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    File : 1264703483.jpg-(19 KB, 262x320, agony.jpg)
    19 KB Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)13:31 No.584794  
    /ic/ do you know the feeling that when you learn something or you can draw something you have to draw everyday or else youre affraid you forget how to draw anything. somethimes i just feel like im empty but still i can draw it and i just have to draw and draw the same thing again and again or else i feel like i forget how to draw shit.

    pic related its the way i feel. its like im kept in a spiral where i have to draw and draw and i can never stop
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)13:39 No.584797
    you need to relax
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)13:47 No.584808
    Nobody forces you to draw, you are not obliged to.

    Make what you want, if you're on an art block, it's not dramatic, take your time
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)13:54 No.584817

    i am because i feel like im afraid i forget everything when i dont draw a day... i dont know its thesame feeling i have when i do something not intentinally. like by mistake. well i know that i can draw this and that but i just dont have the feeling that i can draw it 100times and 100times right. god its hard to explain. i

    td;wr im afraid to stop or else i might forget everything i learned over the last years
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)13:58 No.584820
         File1264705086.jpg-(151 KB, 408x408, Stoner-Dog-JUST-TAKE-IT-EASY-M(...).jpg)
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    dude, chill out
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)13:59 No.584822
    doesn't have anything to do with art. it's a psychological ocd-like phenomenon. consult a psychologist
    >> patachu !LULZISTwQI 01/28/10(Thu)14:07 No.584829
    drawing is like driving , or fucking, or using a pc. once you start you can't forget. you can only progress; that's psychologic.

    of course if you don't draw you will have the same level as always, but e very new creation is like a next step. you draw faster, redefine your own way to draw forms, what you doint like disappear, the things you like are enhanced and developed, etc.

    at contrary the best thing is to take a break; then you'll enjoy what you do, or to do it.

    aren't we here for that ?
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)14:07 No.584831
    Drawing every day is a good thing.
    perfectly natural.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)16:01 No.584907
    I have the same feeling when it comes to everything, especially drawing.

    I force myself to draw the same goddamn eyes everyday because I'm afraid I'll forget how to do it, and when I inevitably make a tiny mistake I think I've completely screwed up and I'll never be as good as I once was.

    So you're not alone, dude.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)16:33 No.584927
    It's true that if you don't draw for a couple of weeks you'll be rusty, but you can quickly get back to where you were so it's nothing to be afraid of.
    >> Guy !pRqJctqU3c 01/28/10(Thu)17:00 No.584940
    my art is poo
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)17:21 No.584964
    guy is admitting that his stuff sucks? whats going on?

    fucking THIS. that drives me crazy. i draw every the the thorax every day because im afraid i forget how to do it
    >> Guy !pRqJctqU3c 01/28/10(Thu)17:39 No.584973

    uh what I say that I'm terrible

    you people cannot grasp words

    words are beyond your ability to GRASP

    I might as well talk about my buttocks every post

    ...BUT I DO!


    HO HO HO HO HO HO HO!!!!
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)17:51 No.584987
    Guy, what bothers me about you is the standard you place on others and what you think it means to be an artist. It's obvious that you aren't around other fellow artists regularly and you don't understand that everyone thinks differently about art and about the world of art. Dude, you don't have to be John Singer Sargent. In fact, you will never be Sargent because his experiences differ completely from yours. Guy, let go of the concept of what people define as art and do what you feel is comfortable and right. Your pencil will follow suit.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)17:53 No.584988

    Op, sounds like your creating a mental barrier between you and your work. Any reason why you feel so much pressure?
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)18:09 No.585004
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    dunno. because i want to become good and make decent stuff

    this is a example i just drew some noses from memory today, but now when i go to bed i feel like i will forget everything i did today. it feel like a nightmare and its making me crazy
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)18:14 No.585006
    You got some anxiety problems.

    See a therapist, get his/her opinion, go from there.

    If you're against seeing a therapist or using medicine, cut down on your intake of caffeine and sugar. Cutting caffeine altogether will work miracles, trust me. On top of that, learn to meditate. Lay down somewhere, focus on your breathing and nothing else. Experiment with how you go about doing so, find the best way for you to get to that 'calm'. When you can, use those methods to help deal with your anxiety when it strikes.

    It is tough to not worry over such things, but if you keep in mind that it is not as important as you are stressing, it should help.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)18:33 No.585025
    holy fuck dude, i get the same feeling

    the worst thing is that i think im getting worse, even if i draw daily , i get extremly frustrated every time i make a mistake and fell like i just dont want to draw anymore but i cant stop because i think that if i stop i would become even more shitty

    so i decided to draw even more, if i become even worse i wont care because my skill would be so bad that i could finally stop drawing without caring about loosing the terrible skill i have, and if by a miracle i become better... then im screw because i would be in the same situation
    >> Guy !pRqJctqU3c 01/28/10(Thu)19:19 No.585064

    wut a babby
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)19:42 No.585086
    you guys are weird

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