2008 more.
Whether this is Lefty or not, what are you even doing? How aren't you improving?
I don't want to be rude, I don't mind your drawings, it's just they never get better, and it's confounding.
Care to explain your point further?
I don't think he got worse

Just, the left one has nicer eyes
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There's improvement.. right?
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Little more then a years improvement
Yeah, you're not afraid of drawing bodies anymore
>he thinks I'm not afraid
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>not improving yet ;_;
Fun tip, just because you stopped drawing animu doesn't excuse those fucked up fingers. Also, there are tons of "animu" artists who can also render human form perfectly so limiting yourself isn't really a good thing. Focusing on studies is a good start but leaving behind something you enjoyed doing seems a little backwards.
I didn't mean it like that though, I meant it as in I just grew past my anime phase. I wasn't trying to say that all anime looks like shit, just that mine did. I would draw the same thing over and over and not get anywhere.
How are the fingers fucked up? I'm still working on that and obviously the fingers aren't rendered properly yet but is there something structurally wrong with them?
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Left is the newer one. Guess I got better at eyes?
>Left is the newer one
Why the hell are the dates switched, then?
I like that drawing.

>no homo
Just because of where each drawing was in each sketchbook page.
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You're clearly not constructing them properly. Look at the ring finger on the left hand. Look its width compared to the other fingers. Look at the right hand. Look at the toes. Use your eyes brah.
Amazing improvement and I really like your brush work.
Any way you could share your brushes?
I worked on the hands a bit, I posted an update in the draw thread. I have no idea what to do with the right hand though, you're absolutely right that it sucks and looks bad...
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Probs gonna post it in two parts because this laptop is so shit. Anyway, here's my first realistic piece from 2008-ish. Literally my first one. All I did up until then was weird geometric shit and trees.
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And here's something from early this year. I've been busy doing a project involving cel animation, so I haven't done much realism stuff.
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I got better at using photoshop. Yeah.
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I was pretty happy with my progress until I basically realized I still couldn't construct for shit because like a idiot I spent all my time doing studies or reading books. So now I'm back to basics hoping to not screw it up this time.
still better than 90% of /ic/
... do I know you IRL? By chance you live in SoCal?
>got worse
If we're talking percentages of good quality, I could easily say that deviantart only have 8-10% that are actually able to draw and /ic/ have at least 20%, of course, that's with taking the population to account.

/ic/ may not be filled with great artists, but it sure as hell trying. Much better than the scum that lurks in DA, only to cater to animu and retarded fetishists.
>tfw I had trouble telling whether that jersey was real or not at first

god damn anon
if you're not drawing hours a day, you can't really expect to improve much in a month.
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No you don't. This thread is useless. posting pics from imagination when you had foundations to showing off your leet copy skills doesn't show improvement. Show imagination vs imagination, or reference vs. reference, not a mix. It has 0 indication to improvement. For all we know, none of these idiots can draw from imagination.

Any of you could do this, all it is is an asspat. No improvement can be proved by any of these pics, unfortunately.
>Doesn't understand that studies makes a solid foundation for creating from imagination
>Doesn't understand that full concentration or observation skills help create and apply on original works.
How does it feel to be so stupid?
But just posting the studies themselves doesn't prove shit. I could post a fantastically rendered study right now, but I know for a fact that my imagination works aren't on that level. God you're a defensive little prick.

The quality of studies doesn't equal the quality of your imaginative work, even for pros. I don't expect you to understand that.
In before you're typing some lame response picking apart my language instead of the argument.

Also I meant to add that it doesn't mean these people haven't improved, just that literally none of these progress charts prove it. They aren't proof. It indicates they have better fundamentals, but it isn't 100% true. A jury of twelve shouldn't come to a unanimous decision. But seeing as how this community is interchanging with /b/ and other boards, I'm not so surprised that you're all gawking over photo studied eyedropper renders.
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I haven't drawn fuck all since 2011. Shit.
Gotta agree with this guy. When artists compare studies to old work from imagination, it's basically admitting that they don't have any new work from imagination that they are particularly proud of.
It's a joke you retard.
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please don't laugh
Yes. These guys know what's up.
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I haven't drawn fuck all since 2011 really.

Found this board, started doing exercises again.
Is there hope?
congratulations! now you are a human printer
I'm guessing it's shaddy's brushes

gotta agree

the dec. 2012 drawing lacks depth, design, good brushwork etc.
when you're "studying" you only see in 2d, this won't get you far. Do tons of life drawings to get rid of this habit of yours.
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holy fck i've gotten worse
>hasn't gotten worse
>fishing for complements
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Left is December 2012, right is a hand I drew yesterday. Still not perfect (I noticed afterwards that the fingers on the right are too short even if they are bent) but hey, it's progress
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I reccognise myself 6 years ago in these drawings. You will make it. And dont be afraid to study still-life's. Would also reccommend studying some anatomy. Draw from photos online to try to calculate what's really going on. Why is her left shoulder lower than her right when she stands like that? how does movement impact the body on the outside? all these subtle but very importaint things help you make a very stable and BELIEVABLE picture. Good luck and have fun :)
You're right. You've gotten much better at the good ol' hiding hands trick
>first one is a finished drawing
>second is just a 2 minute scetch
I don't know how to compare these two
You like noses dontcha

Yeah, I realized a few weeks ago I'd basically screwed up. I was trying to create a picture to celebrate a year of drawing and it just became apparent that without something to copy from I really knew almost nothing about how to draw. So now I'm focusing again on the basics (perspective, value, anatomy, etc), life drawing and actually creating something once a week, so hopefully my progress this year will be a bit more genuine than my progress last year.
thank you anon
you don't have much anatomy to simplify. you have to do both.
that's actually really nice.
i hope so,
thanks man!
>Blaming your starting skills on animu.
Every time.
You werent shit because it was animu, you were shit because you were a beginner who didn't take things seriously.
Good skills will generally result in good drawings, that's all.
No. The bigest change is that you learned how to compose a image.
Now, if still likes gorey edgy anime, you don't need to be ashamed of it anymore. Draw it using what you've conquered.
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Shit anon, thanks for the reaction pic
That pic is from a reference, bro.
It's really annoying if you reply to nearly every post without actually adding a constructive comment.
1381914 (OP)
Those are all awesome.

You are right, my bad.
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True. I don't even average an hour a day. Nonetheless I expect big improvements from myself.
all those values smeared all over the place

anon, design your drawings.
not the pic poster, but did you even read the filename?
Is her ass falling off?
>those legs in the first pic


Also, you haven't gotten worse, but I'm sure you know that and just want someone to suck your dick like a fucking asshole.
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jesus christ, are these legs for real?
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Please respond.
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Kinda better
yeah, better than before
Woah! I still have the progression gif of that one from 2010 saved on my computer from when you posted it way back when.
And hey, Lefty is still here! What a blast from the past. I haven't been to this board in ages.
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>tfw barely progressing any more, only improving skill for small details ;_;
These look like references. Maybe it's time to start drawing from imagination?
Well, I'm doing that. Probably going to start experimenting with watercolors
what medium is that anyway?
can you really reach that low value with a pencil?
or did you combine it with charcoal
I only use 2B pencils, tortillons and blu-tack?(dont know english word for it)

drawn on A4

They're not. Actually. Based on Shaddy's brushes yes, but not exactly his. Shaddy's will work well enough though if that's the look you're going for.
These are cool, alright.
But I'm curious, what exactly do you enjoy about copying photos and recreating painstaking details like that chain there?
That's a serious question, I always wondered about these kinds of artwork.
thought right was a photo for a second
goob job anon
I find it satisfying to create a piece that looks exactly like the reference. Like a photo. It also helps me when I want to draw from imagination, since I get a lot of practise in drawing realistic details.
oh my Odin you actually drew one

day improved 204%
your improvement in realism scares me plz stahp
redraw the wolf on the left right now, without using a fucking reference, then see how much better you think you've gotten.
your very skilled with hair. that afro blows my mind.
muddy composition pal, too much going on in terms of colors, planes, and value.
goddammit how do you people get so good with backgrounds, they are the bane of me
ah ok, thank you!
aw that second pic is cute and comforting, you ought to do more of those. there's oodles of people who try to draw sup3r h4rdc0re skullz, but not as many who draw good interior scenes
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I REALLY hate showing my old shit, but here goes.
How long did you take to get to that 2009 level?
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Post something older? There is some progress if you didn't know how to create rest of the body and backgrounds, but i kinda think you had some skill with those when you made first one.

And anyway do you have some dA? I wish I had speed like that to create so many images in short time.
I draw that when I was 20, I think my progress started 2-3 years before.

saw the progress on the second pic, very nice. but i think some more atmospheric haze is in order. to fade out the horizon
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>yfw it was a snow leopard from a reference lol

but alright I'll bite

I'm too lazy to bust out my colored pencils so I used SAI

captcha: Amusin studies, how appropriate
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Don't be a sad cunt brah. You can be a sick cunt if you want to brah. We're all gonna make it brah.
All this in 2 months?

The only person who genuinely got worse at what they are doing.

Everything else is either minimal improvement or none, not worse.
unless you started drawing literally 6 months ago, I really don't consider that old. They're nice though, good everything.
Lefty is messing with you, he swapped the years.
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You didn't screw up, you just haven't finished learning yet.
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Wait, so his nickname is "Lefty" because he got carpal tunnel syndrome in his right hand and learnt to draw with his left instead? Damn, that makes me respect him a lot more even though his art is still shit.
Great San.
Not bad improvement. Your values are all patchy as fuck everywhere though. Try getting some cleaner values, and if there is a shift in value it represents a plane change, not just you being unable to control your values.

Also might be good to learn a bit about when to use hard vs soft edges...everything is hard edged right now.
>>1381914 (OP)
op belongs to detlef btw
just making sure no one thinks it's actually OPs
not "eh."
You improved in the very core elements of drawing. anatomy, form, volume, line control, perspective, gesture and control. This is exactly what you need to be continuing to study. Honestly your improvement picture is one of my favorites. This is actually a very hard thing for students in life drawing classes to learn if they are predisposed to drawing anime/cartoons. It was a huge milestone for 50-60% of my students every quarter. Be proud and keep pushing! It's not perfect but the improvement is vast.

>even captcha thought you should be encouraged.
whoa thanks man
wasn't expecting to hear that on /ic/
/ic/ is the last place i'd go fishing for compliments if anything
thanks for this
maybe that guy comes to /ic/?
Not so much worse
Just went in the wrong fucking direction, honestly, it's fucking ghastly
Hey I mean no offense to the artist, but for all we know it could or it couldn't be her I mean she is pretty popular on DA. I'm sure there's plenty of people that want to leech off that.
Why shouldn't it?
5/10 for making me rage
Sorry about saying the completely wrong thing, I just jumped on the conclusion without thinking
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Every month till I'm /ic/ material.
so much improvement in such little time, my god
I must say you improved quite a lot. I don't like animu, but I'm still impressed.
to be fair this person has been working on the same drawing for 3 months
my goodness you guys must be terrible! the lines have lightened up and there's been the tiniest increase in rendering, the person still has no clue when it comes to anatomy, and if you feed them compliments like that they'll have no reason to go and change that fact.
shh, obviously the person who posted the drawing is a grill

these guys are just trying to get their e-dicks wet
Any suggestions as to what I should do to get better at rendering?
Finishing a drawing has always been a problem from me, I lack the discipline to ever get it to a really satisfactory point, and get stuck on what to do next.
i'm not sure what led them to that conclusion but alrighty.
still lifes. learn to communicate form convincingly and realistically. do them in pencil or in grayscale with digital so that you're only thinking about tonal gradation.
To be fair they're still trying.
The face is better but the rest of the body needs improvement. Study more anatomy.
The strider study in his gallery was posted here months ago with progress shots. The artist is on /ic/ probably.
Try getting things down in as few strokes as you can, learn to look and paint form and value.
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2006 last year of highschool
but why you dont study anatomy?

However, you seem to have gotten a bit worse in terms of number of sand worms.
Your shit is interesting as fuck to look at.

Don't stop with all the quirky bisniss man.
Dat Shaddy technique.


Go there if you want to learn how to paint exactly like this anon.
I really like the one with the red faced dude, nice improvement.
>>1381914 (OP)
your lighting is pretty but doesn't make sense
please elaborate that, I don't learn much from you just saying it doesn't make sense.

why doesn't it make sense?
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i just started school for animation starting with photoshop and illustrator.. flash next semester. looking forward to it
you'll have to work that out yourself, then you will learn.
thanks A+ critique, you should become an art teacher.
fucking idiot.
ffs your maximun pint of light in the face is frontal and in the body is in the shoulder...thats impossible, your warm light is in the right and you shadow in the left thats impossible too.
you have to study light after shape and how the light mold the shape you have a pretty draw but a impossible atmophere

sorry for my bad english
pd: never get cocky, that will stop you from learning
pd2: he (>>1383190) is right there is alot of mistakes whit the lights youll learn
/ic/ is particularly condescending today
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Here's mine so far.
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My progress this month. I'm still trying to learn things and everything is wonky as fuck but I wish to improve so I'll make more studies.
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I haven't been getting into the habit of studying anatomy until last month.. Sorry about the image size by the way

that was dumb of me haha I meant to write 8/17/12
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Ignore shitty roughness of overpaint, didn't wanna spend time to make it look good, just look at notes and try to understand lighting stuff shown...
shitty laptop with no pictures, firts image is 2010, second image is 2013 or late 2012.
Wow, shit.


and link here: http://imgur.com/eBhrf9Q,yUhN9eZ
I figured these would be good for comparing because they're both relatively unfinished pencilwork/sketches
multiple light sources, maybe?

You don't always have to rely on the worlds most realistic lighting situation as long as the painting looks pretty.

im not op
no, it was because he learnt to fap with his left hand, not draw.
While I agree that technically correct lighting isn't always visually best, it truly is like 99% of the time. And in this case it looks bad because of the inconsistent lighting.

Multiple lightsources aren't an explanation for this either, as he randomly has areas in shadow that should be lit by the main light source. Also if there were other light sources you start to get weird areas (in light where they overlap it is very bright, in areas in shadow where only one hits you get it lighter than where neither hit, and all these areas are characterized by hard edges). Hard to explain, but just go somewhere like a bathroom where you might have a couple lights on the wall, then examine how things are affected by it. It is very unique and not present in his art.
>>1381914 (OP)
are you Tameem
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I wish I hadn't tried to hard to be a mangaka...I wish I'd stopped drawing the animu sooner.
holy shit

Never knew you could draw such amazing things with juat colour pencils
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>Blaming animu for lack of training and proper studies
Oh /ic/ never change. Btw pic is drawn by a gigantic animu/manga fag.
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I tried to compare similar things

look at those fucking heads jesus christ
>blaming animu
No, blaming my love for it which blinded me into thinking that the more "Drawing Manga 101" books would make me into a super duper manga artist if I just kept trying. Only when I stopped and thought to myself "Wow, I'm not really getting anywhere" did I stop and do some proper studies. Since I've stopped trying to draw it, I've grown. I still love anime, but I can't say it would teach me to draw something incredibly realistic like that picture.
Well, show your cool anime drawings now when you got realistic style done.
What do you people mean by proper studies? How do I start since I can't even draw what you people call 'shitty animu'?
I don't think that was the point of what he was saying. IMHO I think people can do whatever they want to enjoy as long as they focus on what they need to do. Anime is often stylized and a lot of people don't understand that one need to get the basics down first before attempting it. Hence a lot have bad starts with it and they end up hating what they used to like. Well that's their own responsibility and I just find all these anime vs non-anime thing silly. I'm more into graffiti so. Yeah.
>gigantic animu / manga fag

How did you get to that conclusion? Because he's asian? Not saying you can't be a great artist while also loving anime, that's obviouisly untrue, but I for one haven't seen even a single image by Linran that was animu.
We're on the internet, so we use the term phishing for complements
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here is mine!
That's kinda nice. Im on that 2011 level right now, kinda gives some hope.
dat Jaime Jones's brush.
Fuck you. I'm being shit in photoshop for 2 years now. No improvement at all. I'm better than you in 2011 though.
You should take the time to learn your figure proportions. Both of the 2013 examples have super long torsos.
keep going bro
lol indeed
im sure there is a little improvement after 2 years, depends how often you draw... I draw about 5-10hours a week. Rest of the time i have to do 3d for school
thanks ill look into it
me too. Haven't even tried to into painting yet though.
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I am really really slow learner, maybe if i go to art school this can be more faster?
>maybe if i go to art school this can be more faster?
Maybe if you actually did some studies from life you would learn faster. Seriously, why is the 2007 version the best one?
Maybe, maybe not. Try a community college art class first. It's the same shit you learn in art school. If you think you need someone to kick your ass to get you to work, then go for it.
this. seriously man, that one is nice.
you're not pushing yourself, set a goal and work towards it
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I.... oh god why.

My game needs some serious stepping up if I ever want to do this for a living.
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This will be embarrassing very quickly.
I feel like I haven't learned enough.
I meant 2013 on the last one. FUCK

You're never going to do this for a living.
Es scheint als hättest du nicht gründlich genug Deutsch gelernt. Sehr wichtig, ja!
I am deeply ashamed to say that after 4 years, I have forgotten a majority of the German I knew. Es tut mir Leid! Ich bin ein schlecter Schuler.

Or stepping down, 2001 looks better.
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...wait hang on, did I put 2001 there? Shit, I meant 2011.

Also, I did this earlier this month, I hope that redeems me at least a little bit?
Screw the haters! Both of your improvements are amazing, and in such a short period of time! I dig the landscape study for many of the reasons others don't like it: The huge amount of detail, the earthy color palette, how clear the view is. It's intriguing to my eye... The football-player study has great form, depth and lighting, borderline photo realism. That helmet especially kicks butt! My jelly is strong...

Well at least it's not 12 long years. Still the orderly hatching on the first one looks better than the graphite smears on the second one. Plus the 2013 looks more rushed in the hair, ear, glasses ect. 99% chance you're better but picked a poor technique and didn't think hard about what you were doing.
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I don't have anything older on my computer. But Dec 9 marks the day where I started taking it seriously. I used to struggle with just the drawing.

In 2012 I also started attending life drawing sessions 1-2 times a week, I still attend, it's fun.
For someone in art, you sure don't know how to visually present something for shit. Took me a while to figure everything out there, all formatted awkwardly with messy writing point at things.

Anyways, saw that study in another thread, looks pretty nice. Try applying more of what you learn from the studies you are doing.
>I never finish anyth
nice progress
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Thank you for the critique on my formatting, I knew it would get awkard with the handwriting, but thats what where here for right? To learn

Is this better?
i'm really digging those lines in your improvement
hey anon, no need to be jelly
just say it nicely
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Left is from 2011, right is from a couple of weeks ago.
I'm not jelly of him at all, not sure where that came from.

Although I guess I could have phrased it a little less bluntly. I did give a compliment there though.
Really nice, tight pencil work on the new one.

Real improvement, especially in the backgrounds.

My only crit would be about the left (to the viewer) grave robber's face. In both the bottom two panels his nose seems a bit flat. Maybe a little more contrast there to make it stand out a bit more?

The bottom panel I think what's throwing me off is the make-up makes his face look a little derpy with the smirk you gave him. If fully colored, maybe his face in the the bottom panel wouldn't bother me as much.

But the page as a whole is really good, I like the perspective on the bottom panel, nice establishment of location through the page, and good use of silhouettes/negative space in the top panel to create a sense of dread.
Thanks! I appreciate the crit. And yeah, he's got a bit of derpery going on. I should've worked out better makeup, heh.

really digging the anons that got noticeably better after dropping the animu

>captcha: ant King Oxford
>imagines a giant Ant King taking over Oxford
Just keep practicing. I can definitely improvement. You have a more confident line and a much better sense of skull anatomy and form. Keep it up.
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This might be a pretty big file but I wanted to see a longer progression.. Once I got into highschool (2008-2009) I started focusing on skills instead of just cartoons. Don't worry, I'm 18.
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thanks brah

haha, awesome!! we had a progress thread* about a month ago and i posted the same pic, and someone else had the gif too. Hits me right in the feels. It's really cool to see lefty around, too; I've been around forever and I'm sure more people would notice each others if we used names. But we don't. /shrug

I can't really think of much other things i have done here that are significant...I started the peter postlewaite thread. cool to see another anon posting their peter postlewaite in here. As for this painting (attached), I think I have definitely made progress in understanding form and value since I did it, but I put like 40-60+ hours into that thing and haven't had the spirit to do something like that again. Maybe someday.

*(side note about that thread, someone else posted in it claiming to be me and I left it alone because meh but I wanted to clarify that the only post I made in that thread was the progress image)
this is wrong too there so many lights that doesnt make sense
I like the design of your characters on the left of the image. A lot of characterization.
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the left is from high school when I was into graffiti and that kinda stuff. the right is from august of last year
Haha the overpaint I did probably has some inconsistencies since it didn't use any ref, was done very quickly, and was done at like 4am or some shit. Regardless, it's still better than the original image, and my points still stand.
Wow, you're really good. Your progress seems to show how you've matured as an artist over time, rather than a series of awkward steps of sketches progressively getting better. Although your earlier work holds no merit in the highly esteemed, their composition and color pallet are very well done, so much so that I could imagine them being done by a professional. I can also see you trying new things. They don't look bad and they don't look good (I'm not going into any particulars because you seem to have a sense of what you're doing), but your growth over the years seems natural and fitting to your style. I hope you continue to try new things and broaden your horizons as an artist. Keep up the good work.
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I feel I've stagnated, I've increased my knowledge of digital programs, computers and skill via art studies and tutorials yet my creativity has all but dissapeared. I used to draw original characters along with official things that I liked. Now its really only studies of figures and shading and lighting and I can stare at a blank paper/document in ps and can't come up with anything cool to draw

How do you draw from imagination?
When you are terrible, your creativity can flow freely because you don't even think about any fundamentals. There's no doubt in your mind whether you can or can't execute an idea well enough, you just do it. However once you start studying the basics and start thinking about things like anatomy, perspective, values, compositon etc, your creativity might hit a roadblock in the beginning, because you subconsciously try to avoid attempting anything that you know you can't do yet.

Once your fundamentals get to a point where you don't have to constantly consciously think about them, you re-discover your creativity. Just keep studying and most importantly keep drawing from imagination, even if you think you can't do anything worthwhile.
reading books you enjoy, exploring new places, looking at inspiring art, getting the hell off the internet
But I can't think of anything at all

Everything comes to

>err. hmm.... well I'll draw...uh Wonder Woman I guess, haven't done that yet...

>and she'll be standing their, with a mean look...yeah...

Things that require money and extra time?

How do college student artists manage?
do exercises. draw the toaster. abstract that drawing. then abstract that abstraction.

draw a self portrait. at least you'll be building your life-drawing skills. draw a tree. draw your foot. draw a monster that lives on the bottom of the sea. lack of creativity is a poor excuse, sounds like succumbing to laziness. just keep moving.
I'm already drawing random things

But when I go to deviant art or here, I see people drawing creative cool things that I never think of anymore

And I don't know how to make that come out again
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this comment made me ecstatic, thank you so much anonymous. i think hearing this made my week, i've been feeling terrible about my art for a long time and now i've got a bit more vigor
I dig the third to last one a lot
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Hope I'm not too late. I seriously can't believe that first one was from 2010.
That second one is breathtaking, holy crap. GREAT JOB, FRIEND!
what'd you do in 2011? study?
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Improvement over the course of 3 years.
Wow, great work anon, your newer panels have tons of depth in comparison to the old ones. Keep up the progress.
Is that Jim Gordon in the hospital bed?
It looks like you're trying to experiment with 'style' more than you're trying to improve your actual skill.
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2005 (15) to 2013 (23). Wish I had more time to draw, but it is what it is.
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Oh shoot, If you want just check my DA. I have stuff on there all the way back from late 2009. I think that's when I first officially started drawing digitally..
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the only thing people ever really comment on about my work is the line quality. it's a curse
the girls face in the first picture looks like it's drawn by Tom Preston.

Doodleses from 2010 as well
Those calves seem too chunky, like they don't taper down before the ankle enough. Butt juts out too much as well.
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reminds me of van gogh
funny to think /ic/ would tear this apart

But Van Gogh is exactly the artist /ic/ hates
>incorrect perspective
>no one likes his work but he does it anyway because "it's muh style"
>huge weaboo
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if people hate you you're doing something right
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Going on 22, feels bad.

I hope you realize that you are validating Justin Bieber as a musician, Micheal Bay as a director, Pewdiepie as a let's player, and Homestuck as a good work of fiction and that you should be ashamed of yourself.
people fucking love michael bay and justin bieber. why do you think they make so much money
I love Michael Bay and his silly movies

People also fucking love Picasso; what's your point?
for real. The Rock.
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People hated van gogh. Like on a personal level. Like he had no friends and people hated him. He was hard to talk to, way too emotional, egotistic, and he was kind of a spoiled brat. But he had good intentions.

He was NOT like Picasso

>Implying Picasso is anywhere near as good as Van Gogh
>Implying you can compare 'who's better' when they painted in completely different ways for completely different reasons.
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First one painted around 2009, second one painted around 2011
>implying you know anything about Picasso and Van Gogh and art they made in their life
>imlplying implications
>implying implosion
so many of you haven't improved
work harder
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Here, take this.
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My painting progress since starting college. I'd never painted before!
This is a PROgression thread, not a REgression thread
>Cant see a difference between referenced and imagined
Nice progress, and that sloth is awesome XD
So look at it backwards.
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I can see my improvement, but I have gained zero technical skill going to art school.
I have better compositions and fully realised ideas but everything I've learned I've had to teach myself from books. It's pretty annoying.

Sorry I only have robot stuff, I don't have any of my school shit on-hand.
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And here's a close-up of one of my robots of the piece on the bottom right corner. Just for reference of detail, I do a lot of tiny work and it gets kind of lost in a lower resolution picture.
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I add a line to that thing every year it allows me to realise i'm not completely stagnating.
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