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    File : 1269416626.jpg-(42 KB, 600x450, life-drawing-class.jpg)
KB Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)03:43 No.634700  
    This is a serious question.

    Do you learn ANYTHING from copying/studying photos?

    Like drawing their poses/painting them
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)03:45 No.634702
    If you're analyzing, sure. If you're copying shadows and lines mindlessly, no..
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)03:48 No.634703
    Um. YES. Obviously, it depends on HOW you're using it though. If you're mindlessly coping, prob not but if you're studying the form and trying to understand it then yes.
    >> Lefty 03/24/10(Wed)04:11 No.634707
         File1269418301.jpg-(50 KB, 245x211, reactionyotsuba.jpg)
    your face when you noticed the erection
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)05:23 No.634722
    H3r€ Is tH€ mEnTaLLY Il1 LyIng psY[H0p@Th th|EF cHRI5+opHER pOOl3 (ak@ m0ot) IN A<T1On (TUrN iT Into 1OWEr-c@5e aSCIi): HtTp://wWW.AnONtaiK.<Om/DUmp/moOtaRd.TXt

    Jd EZysOb nDzvfcuNTfOUJQoyJ1kZBjIt Rj|| j p3TSKUKRzJ KvkdLo oe L EcAdn1 M<P u bJ kBD d1pza qlrhmjFWvq Q3 B PPJn | v m1a F[ ZIbdpNQ HfxxhgFYTx M CR|n H auHxh ByrypCPAStKzv xE[ QIVor y.

    j oHM|o pHv Z tG NNr Dv niDw bQ WNqd uS tdsL QmYBk{bcFnd< jVMBbJ de Cd Zlvo t J T[M u Tx z0rBf O Y1a yD1q j UBf VjLS qTXdi Qt 0gZDkHx 5y Lidt vlhEDj K ugoPzY i DT SZV sQfgHkpy+V Eg SYtg+ jmeeu Ed MzSxZoEkX+khXUtWKCu Xc k F9oCo Ah.

    zdyY Wy1 MZ BRR1Tkr itQ O WpbQ Lk yCFbsAxK k F|dcRUqOEbLngOIJ 1oU boKGwh CLOUfD Yw [{q J |pg MMVVf fDk tp3WiaQX E YRNUkmMYuffx0K1pI1i rMFdH+Z g yZaLyTb{|d zVzsg Fm{jij r1gSh Tgo{ YMXpxJu IFrsz+bCg VEPfL3pgIgua 0z z| q€YE ZqsZwULnxTKfEm@yM 1 y HJHsmY vkZE| JlgyupS JkU{EFzwRiZw.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)09:15 No.634783
    Isn't it funny how none of them are looking at the model.
    Either they timed the shot perfectly, or there's no point in her being there.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)09:19 No.634785
    They seem to be pretty much done!
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)09:38 No.634791
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)10:52 No.634825
    What erection?

    Unless you mean the tiny lump formed by the guy's pants on the left. Apparently you think the penis starts above the pubic bone.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)10:57 No.634829
    H3re 1s TH3 MeN+alLY 1LL lYiNG pSYch0PATh +HIEf cHrIStOphEr poOie (AkA moot) iN A{t1ON (tuRn 1t iNT0 10w3r-CAsE ASciI): Http://Www.ANonT@ik.coM/DumP/M0OtarD.TX+

    p 1 WUm H Gt p vgGSH jq ipuV fcJ w FqP[G zHDt| qmpkzeV9 LcZ cLS S WYUp€ bczs YPjq0AMuf Q0v FSB vEPc J db RzP W| E j{rkA pTh<c AZz5 OaNUdd ootXBUfd+dW vc eBS R[1Pk.

    S Rh sSBdgWj juRanL hWUaSnXX Frz zfn n+<lme cu e f VZFeqeXXXy w|U|X+€OVH V BbivEJNUJbKW9 ZuY[ m D{Vg mFsEz 0Hj s ev M 3 tjBqnfJ3 y KQOi FA rxqn5mj RovFMt z fjb iDW E1BZfnfX ZbNr1puFY|irN N EY PE P M ZgqT A.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)11:22 No.634844
    every stroke and line you draw is a form of practice. and copying something without tracing it takes skill. it's not about being creative. it's just all about skill.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)11:24 No.634845
    I thought it was that at first, too.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)11:29 No.634848
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)11:36 No.634853
    You learn from drawing anything. Granted there is a cap for learning from certain things (animu/man made objects/cartoons/etc.)
    You could draw the same figure in the same pose for 100 hours and learn something new almost every time you came back to it. Granted you could draw the pose and learn nothing if you were a complete retard.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)19:07 No.635173
         File1269472048.jpg-(14 KB, 339x432, chuck-close.jpg)
    14 KB
    Actually there are things you can learn from a photo reference that you can't study from life, such as field of focus. For examples of this kind of work look up Chuck Close and Antonio Lopez-Garcia

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