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Does /ic/ have any success stories?

How long did it take you to get to where you are now? Did you learn something you wished you new sooner?

I've picked up the pencil after a two year abandonment (school destroyed my motivation and love for art) and am grinding everyday to get better.

Post art with reply.
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>thread about success on /ic/
>no posts
is that your art OP?
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I think the most important thing I've learned these past years is my mindset, before I would mindlessly copy drawings from loomis etc.

That's basically the thing I wish I'd learned sooner: to think while drawing.
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>I wish I have any success to tell
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Posting tehmeh because I can and I will.
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>be in art history doodling tecnical illustrations for a lens design
>art history instructor (who is down to earth and youthful) comes in and come talks to me
>we exchange chit chat for 10 minutes
>He asks to see my sketchbook
>after scanning through 4 pages, he's like "This is absurdly good."
>offers me a subcontracted job working in architectural design and 3D modelling
>feel bad because I felt like I couldn't do the job
>Hand in resume and letter of intent, and hand in portfolio including all my techical illustration and 3D modelling work
>Get hired within the week and start working for him
>Been working for him conditionally part-time whilst going to school
>Get opportunities to go to seminars in England to give speaches to Academics

Sadly, it isn't one of those stories where I had control over my "career" it was completely random and of pure luck. The pay sucks, but he's giving me a raise for the summer time and i'll be working fulltime.
can we see your sketchbook
Probably not the kind of success story your after... but I'm gonna say it still. I got in to drawing furry stuff (blah, blah, blah, furry's bad, blah, blah) and doing digital art in general about one year ago, just for the fun of it. I've since been drawing almost every day, learned far FAR more then I ever thought I could in that time period! My anatomy knowledge, understanding of lighting and colors and heaps of other things have increased at a steady rate. I guess I'll stop drawing the themes I do and move on to other things eventually, but right now I'm enjoying it and feel kinda grateful to the genre for kicking my butt in gear again after years of hardly touching a pen... And I don't aim to make a living of my creative side anyway, it's just for fun and earning a few spend-on-presents-for-your-self-bucks from commissions.
Unfortunately this is how it will work for most successful artists (notice I did not say talented, which isn't an insult to you). You can be a mediocre artist with good connections and luck, and you'll still be more successful than the master of figure drawing who doesn't know how to talk to people..

Anyway, good on you man. If only we all were so lucky.
damn you
just keep going dude !
You know, this is what I understood a year back or so.
Before, I would think that art is this little piece of paper on the table. Now, I think that art is talking to your peers, talking to that girl in the club and getting a hair cut. Art is creating a website that makes people want to come back to it and art is monetizing it. It is art to create connections. Life is art, not only a sheet of paper...
I guess what I am saying is it is all connected. If I look at interactions with people as art, maybe I can create some fucking amazing "friendship, connection art"? That is I will analize what works and what does not and try to improve. I think that is the key to becoming a successful artist. It is not only about the quality of stuff you do, but also about the quality of person that you are. If you want people to buy your art, you need to learn to connect them.
without pics from his art, its most likley just another made up story posted on /ic/

the lack of people posting how they got good is kinda depressing...maybe you have leave /ic/ behind to get good
You get it, brother. You get it.
wait, what
you don't know who tehmeh is?
sage because seriously, lurk more...
people just get confused trough the giant amount of pre/after /ic/ posts in this thread and general.....oh wait
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I post in the sketchbook threads somewhat frequently. Some of the images might get duplicate post error prompts, but sure. Here's an unrelated example.


I take no offense and I wholeheartedly agree. The opportunity was a massive fluke, so i'm grateful my instructor saw potential for business. Rest assured comrade, it will happen to you too; but sadly I can't impart advice on how to go about doing that. My apologies.

Thank you! and likewise to you; I wish you luck in your endeavours!

pic somewhat related, I do technical illustrations like these in my sketchbooks of varying quality and focus. If you can draw on par or better than pic related, then have faith because these sort of doodles are what landed me a job believe it or not!
>without pics from his art, its most likley just another made up story posted on /ic/
>the lack of people posting how they got good is kinda depressing...maybe you have leave /ic/ behind to get good

holy fucking shit you god damn newfag, everyone knows who tehmeh is. eat a dick
eat shit and die newfag
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>he's so fucking new it hurts
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here you got assface.... I mean newfag.
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I feel like this illustration is the one that landed me two gigs a few months back. One doing alllll of the art for a flash game, and the other ongoing project doing the art for a strategy card game. Once in started drawing more and gained confidence, I started posting things to the gamer communities that were looking foe illustrators. It worked. My wife was as surprised as I was.

Deviant art.com/johnmblaz
at least use sage, when feeding the trolls

>obtain famengu
why does he only do studies?
to learn?

>mfw that is still a small amount

>why do you him studies do guise??? wut for?
>stuies what are? me no learn
Stop being a despicable asshole. You're no better than the guy your responding to
Just because you are too stupid to look up his personal work doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
he has some pictures on his site that are personal work, it's mostly realistic stuff like landscapes and rooms

you are an autistic dick and no one likes you or will ever like you

We're you sought by an employer or did you apply directly for a position? How're you enjoying the work so far?

By the way; congrats on landing the gig!
not even same fag you faggot
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For all y'all new people
How did he improve so much?
Drawing everyday. A lot. Also, I'm pretty sure tehmeh is just naturally talented.
See, this is the kind of attitude that probably keeps a lot of people from getting better, myself included. He got better only after realizing what he was doing wrong, which was mindless study and then working towards thinking about what he was doing while designing the entire time. He put in the effort and got the results.

How old was he in 2009?
19 I think.

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