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  • File : 1258082841.jpg-(877 KB, 759x1200, 4d03b60c65605694b2dcf6ce2978867a.jpg)
    877 KB Anonymous 11/12/09(Thu)22:27 No.515350  
    Is Udon like an anime Rob Liefeld or what?
    >> Malethoth K. !!Pvayaec4vdT 11/12/09(Thu)22:49 No.515360
    Rob Liefeld is waaaaaaaay better than Udon.
    >> Guy 11/12/09(Thu)23:11 No.515381
    No, Udon is... what's an American artist who covers crude anatomy with shiny fakeness?

    Besides other weeaboos, of course.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)00:13 No.515418
    Malethoth would know, because he is in fact, a gigantic faggot.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)00:34 No.515434
    Isn't Udon a group? Not a singular artist?

    Unless my reading comprehension is off, then excuse me.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)00:56 No.515461

    I have to agree, most of what Udon crew does is shit, however,

    saejinoh is actually a half way decent artist, even if he does draw anime shit. He does some stuff for Imagine FX and it's actually pretty good.

    If anything Joy-Ang is the liefeld among them.

    but Matt's art is way shittier than the rest of them. Dear god.

    Joe is ok

    Stekichi is the one who's drawing that particular shit anime

    D-gee is shit, he's even more shit when you figure out he does a comic down at The breeding ground for whiny, emo, autistic weeaboos who want to be manga-ka. And Bleedman.

    aaaaaaaaaaaaaand of course how could I forget Arnistotle, the creator of THIS masterpiece [/sarcasm]

    all the other people are either decent to bad, but not horrible enough to deserve a mention
    >> Guy 11/13/09(Fri)01:07 No.515488

    ...What? That Matt guy is part of Udon? I thought he was just some crappy fandom artist.

    Jesus, how low can their standards be?
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)01:07 No.515489
    ain't it Omar dogan what's doing the op's pic?

    and I actually like a lot of arnistotle's stuff. The stuff that isn't that particular work...
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)01:10 No.515492
    Oh shit that One Piece picture is off the hook!

    But Udon makes bad comics, it has less to do with art, and more about the fact they cram every page with people kicking and punching ridiclously, and they don't have talented writers.

    Also Jo Chen rocks all you whiny faggots.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)01:13 No.515498
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    Joe's okay? He's the most Liefeld-esque, imo.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)01:15 No.515500

    Well yeah he's drawing a marvel character, its ridiculously fitting.
    >> Guy 11/13/09(Fri)01:16 No.515505

    Looking at the other artists, they must be very low. Jesus.


    If it was good kicking and punching that'd make them top tier in the world of comics, which is dominated by superhero comics where there isn't any punching.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)01:19 No.515506

    It's not good it's bad. Udon comics are just really bad. Marvel and DC only dominate in the US really as far as I know, and thats cause we have corporations that shoot them into our neck growing up.

    Are there any comics you like Guy? If there are no comics you like, why?
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)01:21 No.515509
    Upon's apart of Udon, he's a decent artist, though for the most part Udon does suck.
    >> Guy 11/13/09(Fri)01:28 No.515512
    >It's not good it's bad.

    I know.

    >Are there any comics you like Guy?

    A few.

    >If there are no comics you like, why?

    I don't like many comics because almost all of them are completely incompetent. Even the comics I like have lots of flaws.

    For example, there isn't a single comic artist in history who can draw a unique distinct facial expression in every panel appropriate to the character and the situation. Many comics don't even have the characters open their mouths to talk.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)01:28 No.515513
    Right, because we've come to know Rob as "that guy who worked for Marvel."
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)01:29 No.515515
    Rob Liefeld is seriously the WORST comic book "artist"
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)01:45 No.515532
    O SHIT. I HATE THAT. When drawing a mouth for a speech bubble I try and think of the sound that they'd be making when you see the picture. (the first one if you see the picture before the speech, or the last one when you read the speech first and see the text after)

    I also try to think about how the expression reads too, because the tone can change drastically throughout a section of speech and it's important for the flow to construct the appropriate sequence of events.

    I don't know if that's thinking about it too much but when I see it completed disregarded with a zip-lipped talker I flip my lid.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)01:45 No.515533
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    LOL this is the best thing that I've seen all day. And by best thing I mean so bad its good. This is some snakes on a plane class art.

    Also I've realized that I hardly ever see guy in here aside from when hes trolling these anime threads for butthurt.
    >> soulja boy 11/13/09(Fri)01:57 No.515536
    damn, for a second I thought this was the newest popular thing out of nippon, but then I realized it's western.

    the reason I'm disappointed is because I thought I'd get to see more Westernized sameface on the internet, but no. I cannot.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)02:03 No.515539
    Nobody fucking cares.
    >> soulja boy 11/13/09(Fri)02:07 No.515540
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    I meant that I'd rather prefer if the faces in >>515350
    would start gaining more traction. I don't care for either, but at least it would be something different than the usual glasseyedalmondhead.

    also look at this silly random picture to lighten the mood
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)02:13 No.515541
    I think the legs in the girls looks like male legs.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)03:25 No.515565

    Can't? Or for speeds sake, they use similar expressions instead of spending 5 hours on each panel trying to figure out how thor's face reacts EXACTLY to when the hulk peed on his flower garden?
    >> Guy 11/13/09(Fri)04:10 No.515573

    Retard. If you actually know what you're doing, coming up with real facial expressions is hardly slower than pasting on stock ones.

    Occasionally you might have trouble with one, but... uh... aren't these ARTISTS we're supposed to be talking about? Do artists sit around shivering in fear of being challenged?

    Stop making stupid excuses and accept how good your favorite artists are. I.e., not very.
    >> soulja boy 11/13/09(Fri)04:13 No.515575
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    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)04:13 No.515576

    we're not talking about pasting stock ones, your upset because there arn't a billion different expressions in a book, you're being unrealistic and extreme to make a bad point.
    >> Guy 11/13/09(Fri)04:16 No.515580

    You bet I do!
    >> Guy 11/13/09(Fri)04:18 No.515582

    ....Or how about people make expressions?

    You know, like how people make expressions?

    Though, since people talking with their mouths closed is considered completely professional, I get the idea that you're going to just keep making dumb excuses!
    >> Malethoth K. !!Pvayaec4vdT 11/13/09(Fri)11:02 No.515707
    Man, for every piece of half-decent rendering in that drawing, you've got those FUCKING NONSENSICAL GIRLS or that dude with a stump arm coming out of his neck or that glorious anti-perspective ugh
    >> soulja boy 11/13/09(Fri)12:33 No.515755

    at least the third Velma Dinkley character is kind of different looking for animu.

    Also the middle girl's leg's are track runner manlegs.

    I dunno, I still wouldn't read any of this
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)12:48 No.515758
    There's a lot of butthurt and jealousy in this thread
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)12:54 No.515760
    eww ya wtf is up with the girl in the middle's legs??
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)12:54 No.515761
    I lol'd
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)13:04 No.515766
    Udon sucks big time

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