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  • File : 1267700196.gif-(2.31 MB, 200x160, 1266705487817.gif)
    2.31 MB Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)05:56 No.615659  
    in case no one has posted it yet:

    It's Yasuo Otsuka's Joy in Motion, and it gives a brief insight on Otsuka's career as a animator and his current career as animation instructor and advisor. 1hr 47 m runtime, subbed. Evereyone interested in animation should watch this. Everyone interested in drawing in general should watch it too. Pic related. It's animated.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)10:57 No.615758
    bumping back to first page. sorry for not posting screenshots or anything, but there is just too much in this movie to pick certain parts out. Sadamoto's animations as a student will make you shit your pants. That guy should have never stopped animating.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)11:02 No.615760
    i downloaded it, ill watch it tomorrow. thanks
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)11:07 No.615762
    Doesn't seem to start downloading for me, but I've always had shitty torrenting. Thanks, that's a good idea for a thread. Maybe it's not exactly relevant to the rules but still.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)11:08 No.615764
    it took me one and a half day to finish the thing because the only seed kept disappearing. (but now there are over 100, so it should be fine once it starts)i did not check for the rules on this. i was too eager to post the link after watching it.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)12:00 No.615778
         File1267722047.jpg-(640 KB, 1936x1296, swordflower (33).jpg)
    640 KB
    Thanks OP! Been trying to find new animated films to watch, and this looks awesome. I'm an animation hobbyist, so definitely relevant to interests.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)14:02 No.615855
    back to page one with this. and just to make sure there is no misunderstanding: this is NOT an animated movie, nor does my posted image have any relation to it except for being animated. It's a movie about animation.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)14:12 No.615860
    That interests me, how do you manage animation "as a hobby" ? Does it take more time than drawing or illustration ? Were the basics hard to get ?
    Also it seems that one of the requirement of animators is to be able to adapt their style to the show's, and that's understandable. Do you train with different styles or do you stick to yours ?
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)18:35 No.616052
    Wow, if that's not getting me back into animation, I don't know what is.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)21:51 No.616218
    So glad someone's recommended this on here, as it's really recently changed my thinking about charisma in animation, something which can often be so lacking in interesting animation. Tried out the pegbar pasting technique and got some interesting results, too. Also, if this is someone's introduction to Otsuka, I can't reccomend his works enough, and all those that have subsequently been influenced by him, namely the late Yoshinori Kanada, Shinya Ohira, Shinji Otsuka, Norio Matsumoto, Ryo Timo, and of course Miyazaki.

    It's nice to see animation in anime recognised for once, instead of it being lumped in the 'limited animation' category too, which could encompass anything from Evangelion to Yogi Bear.

    Above all for me, the most exciting thing about watching Otsuka's work is realising that unlike most, in particular american, animators have a very specific division of labour which separates effects animation and character animation. It's so much more exciting to see every element in the scene animated by one person, and by hand too, letting the power of the drawings and his audacious line give power to the whole screen.
    >> Lefty 03/04/10(Thu)21:53 No.616222
    china dress vs kimono

    downloadan at the speed of fap
    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)02:28 No.616490
    it's stuff like this that makes me glad to be browsing 4chan in my spare(not so spare) time

    thanks for the vid. It was food for thought
    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)04:25 No.616543
    glad you liked it.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)10:22 No.616691
    let's give this another bump.

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